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Smart Women's Dating Podcast

Author: Lærke Nielsen

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The podcast for high-achieving, smart, independent women who have created success in career and life in general, but who struggle to crack the code to their love life and attract a loving and meaningful relationship. Join certified Life- and Dating Coach, Lærke Nielsen, as she shares mindset tools and inspiration, that help you turn around your dating life, so you can stop chasing the wrong guys and start attracting your ideal partner. Schedule a free consultation call:
82 Episodes
This episode is about the misunderstanding that leaning back means that you can just expect a man to take lead without doing anything. This is not how feminine energy works. You might be leaning back when it comes to taking action, taking initiative and taking lead with a man. But you are not supposed to do nothing. Listen to hear how you can shift into a soft feminine energy and make a man want to make an effort and invite you again and again. To book a free consult call: https://...
In this episode I share with you some of the important red and green flags - signs that a man might or might NOT be a good choice for a committed relationship. There is a lot of confusion around that, and I often hear someone mention a "red flag", that has nothing to do with whether a man could be ready or interested in a commitment, but rather is a preference. So here i Present to you some important red and green flags and some common fake red and green flags. To boo...
In this episode I share a few reflections and observations with you. Going through a big surgery recently made me think of the challenge of embracing an individual journey, without judging ourselves for not being further ahead. I often hear women talk about how they feel they are behind in their "life agenda" and that they believe they should have found the relationship of their life by now and they must be doing something wrong. We lose a possibility to be present with ourselves and support ...
This week I am talking to a listener who is struggling with not getting overly invested early on. Especially the texting part - not sending more than one message for each message he sends and managing the doubt and anxiety that can come up, if we don't hear back from him soon. Being early invested is also a question of time boundaries on phone or video calls - as well as in person dates. And its a question of staying connected to the rest of your life, switching off the phone once in a while ...
This episode is a conversation with a listener who want some advice on how to connect with men organically, and how go meet more interesting men online. We talk about non-verbally showing a man that you are interested, the importance of not taking charge of a dating connection, and allowing attraction to be something that can grow in time, while you keep an eye on the green flags and signs that a man could be the kind of partner you are looking for. To book a free consult call with...
This weeks episode is a conversation I had with a client, who managed to create some quite amazing results in dating. She went from never going past date nr 3-4, to have 3-4 dates pr week, several connections that went beyond date nr 5, a man funnel that brings her quality dates every week and meeting a person who right now seems to be a really good potential match for a long term relationship and eventually marriage. She also shares how she shifted her mindset around some of the needs that s...
In this episode, I speak to a listener who has called in with some questions on how to get more dates from the dating apps, when she doesn't see anyone interesting in the apps and conversations seem to not flow easily. We also talk about dating app mindset and meeting people in real life and how to show a man that you are approachable. Want to work with me? Book a free consult call here:, feedback or ideas? I would love to hear from y...
74. The Secret Garden

74. The Secret Garden


The one thing that healthy and happy long-term couples have figured out, and that allow them to keep the spark and attraction between them alive, is that they both have a Secret Garden. But what is a Secret Garden and why does it work? And what is even the relevance of knowing about this in dating? This is the topic of this episode. To book a free 45 min consult call click here:, feedback or ideas? I would love to hear from you! now
In this episode I share my take on self-trust and why it's important in dating and in life in general. You also will hear what it is, that gets in our way of building self-trust, being able to fully rely on ourselves, and that it's never too late to become someone who trusts herself to do what she say she will do. To book a 45 min free consult call click here:, feedback or ideas? I would love to hear from you! now
For many single women in their late 30's wanting to have a child can be very stressful and require some big decisions to be made. Because what if you don't meet anyone that matches your standards for a partner and co-parent before it might be too late? Are you going to give up on your dream of having a child or are you going to consider having one on your own? In this episode I have a conversation with a client who is in that particular situation. To book a free consult with me, c...
Losing yourself or abandoning yourself in a dating connection or long term relationship is very normal. We do this for several reasons and often we only discover when it's too late. In this episode I share with you some of the reasons we do it, what it looks like when you lose yourself and how to prevent it from happening or get back on the track, if it did already happen. And I also tell you why you never want to lose yourself in a romantic context. To book a consult call with me click ...
How do you react if you feel jealous? Do you even allow want to admit to yourself that you feel it, or do you try to suppress it and move on? Most people look at jealousy as something you are not supposed to feel if you have a healthy sense of self-worth. But sometimes we do actually feel it, and its completely normal to feel it on rare occasions. In this episode I offer you a strategy for how to process your jealousy and communicate about it if that is necessary. To b...
Nobody enjoys being rejected. Not even from a man that they don't see a future with... But in dating rejection is the norm. Its what happens most of the time. Either you deselect the guy or he deselects himself - and it happens either sooner or later - until you meet someone that you want to stay with and who wants to stay with you. In this episode I give you some new ways of thinking of rejection, so that you can get used to both saying and hearing a lot of no's, and not let it stop you...
If you are dating someone for a longer time or starting a relationship with them, even if you know he isn't the one for you, because for one or the other reason, you don't really respect him because you feel he is inferior to you - that is what I call dating down. In this episode I will explain what happens when you do that, and give you an insight into the real reason you feel safe with someone, who is inferior to you. I also share some tips on how to open yourself up to meeting an amazing m...
What does it mean to be your own best partner? And why is it important in dating, relationship and life in general? In this episode I share with you my take on being your own best partner, and I walk you through the 7 elements that I believe are important to master. We attract what we are a match to, so working on yourself is always a good investment of your time and energy. Book a free call here:, feedback or ideas? I would love to hear from you...
In this episode I have a conversation with my client, A, who met a new partner in record time (!) and then experienced a wave of dating/relationship anxiety - fear of losing her newly found love. This kind of anxiety is not at all rare, and many women go through it, when they all of a sudden meet a man who is very different than the ones they knew in the past and who seems to be almost "to good to be true". You will learn how she managed to overcome a large part of that anxiety and not let it...
In this episode I give you five reasons that can explain why you are still single - even if you are amazing! Listen and see if you recognize some of this, because the good news is that you can change it, as soon as you have the awareness. To book a free call with me click here:, feedback or ideas? I would love to hear from you! now
If you experience only hearing negative stories about the dating app's and people being tricked, ghosted or scammed, this episode is for you. I offer you some mindset tips and my perspective on what it takes to succeed in the apps, and I share with you some interesting data on the real success of the dating apps. If you need to feel inspired and motivated to use the app's, this is an episode for you. If you want to know more about how I can help you, book a free 45 min call here:https://...
63. No More Nice Girl!

63. No More Nice Girl!


People pleasing, man pleasing, never saying no, always taking care of others needs first and not speaking a word about what YOU need and want - does that ring a bell? If so, it's time to ditch the Nice Girl inside you and start speaking up! Its better for you, your emotional well-being and your future relationship - and it also makes you stand out as a sophisticated woman! In this episode I share my thoughts on why many of us find it so difficult to speak up, why its important to do it anyway...
Are you holding yourself back from dating because of fear of being heartbroken (again)? Or are you getting over a breakup and not sure, if you are ready to go back into dating? Then this episode will help you find the answers. I am sharing here how to heal your heart and get over a breakup, not only to survive, but to thrive. I teach you the concept of clean pain vs suffering and how to manage your mind though a breakup. And I also give you some clues on when you are ready to go back in...