Small Church Realities

Provides insight and encouragement to small church pastors and volunteers.

Ep. 17: Lighten Up, Pastor!

A very simple, straightforward message to start the new year.In this episode, Dr. Joseph Obisesan attempts to encourage you to not take things that happen in your church / ministry too seriously. He posits that pastors should look to find pleasure in other things that they do too. This way, the people around them would find engaging with them a pleasure and not a burden.Visit the website www.smallchurchrealities.comMusic: https://www.bensound.comEmail:


Ep.16: Bear Your Load. Let Them Bear Theirs.

In this episode, Dr. Joseph Obisesan encourages pastors to desist from taking responsibilities for the actions of others. He posits that a lot more of the stress that pastors experience might in fact be coming from bearing "loads" that essentially belong to others.This episode is both encouraging and practical.Visit the website www.smallchurchrealities.comMusic: https://www.bensound.comEmail:


Ep. 15: It Is Ok To Take A Break

Seasons come and go!Because small church volunteers go through various seasons (just like any other person), the ability to serve others may vary from time to time. There are instances when not serving may actually be the best decision to take. Such a moment is called a "break period"In this episode, Dr. Joseph Obisesan shares that it is sometimes necessary to take a break. Volunteers, as well as pastors, would find this episode very helpful as it seeks to relieve the guilt feeling that we so...


Ep. 14 : When Disciples Go Back Home

What happens when people who have been faithfully serving in a church decide to move on? No, not to another church, but back to their various homes with no intention to join another church.In this episode, Dr. Joseph Obisesan shares his thoughts about what we can do to prevent disciples from falling through the cracks into becoming de-churched people. He acknowledges that while these steps are not necessarily 'silver bullets' that fix the problem, they go a long way in helping to re-integrate...


Ep 13: When One Of Us Stumbles

When moral failures occur in a small church, how should we deal with them?In this episode, Dr. Joseph Obisesan exposes why some small churches don't do a good job when it comes to dealing with moral failures. He shares his thoughts about what constitutes moral failures and how discipline provide a solution to the mess this menace seeks to create in a local assembly.He ends by providing to some advice to both pastors and volunteers.Visit the website www.smallchurchrealities.comMusic: https://w...


Ep. 12 : Let's Keep The Main Things At The Centre

With so much calling for our attention, it is so easy to lose focus. Being busy does not necessarily translate to being productively engaged.In this episode, Dr. Joseph Obisesan reveals how pressure from others could make small church pastors lose focus while being busy with other less important things. He also provides practical tips on how to do those "main things" that God has called pastors to.Visit the website www.smallchurchrealities.comMusic: https://www.bensound.comEmail: joe@hillcity...


Ep.11: 7 Things That Will Happen In The First 3 Years

At the start of a new churchplant there are not only high hopes but also expectations. Often times, it is helpful to manage those expectations well ahead in order to avoid frustrations and disappointments which are generally not uncommon when leading a new congregation.Dr. Joseph Obisesan in this episode shares from his experience certain things to expect in a new church plant, especially in the first few years. While acknowledging that the list shared is not exhaustive, he believes that the ...


Ep. 10: You Are A Church Planter, You Just Don't Know It Yet.

As a follow-up to the last episode (Episode 009), Dr. Joseph Obisesan in this episode highlights some pointers that could help identify potential church planters in your small church. He challenges his listeners to interrogate their past experiences and see the hand of God weaving through their lives elements that are useful to making them ready for church planting.He concludes that there are in fact many more church planters in many small churches who are only waiting to experience self-disc...


Ep 009: Church Planting By Your Small Church Is Possible

Church planting has proven to be a very effective way of carrying out the great commission and making disciples for the Lord. Generally speaking, whenever church planting is mentioned, small churches do not feel this is for them. This is a sad reality!Dr. Joseph Obisesan, as a church planter himself, in this episode shares how your small church can effectively participate in planting other Christ-centred churches. He also shares his experience on what to expect when you get involved. This epi...


Ep. 008: Who Is Bankrolling Your Church?

Sadly, small churches closing their doors after a few months or a few years of gathering is not an uncommon occurrence. In many cases, lack of finances for the church to continue to gather is the main reason for this.In this episode, Dr. Joseph Obisesan asks a probing question about who is indeed behind the provision of finances to your church. He goes further to share why the idea of relying on 1 or 2 persons or families may be hurting rather than helping your church.You will certainly find ...


Ep 007: Needy People In The Small Church

The church exists to minister to the needs of people - spiritual, emotional, physical e.t.c. But what happens when neediness becomes like a badge of honour amongst the people in your small church.In this episode, Dr. Joseph Obisesan speaks to this problem and why it is so common in small churches. He also suggests certain strategies to deploy in order to tackle the issue of neediness.Visit the website www.smallchurchrealities.comMusic: https://www.bensound.comEmail:


Episode 006: The Over-programmed Small Church

Is having many programs packed into a small church calendar really a strategy for discipleship? In this episode, Dr. Joseph Obisesan shares his thoughts about why small churches should regularly review their programs and 'drop-off' those programs that do not seem to have much value to the church.He also advises pastors who are serving in a setting where the pastor is limited when it comes to decision-making for the church. You'll be surprised that we surely (though unfortunately) have churche...


Ep 005: Why Younger Pastors Should Consider The Bivocational Idea

In this episode, Dr. Joseph Obisesan discusses why the bivocational idea ought to be considered sooner (rather than later) by young pastors or young people in ministry.He also expresses the fact that the bivocational 'stream' is fast becoming the norm in pastoral ministry and may well become the rule (rather than the exception) in the years to come as small churches continue to proliferate.He has a small advice for older, more senior pastors as well.Visit the website www.smallchurchreal...


Do they even think about this church? A pastor's question.

Pastors go through the week mostly thinking about their church and church members. They often also expect that other church members and volunteers are doing exactly the same - thinking 24/7 about what goes on within their church. Imagine the shock and the disappointment when they eventually come to the realization that church members and volunteers have other things occupying their minds and not just the church 'business'.Dr. Joseph Obisesan in this episode explains why pastors' expectation a...


Ep 003: 10 ways to prevent your pastor from quitting next month - Part 2

With an estimated 30 - 42 percent of pastors said to have considered leaving the ministry in a recent survey, and thousands said to be quitting on a yearly basis, it is important to create an awareness amongst church members and especially church volunteers about what they can do to prevent massive exodus of pastors out of ministry.Dr. Joseph Obisesan speaks to this issue in this episode. Solutions provided are simple, practical and implementable starting as soon as from this mom...


Ep 002: 10 ways to prevent your pastor from quitting next month - Part 1

With an estimated 30 - 42 percent of pastors said to have considered leaving the ministry in a recent survey, and thousands said to be quitting on a yearly basis, it is important to create an awareness amongst church members and especially church volunteers about what they can do to prevent massive exodus of pastors out of ministry.Dr. Joseph Obisesan speaks to this issue in this episode. Solutions provided are simple, practical and implementable starting as soon as from this mom...


Ep 001: Why Pastors Want To Quit On Mondays

Pastors are always positive, bubbly and exciting people to be around at all times.Wrong!It is certainly not always so.In this episode, find out why Monday is a challenging day of the week for many pastors.Visit the website www.smallchurchrealities.comMusic:


Ep 000: Introducing Small Church Realities

With increasing awareness about the role of small churches in disciple-making, it is important to highlight the peculiar dynamics which takes place within a small church environment.There are real issues that happen to real people in small churches in ways that shape the lives of those concerned. In this episode, Dr. Joseph Obisesan introduces you to what "Small Church Realities" is all about, as well as what to expect in the future.Visit the website www.smallchurchrealities.comMusic: h...


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