Sick and Wrong Podcast

The Sick and Wrong Podcast is your chaperone through the depraved corners of modern life and your gateway into the comedy of the pathetic, exploring everything from internet conspiracies and the occult to true crime and paranormal phenomena.<br /> <br /> Hosts Dee Simon and Kate Rambo wade through the weirdest of the weird, from the sex cults and brutal murders of yesteryear to the internet conspiracies of today. Sick and Wrong is one of the longest running indie comedy podcasts, diddling while Rome burns since 2006.

S&W Episode 947: Hand Angels

Dee draws comparisons between Kate’s facilitated sex for her cat Chi Chi, a South African father who masturbates his profoundly disabled son, and the hand angels of Japan and Taiwan who volunteer to provide hand relief to the physically impaired. Tommy calls in with an eviction story and Little Bill complains once again about never...


S&W Episode 946: Fear of Death

Why would anyone want to live forever? Dee and Kate attempt to answer that question by delving into the Church of Perpetual life whose followers believe technology will advance to the point where death is rather optional. Glasgow Greg goes to the pokey and a listener is disappointed with Wackerle. Sign up for the Sick...


S&W Episode 945: Mommie Dearest

In honor of Mother’s day, Dee and Kate recount the story of Barbara Daly Baekeland, a mother who loved her son so much that she attempted to cure his homosexuality by having sex with him resulting in dire consequences. Marshall Island Tony calls in about being a gigolo and listners calls in about Hollywood Bowl...


S&W Episode 944: I’m From Hollywood

Dee and Kate chat with indie actor and director Dennis Woodruff on how to make it in Hollywood without ending up on the casting couch. Listener is obsessed with Kate’s toes and Dan from Aurora calls in to tell some corpse stories. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to hear Second Show, SW...


S&W Episode 943: Dirty Protest

The college students protesting across US campuses have caught the attention of the world media but for how long? Dee thinks that if they want to hold court in the media circus for longer, they need to turn their protest…DIRTY. Drunk Hot Elizabeth Short calls in to vent about parenting; Sober Hot Elizabeth Short calls...


S&W Episode 942: Farting at a Baby’s Funeral

Dead baby jokes are pretty funny unless they’re being told by serial killer abortionist, Dr Kermit Gosnell. Siege calls in about a fancy dress party and Driver shares a story of his family and their goat. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to hear Second Show, SW archives, and the bonus minisode Serial...


S&W Episode 941: The Juice is No Longer Loose

OJ Simpson’s passing has sparked a maelstrom of emotions within Kate Rambo – mostly joy. Dee and Kate pay tribute to the notorious celebrity murderer by reviewing the conspiracy theories about who really killed Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. Listeners informs Dee and Kate about the recent death of conjoined twins Lori and George...


S&W Episode 940: Double the Pleasure

The recent revelation about the marriage of Abby Hensel leads Dee and Kate to explore the sex lives of several famous conjoined twins. Listener is upset about last week’s show; longtime fan rings in to reminisce about sending titty pics; Buffalo Bill wants to know Kate’s go-to karaoke song. Sign up for the Sick and...


S&W Episode 939: The Wack is Back

The man, the myth, the legend Lance Wackerle officially returns as a regular cohost of the podcraft. What happens if a passenger gets a boner on a 2,000-person nude cruise? Minnesota driver says he was playing ‘Air Guitar’ and ‘Jamming Out’ when he fatally struck pedestrian. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to...


S&W Episode 938: Los Angeles Death Squad

In the early 80s, punk rock gangs ran wild in the streets of LA. Dee and Kate chat with Jimmy Genocide about bangin’, boozin’, and brawlin’ with the notorious Los Angeles Death Squad aka the LADS. Swede calls in about his romantic New Years holiday with the missus to Auschwitz and Kenny from Aberdeen reveals...


S&W Episode 937: Whistleblow Me

Dee and Kate compare the suspicious suicide of Boeing whistleblower John Barnett to the untimely and mysterious deaths of several other corporate whistleblowers who were moments away from providing damning testimony in very public court cases. Jason Decay calls in about ruining Valentine’s Day and a Drunk listener proclaims his love for Wackerle. Sign up...


S&W Episode 936: Burning Inside

The extreme act of protest by US Air Force member Aaron Bushnell prompts Dee and Kate to explore the history of self-immolation as the ultimate act of defiance and a drastic form of suicide as well as look into the veracity of other forms of combustion that are more spontaneous. Driver calls in with a...


S&W Episode 935: Willy’s Chocolate Experience

Dee, Kate, and special guest Alexandria from the We Hate You Podcast discuss what went wrong with the recent “Willy’s Chocolate Experience” failure in Glasgow, Scotland. Callie calls in with an S&W missed connection and Tom Chrons uses astrology to find love. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to hear Second Show, SW...


S&W Episode 934: Sleepytime Tea’s Racist Alien Cult

There’s no better way to relax after a busy day than on the sofa with a cup of Sleepytime tea… especially if the tea promotes messages of eugenics from aliens in solar systems millions of miles away. Dee and Kate spill the tea on another wacky American cult, The Urantia Foundation. Listener calls in about...


S&W Episode 933: Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell

Valentine’s Day can be a lonely holiday, especially for the side hoes. Kate tells Dee all about the scandalous life of famous side chick, Vicki Morgan, who shagged her way from rags to riches and back again, ending with her beautiful face being bashed in. Glasgow Greg phones in with a story about a New...


S&W Episode 932: Black Like Me

Dee and Kate celebrate Black History Month by delving into the life of John Howard Griffin, a journalist who darkened his skin to temporarily pass as a black man and journey through the Deep South in order to see life and segregation from the other side of the color line. Shelly calls in about an...


S&W Episode 931: Kansas City Three vs Yuba County Five

Dee and Kate explore the curious parallels between the mysterious deaths of three Kansas City Chiefs fans and the vanishing of five intellectually disabled men in Yuba County, California in 1978. Christian Slater calls in about his time in the armed forces and Siege shares a story about drunken scooter shenanigans. Sign up for the...


S&W Episode 930: Vince McMahon the Ringpiece Master

Inspired by the recent juicy allegations that Vince McMahon is a sexual deviant, Dee and Kate swanton bomb into the past and present of one of the greatest and sleaziest ringmasters in history. Shelly calls in to tell us why you shouldn’t bring your dog on a Tinder date and listener lets us know that...


S&W Episode 929: The Day the Clown Cried

It’s Dee’s birthday and the only gift he wants is to finally see Jerry Lewis’ legendary never released Holocaust film “The Day the Clown Cried” about a circus clown who entertains Jewish children in a concentration camp before they head to their final shower of doom. Atheist Preacher calls in with the grossest story ever...


S&W Episode 928: Putting the Ass in Assassin

Dee and Kate celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. day by discussing the little known first assassination attempt on the civil rights leader and several other assassination attempts carried out by women scorned and seeking revenge. MI Tony calls in to reminisce on his time working at a seedy Tokyo club and TF finally gets laid...


Amy Hall

Woke BS

02-18 Reply

drew summers

her talking about murdering the royal family gets me hard

09-12 Reply


I can't believe Harrison just up n left w/o saying goodbye to his fans n explaining why he's leaving himself instead of Dee having to tell us. Harrison became apart of our lives so it's the least he could do is show his respect n gratitude to fans n Dee.

10-20 Reply

Joe J.

good show but needs better audio quality

07-14 Reply


Dee: "you wouldn't wanna know the position....?"

05-13 Reply











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