Shuva Full Circle: Baal Teshuva Integration

<p>On <em>Shuva Full Circle</em>, we invite respected rabbis, thought leaders, visionaries, influencers, and Baalei Teshuva themselves, to discuss the do's and don’ts of building an inspired life within the framework of religious Judaism. We work toward practical answers while living with the hard questions.</p><p> </p><p>Join us on our journey!</p><p> </p><p>Emmett and Rivka</p><p><br></p>

R' Baruch Epstein - Ask What You Can Do for Your Community

Join us for a rich and engaging discussion with Rabbi Baruch Epstein, the Director of Community Development of Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois, the Rabbi of Bais Menachem shul in Chicago, and a renowned teacher and writer. With humor and warmth, Rabbi Epstein shares his perspective on what makes baalei teshuva such an important part of Chabad communities, and how successful integration takes time, investment, humility, and willingness to contribute. For questions, comments, and sponsorship ...


Shmuel and Sharon Goodman - Transparency in Parenting and Financial Responsibility

Tune in for our conversation with Shmuel (Steve) and Sharone Devorah (Sharon) Goodman, a Chabad baal teshuva couple. After Shmuel and Sharon married and settled down in Shmuel's native Columbus, Ohio, Shmuel began managing the family business: a chain of retail stores that sold children’s clothing. But the business ended up in bankruptcy, while Shmuel battled and ultimately overcame cancer. The Goodmans relocated to Chicago, Illinois, to raise their four children in the Chabad community, wher...


Mrs. Chana Gorenstein: A Soul Journey of Conversion and Empowerment

Join us for a riveting conversation with coach and educator Mrs. Chana Gorenstein, as she shares her experience of converting to Judaism, making aliyah, raising a family, reconnecting to the Divine through her food journey, and sharing her empowering message with the world. To learn more about Chana's upcoming SoulFood course (beginning January 25), visit Click here to receive Chana's weekly content on SoulCare-TLC (Tools for Living Consciously).For questions,...


Aleeza Ben Shalom: World Peace Begins at Home

Welcome back to Shuva Full Circle! We're excited to kick off a new season with you, our dedicated listeners. We hope that this new season will offer stories and skills to fortify our convictions and unite us with those in Israel and around the world fighting for the future of the Jewish people. Please subscribe, share, and donate to support our work.The opener for our second season is a dynamic conversation with Aleeza Ben Shalom, the renowned matchmaker and relationship coach best known for ...


Rabbi Yitzchok Hanoka - Story of My Father, Dr. Yaakov Hanoka, a Baal Teshuva Pioneer

In our fourteenth episode, Rabbi Yitzchok Hanoka shares the inspiring life story of his father, Dr. Yaakov Hanoka of blessed memory, a pioneer in the early days of the baal teshuva movement. Through his son's recollections and research, we learn of Dr. Hanoka's pathbreaking transformation in the early 1960s from an enterprising physicist at Penn State to a well-balanced, humorous, and "solar-powered" chossid of the Rebbe. We discuss the phenomenal care and concern the Rebbe invested in Dr. Ha...


Mendy and Sandra Paul - A BT-FFB Couple Share Their Story

Mendy Paul is an FFB, the child of baalei teshuva. Sandra Paul (nee Bram) is a baalas teshuva who became frum after encountering religious Judaism on campus at California State University of Northridge (CSUN). Today, as a married couple, Mendy and Sandra are on staff at Chabad of CSUN. For our thirteenth episode, we sat down with them to find out how it works when a BT like Sandra marries an FFB like Mendy. Join us as we enjoy a frank, rollicking conversation exploring a range of topics many ...


Mrs. Leah Loksen - Demystifying the Sheitel Process

In our twelfth episode, we discuss everything you ever wanted to know about wigs with highly respected sheitelmacher and stylist Mrs. Leah Loksen . From comfort to cost, we ask the tricky questions and get the candid answers you've been waiting for. Make sure to listen through to the end, where Leah shares her contact information so you can follow up with any individual questions.For questions, comments, and sponsorship opportunities, please contact us at Emmet...


Mrs. Menucha Schwartz - Making a Mitzvah Our Own Through Learning

In our eleventh episode, we sit down with Mrs. Menucha Schwartz, a daughter of baalei teshuva who now serves the Roswell, GA community as a shlucha. Menucha describes her upbringing in an environment with both religious and secular influences, her journey to personally discover the value of learning, and her experience sharing those lessons with others as a teacher and shlucha. We then dive deep into one area of Torah in particular--the mitzvah of hair-covering for a married woman--and ask Me...


Rabbi Manis Friedman: We Must All Become Baalei Teshuva

In our tenth episode, we discuss with Rabbi Manis Friedman what it means to join Chabad in our generation. Rabbi Friedman explains that Chabad's goal today is not primarily to make Lubavitchers, but rather to bring G-dliness and Torah to every part of the world. Whether born into Lubavitch or joining later in life, each of us must find spirituality on our terms and educate our children to ask what Judaism means to them. Rabbi Friedman also unpacks the challenges of living in Crown Height...


Rabbi Menachem and Mrs. Chava Schmidt - Using All Our Abilities to Bring Moshiach

In our ninth episode, we interview senior shluchim and baalei teshuva Rabbi Menachem and Mrs. Chava Schmidt about how they have integrated their musical and artistic backgrounds and talents into their spiritual leadership in Philadelphia. We learn about how "the Rebbe made hasidim," changing the Anash community's perspective toward baalei teshuva and the world more broadly, and how we can remain connected and inspired post-Gimmel Tammuz by reaching out to help one another in times of need. Th...


Mrs. Miriam Lipskier - No One "Makes" a Baal Teshuva

In Part II of our eighth episode with Mrs. Miriam Lipskier, we dive into two controversial topics: the role of women in Judaism and a baal teshuva's individual responsibility for his or her spiritual journey. First, are Jewish women disempowered second-class citizens? Miriam challenges that simplistic narrative based on her own lived experience as a shlucha, and shares some advice on how to build a family life in which each spouse contributes to the fullest inside and outside the home. Second...


Mrs. Miriam Lipskier - A Campus Shlucha Whose Parents Found Yiddishkeit on Campus

In Part I of our eighth episode, we hear from campus shlucha Mrs. Miriam Lipskier what it was like to grow up in Morristown as the child of baalei teshuva. Miriam shares candidly how her parents went from college valedictorians to hasidim of the Rebbe, and her own experience growing up in a family that unapologetically stood out as different. We learn about the importance of staying connected to mentors, proudly owning who you are, being open to learning from your children, respecting authori...


Mrs. Yehudis Cohen - Who Said You Have to Be Like Everyone Else?

In our seventh episode, Mrs. Yehudis Cohen shares essential guidance for baalei teshuva building new Jewish homes after learning in yeshiva. In our conversation, we address overcoming BT insecurity and embracing yourself fully, becoming a giver rather than constantly expecting to receive, the importance of remaining connected to one's mashpia and peer group, and how to celebrate quirkiness and individuality while recognizing issues that require treatment or intervention. Make sure to lis...


Yehudah Forster - Learning from Mentors and Ultimately Finding Ourselves

In our sixth episode, we sit down with Yehudah Forster, a baal teshuva with an amazing background of personal transformation and first-hand experience of mentorship from Dr. Dovid Sholom Pape and Rabbi Abba Paltiel, among others. Yehudah shares the remarkable story of how he found his way from a yoga ashram to 770 for Shavuos, then returned to the ashram on a mission, left to learn in yeshiva, and finished law school before getting married and starting a family in Crown Heights. We hear from ...


Rabbi Yossi Paltiel - The Rebbe's View on Baalei Teshuva and Community Integration

In honor of Gimmel Tammuz, we've dedicated our fifth episode featuring renowned educator and mentor Rabbi Yossi Paltiel to the Rebbe's tremendous love for baalei teshuva and the vital mission of helping them find their footing as new members of the Chabad community. Rabbi Paltiel challenges both baalei teshuva and the Anash community to make integration happen, identifies several ways baalei teshuva can tap into the lessons learned by previous generations, and gives us some homework.Make sure...


Mrs. Rivkah Slonim - Advice for a New Baal Teshuva and the Importance of Wholesome Intimacy

In our fourth episode, we discuss with Mrs. Rivkah Slonim her top "5 of the 500 pieces of advice" she would like to give to every Baal Teshuva beginning a new religious journey. We then unpack why intimacy is a touchstone for building a strong and dynamic marriage and where we should (and should not) get advice on this holy and essential dimension of life.You can order your own copy of Holy Intimacy, co-authored by Mrs. Rivkah Slonim and Mrs. Sara Morosow, here.Make sure to listen through to ...


Rabbi Tzvi Freeman, Part 2 - Teshuva in a Teardrop

In Part II of our third episode, we learn about Rabbi Freeman's personal story of return, including radical politics, convincing the Canadian government to fund a high school called “Total High,” an artistic voyage, and a run-in with a bear.For questions, comments, and sponsorship opportunities, please contact us at Emmett and RivkaProduction and editing by Gary WaleikAll rights reserved to The BT Center


Rabbi Tzvi Freeman, Part 1 - Integral Fire

In Part I of our third episode, we discuss with Rabbi Tzvi Freeman how to translate fiery Baal Teshuva passion and excitement into grounded, sustainable, and translatable practice.Make sure to listen through to the end, where we unpack some key takeaways from our conversation with Rabbi Freeman until a Gilles child makes a surprise debut.For questions, comments, and sponsorship opportunities, please contact us at Emmett and RivkaProduction and editing by Gary Waleik...


Rabbi YY Jacobson - Bringing Holiness into our Homes

In our second episode, we discuss with Rabbi YY Jacobson the importance of a healthy, holistic approach to marriage, and address some common shalom bayis challenges.For questions, comments, and sponsorship opportunities, please contact us at Emmett and RivkaProduction and editing by Gary WaleikAll rights reserved to The BT Center


Sharon and Michal Weiss - Baal Teshuva Integration

In our first episode, we discuss the nature of baal teshuva integration with Sharon and Michal Weiss, the founders and directors of Living Chassidus.For questions, comments, and sponsorship opportunities, please contact us at Emmett and RivkaProduction and editing by Gary WaleikAll rights reserved to The BT Center


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