DiscoverSimple Rhythms for Busy Moms | SAHM, Routines, Biblical Motherhood, Balance, Schedules, Work-Life Balance, Productivity
Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms | SAHM, Routines, Biblical Motherhood, Balance, Schedules, Work-Life Balance, Productivity
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Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms | SAHM, Routines, Biblical Motherhood, Balance, Schedules, Work-Life Balance, Productivity

Author: KyAnn Molina-Home Systems & Time Management for Work From Home Moms

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The Go-To Podcast for Busy, Christian Moms Who Want to Get More Done and Still Be Present With Their Family!

Are you constantly trying out new daily routines that have you juggling house chores and cramming in work during nap times?
Do you feel guilty when your kiddos invite you to play, but by the time you’ve told them ’just a minute,’ ’hang on,’ or ’let me finish this’, the day has slipped away with no intentional focused time together at all?
Does your brain feel like it will never just SHUT OFF with your continuously running to-do list?

I’m SO excited you’re here!! This podcast will help you create simple systems, daily routines, and time management strategies to feel more productive in your days so you can balance running a home AND being fully present for your kiddos.

Hey, I’m KyAnn. A mom, wife, and Jesus lover. For too many years, I let my habits just sort of happen without much intention or thought. I felt constantly behind and I was trying to do it all, but doing NONE of it well.
I was chasing business success, achievements, and hustle culture that stole my time and mental health so I didn’t have any extra energy to devote to building intentional habits that kept my priorities in the RIGHT order. I finally realized that if I was going to balance motherhood and homemaking well, I had to find simple routines and systems to serve me in the season I was in.

I created daily rhythms for our family that reflected my priorities and helped me tackle my to-do list, all while allowing me to be fully present with my kiddos - simple systems that when practiced well, even allowed extra time to work on my business during the cracks of time during the day. And now I’m ready to share it all with you!

If you are ready to finally find a routine that works for you…steps to feel more balanced and less overwhelmed in your days as a busy mom…systems that give you your time back, help you to be more present with the people you love most, and finally get your brain to just RELAX-this podcast is for you!

Pop in your single AirPod (mom friends, you know you do this, too!), grab your iced coffee, it’s time to find your rhythm!

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40 Episodes
Hi, friend! Today’s episode is something new and really fun that I’m excited to share with you. I was so inspired by my friend Kate Scholtes sharing her monthly R.E.P.O.R.T. on her podcast that I am taking her inspiration and doing the same! In today’s episode, I’m sharing some of my favorite books lately, my go-to snack that takes 1 minute or less that I’m having on repeat, and a few favorite habits that are helping me rest, unplug, and truly just have FUN more in my daily life as a work from home mom! If you love hearing what other people are loving and learning on their journey as a busy mom trying to figure it all out, this episode is for you! I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy! Hugs! -KyAnn   Mentions: Kate’s Podcast (Your Behind the Scenes BFF): Listen to episode 25 on part 1 of my social media journey: Listen to episode 30 on leaving social media entirely: Rally business community for female Christian entrepreneurs: Tired of Being Tired by Jess Connolly: Psychology of Winning by Dr. Denis Waitley: Vanilla latte tallow face cream:   JOIN THE SIMPLE RHYTHMS FOR BUSY MOMS COURSE: SIMPLIFY YOUR HOME SYSTEMS FOR MORE TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY! >>> <<<   Download my FREE morning routine guide: Come join the FREE FB community:   Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat Email me:
Hi, friend! Today’s episode is a really fun one! I’m sharing my current favorite podcasts to binge. One of the easiest and most enjoyable way that we can consume information as busy moms is by listening to podcasts! I’ve found that I’ve been able to grow so much personally, in my faith, and even learning in my business through carving out time to listen to other podcasts and apply what I learn. I think it’s so fun to hear what podcasts other people are loving or gaining wisdom from that’s what today’s episode is all about! I am sharing my top favorites in multiple categories-parenting, mom life, Christian encouragement and lifestyle, and a few business podcasts that I’m loving as well. So excited for this episode! I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy! Hugs! KyAnn   Mentions: Rally business community for female Christian entrepreneurs:   Podcasts Mentioned: The Balanced Momcast Parenting with Ginger Hubbard Ditch Mom Anxiety Coffee + Crumbs Podcast Real Talk with Rachel Awtrey The Jess Connolly Podcast Dig Your Well with Jane Johnson Girls Night’ with Stephanie May Wilson Online Business for Christian Women School of Sales by the Salesgirls The Graham Cochrane Show The Lazy Genius Podcast Simple Farmhouse Life Walk In Love   Ginger’s Biblical parenting chart: Mercy Like Morning by Jane Johnson book:   JOIN THE SIMPLE RHYTHMS FOR BUSY MOMS COURSE: SIMPLIFY YOUR HOME SYSTEMS FOR MORE TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY! >>> <<<   Download my FREE morning routine guide: Come join the FREE FB community:   Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat Email me:
Hi, friend! In today’s episode, I’m talking all about friendship and how to find and keep strong friendships in the midst of busy mom life. I’ve heard so many times from moms that the little years especially were some of the loneliest times of their life, which I think is so sad because I truly believe that often, this is the time we need the support, community, and life-giving friendships (and maybe just conversation with actual humans other than our toddlers) the MOST. I’m going to share what I’ve learned over the years as well as practical tips for what is working for me right now to prioritize friendship amidst a very full life! How to find life-giving friendships as a mom, tips to maintain and grow the friendships you already have, and how to practically make this a priority with everything else you have going on. I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy! Hugs! -KyAnn   Mentions: Real Talk with Rachel Awtrey Podcast: JOIN THE SIMPLE RHYTHMS FOR BUSY MOMS COURSE: SIMPLIFY YOUR HOME SYSTEMS FOR MORE TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY! >>> <<< Download my FREE morning routine guide: Come join the FREE FB community:   Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat Email me:
Hi, friend! It's not too late! We have EXTENDED all the sale and challenge BONUSES through THIS Tuesday, September 24th! We had a VERY generous anonymous donor come forward wanting to sponsor THREE scholarships to my course. God is moving and I know there are 3 specific women God has in mind that need this scholarship and need this course! If you have been waiting and on the fence, it is YOUR TIME, friend! Anyone who has already jumped in this week + any new course students by this Tuesday will be entered to win a scholarship! Listen for all the details! I can’t wait to see you inside the course! Hugs! -KyAnn   Mentions: JOIN THE SIMPLE RHYTHMS FOR BUSY MOMS COURSE: SIMPLIFY YOUR HOME SYSTEMS FOR MORE TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY! HURRY AND CLAIM $100 OFF + ALL THE CHALLENGE BONUSES, THIS WEEK ONLY! >>> <<<   Download my FREE morning routine guide: Come join the FREE FB community:   Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat Email me:
Hi, friend! It’s not too late! TODAY is the day to make the decision to take the next step in getting out of the chronic overwhelm and survival mode and stepping INTO finding consistent routines in your home that reflect your priorities. Let me help you finally find consistency in your daily routines and home systems for more time with your family. This is SO possible for you and it’s time to take a step of faith, say yes, and get all of the incredible deals and bonuses that come from my Stop the Overwhelm in Motherhood Challenge! I can’t wait to see you inside the course! Hugs! -KyAnn   Mentions: JOIN THE SIMPLE RHYTHMS FOR BUSY MOMS COURSE: SIMPLIFY YOUR HOME SYSTEMS FOR MORE TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY! HURRY AND CLAIM $100 OFF + ALL THE CHALLENGE BONUSES, THIS WEEK ONLY! >>> <<<   Download my FREE morning routine guide: Come join the FREE FB community:   Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat Email me:
Hi, friend! Are you tired of constantly feeling behind and overwhelmed trying to do it all, but feeling like you’re getting NOWHERE? Are you exhausted trying to balance mom life, business, and somehow keep up on your home all at the same time? In today’s episode, I’m bringing on one of my amazing students, Jessica Tung Thomas. She recently graduated the course and she is coming on the show to tell us all about her experience, why she joined the course, what it’s really like on the inside, what wins she’s experienced, and if it’s actually worth it! She’s also sharing specifically about how impactful the systems and tools she’s learned in the course have been for navigating a really HARD season that she and her family are currently walking through. It doesn’t make the circumstances any easier, but it has given her so much more capacity and bandwidth to serve and love her family well through this season, while her home and family responsibilities are taken care of with the systems she’s put in place. I am so honored to share this conversation with you today! This is a juicy one-you’re definitely going to want to be a fly on the wall to listen in if you’ve been thinking about joining the Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course! I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy! Hugs! -KyAnn   Mentions:   JOIN THE SIMPLE RHYTHMS FOR BUSY MOMS COURSE: SIMPLIFY YOUR HOME SYSTEMS FOR MORE TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY! HURRY AND CLAIM $100 OFF + ALL THE CHALLENGE BONUSES, THIS WEEK ONLY! >>> <<<   Download my FREE morning routine guide: Come join the FREE FB community:   Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat Email me:
Hi, friend! In today’s episode, we are broaching the subject of work-life balance. I have shared pieces of my story of falling into workaholic tendencies and unintentionally prioritizing work over pretty much everything else in my life. Let me tell you, it was NOT a pretty season of my life.  Today, we’re going to talk all about 2 practical things you need to let go of to truly prioritize family FIRST as a work from home mom. You have a desire to have a business or work in some way, but you also know you want your family to be your main priority-how do you balance BOTH?! Such a good question and one that I’m excited to start exploring a little bit more in this episode! And if you are a full time stay at home mom or work outside the home mom, I think there will still be lots that will apply to you as well. No matter what our “work” is, it can be very easy to let that work overrun and rule the show and crowd out our best intentions of keeping our family a top priority. Getting really honest about that and creating systems to help safeguard those priorities is so key in finding the balance that works for you and your family in the season you’re in. I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy! Hugs! -KyAnn   Mentions:   SIGN UP FOR THE STOP THE OVERWHELM IN MOTHERHOOD CHALLENGE: SIMPLE HOME SYSTEMS YOU CAN IMPLEMENT IN 15 MINUTES/DAY (or less!) Monday, September 16th-Tuesday, September 17th 12PM PST/ 1 PM MST/ 2PM CST/ 3 PM EST >>> <<<   Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: Download my FREE morning routine guide: Come join the FREE FB community:   Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat Email me:
Hi, friend! Do you hate procrastinating? Does it drive you absolutely crazy to have an endless to do list, but then end every day just continually pushing the same items over to the next day again and again on repeat?! In today’s episode, we’re going to get to the root of the excuses that are causing the procrastination that is driving you NUTS in your life…and 3 truths to help you break through those lies and finally find consistency in your daily routines. Sometimes, hearing someone else talk through the specific things that you have believed to be true in your own life can really bring freedom to look at things another way and to see available options that you may have to find change in that area. I know that has been true in my own life and that’s why I’m sharing this episode today. I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy! Hugs! KyAnn   Mentions: Listen to episode 30 on leaving social media: Listen to episode 31 on no time to set up the routine + going in the RIGHT order:   SIGN UP FOR THE STOP THE OVERWHELM IN MOTHERHOOD CHALLENGE: SIMPLE HOME SYSTEMS YOU CAN IMPLEMENT IN 15 MINUTES/DAY (or less!) Monday, September 16th-Tuesday, September 17th 12PM PST/ 1 PM MST/ 2PM CST/ 3 PM EST >>> <<<   Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: Download my FREE morning routine guide: Come join the FREE FB community:   Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat Email me:
Hi, friend! In today’s episode, I’m talking specifically about what to do if you know you need more consistency in your days, you want to reset your routines and habits to help you feel less overwhelmed trying to manage it all, you feel ALL OVER THE PLACE 24/7 and you know something has to change…but you just don’t have the time. What do you do when you know something needs to change, but you don’t have the time to set up the routine, you definitely don’t have the time to tweak and test and start over from scratch when the first routine doesn’t work for you in your season, and you feel like you’re just stuck. We’re going to talk all about the steps to starting where you are and how to do it in a way that is super sustainable for your busy life. I hear you-I’ve totally been there and this episode is for you. I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy! Hugs! -KyAnn   Mentions: Atomic Habits book:   SIGN UP FOR THE STOP THE OVERWHELM IN MOTHERHOOD CHALLENGE: SIMPLE HOME SYSTEMS YOU CAN IMPLEMENT IN 15 MINUTES/DAY (or less!) Monday, September 16th-Tuesday, September 17th 12PM PST/ 1 PM MST/ 2PM CST/ 3 PM EST >>> <<<   Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: Download my FREE morning routine guide: Come join the FREE FB community:   Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat Email me:
Hi, friend! Have you ever felt like just walking away from social media FOR GOOD?! Well, I’m doing exactly that in a world where this is VERY anti-cultural. I’m getting really personal in this episode with behind the scenes stories I’ve NEVER shared online, vulnerable truths about WHY I’m doing this, and what this means for my business moving forward. I am usually very careful about sharing big pivotal events or moments in my personal life (or even my business life) not in real time, not in the current moment, but once I have processed it and am in a really good place with it.  But, I’m breaking my own rule today. I feel like God put a specific tug on my heart to share this live, in real time. I think there are some valuable lessons here that are more impactful if I share the heaviness/the weight of this decision now so I hope this will be encouraging or helpful in some way for your journey. I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy! Hugs! -KyAnn   Mentions: Listen to part 1 of my social media journey: Writing Off Social episode with Stef Gass: Stef Gass’s podcast: The Gift of Limitations:   SIGN UP FOR THE STOP THE OVERWHELM IN MOTHERHOOD CHALLENGE: Simple Home Systems You Can Implement In 15 Minutes/Day (or less!) Monday, September 16th-Tuesday, September 17th 12PM PST/ 1 PM MST/ 2PM CST/ 3 PM EST >>> <<<   Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: Download my FREE morning routine guide: Come join the FREE FB community:   Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat Email me:
Hi, friend! Do you ever feel like you get to the end of the day, crawl into bed, and wonder what you even accomplished at all?! You know you weren’t just laying around, but also feel like you were just constantly “hot potato-ing” from one task to the next, without fully ever finishing a single one. (I FEEL THIS and have so been there!) In today’s episode, I’m going to be sharing the NUMBER ONE thing that is STEALING from your productivity as a work from home mom. Balancing raising kids, faith, running our home, investing in our marriages is a LOT…and then when you throw in a dream or desire to grow a business or side hustle in the cracks of time we have-sometimes it can feel like jumping aboard a sinking ship if we’re being honest.  I’m here to go deep into this today and reveal the #1 thing I believe is truly stealing from your productivity that will make a huge difference in how you manage your days in this area. And if you’re a full time stay at home mom, there is so much in this episode for you as well so stay tuned! I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy! Hugs! KyAnn   Mentions: SIGN UP FOR THE STOP THE OVERWHELM IN MOTHERHOOD CHALLENGE: SIMPLE HOME SYSTEMS YOU CAN IMPLEMENT IN 15 MINUTES/DAY (or less!) Monday, September 16th-Tuesday, September 17th 12PM PST/ 1 PM MST/ 2PM CST/ 3 PM EST >>> <<<   Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: Download my FREE morning routine guide: Come join the FREE FB community:   Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat Email me:
Hi, friend! Do you feel like your schedule is just TOO full? Does it feel like you never have the time to actually slow down and spend time with your kids like you really want to? In today’s episode, it’s time to get real. We ALL want more time in the day, we all feel like we never have enough time to really balance all of our roles well. And one thing that I keep seeing come up again and again is you’re feeling like you just don’t have enough time in the day to really spend quality time with your kids the way you want to. Trust me, I’ve been there and it’s so frustrating. You’ve dreamed of motherhood for so long, you’re finally here, and it feels like you are just constantly rushing through every day trying to accomplish all the things and cross off all the items on your to do list or get to the next appointment on time and not enough time in the day to simply soak up time with your kids and be present the way you want to. SO, in today’s episode, I’m going to break down 3 simple ways for you to say NO in order to have MORE time with your kids. I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy! Hugs! KyAnn   Mentions: Emily P. Freeman blog: Sign Up for the STOP the Overwhelm in Motherhood Challenge: Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: Download my FREE morning routine guide: Come join the FREE FB community:   Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat Email me:
Hi, friend! Do you really want to carve out more time with your kids? Are your kids your absolute TOP priority, but you also struggle with getting caught up in all the things that practically need to get done each day? In today’s episode, I’m sharing with you a time management hack that I’ve been using in my life recently that has really been helping to make sure I’m building in the time to focus on my kids the way I really want to, without just getting distracted constantly by all the things I have to do. We all have things that need to get done each day and if you’ve ever struggled with constantly choosing the next thing that needs to get done (whether that’s in business or housework) over prioritizing sitting down to enjoy quality time with your kids, this episode is for you. I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy! Hugs! KyAnn   Mentions: Listen to episode 12 on daily rhythm for intentional time with your kids: Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: Download my FREE morning routine guide: Come join the FREE FB community:   Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat Email me:
Hi, friend! Today’s episode is for the mom listening that has tried routines in the past, you’ve tried all the things-super specific routine charts outlined down to the minute, sleep routines, chore charts to get things done around the house, all of it. And no matter what it is, you just CANNOT stick to it for longer than a couple days max before giving up entirely.  You want more organization in your life, you want to know what to expect each day (for both you AND your kids), and you want systems to help you turn your brain off at the end of the day and just truly rest and unplug, to recharge for the next day.  You’re overwhelmed trying to balance it all and you need some help, but you know that routines are NOT the answer because they’ve never worked for you in the past. In today’s episode, we’re diving into WHY you’ve never been able to stick to routines previously and the 3 time management secrets you NEED to finally be consistent in this area. I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy! Hugs! KyAnn   Mentions: Listen to episode 2 about building your morning routine: Listen to episode 16 on my current morning routine with 3 kids 4 & under: Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: Download my FREE morning routine guide: Come join the FREE FB community:   Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat Email me:
Hi, friend! Is it even possible to run a business without social media?! You know you want to be on your phone less, but you can never find boundaries that actually work because you have to be on your phone to market your business! Is balance in this area even realistic at all?! Especially as a mom of littles who REALLY wants to be present and not waste the little years being so distracted on social media constantly. If you’ve ever asked any of those questions or wondered how other moms and small business owners navigate social media, I’m pulling back the curtain in this episode for all the vulnerable (and frankly EMBARRASSING) stats and journey of what my social media usage has looked like over the years in all 3 of my businesses to date. Where I failed, where I’ve grown, the boundaries I swear by now, and most importantly, how the Lord has convicted my heart in a whole new way in the past year on this topic. This is going to be a juicy one, friends! I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy! Hugs! KyAnn   Mentions: Online Business for Christian Women Podcast: Stefanie Gass resources: Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: Download my FREE morning routine guide: Come join the FREE FB community + enter the GIVEAWAY:   Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat Email me:
Hi, friend! Do you feel like you are constantly hustling, always thinking about the next thing that needs to get done, errand you have to run, or item you need to cross off your daily to do list?! In today’s episode, I’m talking to all my mom friends that feel like you can NEVER get your brain to just shut off. Maybe you know you want to REST more and slow down, be fully present, but honestly you don’t even know HOW to rest. I’m going to break down 10 simple ways to embrace REST before the summer ends…tiny ways to fully rest even as a busy mom of littles, unplug and unwind to ultimately serve your family better by giving them the BEST version of yourself. Some of these you probably haven’t thought of before and prioritizing rest in your daily rhythms is so much simpler than we make it out to be! I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy! Hugs! KyAnn   Mentions: 5 signs you’re living beyond your capacity episode: Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: Download my FREE morning routine guide: Come join the FREE FB community:   Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat Email me:
Hi, friend! I don’t know about you, but my schedule has been ALL OVER THE PLACE the last few weeks with 4th of July plans, family in from out of town, VBS, family vacation, all the things. And it has me feeling a little crazy if I’m being honest. In today’s episode, we’re diving into HOW to practically get yourself back on schedule when your routines get completely out of whack from all the summer events and plans you’re enjoying. We all want to embrace summer and live up all the fun summer things, but then how to bring it back in quickly after those crazy weeks. How to reset and get back to a good place with your routines and rhythms ASAP after crazier weeks of summer plans so that you don’t spend a month just trying to get back to normal after your summer vacation. I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy! Hugs! KyAnn   Mentions: Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: Download my FREE morning routine guide: Come join the FREE FB community:   Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat Email me:
Hi, friend! In today’s episode, I’m sharing 16 fun mid-summer activities to do with your kids without breaking the budget. These can really apply for all ages (tweaked to your kids’ specific ages and interests), but my kids are currently toddler and preschool age so I would say specifically mamas with kiddos ages 0-6, all of this will definitely apply for you! I don’t know about you, but this summer is FLYING and as moms of littles, we want to find cheap, simple ways to embrace summer and create core memories with our toddlers and preschoolers-without making it more complicated than it needs to be! I thought this would be a fun way to crowdsource some fun summer activities to break up the mundane, cross a few things off the summer bucket list in a SIMPLE, low stress way, and just create some core summer memories with our kiddos especially now that we’re more than halfway through the summer. I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy! Hugs! KyAnn   Mentions: Smoothie popsicle molds: Sunflower app information: Wichita Mom blog: Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: Download my FREE morning routine guide: Come join the FREE FB community:   Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat Email me:
Hi, friend! I have a really fun BONUS episode for you today! In today’s episode, I’m giving you a behind the scenes look at what the Lord is teaching me about content in the season that I’m in. As Christian mamas that want our lives to be focused on Christ and glorifying Him, we all want to be more content in our day to day lives and find joy in everything we’ve been given. But, I don’t know about you, but that can be a LOT easier said than done.  I’m sharing some vulnerable stories on how I’ve navigated the majority of my life in this area, what I wish I learned earlier, and what it looks like to be content as a stay at home mom who has big dreams and goals. The Lord has taught me some surprising lessons in my life recently about contentment and finding joy in the season that we’re currently in, instead of just looking ahead to the next constantly.  I want to share some of these lessons as I’m learning them just like I would sitting down with a friend catching up on what the Lord is doing in our lives so that is the feel of this episode. It’s a raw and real kind of episode and I’m praying it is an encouragement to you! Enjoy! Hugs! KyAnn   Mentions: Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: Download my FREE morning routine guide: Come join the FREE FB community:   Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat Email me:
Hi, friend! In today’s episode, we’re going to get into the nitty gritty of independent play for kids. We all want more time to get things done around the house, maybe you’re in a season that you need to sneak in a few minutes of work when your toddlers are still awake, or maybe you just want to drink your coffee and read your Bible in peace for a few minutes. Independent play is something that is talked about a lot and I feel like pretty much ALL moms want their kids to have this skill, especially in today’s society of constant distraction and screens and overstimulation. I’m going to teach you 3 practical habit shifts that you can start applying today to help your kids have longer stretches of independent play time daily. This is going to be a juicy one, friends, let’s get into it! I pray this episode is a blessing for you! Enjoy! Hugs! KyAnn   Mentions: Episode 12 prioritizing intentional time with your kids daily: Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: Download my FREE morning routine guide: Come join the FREE FB community:   Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat Email me: