

Author: Doug Hicks

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Are you a newbie entrepreneur, solopreneur, side-hustler, or small business owner? Do you want to learn how to build, launch, and grow your very own personal freedom success system? Congrats! Because that’s exactly what our podcast teaches. Let’s get to it!

Watch the live show each Tuesday on YouTube from 9:30-10AM EST to unhack this episode.

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144 Episodes
604 Drone Syndrome

604 Drone Syndrome


Mirror mirror on the wall who is the flyest of them all?  Mirror mirror on the wall who always WINs and never FALLS?  Mirror mirror on the wall who is a BOSS and always FLOS?  Mirror mirror on the wall is it ME or is it YOU?  The things I say…are they what I do?   LET'S GET PERSONAL The mirror is one of the top 3 inventions of all time.  It shows us exactly who we are at all times and it can’t even speak.  What do you see?  Watch live each Tuesday on YouTube from 9:30-10AM EST to unhack this episode. See you on the inside...Doug!  TAKE THE POLL MAIN POINT(S) 3 Ways to Prevent Drone Syndrome TAKE-AWAYS 3 Ways to Prevent Drone Syndrome HOMEWORK Tune into next week’s episode. JOIN our Facebook Group to access:   FREE Business Plan, Marketing Plan, Template(s), The Branding Formula and FREE LIINKY.COM account. Get bonuses, take challenges, enter contests and giveaways below.   Checkout our great sponsors.   To Your Success, Doug Follow Like & Share @SlowMoneyBlues   PS. Today is a great day to be FREE! PS2. Rate us and write a review on Apple or Google podcast. PS3. Suggestions or questions?  Click HERE! --- Support this podcast:



Do you have a system in place that requires maximum time, energy, and effort? If you answered yes…the cure are BOTSS. What exactly are BOTTS?  BOTTS means “Build Optimized Time Saving Systems.”   LET'S GET PERSONAL BOTSS have a been here for quite some time.  Anytime we can set and forget any device or process without human interaction that is a bot.  Think of them like little helpers that need adult supervision.  However, after programmed they might decide they are in charge…or are they?  Watch live each Tuesday on Youtube from 9:30-10AM EST to unhack this episode.  See you on the inside...Doug!   TAKE THE POLL   MAIN POINT(S) 3 Ways Maximize Bots   TAKE-AWAYS BOTSS multiplies and maximizes time while minimizing effort.   HOMEWORK Tune into next week’s episode.   JOIN our Facebook Group to access: FREE Business Plan, Marketing Plan, Template(s), The Branding Formula and FREE account.   Get bonuses, take challenges, enter contests and giveaways below.   Our Sponsors   To Your Success, Doug   PS. Today is a great day to be FREE! PS2. Rate us and write a review on Apple or Google podcast. PS3. Suggestions or questions?  Click HERE! --- Support this podcast:
615 Thank You

615 Thank You


Most of us in the US will celebrate Thanksgiving this year.  We will eat turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, candied yams, collard greens, green bean casserole, apple pie, pumpkin pie, sweet potato pie, and many other dishes.  We will watch football while drinking beer and enjoy great conversations. And then we fall asleep with a full belly safe and sound hopefully.   LET'S GET PERSONAL All of this is wonderful but let’s not forget to pause, reflect, remanence, and remember those that are less fortunate.  If you have experienced the rich blessing of health, wealth, and good fortune be thankful and share.  Watch live each Tuesday on Youtube from 9:30-10AM EST to unhack this episode.  See you on the inside...Doug!   TAKE THE POLL   MAIN POINT(S) 3 Ways To Say Thank You   TAKE-AWAYS Give thanks with your words and deeds.   HOMEWORK Tune into next week’s episode.   JOIN our Facebook Group to access: FREE Business Plan, Marketing Plan, Template(s), The Branding Formula and FREE account.   Get bonuses, take challenges, enter contests and giveaways below.   Our Sponsors   To Your Success, Doug   PS. Today is a great day to be FREE! PS2. Rate us and write a review on Apple or Google podcast. PS3. Suggestions or questions?  Click HERE! --- Support this podcast:
Have you ever been part of a team and one person constantly comes up with excuses as to why they cannot accomplish or do something? What makes it more amazing…they have the time, talent, and training to accomplish it.  So, what’s the REAL problem?   LET'S GET PERSONAL When a person consistently and persistently makes excuses…I am convinced they don’t want to be accountable, achieve success, or they’re a freeloader.  These are the type of people that live in mediocrity, wonder why they cannot succeed, and soon give up and quit.  Good writ tens!  Watch live each Tuesday on Youtube from 9:30-10AM EST to unhack this episode.  See you on the inside...Doug!   TAKE THE POLL   MAIN POINT(S) 3 Ways To Prevent Excuses   TAKE-AWAYS If YOU don’t make excuses, YOU don’t have take excuses.   HOMEWORK Tune into next week’s episode.   JOIN our Facebook Group to access: FREE Business Plan, Marketing Plan, Template(s), The Branding Formula and FREE account.   Get bonuses, take challenges, enter contests and giveaways below.   Our Sponsors   To Your Success, Doug   PS. Today is a great day to be FREE! PS2. Rate us and write a review on Apple or Google podcast. PS3. Suggestions or questions?  Click HERE! --- Support this podcast:
613 Get Rich Quick

613 Get Rich Quick


Have you ever been up late channel surfing and saw an infomercial?  Me too.  I purchased a system that promised to be easy to implement and start making money fast.  I could see myself just like the people on TV…living their dream lifestyle. I got so excited when the package arrived. What I learned is the system was not so easy and required dedication, time, energy, and effort.  Needless to say, I never completed a single course.  Is this your dilemma?   LET'S GET PERSONAL The reason most people don’t complete anything is simple…it’s not their passion or dream.  When you’re doing something that you don’t love, you will eventually give up on it. However, when you do something you LOVE….it’s awesome and there is no quitting, giving up, or failure.  Watch live each Tuesday on Youtube from 9:30-10AM EST to unhack this episode.  See you on the inside...Doug!   TAKE THE POLL   MAIN POINT(S) 3 Ways To Make Money Fast   TAKE-AWAYS Solve problems fast…make fast money.   HOMEWORK Tune into next week’s episode.   JOIN our Facebook Group to access: FREE Business Plan, Marketing Plan, Template(s), The Branding Formula and FREE account.   Get bonuses, take challenges, enter contests and giveaways below.   Our Sponsors   To Your Success, Doug   PS. Today is a great day to be FREE! PS2. Rate us and write a review on Apple or Google podcast. PS3. Suggestions or questions?  Click HERE! --- Support this podcast:
612 Follow the Rules

612 Follow the Rules


When Sally was growing up, she was told, “follow the rules and good things will happen.”  She heard things like, knowledge is power, get a good education, respect your elders, and eat all of your vegetables.  All of these things sound good to a nine-year-old but are they?   LET'S GET PERSONAL Fast forward 20 years.  Sally is 29 years old, married for 5 years, and has two children.  She tells her little girls, knowledge is power, get a good education, respect your elders, and eat all your vegetables.  Follow the rules and good things will happen…ummm.  Watch live each Tuesday on ⁠Youtube⁠ from 9:30-10AM EST to unhack this episode.  See you on the inside...Doug!   TAKE THE POLL ⁠⁠   MAIN POINT(S) 3 Types of Rules   TAKE-AWAYS The rules you follow will determine your destiny.   HOMEWORK Tune into next week’s episode.   JOIN our ⁠Facebook Group⁠ to access: FREE Business Plan, Marketing Plan, Template(s), The Branding Formula and FREE ⁠⁠ account   Get bonuses, take challenges, enter contests and giveaways below.  ⁠⁠   Checkout our great sponsors. ⁠⁠   To Your Success, Doug Follow Like & Share @⁠SlowMoneyBlues⁠   PS. Today is a great day to be FREE! PS2. Rate us and write a review on ⁠Apple⁠ or ⁠Google⁠ podcast. PS3. Suggestions or questions?  Click ⁠HERE⁠! --- Support this podcast:
Have you heard the phrase going around, “Booked and Busy”?  It implies that if you’re booked and busy you are making bank.  I recently spoke to Jessica, a social media consultant. I asked her, “how many bookings does it take to get a client?”  She responded, “ten”.  A 10% conversion rate.  Not bad…right?   LET'S GET PERSONAL Jessica is a solopreneur who provides free 30 minute consultations for perspective clients.  She works 5 days per week, books 10 clients per day, totaling 5 sales per week.  Average sale $350 or $1750 per week.  Is the juice worth the squeeze?  Watch live each Tuesday on Youtube from 9:30-10AM EST to unhack this episode.  See you on the inside...Doug!   TAKE THE POLL   MAIN POINT(S) 3 Ways to Work Smarter NOT Harder   TAKE-AWAYS Irresistible offers the key to massive bank.   HOMEWORK Tune into next week’s episode.   JOIN our Facebook Group to access:   FREE Business Plan, Marketing Plan, Template(s), The Branding Formula and FREE account.   Get bonuses, take challenges, enter contests and giveaways below.   Checkout our great sponsors.   To Your Success, Doug Follow Like & Share @SlowMoneyBlues   PS. Today is a great day to be FREE! PS2. Rate us and write a review on Apple or Google podcast. PS3. Suggestions or questions?  Click HERE! --- Support this podcast:



I recently met someone that told me they needed to make some extra money.  I asked, “how much?”  They responded, “just enough so I can be comfortable”.  I paused for a moment, pulled out my smart phone, called my financial advisor, and asked, “do you have any investment advice that can make me comfortable?”  He started laughing hysterically and then said…NO!   LET'S GET PERSONAL I have known my financial adviser for over two decades.  I have never asked him such a question which is why he laughed hysterically.  Each time you say to your money…make me comfortable…it responds just like my financial advisor. HaHa!  Watch live each Tuesday on Youtube from 9:30-10AM EST to unhack this episode.  See you on the inside...Doug! TAKE THE POLL   MAIN POINT(S) 3 Ways to Rule Your Money   TAKE-AWAYS If you don’t RULE your MONEY it will RULE you.   HOMEWORK Tune into next week’s episode.   JOIN our Facebook Group to access: FREE Business Plan, Marketing Plan, Template(s), The Branding Formula and FREE account.   Get bonuses, take challenges, enter contests and giveaways below.   Checkout our great sponsors.   To Your Success, Doug Follow Like & Share @SlowMoneyBlues   PS. Today is a great day to be FREE! PS2. Rate us and write a review on Apple or Google podcast. PS3. Suggestions or questions?  Click HERE! --- Support this podcast:



Not long ago, my dear friend Nancy called me and was in full panic mode. She shared with me that she had planned on retiring but was recently informed that her 401K took a 35% loss due to mismanagement.  She said to make matters worse, her new boss is a task master and micro-manager.  Lastly, she said she has not had a vacation in over 5 years.  Ouch!   LET'S GET PERSONAL If I didn’t know any better, I believe Nancy is under duress and a tremendous amount of stress.  According to the American Psychological Association, the top three sources of stress are money, work, and the economy.  Is there any hope for Nancy?  Watch live each Tuesday on Youtube from 9:30-10AM EST to unhack this episode.  See you on the inside...Doug!   TAKE THE POLL   MAIN POINT(S) 3 Ways to Stress Less   TAKE-AWAYS Stress is the perspective of your reality. HOMEWORK Tune into next week’s episode.   JOIN our Facebook Group to access: FREE Business Plan, Marketing Plan, Template(s), The Branding Formula and FREE LIINKY.COM account.   Get bonuses, take challenges, enter contests and Giveaways below.   Checkout our great sponsors.   To Your Success, Doug Follow Like & Share @SlowMoneyBlues   PS. Today is a great day to be FREE! PS2. Rate us and write a review on Apple or Google Podcast. PS3. Suggestions or questions?  Click HERE --- Support this podcast:



On September 23, 2023 we officially entered fall.  Although fall is global, it’s affects are different depending on your location.  From the east coast to the west coast the temperatures are typically cooler.  The leaves fall, the grass hibernates, and the sunny days are fewer.  We start drinking pumpkin spiced tea and coffee.  Yep…the season has changed!   LET'S GET PERSONAL Just like the weather changes as we move from one season to another…we change. However, if we don’t realize and recognize that we are changing we might get stuck…booo!  Watch live each Tuesday on YouTube from 9:30-10AM EST to unhack this episode.  See you on the inside...Doug!   TAKE THE POLL   MAIN POINT(S) 3 Ways to Identify the Change.   TAKE-AWAYS Learn to flow and flourish no matter the season.   HOMEWORK Tune into next week’s episode.   JOIN our Facebook Group to access:  FREE Business Plan, Marketing Plan, Template(s), The Branding Formula and FREE LIINKY.COM account   Get bonuses, take challenges, enter contests and giveaways below.   Checkout our great sponsors.   To Your Success, Doug Follow Like & Share @SlowMoneyBlues   PS. Today is a great day to be FREE! PS2. Rate us and write a review on Apple or Google podcast. PS3. Suggestions or questions?  Click HERE! --- Support this podcast:
607 RE F.O.C.U.S.

607 RE F.O.C.U.S.


A close friend of mine recently shared with me that his life seemed fuzzy, blurry, and out of sorts.  I asked, what is he doing now that he wasn’t doing 30 days ago.  He responded, I attended milestone Birthday, wedding, and traveled abroad.  I responded, I can see why things seem out of sort.   LET'S GET PERSONAL Life is going to happen, we will meet new people, and see new things.  How they affect us and move us is up to us. Priorities and perspective are the antidote.  Watch live each Tuesday on YouTube from 9:30-10AM EST to unhack this episode. See you on the inside...Doug!   TAKE THE POLL   MAIN POINT(S) 3 Ways to RE F.O.C.U.S.   TAKE-AWAYS Your PURPOSE is your anchor…read it, repeat it, live it.   HOMEWORK Tune into next week’s episode.   JOIN our Facebook Group to access:   FREE Business Plan, Marketing Plan, Template(s), The Branding Formula and FREE LIINKY.COM account.   Get bonuses, take challenges, enter contests and giveaways below.   Checkout our great sponsors.   To Your Success, Doug Follow Like & Share @SlowMoneyBlues   PS. Today is a great day to be FREE! PS2. Rate us and write a review on Apple or Google podcast. PS3. Suggestions or questions?  Click HERE! --- Support this podcast:
606 Master Motivation

606 Master Motivation


One of the greatest boxers of all time is Marvelous Marvin Hagler.  He only fought as a middleweight.  His amateur record is 55-1.  His professional record is 62-3-2.  He reigned as the undisputed middleweight champion from 1980-1987.  He was twice named Fighter of the Year by The Ring magazine and the Boxing Writers Association of America, as well as Fighter of the Decade (1980s) by Boxing Illustrated magazine.   LET'S GET PERSONAL Marvelous Marvin Hagler by all standards was a go getter and not a go sitter or go quitter.  He received every imaginable boxing accolade.  I almost forgot…He is in the International Boxing Hall of Fame and World Boxing Hall of Fame.  What’s your excuse?  Watch live each Tuesday on YouTube from 9:30-10AM EST to unhack this episode. See you on the inside...Doug!   TAKE THE POLL   MAIN POINT(S) 3 Ways to Harness Your Power TAKE-AWAYS Mastering motivation requires mastering the moment. HOMEWORK Tune into next week’s episode. JOIN our Facebook Group to access: FREE Business Plan, Marketing Plan, Template(s), The Branding Formula and FREE LIINKY.COM account   Get bonuses, take challenges, enter contests and giveaways below.   Checkout our great sponsors.   To Your Success, Doug Follow Like & Share @SlowMoneyBlues   PS. Today is a great day to be FREE! PS2. Rate us and write a review on Apple or Google podcast. PS3. Suggestions or questions?  Click HERE! --- Support this podcast:
605 Say YES to NO

605 Say YES to NO


Sherry graduated college at the top of her class. Like most, she had student loan debt and was barely making ends meet. She applied for 10 different jobs and each time was informed she had the educational pedigree but needed more experience…booo! In other words, NO…you're not qualified. LET'S GET PERSONAL One night Sherry was channel surfing and learned she could make money in her spare time and all the training would be provided with a small startup cost. Sherry contacted the company and to her surprise met amazing people that mentored her for 2 years. Sherry said YES to NEW OPPORTUNITIES. Guess what? Sherry now earns over $500k per year! Watch live each Tuesday on YouTube from 9:30-10AM EST to unhack this episode. See you on the inside...Doug! TAKE THE POLL MAIN POINT(S) 3 Ways to get NO TAKE-AWAYS New opportunities are all around us…but do we see them? HOMEWORK Tune into next week’s episode. JOIN our Facebook Group to access: FREE Business Plan, Marketing Plan, Template(s), The Branding Formula and FREE LIINKY.COM account. Get bonuses, take challenges, enter contests and giveaways below. Checkout our great sponsors. To Your Success, Doug Follow Like &Share @SlowMoneyBlues PS. Today is a great day to be FREE! PS2. Rate us and write a review on Apple or Google podcast. PS3. Suggestions or questions? Click HERE! --- Support this podcast:
603 L.I.T.

603 L.I.T.


JOIN our Facebook Group to access:   FREE Business Plan, Marketing Plan, Template(s), The Branding Formula and FREE LIINKY.COM account   Get bonuses, take challenges, enter contests and giveaways below.   Checkout our great sponsors.   To Your Success, Doug Follow Like & Share @SlowMoneyBlues   PS. Today is a great day to be FREE! PS2. Rate us and write a review on Apple or Google podcast. PS3. Suggestions or questions?  Click HERE! --- Support this podcast:
602 Fixed Income

602 Fixed Income


According to a recent report, more than 50% of all US households are living paycheck to paycheck.  It’s astonishing considering unemployment is at historical lows and America boast the largest economy on the planet…right?   LET'S GET PERSONAL If your family is part of that 50%, it means your income is broke and you are struggling to pay the rent, put food on the table, and go on a great vacation. Which means your income needs to be fixed.  Is it possible?  It depends on one thing…YOU!  Watch live each Tuesday on YouTube from 9:30-10AM EST to unhack this episode.    TAKE THE POLL   MAIN POINT(S) 4 Ways to Fix Your Income   TAKE-AWAYS Fixing a lot problems will permanently fix your income.   HOMEWORK Tune into next week’s episode.   JOIN our Facebook Group to access:   FREE Business Plan, Marketing Plan, Template(s), The Branding Formula and FREE LIINKY.COM account   Get bonuses, take challenges, enter contests and giveaways below.   Checkout our great sponsors.   To Your Success, Doug Follow Like & Share @SlowMoneyBlues   PS. Today is a great day to be FREE! PS2. Rate us and write a review on Apple or Google podcast. PS3. Suggestions or questions?  Click HERE! --- Support this podcast:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.   LET'S GET PERSONAL If you did not participate in the creation, editing, writing, and ratification of the US Constitution…you are not part of the WE…you are part of the us.  What does that mean?  Well.  Watch live each Tuesday on Facebook from 9:30-10AM EST to unhack this episode.  See you on the inside...Doug!   TAKE THE POLL   MAIN POINT(S) 3 Benefits of Writing a Constitution   TAKE-AWAYS A personal constitution gives you the authority to live free, be free, and stay free.   HOMEWORK Tune into next week’s episode. Join our Facebook Group to access: One-Page Freedom Success Plan FREE Business and Marketing Plan Templates FREE ebook "The Branding Formula   KUDOS to our SPONSORS LIINKY.COM   BIGNETDOMAIN.COM   FUNDSZ   To Your Success, Doug Follow Like & Share @SlowMoneyBlues   PS. Today is a great day to be YOU! PSS. Don’t forget to write a review on Apple or Google! PSS. Have questions?  Click HERE! --- Support this podcast:
525 Clutch Gene

525 Clutch Gene


He played 16 seasons in the NBA as a power and small forward.  He won 7 NBA titles with 3 different teams and never lost in the NBA Finals.  He holds two NBA records which remain to this day…most 3-point shots made in an NBA playoff game without a miss and most steals in an NBA Finals game.  This person should be in the NBA Hall of Fame…right?   LET'S GET PERSONAL Robert “Big Shot Bob” Horry is not in the NBA Hall of Fame yet.  However, when it counted most, Big Shot Bob, was clutch.  Just ask all the players, coaches, and teams he defeated at the buzzer. Watch live each Tuesday on Facebook from 9:30-10AM EST to unhack this episode.  See you on the inside...Doug!   TAKE THE POLL   MAIN POINT(S) 3 Ways to Develop Your Clutch Gene   TAKE-AWAYS Being clutch in the spotlight only happens with relentless practice in the dark.   HOMEWORK Tune into next week’s episode.   Join our Facebook Group to access:   One-Page Freedom Success Plan FREE Business and Marketing Plan Templates FREE ebook "The Branding Formula   KUDOS to our SPONSORS LIINKY.COMBIGNETDOMAIN.COM BINANCE.US   To Your Success, Doug Follow Like & Share @SlowMoneyBlues   PS. Today is a great day to be YOU! PSS. Don’t forget to write a review on Apple Podcast or Google Podcast! PSSS. Have questions?  Click HERE! --- Support this podcast:
524 Let Freedom Ring

524 Let Freedom Ring


I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.  On the surface, this sounds really good…right?   LET'S GET PERSONAL Making a pledge to flag, which is nothing more than stitched thread is ridiculous, ludicrous, and delusional.  It’s no wonder why so many people lose their minds when someone burns or kneels on the US flag.  They drank the Kool-Aid and still don’t realize stitched thread is simply stitched thread.  Watch live each Tuesday on Facebook from 9:30-10AM EST to unhack this episode. See you on the inside...Doug!   TAKE THE POLL MAIN POINT(S) 3 Ways to Live Free   TAKE-AWAYS Your freedom is your decision…not a flag or another human being. HOMEWORK Tune into next week’s episode.   Join our Facebook Group to access:   One-Page Freedom Success Plan FREE Business and Marketing Plan Templates FREE ebook "The Branding Formula   KUDOS to our SPONSORS LIINKY.COM BIGNETDOMAIN.COM BINANCE.US   To Your Success, Doug Follow Like & Share @SlowMoneyBlues   PS. Today is a great day to be YOU! PSS. Don’t forget to write a review on Apple Podcast or Google Podcast! PSS. Have questions?  Click HERE! --- Support this podcast:
Meet Bob, a single 35-year-old male from the Midwest.  When Bob was growing up, he was told to succeed he needed to get a college degree.  Bob got a 4-year college degree in General Studies.  After 13 years in the workforce, Bob is still earning less than $20 per hour and career opportunities look bleak.   LET'S GET PERSONAL Bob is not alone.  Many people have been told a college degree will make them successful.  The only problem, no one asks them what success is for them.  The good news…Bob finally defined success for himself.  He is now doing what he loves…training dogs.  In case you’re wondering, Bob makes over $1000 a day.  Wow…what a turnaround!  Watch live each Tuesday on Facebook from 9:30-10AM EST to unhack this episode.  See you on the inside...Doug!   TAKE THE POLL   MAIN POINT(S) 3 Ways to Edit Your Life   TAKE-AWAYS Life edits are part of the journey to freedom.  Join our Facebook Group to access:   One-Page Freedom Success Plan FREE Business and Marketing Plan Templates FREE ebook "The Branding Formula   KUDOS to our SPONSORS LIINKY.COM BIGNETDOMAIN.COM BINANCE.US   To Your Success, Doug Follow Like & Share @SlowMoneyBlues   PS. Today is a great day to be YOU! PSS. Don’t forget to write a review on Apple Podcast or Google Podcast! PSS. Have questions?  Click HERE! --- Support this podcast:
522 Think & Grow Rich

522 Think & Grow Rich


The average person processes about 70,000 thoughts per day.  That’s about 2,916 thoughts per hour.  It means are brains are super computers capable of unlimited creative ability and capacity.  Now multiply that by 8 billion. OMG!   LET'S GET PERSONAL Napoleon Hill, the author of “Think & Grow Rich”, continues to inspire and motivate people all over the world to harness their wealth power.  Flourish or flounder…it’s a choice.  Watch live each Tuesday on Facebook from 9:30-10AM EST to unhack this episode.  See you on the inside...Doug!   TAKE THE POLL   MAIN POINT(S) 3 Ways to Think & Grow Wealthy   TAKE-AWAYS Wealthy thoughts + wealthy habits = FREEDOM.   HOMEWORK Tune into next week’s episode.   Join our Facebook Group to access:   One-Page Freedom Success Plan FREE Business and Marketing Plan Templates FREE ebook "The Branding Formula   KUDOS to our SPONSORS LIINKY.COM BIGNETDOMAIN.COM BINANCE.US   To Your Success, Doug Follow Like & Share @SlowMoneyBlues   PS. Today is a great day to be YOU! PSS. Don’t forget to write a review on Apple Podcast or Google Podcast! PSS. Have questions?  Click HERE! --- Support this podcast: