Smallville Meets Krypton

Smallville Meets Krypton is a podcast show around truth. The goal is to help individuals who have been involved in adoption to understand the importance and value of truth as it pertains to adoption and how to help individuals and families embrace that truth while still maintaining a healthy relationship.We will share my personal experience with adoption as well as interview parents and individuals associated with adoption and the joy and challenges that have come and how they process it.Most importantly we will seek to help those looking for answers and see how we can help support them in their journey to find answers.

The reunion after 36 years

In our third part of this series of interviews with Trina today we talk through more of the after the pregnancy emotions and feelings as well as finally discussing the day of the reunion and how things have been after two years.


Trina Begins (Part 2)

In this second part interview, Trina and I get to go into what she remembers from the pregnancy, discuss some of her feelings and discuss the profound effects her decisions during this pregnancy had on me and so many others.


Trina begins (Part 1 of 2)

Today’s episode is a very special episode for obvious reasons. Today my guest is my very own birth mother Trina. I know this is an episode everyone’s been waiting for and believe me, these conversations have been priceless for me.


Regardless of anyone else's choice, he's my brother!

This week we visit with my other sister Candace. She and I spoke the most initially and throughout the first week. I love the difference of her perspective. I'm still amazed at how much I've learned from these discussions even two years after meeting and realizing we've not discussed already.


I lost your message and then we couldn’t find you…

Today we visit with one of my half sisters and hear the story of my first reaching out from their perspective. It’s funny because we connected over two years ago but some of these questions have yet to be asked so I’m grateful for this opportunity to visit with my siblings and learn more about what this was like for them. I hope you enjoy Brandie’s interview!


Colby....I'm pretty sure I found your Mom

Today we get the pleasure of visiting with the other search angel who unlike Meredith was focused almost entirely on her gut instincts and experience. It was her confidence that led me to start reaching out, even though Meredith had already provided me with the data weeks we weren't confident until the day Reagan called me.


The Spouse of an Adoptee

In this special episode I interview my sweet wife Maggie and ask her to share with us her perspective and what this experience has meant to her. Maggie has been extremely supportive, patient, and honest as we've gone through this process. I can't begin to express how lucky I am to have such a strong companion by my side as I navigate and try to understand all the pieces that come with this new discovery.This one will be worth watching if you can:


You have to have realistic expectations.

As we begin the process of trying to find my birth family I started the process by involving two "Search Angels" to help me dig in and make sense of my DNA and put the pieces together to find my birth family. In todays' episode I interview Meredith who has a lot of experience in this process. She shares some very valuable advice and things to keep in mind as people search for their family.Find our video podcast on YouTube:


There was never a good time to tell you...

Although it was a hard conversation, I took the plunge and went to my Mom's home to confront her and my Dad about the knowledge I recently learned. What would I say? How do I handle this conversation? Where do we go from here? How do I process a secret that's been kept from me for so long?Thank you for joining us on this journey as we unpack and dive into the experience of finding out I'm adopted and the emotions, the thoughts, and the raw feelings that come from this experience.F...


Am I really adopted?.....No way!

After Luke drops the bomb about my adoption I am left to figure out how to process what he has shared with me. Was he telling the truth? Was this real? Listen to Luke's perspective on what he experienced that night and the day after finding out.If you're enjoying the show, be sure to subscribe and check out our YouTube Channel: for being apart of our journey. If you're up for it, share some love by adding a review and telling your frie...


That's odd, I don't recognize any of my results.

After 36 years I finally took a DNA test. In this first episode we dive into the history of where I come from and what led to me finally completing a DNA test.The results for my wife came through and everything looked normal, however a week later I finally got my results and that's when everything changed.I told my friends that I didn't recognize any of the people in the list and for some reason the countrys I'm suppose to be from don't match up to what my family history shows. Something isn'...



What is Smallville meets Krypton? Is this a podcast about Superman? Is this a Podcast about Clark Kent? Or is this a show dedicated to the greatest adoption stories every experienced and just as Clark Kent meets JorEl for the first time he's told that together with his Kryptonian father they will find the answers together. Adoption comes with so many rollercoasters of emotions, it's effects are substantial across multiple families and thanks to modern technology and the abili...


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