Single2Soulmate By Tonya Alberti~Manifest Your Soulmate

Are you just F’ING done? Done with being hurt yet AGAIN! Wondering if it will EVER happen for you? Then you’ve found the right podcast! Discover how to attract the love of your life by stepping into the best and highest version of yourself through a relationship with your own soul. By healing the wounds of your past, and letting go of your ‘I’m not enough’ story, you can begin to align with who you truly are at soul level and finally attract that soulmate love you’re longing for! Looking to manifest your soulmate? Connect with me at

BE the Soulmate You Want To Attract!

Welcome to another exciting episode of Single2Soulmate, the podcast where we explore the journey from being single to finding your soulmate. - Today, we have a remarkable guest with us, Jeanne Sullivan Billeci, author of "Be the Soul Mate You Want to Attract." Jeanne's extraordinary mid-life love story and her unique approach to attracting love will inspire and enlighten you. - Jeanne Sullivan Billeci has entertained and inspired millions through her interviews. She's a certified life coach and author, helping singles transform their love lives. - Her story involves using her marketing and law of attraction skills to make one significant change and call in her husband overnight. - You can connect with Jeanne on social media: - [Facebook]( - [Instagram]( - [LinkedIn]( - [Website]( - Jeanne's Book: "Be the Soul Mate You Want to Attract" - Masterclass: "Be the Soul Mate You Want to Attract Masterclass" - Date: October 30th - Time: 11:30 am Pacific, 2:30 pm Eastern, 7:30 pm UK/Ireland - Jeanne will reveal her secrets to breaking free from old dating patterns and calling in your soulmate. - Price: Only 11.11 EUR (approx 11.70 USD) - Are you dreading the dating scene? Do you feel like you attract all the wrong people? This Halloween weekend, let's create a magical spell together. - Join Jeanne on October 30th for her special masterclass and say goodbye to the creepers and hello to your soul mate. **Discover Your Love Blocks:** - Take the free "Discover Your Biggest Love Block Quiz" on Jeanne's website: [Quiz Link]( - Uncover what's been holding you back from the love you desire. - Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Single2Soulmate. We hope you're as excited as we are about the insights you've gained today. - Remember to connect with Jeanne and take that quiz to start your journey toward finding your soulmate. See you in the next episode!


Does He See Your Heart or Just Your Body? Tips to Weed Out Players From Partners

In this week's episode of Single2Soulmate, we're getting real about sex, dating and protecting your heart. Diving into topics like whirlwind romances, casual hookups, and spotting men who just want to hit it and quit it, hosts Tonya Alberti and Erika Furuzono get candid about why women should carefully consider intimacy before commitment. This eye-opening episode covers the roots of the patriarchy's push for rushed physicality, how to build emotional intimacy first, and tips for pacing yourself in dating to weed out players from real partners. You'll learn tangible techniques to keep your pants on and standards high while dating, so you can avoid heartbreak and find someone who loves you for your mind, body and spirit. After listening, you'll be empowered to date smart, honor your worth, and wait for meaningful commitment before getting intimate. Save your precious heart and hormones for someone worthy! If this episode got you thinking about past relationships with emotionally unavailable men, don't miss this special free masterclass Thursday september 28th at 8pm eastern, on "Ghosting the Ghoster: Avoiding Players and Finding The One Who Won't Leave." I will teach you how to spot red flags early, set boundaries, and build connections with mature men ready for real partnership. Click here to register:


Doing The Inner Work to Attract Lasting Love!

In this insightful episode of Single2Soulmate, we dive deep into the crucial topic of "Doing the Inner Work to Find Lasting Love." Join us as we explore the transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth that can lead to a fulfilling and lasting relationship. My expert guest Transformational Coach Erika Furozono shares her valuable insights on: - Understanding the importance of self-love and self-acceptance in attracting the right partner. - Identifying and breaking free from patterns of behavior that may be blocking your path to true love. - Nurturing emotional intelligence to build healthier, more fulfilling connections. - Practical tips and strategies to embark on your own inner work journey. But that's not all! Stay tuned until the end for an exciting announcement. I’m thrilled to invite you to follow me on Instagram for exclusive updates on my upcoming masterclass, where I’ll delve even deeper into the world of relationships. Discover how to avoid emotionally unavailable partners and create the love you've always desired. Don't miss this transformative episode and be sure to follow me on Instagram to stay in the loop about my upcoming masterclass. Your path to lasting love begins with the inner work, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way! 💖📚 #Single2Soulmate #LoveMasterclass #InnerWorkForLove


Stop Chasing GHOSTS! How to Stop Attracting Emotionally Unavailable Partners

Tired of attracting partners who won’t fully commit? It’s time to break the cycle of emotional unavailability! In this empowering episode, I will be sharing: the top signs of an emotionally unavailable partner so you can spot the patterns early - how to communicate your needs and expectations clearly without scaring off a good match - when it’s time to walk away from a partner unwilling to meet your needs - internal work to better understand your attraction to unavailable people - and steps to build confidence and asking for the love you deserve. You have the power to call in and emotionally available, soul-connected relationship. Tune in to gain insight into attracting love! Key takeaways: tactics to identify unavailability early through hot/cold behaviors - setting strong boundaries when needs aren’t being met - reflecting on self-worth and past relationship patterns - uplifting advice on believing in your worth, and manifesting love. The journey to finding real commitment starts within. Love starts with you! If you’re not already doing so, then make sure to follow me on Instagram at @I am_tonyaalberti There you will find regular posts about how to tune in to your intuition, how to develop healthy relationships, and how to manifest your happily ever after!


Relationship Red Flags. 🚩Know When to RUN!

In this eye-opening episode of Single2Soulmate, we delve into the critical topic of "Red Flags: Know When to Run!" Erika Furuzono and I will guide you through the art of recognizing those subtle warning signs in dating that can save you from heartache down the road. We explore what red flags are, how to trust your gut instincts, and discuss real-life stories of when these indicators were ignored or acted upon. Discover the secrets to addressing red flags constructively and determining when it's time to run. Plus, we answer questions and share personal stories. If you're navigating the world of dating or looking to improve your relationship radar, this episode is a must-listen! **Don't miss out on exclusive content and insights! Follow me on Instagram @iam_tonyaalberti.** Tune in now to become a savvy dater who knows when to run from the red flags! 🚩 #Single2Soulmate #DatingWisdom #RelationshipAdvice


Your Beliefs are Keeping You Single!

On this week's episode of single2Soulmate, we explore why it's so important to develop awareness around your beliefs if you want to manifest true love. Here are some key takeaways: Your beliefs form the lens through which you view relationships and directly impact what shows up for you. Many limiting beliefs were formed in childhood or past experiences and operate below the conscious level. Bringing awareness to them is the first step in shifting them. Pay attention to your self-talk, emotions, and patterns for clues about unconscious beliefs that may be sabotaging you. Intentionally release old narratives and declare what you know you deserve when it comes to love. Your beliefs inform your reality. Want to go deeper into exploring and transforming your beliefs around love? Be sure to grab my free workbook The Soulmate Blueprint which you can download at This comprehensive guide contains journaling prompts, affirmations, and rituals to dig into your blocks, cultivate self-love, and call in the relationship you desire. And if you enjoyed this episode, I'd love for you to follow me on Instagram @iam_tonyaalberti. I share inspiring quotes, tips, and tools for conscious dating and love. Thanks for tuning in! Manifesting a soulmate starts with your beliefs. Do the inner work and watch the outer magic unfold


Healing, Intuition and Manifestation: Co-Creating A Life You Love

In today’s episode I chat with the lovely Nicole Starbuck psychic empath and quantum energy healer. Nicole is a spiritual mentor and life coach who empowers people to ignite their intuition and supercharge their psychic skills so they can make their dreams a reality. Listen in as we dive into Nicole’s own journey uncovering and accepting her own psychic gifts and how this has led her to more joy and happiness by living life intuitively. You can find Nicole at or over at instagram at Join the RELATIONSHIP REVOLUTION at. Https://


Intuitive Dating: Navigating the Drama of Online Love in 2023

In this episode of Single2Soulmate, join me as we dive into the thrilling world of online dating in 2023. From ghosting to catfishing, I explore the drama that comes with seeking love in the digital age. But fear not! I’ve got you covered with tips and strategies to navigate the dating minefield and avoid the pitfalls that come with it. **Segments:** 1. **The Drama of Online Dating:** Discover the common challenges like ghosting and catfishing that make online dating a rollercoaster ride. Learn how to protect your heart while still being open to finding love. 2. **Serial Daters and the Quest for Connection:** Uncover the secrets of dealing with serial daters and how to recognize the signs before getting emotionally involved. 3. **Navigating Online Dating as a Single Woman:** Hear practical advice for single women to approach online dating confidently and stay true to themselves throughout the process. 4. **The Power of Intuitive Dating:** Embrace your inner wisdom and learn how developing your intuition can be the key to avoiding online dating drama. 5. **Recognizing Red Flags:** Equip yourself with the knowledge to spot red flags early on in potential relationships and protect yourself from unnecessary heartache. 6. **Embracing Vulnerability and Authenticity:** Find out how being your authentic self can attract meaningful connections and help you build stronger relationships. 7. **Setting Boundaries and Communication:** Learn the art of setting boundaries and communicating your needs effectively to foster healthier connections with potential partners. 8. **Building Self-Confidence:** Boost your self-esteem and approach online dating with a positive and empowered mindset. 9. **The Joy of Dating Offline:** Discover the benefits of engaging in real-life social events to complement your online dating journey. Armed with intuitive dating strategies and a strong sense of self, you'll be better prepared to navigate the online dating world and find your soulmate. Remember, love is just around the corner, waiting for you! Don't forget to grab your copy of my brand new ebook "Maximize Your Dating Profile with ChatGPT" by DMing me “PROFILE” at for the link. This invaluable resource will help you supercharge your dating profile and increase your chances of finding meaningful connections.


Healing From Abusive Relationships: Learning to Trust Again

So how do you learn to trust after trauma as intense as domestic violence? Is it even possible to. Have a healthy relationship afterwards? Join me as I have this powerful conversation with the lovely Paula Martyn Reiki Master teacher and intuitive as she shares her own journey recovering from a severely abusive relationship. Paula believes that healing from trauma doesn’t have to be traumatic and with the right tools in place you can move on and begin to trust again. You can find her at or email her directly at If you are interested in attending my upcoming FREE training on How to Harness the Power of Your INTUITION in Dating, register here at it’s happening Wednesday July 26th and 11am. If you can’t attend live, simply register and the replay will be emailed to you along with FREE BONUSES just for registering!


How to Get What You WANT! Dating With INTENTION

In this episode of Single2Soulmate I sit down with author and creator of Authentically YOU! Lily Chauvin. Lily is a passionate Cuban American woman who can genuinely take a ‘mess’ and turn it into a message. In this episode we are discussing her own powerful journey through being a mom, dealing with single life, body image, and dating as a 50 something in 2023. This is a POWERFUL message that I believe ALL single women need to hear, as we discuss what it means to know what you desire in a relationship by knowing yourself FIRST. How to stand in your authenticity, hold your boundaries, and date with standards in order to not only get what you DESIRE in a partnership, but to manifest your desires with INTENTION. No settling! You can find Lily on instagram at and you can find more information about her book Authentically YOU! At If you are ready to break free from the cycle of painful relationships and ditch the dating BS then you do NOT want to miss my upcoming FREE training happening July 26th at 11am Eastern! “Unlock the POWER of your Intuition and Manifest your Happily Ever After”. Learn how to tap into your own inner wisdom in order to attract the soul aligned partner you are longing for! Spaces limited! you can register for free at I can’t wait to see you there!


Online Dating: Embracing The Suck

Yeah we all hate it right? But rather than getting nauseous every time you go to checking your inbox, consider using these tips to help you reframe the process of online dating! Want to get on the waitlist? Go to Join me in The Relationship Revolution at Follow me on Instagram at


Own Your Worthiness to Manifest Soulmate Love

In this captivating episode I sit down with the incredible Chelsea Carter, a true visionary in the realm of soul connection and personal transformation. As a multi-talented medicine woman, meditation guide, embodiment coach, and intuitive ceremonialist, Chelsea’s life mission is to connect humans with their highest selves, others, and nature. Join us as we dive into Chelsea’s remarkable journey and explore the profound impact of owning your worth on manifesting true soulmate love. She shares her wisdom and insights gained from doing her own personal inner work toward embracing her own value and worthiness and how that was the catalyst for her to find her lifetime love. Tune in to this enlightening conversation as we discuss self-discovery, empowerment, and love like never before. If you are interested in finding out more about Chelsea’s work you can find her at Join my FB community The Relationship Revolution at Https://


The Key to Lifetime Love

In this episode I chat with Women’s Performance Coach, Speaker, Podcaster, and Best Selling Author Amanda Yoa. What makes Amanda’s love journey unique is that she has been with her partner (now husband) since childhood. Listen in as we chat about the ups and downs of navigating a decades long relationship and how the key to it all is AUTHENTICITY. It truly begins with knowing yourself, your own wounds and triggers and then being able to consciously communicate with your partner. Join us in this beautiful episode as Amanda shares her secrets to cultivating a love that sustains a lifetime.


Is Karma Really a B*tch? Understanding Relationship Dynamics

In this enlightening episode of Single2Soulmate, I explore the fascinating intersection of love and Karma within relationships. Drawing from eastern philosophy and spirituality, we delve into the concept of karma as a teacher, shaping our experiences and providing opportunities for personal growth. Discover practical strategies for breaking negative karmic cycles, fostering mindful communication, practicing compassion and forgiveness, and nurturing a healthy balance between togetherness and individuality. Join me as I uncover the spiritual dimensions of love and karma empowering you to create soulful connections, and cultivate fulfilling relationships.


From Needing to Nurturing: Embracing Singleness for Soulful Transformation

Many of us have yearned for a romantic partnership, believing it will complete us. But Today I explore the power of finding contentment in your singleness, and focusing on healing your inner wounds. If you are someone who struggles with feelings of unworthiness, self-doubt, and a lack of fulfillment in your relationships, often this is the result of past trauma or inner child wounds that continue to affect your sense of self. If this resonates with you, this episode offers guidance and insights to support you on your journey. Join me as I discuss the importance of shifting your focus inward and exploring the wounds that may be holding you back from experiencing a soul aligned connection through self reflection, self-care and self compassion. By nurturing your mind, body and soul, you can creating space for personal growth and transformation. I also share practical steps to cultivate self contentment and believe that by healing your inner wounds you will manifest your perfect person when the time is right. If you’re ready to embrace singleness as an opportunity for self discovery, growth and healing, this episode is for you. Also don’t forget to join my free workshop “Unlocking the path to love: healing and manifestation“ happening this week in my Facebook group “Mastering the Art of Manifestation”. The workshop will provide practical tools and guidance to accelerate your healing journey and provide you with all the tips and techniques needed to manifest the love you deserve. Join for FREE at Don’t forget to leave a review if this episode has helped you and make sure to follow me on social media! I am on Instagram daily sharing valuable conscious relationship content and all things manifestation! Follow me there @iam_tonyaalberti #singlelife #consciousrelationships #manifestinglove #spiritualjourney #soulmatelove


Braking Free From Unhealthy Relationships Patterns: Red Flags and How to Avoid Them 🚩

Are you tired of falling into the same toxic relationship patterns? Do you find yourself attractive partners, who bring you more heartache than happiness? It’s time to break free and create a love life that nourishes your soul. In this episode of the Single2Soulmate podcast, I delve into the crucial topic of breaking free from unhealthy relationship patterns. Those nasty red flags, and how to avoid them. Drawing from my own personal experiences, and a deep understanding of the transformative power of love, I will guide you on a journey of self discovery and empowerment. I shed light on the warning signs that often go unnoticed in the beginning of a relationship. By recognizing these signals, you’ll gain knowledge and intuition needed to make healthier choices in your love life. I also provide you with actionable steps to help you navigate away from unhealthy patterns in order to attract the love you deserve! So tune in to gain the tools and inspiration needed to break free from unhealthy relationship patterns and create a love life that fulfills your deepest desires. Remember, you deserve a love that uplifts and supports you! Join me in this transformative conversation and unlock the path to a soul-aligned relationship. Make sure to subscribe in order to be notified of all future episodes filled with insights and inspiration on attracting and nurturing love in your life. Join my FREE Facebook Group “Mastering the Art of Manifestation” where I hold free monthly masterclasses and workshops geared toward helping you call in your divine partner!


Healing Self-Worth Wounds: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs in Love and Relationships

In this episode of "Single2Soulmate," I delve into the powerful topic of healing self-worth wounds and overcoming limiting beliefs in love and relationships. If you're frustrated with your inability to attract your ideal partner, questioning your worthiness, or feeling unlovable, this episode is a must-listen. I provides insightful guidance on understanding the root causes of self-worth wounds and offers actionable steps to overcome them. Join the journey of transforming your beliefs and manifesting the love you desire. Episode Highlights: ~Understanding the connection between self-worth and attracting a loving relationship ~Identifying and acknowledging negative beliefs about self-worth ~Challenging and reframing limiting beliefs through empowering affirmations ~Practicing self-love and self-compassion as key elements of healing ~Addressing past traumas and seeking support for emotional healing ~Taking actionable steps to overcome limiting beliefs in love and relationships ~The power of journaling in releasing emotional baggage and gaining clarity ~Surrounding yourself with positive influences for support and inspiration Ready to take your healing journey to the next level? Join me in my NEW 8-week group program, "Single2Soulmate," designed to help you overcome self-worth issues and manifest the love you deserve. Visit the show notes below for more details and information on how to join. Links and Resources Mentioned: website: "Single2Soulmate" 8-week group program: Note to Listeners: Remember, healing self-worth wounds is a transformative process that takes time and self-compassion. By embarking on this journey, you're opening yourself up to a world of possibilities in love and relationships. Embrace your worthiness and trust in the power of your own transformation. Keep shining your light and stay tuned for the next episode of "Single2Soulmate."


Embracing Shadows: Unveiling The Path to Your Soulmate

In this transformative episode, I will take you on a spiritual exploration of relationship manifestation, and the power of inner shadow work. Join me, as we delve into the depths of our souls and uncovering the shadows that may be hindering your ability to attract an experience a deep soul connection. I discuss why embracing your shadow with love and acceptance is integral to understanding your personal growth. Discover how shadow work can create space within yourself to call forth a soulmate who sees and cherishes all aspects of your being. Learn how to reflect on past relationship patterns, identify fears and insecurities, and bring them into the light of self awareness. Discover how shedding layers of old conditioning and limitations paves the way for attracting a soulmate who aligns with your growth and desires. If you’re ready to embrace your shadows, heal, past wounds, and manifest a deep and meaningful soul connection, this episode is for you. Remember to subscribe to my podcast and leave a review if you enjoyed this episode. Looking for support? You can join “The Art of Manifestation” Facebook group at


Manifesting Love: Harnessing The Power of Spirituality in Relationships

In this captivating episode of Single2Soulmate, we delve into the transformative world of manifesting love through the power of spirituality in relationships. Love has long been a mysterious force that connects souls, and shapes our lives in profound ways. As you navigate the path from being single to finding your soulmate, many will seek a deeper understanding of the role spirituality plays in this journey. How can you tap into the limitless power of the Universe to manifest the love you desire? Together with Erika Furuzono Passion Recovery Coach, I will explore a range of thought-provoking topics drawing upon ancient wisdom and modern insights to uncover the keys of harnessing spirituality in relationships. We examine the importance of aligning our intentions, beliefs, and energy with our desire for love, and share practical tools and techniques to enhance your spiritual connection with yourself and potential partners. Whether you are single and seeking your soulmate, or already in a relationship yearning for a deeper bond, this episode will inspire you to explore the transformative potential of spirituality. Prepare to embark on a journey of self discovery and inner growth, as you uncover the secrets to manifesting love and creating soulful connections that stand the test of time. Tune in to this soul stirring episode of Single2Soulmate, and let the power of spirituality guide you on your quest for lasting love. Join ‘The ART of Manifestation’ Facebook Group Follow me on Instagram Not sure you’re settling? Want to determine your true relationship desires? Take my new Relationship Readiness Quiz


Pre-Birth Contracts: Starseed Children CHOOSE you!

This is a continuation of our conversation about the Ascension and Great Awakening. Starseeds are a special group of souls incarnating onto our planet at this time to help elevate the vibration of the planet and assist with the Ascension process. This is a 4 part series and a very important topic as we move into understanding the next generation of humans being born at this very exciting time! Reach out to me at or feel free to DM on Instagram! Always love your feedback or suggestions for what topics you want me to discus in future episodes.


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