So, You Want to Publish a Book?

Let's help you learn to get your nonfiction or kid's book published so that you'll have great tools to impact the world.

Authors: Get Past Imposter Syndrome

In this podcast episode of 'So, You Want to Publish a Book?', Sean Buvala dives into overcoming imposter syndrome as a children's book author. The episode encourages authors to reconnect with their initial passion, celebrate their progress, engage with their peers, and continue learning to grow their craft. Visualization of the impact of their stories on young readers serves as a motivator, reinforcing the significance of each word written. The discussion concludes with a call to action for aspiring authors to weave their unique experiences into their stories, not just for others but for their personal satisfaction, underlining that every great author once felt like an imposter. See us at


Authors: Learn to Bend and Go With the Flow

In the 'So, You Want to Publish a Book?' podcast episode hosted by Sean Buvala, he discusses the importance of adaptability and flexibility in both business and artistic ventures. Using an Aesop fable about an oak tree and flexible reeds, Sean emphasizes the danger of adhering too rigidly to old methods and philosophies, explaining how this can make your work irrelevant. Furthermore, he encourages listeners to self-reflect, questioning their own potential inflexibility, and asks them to consider any possible areas for adapting their strategies. The episode prompts thoughtful consideration of personal and professional growth, and Sean encourages listeners to share their own experiences with crafting a more flexible approach to their work.


Authors: You Can Handle Rejection.

In this episode of 'So, You Want to Publish a Book?' podcast, host Sean Buvala speaks candidly about the inevitability of rejection in the book publishing process, comparing it to necessary rainfall. However, he generalizes that success is possible and urges aspiring authors not to equate their personal worth to their work's reception. Sean encourages authors to put their work out without fear, taking criticism and praise in stride, and focusing on learning from legitimate feedback. He emphasizes the importance of enjoying the creative journey and ends with a powerful call to action for authors to share their unique stories with the world. Check the show notes on for any links or articles mentioned in today's episode.


Authors: A Mid-Year Check In for Creatives

In this episode of 'So, You Want to Publish a Book?' podcast, Sean Buvala encourages authors to reflect on their experiences in the first half of the year, evaluate their areas of strength and growth, and project the activities they plan to undertake in the upcoming months. By asking key questions that reveal an author's practices and progress, Sean nudges authors to consider their highs, lows, and even the somewhat neutral experiences that have impacted their journey. The ultimate goal is to uncover patterns, address imbalances, and sculpt a course of future action. Concluding with the importance of rethinking and reflection to thrive in the industry, Sean invites authors to visit for further guidance and discussion. The podcast aligns with Sean's vision of collectively bringing great books to life, thereby influencing the lives of readers across the globe.


Authors: Your Mindset is What Sets You Free

In this episode of 'So, You Want to Publish a Book?' podcast, host Sean focused on the importance of having the right mindset for creative individuals. He discussed the benefits of adopting a positive mindset as a creative tool, including increased self-confidence, improved resilience, boosted creativity, and enhanced motivation. He emphasized that mindset training should be part of the daily creative process, hinting it could be the secret weapon in breaking through the blocks that come with creating. Towards the end, Sean invited listeners to join their free Facebook group for live and interactive sessions, and reminded everyone that creativity is about allowing ideas to take flight and making the creative voice heard. Facebook


Authors: Tips to Get in Front of a Publisher

In this episode of the 'So, You Want to Publish a Book?' podcast, host Sean provides valuable advice to prospective authors on how to approach publishers and pitch their books effectively. He shares crucial pointers, drawing from his personal experience as both an author and a publisher. Sean emphasizes the importance of professionalism, having a concise and compelling pitch ready, respecting the publisher's time, and understanding the vibe of the publisher. He also encourages authors to be ready to discuss any aspect of their book confidently and to maintain an open mind for any improvement suggestions. Sean further urges authors to show passion for their book and willingness to promote it, and to stay positive even in the face of rejection. All these valuable tips are offered to budding authors to aid them in their journey of getting their work published.


Authors: Know the Power of Early Reading

In this episode of 'So, You Want to Publish a Book?' podcast, host Sean explores the profound impact of early reading on a child's overall cognitive growth and language development. Highlighting the science-backed advantages of reading aloud to children, Sean emphasizes not only the boost in vocabulary and learning skills that children receive, but also the unique bonding experience it offers to parents. He also suggests creative ways to make reading sessions engaging, such as using expressive faces and imaginative voices, involving children in picture descriptions, and for bilingual families, sharing books in both languages. Sharing his belief that these reading sessions can lay a strong foundation for children's futures, Sean encourages listeners to embrace and enjoy the experience, making it a highlight of both their child's and their own day.


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