Sick & Good Podcast

<p>Dustin Mesick, RDN and Colin Goodwin, PsyD are cancer survivors inspired by their personal experiences and incorporated this into their individual career paths in nutritional services and clinical psychology, respectively. The original concept to offer a support group that focused on body and mind was shifted with the emergence of the pandemic and evolved into the virtual platform of a podcast. In choosing the name of the podcast, Sick & Good Podcast was chosen as a double entendre, incorporating the last names of the co-hosts and promoting the possibility of a dialectical nature in physical illness (sick) and overall wellness (good). The mission statement for the Sick & Good Podcast states the purpose is to have conversations with medical and other healthcare professionals related to the cancer field on broad topics ranging from diagnosis to treatment and the recovery process with the hope to provide education and levity to cancer patients, survivors and other interested listeners. </p>

Thyroid Cancer Awareness with Julia Diaz, RD

September marks the celebration of Thyroid Cancer Awareness month and our return to the Cancer Awareness Series with Julia Diaz, RD. Julia shares her personal cancer story and offers a comprehensive overview of thyroid cancer including prevalence rates, risk factors, symptoms, novel treatments and treatment effects. She explains the low iodine diet and speaks to other hot topics related to thyroid cancer. Please follow the links below to access Julia Diaz's professional website and...


Oncology Nutrition with Kailey Proctor, MPH, RDN, CSO

Kailey Proctor, MPH, RDN, CSO, details the process for board certification as a specialist in oncological nutrition. She speaks on common fears, myth busters, and fad diets while discussing her approach to personalizing nutrition plans. Kailey illuminates the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics guidelines, the "New American Plate" and ultra-processed foods in relation to cancer care. Please follow the link below to the City of Hope Orange County nutrition page:


Sarcoma Cancer Awareness with Brandi Felser

July is Sarcoma Cancer Awareness month and our special guest in continuing the Cancer Awareness Series is the Chief Executive Officer of the Sarcoma Foundation of America, Brandi Felser. During this episode, she covers her personal story on how she got involved with the organization and describes prevalence rates, risk factors and how a sarcoma diagnosis is so unique in comparison to other cancers. Brandi also notes novel treatments, late effects and related survivorship issues often se...


National Cancer Survivor Month with Wendy Hobbie, CRNP

June is National Cancer Survivor Month and we're privileged to have a conversation with you Wendy Hobbie, CRNP, of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Wendy was a pioneer in developing survivorship programs and has been at the forefront of creating protocol for survivorship clinics. In this episode, she describes the process of transitioning pediatric patients to adult survivorship, challenges and barriers for survivorship and important aspects of cancer survivorship programs. Bonus cont...


Bladder Cancer Awareness with Stephanie Chisolm, PhD

May celebrates Bladder Cancer Awareness month and the special guest for this episode is Stephanie Chisolm, PhD, Director of Education and Advocacy from the Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network (BCAN). Stephanie talks on prevalence rates, diagnosis, and risk factors associated with bladder cancer. The conversation also spans from theory (the "field effect") to standards of care for treatment and resources offered by BCAN. Please follow the links to the Bladder Cancer Advocac...


Testicular Cancer Awareness with Mike Craycraft, R.Ph

April is Testicular Cancer Awareness month and Mike Craycraft the founder of the Testicular Cancer Society (TCS), a testicular cancer survivor and registered pharmacist graces us as our special guest continuing our Cancer Awareness Series. Mike details his personal cancer experience, available forums offered by TCS, his involvement in establishing American Urological Association testicular cancer guidelines, the importance of self-examination and novel treatments. Bonus content on central lin...


Colorectal Cancer Awareness with Zac Getty

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness month and Zac Getty, the Patient Education Manager at Fight Colorectal Cancer, covers topics ranging from risk factors to treatment to survivorship. Zac advocates for screening and dispels common misconceptions and stigmas associated with colorectal cancer. We're honored to partner with Fight Colorectal Cancer and are happy to make a contribution to this organization with any sale of our new merchandise. Please follow the link below to the Figh...


Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancer Awareness with Juan Valle, MD

February is Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancer Awareness month and Dr. Juan Valle joins us as the Chief Medical Officer from the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation to talk about these rare cancers. Dr. Valle cites prevalence rates, distinguishes risk factors including regional-specific diets, illuminates novel treatment options and names common treatment effects. He graciously shares his research on medication efficiency in treating bile duct cancers and effortlessly manages to incorporate our pop-c...


Cervical Cancer Awareness with Hui Amy Chen, MD

Hui Amy Chen, MD, kicks off the Cancer Awareness Series with a discussion on cervical cancer. She shares her career path as gynecological oncologist and highlights topics including prevention as general guidelines including HPV screening, novel treatments, and social determinants of health related to cervical cancer. Additionally, Dr. Chen discusses clinical trials and other areas of research including integrative treatment approaches. Please follow the link to the Foundation for Women'...


Intersections of Nutrition and Cancer with Janice Baker, RDN

Janice Baker, RDN, talks on cancer-related health conditions including diabetes, orthorexia and cachexia. As a diabetes educator, she discusses the comorbidity of cancer and diabetes. She defines orthorexia and challenges faulty thinking habits related to diet for cancer patients. Janice speaks to negative effects of "wasting syndrome." She describes her supportive approach to nutrition in navigating the these intersections. Please follow the link for the Oncology Nutrition Practice Gro...


Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Programming with Wendy Griffith, MSSW, LCSW-S, OSW-C

Wendy Griffith joins the conversation to share her role at MD Anderson as the Program Director for the Adolescent and Young Adult program. Wendy highlights her research, specific areas of concern and expectations of treatment and recovery for AYA cancer patients and writing for the hospitals blog. Wendy names legacy work as an important tool to ensure family traditions and tell unique lasting stories. Please follow the link below for MD Anderson's Cancerwise blog:https://www.mdanderson....


Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Cancer Treatment and Program Evaluation with Brad Zebrack, PhD

Brad Zebrack, PhD, joins us to discuss his expansive experience in cancer research including topics of integrative oncology, and his current role at the University of Michigan. He shares his personal story of being treated as a young adult with cancer and his how his career has been altered by his research interest in Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) cancer-related topics. We discuss Brad's involvement with program development and evaluation and advent of peer-to-peer support and outdoo...


Navigating through Healthcare Systems with Michelle Doose, PhD

Dr. Doose shares a published opinion education piece on navigating through healthcare systems and speaks to the needed improvements for cancer care, holding organizations accountable and transfer of care issues. She highlights challenges of minority populations, the importance of survivorship programs and calls for cancer survivors to participate in research.Please follow the link below for Dr. Doose's LinkedIn account and additional resources:


Psycho Oncology with Rhonda Sherman, PhD Part Two

Dr. Rhonda Sherman and her patient Jennifer join for part two of the conversation on psycho oncology. Jennifer shares her cancer diagnosis and treatment history that contributed to seeking out therapy. She highlights her presenting concerns, the benefits of therapy, and how this has inspired her community involvement in peer-to-peer support. Dr. Sherman reflects on the therapeutic process and growth observed within Jennifer's sessions and how she relented to offer a breast cancer suppor...


Psycho Oncology with Rhonda Sherman, PhD Part One

Dr. Sherman defines psycho-oncology, describes the referral process for psychological services, and discusses presenting concerns for patients when seeking therapy during cancer treatments and the psychosocial impact. She lists some of the common themes seen in the patients she serves including body image, sexuality and intimacy and social support.Please follow the following links to find a provider in your area:


Cancer Survivorship with Karla Wilson, NP

Karla shares her passion and wealth of knowledge as a nurse practitioner and researcher in the survivorship clinic at the City of Hope. During this episode, we discuss secondary cancers, late effects, and preventative care for survivors. The conversation also speaks to multicultural aspects of cancer care, treatment and survivorship. Please follow the link to City of Hope Pediatric and Adolescent and Young Adult Survivorship programs:


Current Cancer Treatment Modalities with Ida Wong, MD

Ida joins the discussion to share her role as a researcher and medical educator as an Associate Clinical Professor at UCSD , her clinical work at the VA Hospital in La Jolla, CA and her personal experience with her own cancer diagnosis and treatment when she was an adolescent. We talk about current treatment modalities including targeted drugs and immunotherapy, and how the field has changed during her practice as an oncologist/hematologist.


How the Pandemic Changed Cancer Treatment with Amy Shapton, MSW, LCSW

Amy joins the conversation to discuss her work at the Ridley Tree Cancer Center (RTCC) in Santa Barbara, CA . She shares free resources available through RTCC, talks about her role as a social worker and the change the pandemic has had on cancer treatment. Amy also highlights specific barriers to her work and a case that has made her proud. Please follow the link for the Ridley Tree Cancer Center online resources:


Nutrition and Cancer Treatment with Sheri Weitz, RDN

Sheri joins the conversation and shares her personal cancer story and her interest in holistic nutrition. She offers dietary suggestions to prevent cancer, for those in active treatment and survivors. The discussion also discusses "soul food," probiotics, the Mediterrean diet and changing dietary recommendations in the approach to cancer treatment. Added bonus: odd food recommendations to treat cancer. Please follow this link for Sheri's for website:


Welcome to the Sick & Good Podcast

Welcome to the Sick & Good Podcast! Hosted by cancer survivors Dustin Mesick, RDN and Colin Goodwin, PsyD, the podcast explores cancer-related topics from a wellness perspective. To start the conversation, Dustin and Colin share their cancer stories, the impact cancer had on their career paths, their role as hosts and vision for the podcast. Please follow the link for Dustin's YouTube channel:


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