DiscoverSo You Think You Know Jesus?
So You Think You Know Jesus?

So You Think You Know Jesus?

Author: The Rock of Israel Congregation

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So You Think You Know Jesus is a podcast that will challenge Christian paradigms, uproot traditions of men, and in the end, energize your faith as you get grounded in Scripture and learn through the eyes of the Jewish Messiah, Jesus. Hosted by Rabbi Jeff Grillo. **This podcast is a ministry outreach of The Rock of Israel Congregation in Hickory, North Carolina**
9 Episodes
So many Christians believe that the Law was nailed to the cross and therefore done away with. The problem is that is a misunderstanding of what the scripture actually says. This episode will explain what was 'actually' nailed to the cross... You will be surprised!
This episode looks at what is perhaps the scariest verse in The Bible for Christians today... Or at least should be!
Rabbi Jeff invites you to come and learn not only what the unutterable name is, but what it means. Once you learn the true meaning of the name, it changes everything for the better!
In this episode we explore the Jewish concept of putting fences around the commands. It may sound like legalism, but it is actually how Jesus himself taught!
Prepare to make a connection that you have never seen before!
If you ever wonder why we are given dates in the Bible, this episode is for you!
In this episode, you will learn the true reason behind why Jesus exclaimed from the cross, "Why have you forsaken me?" You have likely never heard this explanation before!
Rabbi Jeff reveals the specific reason why Jesus spit on the ground to make mud that would be used to anoint the eyes of the blind man in John 9.



Welcome to the 'So You Think You Know Jesus?' Podcast!