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Shiloh Church's podcast
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Shiloh Church's podcast

Author: Shiloh Church

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Shiloh Church exists to please God by passionately pursuing His presence every day. We are a community of believers led by Pastors Bailey & Lacey Bryant in Flower Mound, Texas. Enjoy our podcast and please feel free to visit us at
238 Episodes
Our summer of connection contiunes this week with Elder Ruth sharing on connecting through meditation and guest speaker, Lisa sharing on connection through compassion.  Key Verses on Meditation: 2 Timothy 3:16 Luke 11:4-7 John 10:27 Philippians 4:8 Key Points on Meditation: Meditating on scripture can help you prepare for battles that are yet to come  Journaling can be a useful tool to help meditating Key Verses on Compassion: Psalm 103:13 Matthew 9:36 Colossians 3:12-13 Lamentations 3:22-23 Key Points on Compassion: Compassion is an awareness of the suffering of another, accompanied by the wish to relieve it; it moves people to action When you are moved with compassion, you do not need to have the solution yet. When we move in obedience, God will give us the solution In what area do you need to receive compassion for from the Lord?  Praying that you are able to connect with the Father this week in a new way! 
Happy Father's Day! This week, Pastor Bailey delivers a powerful message on fatherhood.  Key Verses: Deuteronomy 7:9 Proverbs 22:6 Proverbs 3:5-6 Matthew 6:33 Key Points:  Connect with the Father first- trust Him with everything  Connect with your kids Generational legacy begins with you! Praying that you are able to connect with the Father this week and that this message blesses your Father's Day. 
This week begins our Summer of Connection series. For the next two months, we will be hearing from guest speakers and pastors as they share different ways in which they connect with God.  In addtion, June is LIFE month. Each Sunday in June, we will have a guest speaker share their testimony on abortion and adoption.  Today's guest speakers are Curtis Hefner and Pastor Nathanael. Curtis speaks on how he connects with God through learning, while Pastor Nathanael speaks on connection with God through solitude.  Praying that this message blesses you and expands the ways you are able to connect with the Father this week. 
This week, Pastor Bailey concludes our study in Nehemiah with how we can expand our faith through presence and divine purpose.  Key Verses: Nehemiah 6:1-4 Joshua 1:9 Nehemiah 6:11-13 Nehemiah 13:25 Nehemiah 13:30-31 Nehemiah 8:10 Psalm 16:11 John 16 Key Points: Divine purpose expands our faith by giving us courage, not only against the enemy but also against those that we love Our divine purpose will keep us focused  The Lord's presence exapnds our faith by giving us comfort Praying this week that as you spend time with the Father, your faith will expand as you discover your divine purpose. 
This week Brother Brian brought a word on "Reposing the Weight of the World". Key Scriptures: Psalm 37:3-7. 2 Timothy 1:5. Isaiah 55:12. Psalm 19:7-9. Key points: Limiting outside influence and distraction. Worship changes our gaze. Lay it at the feet of Jesus. If you are struggling with stress or you are carrying weight that is not yours then this message is for you. There is freedom in Jesus. Come and lay it at his feet. Praying for deliverance and peace over you this week.
This week, in honor of Mother's Day, Pastor Lacey speaks on what it means to be a woman of excellence.  Key Verses:  Ruth 1:16-17 Ruth 2:1-2 Ruth 2:5-7 Ruth 2:10 Ruth 2:8-13 Ruth 2:23 Proverbs 22:1 Proverbs 31:10 Key Points: Favor is found by the excellent  Excellence is doing the best you can with what you have  God will expand what is in your hand if you are faithful with it Three practical ways of being excellent are through loyalty, humility, and being hard-working Praying your Mother's Day was blessed and that the Lord shows you excellence this week. 
This week, Pastor Bailey continues our study in Nehemiah and shows us how we can expand our faith through people.  Key Scripture:  Nehemiah 2:1-8 Nehemiah 2:17-18 Nehemiah 3:12 Psalms 133 Nehemiah 4:13-14 Key Points:  God will use all types of people to expand our faith When our community unifies in cooperation, watch the miracles that will take place Praying this week that the Lord expands your faith through the people in your life. 
This week, Pastor Nathanael contiunes our series in Nehemiah and speaks on how we can expand our faith through relationships. Key Questions: Where have you made God in man's/your image? Where have you turned your face from God? What does Jesus blood require?  Key Verses: Gensis 3:8 Exodus 20:18-21 Nehemiah 1:4-9 Luke 22:32 Praying this message blesses your week and helps expand your relationship with the Father. 
This week, Pastor Bailey starts our new study in the book of Nehemiah.  Key Scriptures: Nehemiah 1:2-11 Nehemiah 1:4 Key Points: Expanding our faith occurs when our actions are fueled by compassion and confidence that we know the will of the Lord You fast and pray for tomorrow Praying that time with the Father this week leads you to a better understanding of His will in your life.
Resurrection Sunday

Resurrection Sunday


Happy Resurrection Sunday! Paster Bailey delievers a message on the importance of Mary Magdalene in Jesus' resurrection. Key Scriptures: John 20  Matthew 7:22 Key Points: Come early and often Come running and come believing Stay late and linger Does the Lord know your name?  Praying that your daily pursuit of the Lord is blessed this week 
Expanding Our Minds

Expanding Our Minds


This week Pastor Bailey spoke on expanding our minds.  Key Points:  The words of Jesus are instructins for success- if we pair them with a faith mindset What do we do when God asks us to do a hard thing? Key Scriptures:  John 2:5 John 5 John 12 Matthew 17:24-27 Luke 22:41-44 1 Samuel 2:35 Praying that this message blesses you this week
This week we had the privledge of hearing from one of our Elders, Ken Schwendemann. His message is about expanding on our relationship with the Father and how that in turn will expand us.  Key Verses: Mark 12:29-31 John 6:5-10 Mark 12:41-44 Key Points:  Expanison is deeper connection to the Father What is God teaching us as we walk with him? Praying that your connection with the Father deepens as you walk with him and spend time with him this week. 
"Cracks in the Facade"

"Cracks in the Facade"


This week Pastor Lacey spoke on a new aspect of our word of the year expansion. Key verses:  Matthew 7:3-5. Matthew 23:25-28. Romans 8:37-39. Psalms 139:23-24. 2 Corinthians 4:13. Romans 10:9-10. Psalms 19:14. Praying that the Lord would expose the facade and show the stress points in the old mindsets that used to work that are now dead to you so that you may shrug off all that deadweight and expand your foundations in the kingdom.
Missionary Brad Russ

Missionary Brad Russ


This week, we had the privilege of having one of our missionaries, Brad Russ, here to share his message with us.  Key Verses:  Colossians 1:15 Colossians 1:19 Colossians 1:27 Ephesians 3:17-19 Romans 12:2 Take Aways:  In order for expansion to happen, there needs to be something to expand on What are you rooted in? God has already given us everything we need to do what He calls us to do Praying this message blesses you this week!
This week, we had a special guest speaker! Apostolic Elder Zane Anderson shared a wonderful message on expanding faith and forgiveness. Key Verses:  Judges 18:5 Isaiah 6 Romans 12:1 Psalms 26:2 Philipians 3:13-14 Luke 17:1-4 Key Points: Devine Encounters Miraculous manifestations will happen this year Revelations at another level will occur Praying this message blesses your week!
"Expanding the Heart"

"Expanding the Heart"


This week, Pastor Bailey speaks on expanding your heart by softening it. Key Scriptures:  Matthew 13:3-9 Matthew 13:18-23 Mark 6:52 Mark 8:17 Ezekiel 36:26 Matthew 5:8 Mark 4:13 Matthew 22:37-39 John 13:34-35 Matthew 5:43-44 1 Corinthians 3:7 Key Point:  Expand our love and compassion with one another Depth of Relationship and our daily pursuit  Praying this message opens your heart and helps soften where needed
Expansion: Who Me?

Expansion: Who Me?


This week, Pastor Bailey talks about expanding your heart and mind through self-reflection Key Scriptures: Judges 6:11 Romans 4:17 Judges 6:25-35 Psalms 139:23 Self Reflection Questions: Who does God say I am? What has the Lord told me to do? Are there any actions I need to take? In what ways do you (God) want me to expand this year?  Prayer of Expansion: "Oh Lord, that you would bless me and expand me. Today I surrender any area You want to expand me in. Thank you for Your promise of expansion. Thank you for expanding me exceedingly, abundantly above all that I could ask, think, or imagine by the power of the Holy Spirit that works in me. In Jesus' name, Amen" Praying that God shows you who you are and how to expand this week in your self reflections. 
"A Key to Expanding"

"A Key to Expanding"


This week, Pastor Lacey talked about expanding your territory through your yes  Key Points:  You have a portion in the expansion We need you! You will share in the fruit of the co-laboring with God When you set out to do God's will, he will guide you  Key Scriptures:  Ezekiel 48 1 Corinthians 12:14-26 Hebrews 10:37-39 Isaiah 55:8-11 Philipians 2:12-13 2 Corinthians 12:9 Ephesians 3:20 Luke 9:23 Matthew 6:11 Praying that God teaches you how BIG your yes is this week and through the new year   
"Word of the Year"

"Word of the Year"


This week Pastor Bailey released our word for the year. If you are a part of our family, or you just need a word to hold onto for this year then this sermon is for you. Key Scriptures:  Ezekiel 47:1-9 Ezekiel 47:12 Revelation 22:1-2 1 Chronicles 4:10 John 7:37-38 Ephesians 3:20 Key Points: The River flows from the temple (Presence driven). The River is ever Expanding! We get to drink! We get to partake! We get to say YES to expansion! Praying that you would have a heart for expansion this year.
This week Pastor Bailey started our new series titled "Presence Driven Christmas". Key versus: Luke 1:26-38. Matthew 1:18-25. Matthew 1:18-25. Psalm 19:1-4. 1 Kings 19:11-12. Romans 10:17. Merry Christmas praying the Father would refresh your wonder in this season.