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Shrinking Trump

Author: Really American Media

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Psychologists John Gartner, Harry Segal, and their expert guests, conduct weekly sessions analyzing the psyche of Donald Trump, documenting his cognitive decline and plumbing the depths of his malignant narcissism.

Dr. Gartner is a former part-time assistant professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University Medical School and the founder of Duty To Warn, an association of mental health professionals warning about Trump and Trump-ism.

Dr. Segal is a senior lecturer in psychology at Cornell University.

26 Episodes
Welcome to another insightful session of Shrinking Trump, where Dr. John Gartner and Dr. Harry Siegel, along with special guest George Conway, dive into alarming new details of Donald Trump's cognitive decline, and the potential repercussions of his victory for American democracy. We are 11 days away from November 5th, 2024, the day which will determine the ultimate fate of our United States. Make sure you join us here on Patreon to support our work and gain access to exclusive perks: Our site:  Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Amazon Music: Subscribe on iHeartRadio: In this 26th episode, our focus is squarely on the mounting new evidence of Trump's rapid deterioration. Dr. Gartner and Dr. Siegel analyze Trump's recent disjointed speech patterns, off-topic rants, and struggle to maintain coherent narratives.  They’ll contrast Donald’s current performances with earlier public appearances, which were far more focused, well-spoken, and calculated. And you’ll discover how Trump's obsessive and erratic behaviors manifest in his public speeches, like with monologues about Arnold Palmer's anatomy. Our good friend George Conway returns to the show to share the latest from his Anti Psychopath PAC's efforts to expose Trump's dangerous tendencies. His movement is dedicated to broadcasting Trump's malignant narcissism and cognitive deteriorations across pivotal swing states. This week, the PAC launched a powerful full-page letter in the New York Times, bearing signatures from over 230 mental health professionals, explicitly warning the public of Trump's dangers.  Our hosts dissect the behavioral contrast between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Trump's chaotic speech patterns, and unhinged public appearances are starkly juxtaposed with Harris’s consistent clarity, and ethical integrity. As Trump continues to unravel, Harris’s leadership offers a beacon of hope and stability. We’ll explore the long-term socio-political impacts of Trump's rhetoric, which continues to resonate with his base, despite his apparent cognitive decline. Our hosts also discuss the potential paths for the GOP should Kamala Harris win, and emphasize the long-term effects Trump is sure to have on the Republican party.  Be sure to join us next week, for our final episode before The Election.  You won't want to miss it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this 25th episode of Shrinking Trump, hosts Dr. John Gartner and Dr. Harry Siegel are joined by psychologist Dr. Drew Westen to take a hard look at new evidence of the alarming cognitive decline of Donald Trump.  Make sure you join us here on Patreon to support our work and gain access to exclusive perks: Our site:  Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Amazon Music: Subscribe on iHeartRadio: Westen, an emeritus professor of psychology from Emory University, is known for his work on the psychological aspects of political campaigns and decision-making. Westen shares his brilliant insights on Trump’s cognitive deterioration and discusses Democrats' strategies in dealing with Donald’s behavior. Dr. Gartner and Dr. Siegel analyze recent indicators of Trump's decline, which have escalated from subtle abnormalities to outright chaos. They dissect his latest episodes of disjointed speech patterns, bizarre off-topic rants, and an inability to maintain a coherent narrative. And we’ll underscore how the media has left a vacuum for independent journalists to fill by refusing to cover these issues properly.  Using specific examples, we’ll assess the degradation of Trump's language skills into simplified syntax and disjointed thoughts—which stands in stark contrast to his previous style. We’ll also take a look back at our hosts' early warnings about Trump, which were largely dismissed by the media and public. They lay out in stunning detail how Donald’s signs of early dementia and severe personality disorder, which experts like John have been calling out since 2016, have now become undeniable. In this episode we’ll also present a strong contrast of Trump’s implosion with Kamala Harris’s composure and competence. Against Trump’s incoherence, Harris has emerged as a beacon of clarity, authenticity, and vigor - giving rise to her support among independent voters. Our hosts discuss the latest legal troubles for Donald, and highlight how his inability to accept the 2020 election results are symptoms of his narcissism and rapid cognitive decline. We’ll talk about all of the recent prominent figures that have acknowledged Trump's dangers, and we’ll explore some of the wild possibilities of the post-election landscape. We only have a couple episodes left before the election, so be sure to join us next week for another highly entertaining and insightful episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dr.’s John Gartner and Harry Siegel return for another important session of Shrinking Trump, where they detail more shocking signs of Donald Trump's cognitive decline, and illustrate just how far Trump has drifted from a once sharp and calculated approach. And Majid Padellan, aka Brooklyn Dad, joins the show to tell us about his brand new book, The Bigliest Loser. Make sure you join us here on Patreon to support our work and gain access to exclusive perks: Our site:  Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Amazon Music: Subscribe on iHeartRadio: Our hosts recap their nine-year journey of demanding media coverage of Trump's brain failures, which culminated this week in a scathing New York Times article, titled Trump’s Speeches, Increasingly Angry and Rambling, Reignite the Question of Age.  Dr.’s Gartner and Siegel examine Trump's erratic behavior at a recent Wisconsin rally, where he made outlandish claims about connecting Elon Musk’s Starlink to aid natural disaster zones. We’ll also look at pointed examples of Trump's apocalyptic language, reflecting his fascist tendencies and deliberate effort to stoke chaos, which could have potentially dangerous effects on society. You’ll hear the latest on how George Conway’s brilliant Anti Psychopath PAC ads are driving Trumpworld bonkers, leading even Bill O’Reilly to issue an angry statement in defense of Donald. Listen in as our hosts draw a sharp comparison between Trump’s cognitive struggles with Kamala’s adeptness and clear, unifying campaign. Analyzing the pivotal role of middle-of-the-road voters, Dr. Gartner and Dr. Siegel emphasize Harris's unprecedented support among independents, suburban voters, and white college graduates, which could all be deciding metrics in the election.  Be sure to join us next week for more insights on the evidence of Trump's cognitive decline, as we continue to unravel the social and political ramifications of Donald’s dangerous behavior.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this episode of, Dr. John Gartner and Dr. Harry Siegel are joined by George Conway to give you the latest on Jack Smith’s new damning indictment, and present new, clear evidence of Donald Trump's rapid cognitive decline. Make sure you join us here on Patreon to support our work and gain access to exclusive perks: Our site:  Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Amazon Music: Subscribe on iHeartRadio: George Conway gives us the scoop on Trump’s decline, discusses the reliability of polls, and lays out exactly what kind of legal troubles this new indictment spells for Trump. George also tells our listeners how his Anti Psychopath PAC is triggering Donald by circulating new ads in swing states highlighting his awful history of alleged sexual misconduct. Dr. Gartner and Dr. Siegel provide an analysis of the latest evidence of Trump's deterioration, like disjointed speech patterns, off-topic rants, and struggling to maintain coherent narratives, which stand in stark contrast to his earlier public appearances. They'll also examine the legal implications of Trump's sociopathic behaviors and tendencies toward demagoguery.   We’ll take a hard look at the vice presidential debate and contrast Trump's chaotic characteristics with Kamala's clarity, authenticity, and strong ethical stance on key issues.  Our hosts break down Jack Smith's recent indictment, which highlights a systematic attempt by Trump to overturn the 2020 election. The filing paints a clearer picture of Trump’s relentless pursuit to cling to power and his inability to grasp reality. The Doctors explain how Trump's insistent denial of his legitimate loss and the frantic attempts to stay in power are signs of a rapidly deteriorating cognitive state.  John and Harry also discuss  potential paths for the GOP,  post-Trump, should Kamala Harris win the election.  And you’ll hear an analysis on the socio-political impacts of Trump's dangerous rhetoric, and the social psychology of his rabid base.  You won’t want to miss this session of Shrinking Trump, where we shed light on the long-term political implications as America heads into another crucial election period.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dr. John Gartner and Dr. Harry Siegel dive into the alarming patterns behind Donald Trump’s increasingly apocalyptic language and what it signals about both his cognitive state and fascist inclinations. And special guest Laurie Winer, author of the upcoming book, "The Hitler Tour,"  connects Trump’s apocalyptic behavior with the strategies employed by figures like Hitler. Make sure you join us here on Patreon to support our work and gain access to exclusive perks: Our site:  Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Amazon Music: Subscribe on iHeartRadio: We’ll discuss the reliability and limitations of traditional voter polls, and highlight more predictive metrics such as voter registration trends. Our hosts also contrast the energetic support for Kamala Harris with the waning enthusiasm for Trump, and reflect on Joe Biden’s epic UN speech. We also hear Lori’s first hand-experience of her family's division over Trump, showcasing how there are stark contrasts in interpretation and allegiance even within tight-knit communities. She tells us just how Trump’s use this language, not as a symptom of dementia, but as a calculated effort to sow chaos and maintain control. By understanding these patterns, we can better prepare to counteract the dangers they pose. Dr.’s Gartner and Siegel analyze Trump's reliance on superlatives and bombastic declarations, demonstrating how this extreme language is more than just a sign of cognitive decline: it fits well within the rhetorical framework of a fascist leader. As Lori explains, this kind of language not only divides and incites but also prepares the populace for real, impactful violence.  We think you’ll really enjoy this session as we seek to better understand Trump’s patterns and prepare to counter the dangers they pose. Stay tuned for next week, as we have another very special episode planned for you!  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In today’s episode of Shrinking Trump, our hosts Dr. John Gartner and Dr. Harry Siegel take a hard look at the symptoms of Trump’s worsening cognitive and psychological decline. And we’re joined by Arlie Russell Hochschild, Professor Emerita of Sociology at Berkeley, who introduces a crucial new perspective for helping us understand the socio-economic dimensions of Trump’s rabid support base. Make sure you join us here on Patreon to support our work and gain access to exclusive perks: Our site:  Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Amazon Music: Subscribe on iHeartRadio: We kick things off by analyzing Donald Trump’s visible cognitive decline and possible dementia, emphasized through a changing gait and a series of bizarre phonemic paraphasias— when someone fails to finish a word they've started. We’ll unpack several recent examples of Trump’s speech anomalies and disorganized statements that are telltale signs of a deteriorating brain condition.  Professor Hochschild shares valuable insight from her book, Stolen Pride: Loss, Shame, and the Rise of the Right, and explains how structural shame and socio-economic decline among white, non-college-educated communities have fueled the appeal of Trump’s rhetoric. She provides us with the hard truth about why these communities find solace in Trump’s transgressive, anti-establishment behavior. We’ll talk about the TikTok phenomenon "Eat the Cat," a new viral trend making fun of Trump’s absurd statements about Haitian immigrants. Dr. Gartner and Dr. Siegel break down the multiple layers of meaning behind this meme, highlighting it as both a form of derision and a war cry of resistance. You’ll hear highlights from Kamala Harris’s recent examples of  empathetic engagement, compassion, and leadership that serve as a stark contrast with Trump.  And You won’t want to miss the supercut of Trump’s recent speech in New York, where he made seven phonemic paraphasias in one sitting. Trump’s gaffes, ranging from mispronunciations to nonsensical statements, highlight an alarming frequency and severity of these cognitive slips.  As Richard Friedman wrote in The Atlantic, traditionally, such behavior would necessitate an urgent psychiatric evaluation. Thank you for joining us. Stay tuned for our next session as we continue to explore Trump’s cognitive decline during this transformative moment in American history. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dr. John Gartner and Dr. Harry Siegel discuss how Donald Trump’s cognitive decline and psychological weaknesses were on full display during Kamala’s dominating debate performance. Harris biographer Dan Morain joins the show to share his unique insights into the VP’s career, personal history, and the impact her immigrant parents had on shaping her story. You’ll also get an update on how the media and political elite, once ignorant of the dangers Trump posed, seems to have finally grown aware of Donald’s profound detachment from reality. Make sure you join us here on Patreon to support our work and gain access to exclusive perks: Our site:  Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Amazon Music: Subscribe on iHeartRadio: We have a lot to unpack after this week’s historic debate performance by Kamala Harris and the Trump campaign’s ensuing meltdown. Our hosts analyze how Harris systematically dismantled Donald Trump on every front, showcasing her eloquence, grace under pressure, and a strong strategic understanding of her opponent's weaknesses.  Our guest today is Dan Morain, a long-time journalist and author who has spent much of his career covering Kamala Harris. His book, Kamala's Way, gives an intimate look at the Vice President’s personal journey, and charts how the daughter of two immigrants in segregated California became one of this country’s most effective power players.   Morain joins the show to help us understand how a determined mother and her immigrant heritage shaped Harris’s resilience, intelligence, and preparedness that have clearly paid off in the political arena today. Dan also shares some touching anecdotes about Kamala’s heartfelt humanity, and willingness to personally connect with people away from the cameras. Trump’s debate debacle is just another glaring piece of evidence of his cognitive decline. Our hosts will break down how Harris's debate strategy is a part of a broader, well-executed plan to exploit Donald’s vulnerabilities and expose his broken brain. An official campaign ad features Barack Obama’s critique of Trump’s obsession with crowd sizes, and George Conway’s success in goading Donald with targeted attack ads, proves just that. Dr. Gartner and Dr. Siegel will also dissect various parts of the debate and other recent Trump speeches to analyze the growing evidence of Trump’s deteriorating mental state. And we’ll wrap up with a reflection on the remarkable journey of Shrinking Trump so far. Thanks for joining us. Be sure to join us for next week’s session, as we embark on this pivotal moment in American history together. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this episode of Shrinking Trump, Dr. John Gartner and Dr. Harry Siegel are joined by special guest Dr. Dan Partland to analyze the latest evidence of Trump’s cognitive decline. Dr. Parland tells us all about his new hit documentary #UNTRUTH: The Psychology of Trumpism, which examines how profit-driven enablers and power-seeking MAGA politicians are purposefully creating divisions that threaten our democracy. Our hosts demystify cult Trump’s following by analyzing them with compassion and understanding, which they explain is necessary to heal and unify our divided nation. They also discuss the rising tide of authoritarianism within the MAGA movement, and talk about Jimmy McCain’s damning statement on Trump. Lastly, this episode explores the roots of JD Vance's misogynistic commentary. Make sure you join us here on Patreon to support our work and gain access to exclusive perks: Our site:  Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Amazon Music: Subscribe on iHeartRadio: As expert clinical psychologists, John and Harry have been ringing the alarm bells on Trump’s behavior for years, pointing out the signs of his cognitive decline. From his increasingly simplified language to outright contradictory statements, we’ll dive into some of the most recent glaring evidence of The Donald’s mental deterioration.  One striking example is the Trump campaign’s embarrassing stunt at Arlington National Cemetery. We’ll explain how the incident itself and Donald’s erratic responses to the backlash showcase his profound detachment from reality. As Dr. Gartner and Dr. Siegel emphasize, understanding Trump’s psyche is only one small part of the puzzle. We’ll take a closer look at the psychological terrain behind the mass movement of his supporters. And that is where Dr. Dan Partland comes in to explain how the cultural and psychological state of America allowed Trump’s cult to take root in the first place. We’ll also discuss the astonishing reach of social media algorithms, which are aimed at influencing public perception and pushing vulnerable users towards radical content and misinformation. And you’ll hear Dr. Siegel’s spot-on contrast of Trump's deteriorating cognitive state with Vice President Kamala Harris's strong psychological health. Enjoy the episode and we’ll see you again next week for another session!  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this all new episode of Shrinking Trump, hosts Dr. John Gartner and Dr. Harry Siegel are joined by Veteran journalist and Trump expert David Cay Johnston to analyze the latest glaring symptoms of Donald Trump's cognitive decline and severe personality disorders.  Make sure you join us here on Patreon to support our work and gain access to exclusive perks: Our site:  Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Amazon Music: Subscribe on iHeartRadio: You’ll hear shocking video and audio evidence of Trump’s phonemic paraphasias, erratic speech patterns, deteriorating associative thinking, and other bipolar traits. We’ll also give you an update on George Conway’s efforts to exploit Trump’s vulnerabilities and psychological weaknesses with targeted attack ads. Our guest David Cay Johnston contributes expert insights into Trump’s psychological state. He’ll also reveal how Trump’s tumultuous upbringing with a harsh father left him emotionally and psychologically affected and is now driven by an unending need to fill an internal void. We’ll talk about how JD Vance is both revealing a deeper, systemic thinking in the MAGA base, and alienating voters with recent ugly, personal attacks. Dr.’s Gartner and Siegel also use examples of Trump’s low-energy rants and increasingly simplistic language to demonstrate a clear deterioration of Donald’s cognitive abilities.  You won’t want to miss this awesome episode! And be sure to tune in next week for another hit session.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this session of Shrinking Trump, our hosts Dr. John Gartner and Dr. Harry Segel are joined by PhD-trained psychologist Dr. Ben Michaelis to explore the latest evidence of Trump's rapid cognitive decline, and discuss how recent targeted political attack ads have triggered the worst of Donald’s malignant narcissism.  Make sure you join us here on Patreon to support our work and gain access to exclusive perks: Our site:  Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Amazon Music: Subscribe on iHeartRadio:   We’ll examine the pathology of Trump's deteriorating speech patterns, worsening personality disorders, and weird obsessions, and contrast it against the psychological and emotional strength displayed by Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. And you’ll hear the latest update on how the Lincoln Project and George Conway’s Anti-Psychopath PAC are exposing Trump’s cognitive deterioration by provoking his wild responses to carefully placed attack ads. Dr. Michaelis walks us through the impact that social media and Trump’s increasingly erratic behavior has on the national psyche and emotional connections in our communities. He’ll also work together with John and Harry to compare Trump's past and present speech patterns, which reveal a shocking deterioration of his language skills and associative thinking.  We’ll also talk about Barack Obama’s DNC speech, and reflect on the genuine power of emotional connections in building psychological health. So listen in as our esteemed psychologists, Dr.’s Gartner and Segal set the stage for another entertaining and in-depth analysis of the latest evidence of Trump’s cognitive decline.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Hosts Dr. John Gartner and Dr. Harry Segal highlight Trump’s deteriorating language skills and verbal fluency, and Hafiz Rashid of The New Republic shares his insights on why the Press has finally started to cover Donald’s cognitive decline.  Make sure you join us here on Patreon to support our work and gain access to exclusive perks: Our site:  Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Amazon Music: Subscribe on iHeartRadio:   "We saw early signs of dementia as exhibited by his strange gait,” Dr. Segal said, “by his phonemic paraphasia's, that is his inability to complete saying certain words, and also by a kind of decline in the complexity of his language and thinking." In this show, our clinical psychiatrist experts will dissect Trump’s “mental disintegration” as can be seen from his increasingly erratic speech, absurd connections, and inability to control his emotions. We’ll talk about the work being done by George Conway’s Anti-Psychopath PAC, which is triggering Trump by exposing his dangerous cognitive decline and playing on his narcissism with targeted ads buys. And it’s working. “It provoked a reaction; it got him angry,” Dr. Gartner said. “We're manipulating him with these commercials in a way that forces him to reveal himself, that forces him to be off balance and to actually demonstrate the very pathology that we've been trying to articulate and talk about on this show.” John and Harry diagnose the psychological impact that the Harris Walz campaigns’ true emotional connection has had on the political discourse. And you’ll hear an examination of how Trump's personality disorders lead to his many impulsive and destructive reactions. Thanks so much for listening. We’ll be back next week for another appointment to share the latest of Trump's alarming behavior and cognitive decline.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this all-new episode of Shrinking Trump, our hosts Dr. John Gartner and Dr. Harry Segal are joined by author and expert psychotherapist Dr. Alissa Hirshfield-Flores to diagnose the intricate aspects of Donald Trump's mental and emotional decline. With a focus on Trump's malignant narcissism, and psychological frailty, we’ll talk about Donald’s meltdown in Georgia, his continued obsession with crowd sizes, and the obvious signs of his worsening dementia. Make sure you join us here on Patreon to support our work and gain access to exclusive perks: Our site:  Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Amazon Music: Subscribe on iHeartRadio: You’ll hear new, clear evidence of Trump’s decline as we share some of his most unhinged statements and antics from the last week and debunk several of his latest conspiracy theories and lies. We’ll also talk about some disturbing RFK, Jr. news and discuss the major impact of Kamala Harris’s VP selection.  Dr. Hershfield-Flores’s book Fury: Women's Lived Experiences During the Trump Era, explores the trauma women in America faced under Trump's presidency. The book features essays that capture women's reactions to Trump's rhetoric and tells of their inspiring self-empowerment through activism. Together with John and Harry, Dr. Hershfield Flores walks us through the psychological effects of Trump's narcissism on women, the significance of Kamala Harris’s nomination, and the collective energy gathering among women voters in this election.  We’ll also discuss how Trump’s hostile strategies might backfire against a joyous, powerful woman like Kamala Harris. And we’ll take a hard look at the schemes behind Trump and Elon Musk’s recent pivot toward cryptocurrency. So tune in and turn it up for another awesome episode, and we’ll see you back here next week!  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week we are joined by the esteemed Dr. Diane Pomerantz and Anti-Psychopath PAC’s George Conway, as hosts Dr.’s John Gartner and Harry Siegel push forward with their mission to inform the public of Trump's dangerous cognitive decline. Make sure you join us here on Patreon to support our work and gain access to exclusive perks: Our site:  Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Amazon Music: Subscribe on iHeartRadio: In today’s session, renowned clinical Psychologist Dr. Diane Pomerantz shares her touching personal experience and expert insights into confronting gaslighting from a narcissist, drawing parallels to the national consciousness under Trump. Our hosts discuss a brand new phenomenon called 'Kamala Mania' and contrast the VP’s warm charismatic appeal with Trump's demeaning and unpredictable behavior. We’ll also talk about how Harris’s momentum has made Trump paranoid, triggering his racist and misogynistic attacks and highlighting the psychological weaknesses in his reactive nature.  And George Conway joins the show to share how he has been provoking and destabilizing Trump through targeted ads in safe zones like Mar-A-Lago. In fact, Trump has already reacted just as George predicted - by sending off a rambling post about Conway on Truth social. “Trump has no long game,” Dr. Segal said.  “He responds to everything in the moment. So of course George was right about it.”  Dr. Gartner diagnoses the seismic shift of Donald Trump’s persona from a strongman to “The Diaper Candidate” now that he is up against a younger, vibrant opponent. We’ll also discuss the major impact Kamala Harris’s candidacy is having on the political landscape and explore all the brilliant ways she is redefining Trump.  Finally, our hosts will examine clips of Trump’s most bizarre statements and antics from the past week to highlight the ways in which Donald is demonstrating signs of cognitive decline. “Our goal is to help this public think in more clinically sophisticated ways,” Dr. Gartner said. “And we're going to keep pointing out the ways in which Trump is paranoid, malevolent, petty, and fragile.”  So be sure to tune in again next week for another awesome episode of Shrinking Trump. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
George Conway, President of the all-new Anti-Psychopath PAC, joins the show to warn Americans about Donald Trump's increasing mental instability and discuss what it’s going to take to defeat him in November. Make sure you join us here on Patreon to support our work and gain access to exclusive perks: Our site:  Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Amazon Music: Subscribe on iHeartRadio: Three months ago, Dr. John Gartner and Dr. Harry Segal started this show to bring attention to Trump's cognitive decline and to call out the media for failing to report on it properly.  In this very special episode we are joined by renowned lawyer and activist George Conway, who created the PSYCHO political action committee to warn undecided voters in swing states that Donald is psychologically unfit to be president. George joins the show to tell us more about the great work he is doing, and break down the clear and present dangers posed by Trump. Our hosts will take a hard look at Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the race for president. “It took a lot of cognitive maturity and clarity for Joe Biden to make this decision,” Dr. Segal said. “And I think that's just another example of who Joe Biden is.”  “It was time to pass the baton and he did it,” Dr. Gartner said. “Which is something a malignant narcissist would never do, surrendering power peacefully or willingly, never ever.” We’ll also talk about how Kamala Harris has upended the race for president with extreme command, and contrast it with the disturbing behavior consistently seen from Trump. And we’ll remind listeners that even after the assassination attempt, Trump will never change.  “He's never going to pivot because he's a malignant narcissist,” Dr. Gartner said. “The more success they have, the more inflamed their grandiosity becomes, the more inflamed their paranoia becomes, and the more vicious their sadism becomes.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Drs. Gartner and Segal are joined by clinical professor Justin Frank MD, who wrote "Trump on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President," who explains how Trump's grandiosity made him able to process the assassination attempt and raise his fist after the event. Make sure you join us here on Patreon to support our work and gain access to exclusive perks: Our site:  Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Amazon Music: Subscribe on iHeartRadio: You are definitely going to want to hear Dr. Gartner and Dr. Segal’s shocking explanation for why they think Trump reacted the way he did at the shooting. “Listen, if I were shot in the ear at a rally, I'd stay on the ground,” Dr. Segal said. “This guy in two seconds puts his fist up. I mean, it's so a part of him. It’s so instinctual.” In this session, our hosts will be discussing the trauma of the shooting at Trump’s rally and the impact it’s having on the political landscape. We’ll also unbox how our culture’s irreverence toward elders has made Biden the victim of ageism, and as a result many have greatly misinterpreted the President’s normal signs of aging. Our guest, Dr. Frank rejoins the show to help us diagnose how the assassination attempt will likely impact Trump’s psychology. “Surviving the attack reinforces his paranoia that he is under attack,” Dr. Gartner said. “It reinforces his grandiosity that somehow he's so triumphant that even death can't take him.”  We’ll also be talking about Trump’s VP pick JD Vance, the Republican National Convention, and so much more in this FANTASTIC episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Drs. Gartner and Segal talk to Dr. Eric Jackson, Director of the Stuttering and Variability Lab at NYU who argues that a lot of what looked like cognitive decline in Biden’s debate performance was actually stuttering: a message America needs to hear.  Make sure you join us here on Patreon to support our work and gain access to exclusive perks: Our site:  Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Amazon Music: Subscribe on iHeartRadio: We cautioned our listeners over the last week to take a deep breath and allow us to analyze more data points on Biden’s language, mannerisms, and overall cognitive health. In this episode, Dr. Gartner and Dr. Segal will use significant data to help put Biden’s debate performance in perspective by presenting a model of who Biden really is with a true expert in the field of communication. Our hosts also break down some of Trump’s most absurd statements from this week. Our guest today is Dr. Eric Jackson, a speech-language pathologist and Associate Professor in the Communicative Sciences and Disorders department at NYU. Eric's research focuses on the variability of stuttering and the inconsistencies of how stuttering events manifest themselves. Eric joins the show to decipher how much of Biden’s poor debate performance can be attributed to stuttering vs cognitive decline. “Stuttering is an articulation problem,” Dr. Gartner said. “It's not a brain problem. It's not a thinking problem. It's not a cognitive problem.” Dr. Jackson helps our listeners better understand the challenges stutterer’s face, including the anticipation of stuttering and what mechanisms they develop to disguise the stutter. “Biden uses a lot of these,” Eric said. “When he was younger and quicker, he was more able to implement them. But now that he's aging and slower, it's more difficult for him, and that seems to be contributing to what people are characterizing as the mumbling or the stumbling or even the losing his train of thought.” John and Harry also give us a clear contrast of Biden’s mental acuity vs Trump’s constant brain failures.  “Biden’s a flawed candidate, Dr. Segal said. “But compared to Donald Trump he's perfect. And really compared to any candidate, he's quite strong.” You’ll also hear our hosts call out the media for failing to cover Trump’s psychopathology while spending the last two week’s obsessing over Biden’s “cognitive decline.”  “Someone tweeted today that in the New York Times there are eight articles about Biden's cognitive decline, and no articles about Trump's psychopathology,” Dr. Gartner said. This is a trend now that we're going to have to deal with.” “John and I began the show because we were alarmed by the ways in which the media and even the political elites seem to be ignoring the ways in which Donald Trump was expressing early signs of dementia,” Dr. Segal said. “A few weeks ago, when Joe Biden showed up to the debate,  the country was really caught off guard. It left me and many other people in the country wondering, how is Biden really doing? Who is he really? How is his functioning?” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Hosts Dr. John Gartner and Dr. Harry Segal are joined by geriatrician and dementia expert Dr. Elizabeth Landsverk to analyze Biden’s debate performance and determine what signs of dementia, if any, he actually displayed. Dr. Vince Greenwood is also back on the show to help us evaluate the signs of aging and cognitive decline shown from both candidates. Make sure you join us here on Patreon to support our work and gain access to exclusive perks: Our site:  Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Amazon Music: Subscribe on iHeartRadio: Welcome to another edition of Shrinking Trump, where we normally talk about how Donald Trump’s behavior shows signs of dementia, and to point out how the media improperly covers it. Since the debate, however, many Americans, including us, have been left wondering if Biden's performance was simply a bad episode or if it's a sign of a worsening cognitive condition. Dr. Gartner is optimistic, and based on available data is concluding that Biden is showing normal signs of aging and not suffering from a cognitive condition. Dr. Segal, however, is not so sure.    “What accounts for what happened last Thursday,” Dr. Segal asked. “Was it simply exhaustion? Or was it a cognitive decline that we're now being allowed to see? I think it’s very important for us to ask these questions.”  In this episode, our hosts analyze Biden’s appearance and behavior in the week that followed the poor debate performance, including a rally in North Carolina and a strong speech about the Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling. We’ll talk about how Biden’s aging should not necessarily be confused with incompetence. “It looked so terrible,” Dr. Gartner said “And it had such a terrible impact that the truth might not even matter. But if we're looking at the truth, we have to understand how someone can show signs of aging but also be competent.” We’ll highlight some of Trump’s cognitive failures from the week to demonstrate the clear difference from Biden’s normal signs of aging and Trump’s clear decline. “The symptoms we're seeing in Trump are worse and more constant,” John said. “Biden may have not been able to complete his sentence properly, but at no point during the debate did he think Obama was President. He's not making up quotes from Ulysses S. Grant. He's not talking nonsense about sharks and batteries.” You’ll also get our take on why Biden’s debate performance was such a flop and hear who John thinks is primarily to blame for the whole debacle. Trust us, this is an episode you won’t want to miss.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Co-hosts Drs. John Gartner and Harry Segal discuss the presidential debate with famed psychologist David Dunning, co-author of the “Dunning-Krueger Effect. The nation must deal with the shock, panic, and trauma created by Biden’s poor performance. But what caused it? Age, stuttering, illness, cognitive decline, poor debate preparation and strategy, or some combination? How concerned should we be? Make sure you join us here on Patreon to support our work and gain access to exclusive perks: Our site:  Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Amazon Music: Subscribe on iHeartRadio: We started this show to call out the media for failing to recognize Trump’s early signs of dementia and to contrast that with Biden’s normal aging. “It’s what John referred to as, ‘the aging brain versus the dementing brain’,” Dr. Segal said. “And our goal is really to raise clinical awareness and sophistication on the part of you, our viewers, but also of the media.” Week after week we have offered a series of progressive hypotheses to explain Trump’s behavior, his language, and even his physical bearing. And now, after the debate sent shockwaves through the media and the public, we thought it important to look at what actually happened that night. “As far as a performance and as far as the political impact, I would say it couldn't have been worse,” Dr. Gartner said. “In terms of understanding what happened, however, I think we are actually going to have a very interesting discussion today because it's actually quite complex. You’ll hear our hosts share their very relatable personal reactions to the debate and help us all understand the trauma Americans suffered that evening. “I felt like the walls were closing in,” John said. “I felt the floor actually fall beneath me like I was falling into the void.” “I felt that I had just experienced a trauma - like my whole world had changed,” Dr. Segal said. “This was not normal functioning. This was terrifying and traumatizing.” We’ll run through some of the clips to analyze how the candidates’ body language made Trump’s answers sound better than they were - and Biden’s WAY worse than they actually were.  While Trump had a more commanding performance, our hosts argue that he had a clever way of hiding his cognitive decline. “Trump is stringing together his slogans - he gums them together,” Harry said. “We've been watching him do this in rallies. But through the forcefulness of his tone and his ability to create rhythm in his speech, it seems to make sense in a cohesive, coherent way. This is a way that Trump is managing his own decline, which is not being expressed through a weakness in his voice, but in other ways.” We’ll also analyze the physical signs of advanced aging Biden displayed, and discuss what role the debate prep likely played in his delivery. And we weigh the impact of Biden’s traditional stutter on his performance and how that can often be confused with actual signs of aging. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Top Psychologists John Gartner and Harry Segal are joined by Professor of Neuropsychology and Neurology at UCFF Dr. Joel Kramer, as they parse significant differences between Biden's chronic stutter and Trump's glaring dementia. Make sure you join us here on Patreon to support our work and gain access to exclusive perks: Our site:  Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Amazon Music: Subscribe on iHeartRadio: Dr. Joel Kramer is the director of the neuropsychology program at the UCSF Memory and Aging Center. He studies the effects of neurodegenerative disease on intellectual abilities and behavior.  Dr. Kramer was quoted in the Washington Post last week saying that the risk for both Biden and Trump are “about the same for demonstrating some degree of cognitive decline over the next four to five years.” Our host John Gartner brought him on the show to challenge this conclusion. The Post failed to mention that in their interview Dr. Kramer also said, “Biden has an established history of a developmental language disorder - stuttering, while Trump's gaffes are more likely driven by disordered thinking.” Welcome to another addition of Shrinking Trump, our weekly show where we review the ways in which Trump’s behavior over the past week demonstrates signs of early onset of dementia, and express his malignant personality disorder. “And each week,” Dr. Segal says, “we've been trying to help you, our listeners, as well as the media, to think about Trump in a more clinically sophisticated and accurate way.” We’ll analyze Trump’s wildest episodes from the past week and point out the different variables that likely influence his shifting behaviors and cognitive ability.  From forgetting the name of Joe Biden and the Doctor who administered his cognitive test, to calling Milwaukee a “horrible” city, to suggesting that Nancy Pelosi would want to date him, Trump “really writes his own Saturday Night Live cold open,” as Dr. Gartner puts it.  “Why are we talking about this? Because there's a deterioration in his frontal lobes that are causing him to become disinhibited and lose his executive functioning.” Clips on social media can be distorted and misleading. At times Trump can be articulate and forceful. But as our hosts show you each week, there is likely enough video evidence to diagnose actual signs of a progressive dementia and cognitive decline.  “As I predicted when we started this show two months ago, he will continue to get worse, Dr. Gartner said. “He will continue to show these symptoms more and more.”  Dr. Kramer answers Dr. Gartner’s challenge, defend his statements, and will walk us through the major differences between Trump and Biden, as both a concerned citizen and as a practicing neuropsychologist.  “You and I are taking a big risk by coming on this show every week and talking, not definitively, but arguing strongly for a diagnosis of Trump,” Dr. Segal said.  “Not just what seems to me to be an onset of cognitive decline, but also his severe personality disorder. But the mainstream press doesn't want to come out and label Trump. And so they're just putting it out there that they're both old. I think it's cowardly. I don't think it helps the public.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Top Psychologists John Gartner and Harry Segal are joined by Clinical Psychologist John Skrovan, as they address Trump's malignant narcissism, and his inability to process shame, and how that shapes his rapid cognitive decline. Make sure you join us here on Patreon to support our work and gain access to exclusive perks: Our site:  Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Amazon Music: Subscribe on iHeartRadio: Welcome to another addition of Shrinking Trump, where we meet each week to present the mounting evidence of Trump’s mental decline and early onset dementia. “Our goal is really to educate the public, to help them to think clinically in a more sophisticated way,” Dr. Segal said. In this episode, our hosts will be sharing the latest audio and video examples of Trump’s disorientation, confusion, and some peculiar but very specific physical telltale signs of brain damage and deterioration. Joining the show this week is leading clinical psychologist  Dr. John Skrovan who gives us his take on how difficult Trump’s malignant narcissism was born out of shame from a horrible emotional environment.  “When you have a repeated kind of a shame, it can become a mortifying shame,” he said. “Some people will even call it a soul murder.” He’ll walk us through how that shame is manifested in his behavior You’ll hear Dr. Segal’s take on Dr. Phil’s (who is no longer a licensed psychologist) recent softball interview in which the severity of Trump’s narcissistic personality was put on full display.  “It's getting to the point where I never hear anything true,” said Dr. Segal. “And I've heard the lies being recycled because he gums them together.” We’ll also walk through some of the terrifying details of Trump’s Project 2025 and talk about the convicted felon’s recent open embrace of the role of America’s Hitler.  “One of the pieces of his plan that I find most dangerous and offensive, as a Jew is their attack on immigrants,“ says Dr. Gartner. “They are demonizing them. They're dehumanizing them, and they're setting people up for the idea that we can send them to concentration camps.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Comments (8)

Ed Potter

Trump will be sentenced late in November and facing three other opportunities for incarceration. His company's value is heading toward Penny stock territory. He was enjoying a moment with his followers! They loved it!

Oct 20th

Ed Potter

One of the weird details that people often forget about Hannibal Lecter is that, at least in the TV version Hannibal Lecter not only had a victim for dinner, he made the victim have himself for dinner as they dined together!

Aug 17th

Darragh Lemass

Hi Guys, Love the podcast. Quick question. Biden's 'handlers' was a common attack by the Trump camp. Yet it's apparent that Trump needs handlers to 'clarify' what he meant to say every time he speaks. While it's obvious he's insane and needs people to put out the fires he starts every time he opens his mouth, best case scenario from the Trump camp is he's terrible communicator. There's the obvious example of "you don't need to vote again" but I'll post another example:

Aug 4th


One of your best shows

Jul 27th

Ed Potter

I think the big reason to suggest a debate right then and without notes, was a chance to prove to Pres Biden that he's not up to the task of running for president. He couldn't refute any of the softballs trump served up. He whiffed nearly every one! The one he didn't whiff was garbled. Obviously I really like him but he's got a presidential sized ego.

Jun 30th

James McCormick

Like most Democrats, I love what I hear but I want to know if there are equally qualified experts who find him mentally sound.

May 20th
Reply (1)

Bill Allen

Excellent. It is concerning that Trump's worsening dementia might put our country at risk if he wins. Thanks for making this diagnosis public. Many people need to hear this podcast. You guys laughed at it, but it's scary, not humorous.

May 16th