
Joanne L. Smikle, PhD is a respected authority on leadership and organization development. She provides learning that helps you soar! Each episode prepares you to lead in our ever-evolving world. Subscribe today...content is updated all of the time! Get more relevant tools from The SmikleSpeaks YouTube Channel and the library at Contact Joanne for assistance with your individual and organizational development.

Case Study: Change That May Never Happen

The last case study I did was really popular! So much so that I’m doing another one today. Thanks to everyone who encourages me to try new topics or to continue on with things they enjoy. I appreciate the feedback.Here’s another thought-starter. This one is all about courage, internal opposition and the nuances of DEI. I'll read you the case and then I’ll review questions for consideration at the end.


Reframe the Imposter Syndrome

I know it’s a popular concept, the imposter syndrome. And I’m sure it’s a real thing. Psychology Today and a billion other publications have articles on it. They say it’s when we feel undeserving of our achievements, of our success, of our promotions.Frankly, I don’t like the language “imposter syndrome.” It focuses on deficits and doesn’t address the real issue. And that issue is a lack of confidence. In this podcast we’re going to change the language and imagery that we use. We’re going to extricate imposter syndrome from our vocabulary and, most importantly, from our mindset. We’re going to talk about how we build confidence.


Next Chapters, Featuring Mark Gesner, Pt. 3

Mark Gesner started his journey in hosteling. Somewhere along the way he was the Vice President of Community Engagement, Innovation & Communications at Saint Leo University. Then he served as a business professor and the executive director of the Hub for Innovation and Community Engaged Learning at Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. And now he is in the Sunshine State enjoying his next chapter as the Maureen and Douglas Cohn Executive Director of the Tampa JCCs.Mark has come full circle. He's going to share his insights on writing multiple chapters and returning to your roots.


Case Study: DEI Obstacles From Within

There’s so much to consider when it comes to courage and change. Today I am going to read you a case study that I just used in a workshop. I want you to think about it, process it, share it. It's all about courage DEI, and obstacles from unlikely sources. I’ve got a few questions that we’ll go over after I finish telling the story. Those questions will help you consider the nuances of the case.


Next Chapters, Featuring Mark Gesner, Pt. 2

Mark Gesner is back to talk more about his next chapter. After a remarkable career in academia, he decided to become a nonprofit executive. Mark is the Maureen and Douglas Cohn Executive Director of the Tampa JCCs. He’s a Brooklyn native who saw transformational leadership, inclusion, and acceptance modeled by his grandmother and great aunts. Those lessons prepared him to write multiple chapters of his rich, storied life.


Exploring Inclusive Leadership

With the rampant attacks on equity, diversity and inclusion in so many organizations, I think it is more important than ever to address the competencies required to create inclusivity. This podcast is for anyone interested in bridge building in the workplace. It’s for anyone who is interested in thoughtfully leading in ways that create the human bonds that will protect us all.


Next Chapters, Featuring Mark Gesner, Pt. 1

Mark Gesner has revived, recharged, reinvented, redirected his life multiple times. Each time he draws on lessons and skills from the previous chapter. He’s on his third chapter. Mark is the Maureen and Douglas Cohn Executive Director of the Tampa JCCs. This is a new role that he assumed a few months ago. While he’s familiar with nonprofits, he spent many years in academia. He was the Vice President of Community Engagement, Innovation & Communications at Saint Leo University. He served as a business professor and the executive director of the Hub for Innovation and Community Engaged Learning at Cardinal Stritch University. And now he's move across the country to take on a completely different role leading a large nonprofit. In the next three episodes we will hear his story.


It's All About Love, Featuring Olga Campora, PhD

Dr. Olga Campora is back with us. Olga owns a yoga studio that offers therapeutic yoga to high achieving individuals who suffer from back pain and stress. She also provides life coaching services to with men and women who are highly committed to improving themselves on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. She helps people become the most loving version of themselves. And that's just what we're going to talk about: love!


Thought Creation, Featuring Olga Campora, PhD

Dr. Olga Campora is back with us.  She provides life coaching services to with men and women who are highly committed to improving themselves on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. She helps people become the most loving version of themselves.Last week she gave an overview of her approach to the coaching process and shared insights on how people can ready themselves for coaching. This week we are going to explore her emphasis on thought creation. She is going to talk about how thoughts are stored but they can be recreated.


Are you ready for coaching? Featuring Olga Campora, PhD

Dr. Olga Kovarova Campora, PhD., the author of Saint Behind Enemy Lines, is here to discuss coaching readiness. Born in Czechoslovakia, she’s an educator, a lecturer, and an inspiration.Dr. Campora is a certified life coach. She loves working with men and women who are highly committed to improving themselves on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels and becoming the most loving version of themselves. She helps people develop the ability to serve powerfully, love unconditionally and make a difference for good wherever they are.


Retain & Multiply

This podcast is all about the strategies leaders can use to retain their most valuable asset, the human asset. The focus is on how we stop the human hemorrhaging and fully engage employees.


Sleep Matters, Featuring Dr. Joyce Lee-Ianotti, Pt. 2

Sleep medicine is her passion and she has a particular interest in the relationship between sleep and brain/body health. Dr. Joyce Lee-Ianotti . She's earned a national reputation as a leading expert in her field.! She is Chair of the Sleep Division of the American Academy of Neurology, Director of the Sleep Medicine Fellowship Program Directors Council sponsored by the American Thoracic Society, and on the Board of Directors for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine Foundation. Dr. Lee-Ianotti is here to help us explore the relationship between sleep and brain/body health.


Facing the Fear of the Unknown

The unknown may make us freeze and do absolutely nothing. It may make us flee back to what we do know, whether it’s serving us well or not. Or, we may charge in and see what awaits us. Sometimes we normalize dysfunction so that we can stay stuck. This podcast explores ways to face our fears of the unknown. 


What would you do? Aging, money, and fun...

I'm back with the "What would you do?" series. This one is all about Ellen. She's 69, a survivor, an optimist, and living on a very tight budget. She's facing a dilemma about money, time, and choices.


Brain Matters, featuring Dr. David Dodick, Pt. 1

We will be spending time focusing on brain health in 2024. We know about heart health. We know about mental health. It's time to explore Brain Health. It is a privilege to spend time with Dr. David Dodick, Chair of the Board of the American Brain Foundation. He is a leader in the world of brain health and he's going to guide our journey into the gray matter..


Sleep Matters, Featuring Dr. Joyce Lee-Ianotti, Pt. 1

Dr. Joyce Lee-Iannotti, MD is the Director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Banner University Medical Center Phoenix and Associate Professor of Neurology at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, Phoenix, AZ. She is triple board certified in general neurology, sleep medicine, and vascular neurology. Dr. Lee-Ianotti is passionate about public awareness of the interconnection between sleep and brain/body health. She shares her insights in this episode.


Identity Formation and Transformation

How do we come to be who we are? How do we transform that self into who we want to be? Those are weighty questions that we’re going to explore in this episode.


Compassion Fatigue

I sometimes wonder if I’m the only person in the world who gets weary from hearing about other people’s problems, misfortunes, and issues. I’m not saying that I don’t care. I’m not saying that their problems aren’t real. I’m not saying that global disasters aren’t important. All I’m saying is that I get depleted. It was so heartening to learn that there’s an actual name for what I'm feeling. It’s called compassion fatigue and we're going to explore it in this episode.


What would you do? It's about the money...

Thanks for continuing to send me your emails about this "What would you do?" series! I appreciate your encouragement. This one is about money. Tom has been a branch manager for a large credit union for 7 years. He didn't get a promotion but did get a lot of extra work without extra compensation. He's not a happy guy right now...


Next Chapters, Featuring Linda & Jeff White of Massage Associates, Part 2

As we continue in this Next Chapters #eries Linda & Jeff White, owners of Massage Associates, are back to talk about their journey into many new adventures, personal and professional..


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