Simulation Nation

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Episode 103 - Brainstorm

Today's episode is on honor of Douglas Trumbull, the genius behind the special effects of 2001: A Space Odyssey, Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind, Star Trek, Blade Runner and others, who passed from this corporeal plane to become a star child himself on Feb 7th, 2022. The film we are revisiting today was Douglas’ directorial debut. Brainstorm stars Christopher Walken as a scientists who invents a brain–computer interface enabling sensations to be recorded from a person's brain and converted to tape for others to experience.


Episode 147 - Improvatars

The Improvatars is an inclusive group of performers specializing in improvised virtual theatrical events.


Episode 146 - Bigger Better Meta

Bigger Better Meta is Sir Saxy and Soul Gee, the latter of which has worked with such musicians as P Diddy and TLC. Together, they have created the unofficial anthem of virtual reality with their single ‘Welcome to the Metaverse’, and have weekly rap battles with their Power Hour. Oh, and did we mention they’re on a mission to educate the world about Web 3 and give people the tools to create their own opportunities in The Metaverse? Check out our conversation here.


Episode 144 - CTO of Sansar Hurchel Young

we have made our second stop in Sansar, where we are meeting with another another Altspace Alumni. We knew him as Emulor, who created our ingenious jukebox MRE that provided the soundtrack for countless of our events, but is also known as Hurchel Young, the CTO of Sansar. We will talk with him about this burgeoning metaverse platform, and all that it entails.  


Episode 143 - In-World VR Filmmaker Carlos Austin

We start our post-Altspace journey with an Altspace alum, Carlos Austin, who is an ‘In-World’ VR Filmmaker who has recorded events in VRChat, Sansar, Altspace, NeosVR and many other platforms. Carlos is helping to create broadcast television standards for capturing live events in virtual social platforms.


Episode 142 - ISSRadio

ISSRadio has been a DJ IRL for the last 30 years and in VR for last 3 years. He built the Paris Hilton VR world in Altspace to give her a place to play in metaverse..


Episode 141 - Altspace Farewell Panel

Our mission has been to archive all the amazing groups, worlds, talent and channels in altspace before we’re cast out as digital nomad, wandering the metaverse for a new home. And today we have the grand finale. On the eve of Altspace’s sunset, we are talking with the most accomplished panel of altspace illuminati perhaps ever assembled... We’ll talk about where we’ve been, what Altspace meant to us, and where we’re headed.


Episode 140 - MOMA Raves

The pandemic tried to stomp out fun, but MOMA assured that the boogie would never stop. Over the last few years, MOMA Raves have been set in over fifteen different virtual worlds, encompassing 120 hours of dancing and over 9000 dance-happy avatars. We talked with founders Zacke and Manon about their experiences, and where the best VR parties will be occurring after The Great Migration away from Altspace.


Episode 139 - Eli Roth's BE MINE: A VR Valentine's Slasher Review

For a different kind of Valentie's experience, we reviewed Be Mine. Written by Eli Roth (Cabin Fever, Hostel), this 30-minute, 180- and 360-degree immersive VR experience follows Becca, a girl who’s stalked by an anonymous maniac in a Cupid mask, as she finds herself at the center of a frightening Valentine’s Day nightmare. Eli Roth’s BE MINE: A VR Valentine’s Slasher premiered in Meta Horizon Worlds on February 10. If you missed it, you can check it out here--


Episode 137 - The Peripheral

This show is set roughly a decade in the future when a gamer is given a new VR headset that transports her to an alternate reality, as well as a dark future of her own.Based on the book written by William Gibson (whose Neuromancer we covered in a previous episode), and brought to you by the same team that created Westworld (another episode of ours!), we'll dive into the series and give our Wow score.Fan of the show or the book? Give us your thoughts!


Episode 136 - Harlem Film House

Harlem Film House provides creatives services and resources to ensure longevity in careers in film, theatre and related entrepreneurial pursuits in underserved communities around the world.They produce film & music festivals, workshops, theatre productions, live events, and most importantly, the Mall of the MetaVerse in Altspace.


Episode 135 - Shamanic Sound Healer JoAnn Chambers

JoAnn Chambers is a shamanic sound healer and a digital content creator.She creates sound healing events in her 25+ virtual worlds in ASVR, built by Jose Ferrer.The worlds feature magical meditation spaces, NFT art and/or trippy psychedelic music videos centered around the soundscapes her husband Gary/aka ShapeshifterDNA creates.Their 35-year body of work emanates from mystical teachings in the field of Conscious Evolution - Visionary Music & Multimedia.Their main world is MUSE (BHE535), a sound healing temple which features 25+ portals to amazing meditation styled worlds.In 2023, MUSE will become a non-profit foundation that will support up and coming evolutionary artists and projects focused in VR/AR/XR and Web 3.0 technologies.


Episode 134 - Worldbuilder Lightyear

For our final Worldbuilder of Altspace interview of 2022, we are proud to have Lightyear on our stage.Lightyear's worlds span from serene meditation temples to terrifying abandoned ruins, to the elaborate worlds found in The Witcher series.Join us as Lightyear talks us through his inspirations, some of his technical tricks, and then gives us a world tour of some of his blockbusters.Check it!


Episode 133 - Aliens, Simulations, and Quantum Consciousness with Sci-fi Author Dave Norman

Join us for a wide-ranging discussion with and scifi author Dave Norman. He came to talk about his novel Halien Aeon, the first of a pentalogy about a deep, mysterious intelligence that pervades the creation of our solar system, but went on tangents concerning everything from Quantum Entanglement, the laws of physics, and why intergalactic travel is rather difficult. If you're a fan of Neal Stephenson's Seveneves or the sprawling Culture series by Iain M Banks, this book may pique your interest.


Episode 132 - The New Frontier of Art with Candice Houtekier

Today we’re talking to the operator of the Floating Point Art Gallery, which is a meta gallery that lives in virtual reality and explores not only the new frontier of art, but also online marketplaces and digital publishing models for artists.Here to talk about the role of NFTs, her experience running a gallery in the metaverse, and the state of digital art with the new proliferation of AI such as Midjourney and dall-e 2, we are happy to have Candice back on this stage. 


Episode 131 - Avatar Revisted

Love them or hate them, the blue aliens are coming back with the long awaited Avatar 2 - The Way of Water.Just in time for the release of the new film a decade in the making, we're taking a look back at the original to see if it holds up.Have a strong opinion about Avatar? Want to refresh your memory? Check out this episode!


Episode 130 - THX-1138

Before George Lucas found The Force and brought us Star Wars, he created an intellectually scifi indie film called THX-1138.Many of you may have seen that film, and noticed precursors from everything to light sabers and stormtroopers, but did you ever consider that it takes place entirely in a simulation? Based on an article by our previous guest, cyberpunk author Mark Everglade, we are going to dive in and see if this theory holds merit.Join us as we go into a simulation far, far away for this episode of Futurosity's Flix and Pix..


Episode 129 - Stereoscopic 3D Photography in the Metaverse

Stereo vision is when separate images from two eyes are successfully combined into one 3D image in the brain.In virtual reality, no special glasses are required to view stereo 3D photographs as they become just another part of the fabric of reality.You can easily create and post 3D photos and videos in virtual reality thanks to the technical wizardty of our guest ch0rtle (Dave Stereo3D).


Episode 128 - A Brief History of Anime

We are very excited to dive into all things anime with our fearless guide Shoyo who runs the C's Anime Club in virtual reality. Shoyo starts all the way back at the beginning in the early 1900s Japan, and lead us through the pillars of the art form to its present state. We'll talk about all your favorites from Neon Genesis Evangelion and Cowboy Bepop, as well as dive into lesser known gems like The Tale of the White Serpent and Bubblegum Crisis. If you're a fan of anime, or if you're intimidated by the massive amount of content, this is your guide. Enjoy!


Episode 127 - The Player of Games by Iain Banks

Long before Ready Player One, there was a book about an intergalactic game of chance and luck called The Player of Games, by Iain M. Banks, published in 1988. It was the second Culture novel, which is a vast AI interface that plug people into a better reality, or does it?We’ll break down the book, see if it holds up, and talk about its relevance in today’s world which has VR gaming as the new frontier. Check it!


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