Slouching Towards Enlightenment

Exploring the experiences and mechanics of Vedic Meditation and the ancient Vedic knowledge from which it's derived.

Creation, Maintenance, and Destruction.

Knowledge is for action! And in this episode Beanie and Torpohangdroop discuss the subtle laws of nature that conceives, constructs, maintains, and dissolves creation. How do we perceive the mechanics of these laws and collaborate with them? Why is it important and how, through better understanding, can we leverage this knowledge so our lives are moving in the direction of evolution and greater happiness? All this and more! Plus, nicknames!


The Benefit of the Doubt

Brienne and Théo explore the topic of doubt. Doubting our meditation, if enlightenment is a real state of consciousness we can experience, doubt about if this is a cult or religion. Doubt about everything! But also the benefit of doubt and skepticism and how they can drive us towards personal research through direct experience instead of just relying on belief and faith.


What does Enlightenment Sound Like? (The Music Episode!)

What does enlightenment sound like? In a wild departure from the typical STE form, Brienne and Théo each curate ‘enlightenment playlists”, discussing what states of consciousness and an enlightened experience might be like in music form.Headphones required and volume up! This podcast was mixed and mastered to be loud. Spotify playlist of songs and extra songs here:


Our 1 Year Podcast Anniversary (and a bit on back support and desires).

Brienne and Théo reflect on the past year since they started Slouching Towards Enlightenment; the knowledge, the jokes, the guests, and the ever growing community of Vedic Meditators. They also discuss the importance of back support and the mechanics of following charm and desires.


A Stuntwoman's Big Break (Into Consciousness)

Introducing our dear friend, very special guest, and stuntwoman extraordinaire; Hayley Wright! Hayley sit down with Brienne and Théo to discuss how the break she needed from her work as a stuntwoman lead her Vedic Meditation on the eve of the pandemic. Now a devoted practitioner of Vedic Meditation, Hayley joins Slouching Towards Enlightenment to discuss her incredible story.


Hot Cream and the Over-Breathers.

Théo and Brienne yap, gab, and persiflate about the "highest" states of consciousness beyond Unity Consciousness, kundalini experiences, how to meditate while co-habitating with babies. They also find their new band name, HOT CREAM!(Trigger warning: We say "hot cream" more than once in this episode.)


Waiting for the Rainbows

Théo and Brie's friend group in Santa Fe have a tumultuous week (more like two weeks) filled with all kinds of challenges. Every single friend in the group is met with an unforeseeable curveball, dose of drama, or an emotional or physical stressor. Usually in times like this, the go-to person to consult is the meditation teacher. But what happens when the meditation teacher is going through it too? What's it like when the students have to be there for the teacher? Luckily we all h...


Are You Doing Your Two Minutes???

Brienne (who celebrates her ONE YEAR MEDI-VERSARY today) and I discuss that 2-minute bit at the end of our meditation where we integrate and rest before opening our eyes. Recorded in the kid's room, surrounded by toy instruments and a sleeping dog, we reunite for a little slouch and a touch of enlightenment.


March 4th (March Forth)

What's it like to practice Vedic Meditation for 3 months? How about a year? 5 years? 10 years? What transformational effects does transcending on a regular basis do to a person? Every year on March 4th, Théo celebrates his "Mediversary". Find out how 13 years of dedicated practice transformed Théo and the perspective he has now that it's been over a decade.


The Practicality of Meditation with special guest, Michael Gross (Family Ties, Tremors)

In this episode we welcome our hilarious and insightful guest, Michael Gross!Michael Gross was America's Dad in the 80's when he stared in Family Ties, and Théo's dad when he wasn't working on set. In this episode he shares his journey of learning meditation (at a bargain price), practicing, straying away, and returning to it with a deeper commitment.


Where did Vedic Meditation come from?

Brie and Théo discuss the science and origins of the Veda (where Vedic Meditation comes from). What IS the Veda? Or, what ARE the Vedas? What do the Vedas say about consciousness, and our place in the Universe? What's the connection between our meditation and these ancient hymns, or cognitions? Come take a stroll with us down Vedic Lane and find out!


"Rock Consciousness" with our first guest! Cassidy Freeman!

My charming and brilliant friend Cassidy Freeman, actress (HBO's Righteous Gemstones), snowboarder, thrower of clay, and meditator extraordinaire, shares how she learned Vedic Meditation, went to India, and what it was like to experience true effortlessness.


States of Consciousness (but mostly Cosmic Consciousness).

Fasten your seatbelts and make some nachos! In this award-winning (we think) episode, Brienne and Théo prattle, blather, and yackety-yak about various states of consciousness, including the first stage of enlightenment, Cosmic Consciousness!


Licensed to Chill

Welcome to Slouching Towards Enlightenment. Meet Brie and Théo! We're going to discuss Vedic Meditation, what it's like to have an easy and effective meditation practice.


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