Social Media Love Podcast Show

Welcome to the Social Media Love podcast, where amazing things happen such as The Real Story Behind Her Business SHOW. I believe that women leaders currently have a historical advantage to take control of their influence thanks to digital platforms where gender, skin color and cultural background have no boundary.⁣ The only thing you need to have is an internet connexion…the rest is stuff you can learn to master, whether it’s technology or your fear to show up online. On The Real Story Behind Her Business Show, we explore how to use your own story and infuse it in marketing.

EP80: Stepping into the Light with Mia Frankl (Series 1/10)

🎬🎙 Introducing the first episode of "Stepping into the Light: You Are V.I.S.I.B.L.E" 🚀🔮, where we dive deep with Mia Frankl of PowHERfull Inc. My goal is to inspire you - so that more women entrepreneurs like you can gro from obscurity to vibrant visibility online. Once in hesitation, Mia now shines as a luminous example of embracing imperfection, growing an audience, and consistently boosting revenue by being unapologetically herself online - her podcast is thriving. In this compelling conversation, we explore Mia's transformation with questions that inspire, educate, and empower: 1. Mia's Moment of Revelation: What ignited the shift from staying hidden to stepping into the spotlight online? 2. The Power of Imperfection: How she started to embrace her authentic self, flaws and all, the impact it has on her connection with her audience 3. Overcoming Visibility Blockades: how did you navigate them? 4. Advice to Any Woman who wants to use her voice to be seen, heard and paid Mia's story is not just about the triumph of visibility; it's about the transformative power of vulnerability, the courage to be seen, and the deep belief in one's message and mission. 🌟 Tune in to hear Mia Frankl's inspiring journey from the shadows into the light, and discover how you, too, can break free from the binds of invisibility. Let her story illuminate your path to V.I.S.I.B.LE. 🎧 Listen now and join us in the movement towards greater visibility and empowerment. Learn more about Mia and who she is: Mia Frankl's bio & free ressource: I am a healer & a teacher. I have an incredibly large capacity for love, hard topics and levity. I can navigate a conversation easily and with deep insight and turn it into tangible, clear examples that we all face on the daily. I am easy to talk to, welcoming and give incredibly safe energies; my exchanges are both coaching and being coached, a magnetic co-creation from systems and structure (in biz operations) to navigating oneself through intimate relationships and truly knowing / practicing personal responsibility. Thank you Mia 🌸 === 💌 Ready to shine? Book a call with me if you want to explore how you too could benefit from showing up consistently online and help you acquire new clients from the internet: Let's illuminate your path together! === 🎬🎙"Stepping into the Light: You Are V.I.S.I.B.L.E" is a Series to support the writing of my book coming up in the Spring. All the Social Media Love you deserve, ‌ Let's keep the conversation going! ‌ YouTube: ⁠Social Media Love⁠ Facebook: ⁠Social Media Love in English⁠ Instagram: ⁠Social Media Love in English⁠ Download ⁠10 Storytelling Ideas For Women Entrepreneurs⁠


EP 83 | 🎬🎙"Stepping into the Light: You Are V.I.S.I.B.L.E" With Eleanor Austin EP 3/10

🎬 Stepping Into The Light Live SHOW with Eleanor Austin, The Queen of LinkedIn. As part of Social Media Love's NEW Series 🎉, celebrating the release of my debut book 📚 "ARE YOU VISIBLE?", I interview women entrepreneurs and experts who have chosen to embark on the journey of becoming V.I.S.I.B.L.E. - sharing their voice, ideas, stories, irresistible offers, leadership, and expertise. GRAB YOUR BOOK HERE: Featuring the "Queen of LinkedIn". Eleanor is a super power on LinkedIn and she shares with us how she made it happen. Listen carefully and take notes. If she can do it, we can all do it. You can connect with Eleanor via LinkedIn directly at "Eleanor Austin" 🌸 Why does it matter? Because YOU matter. Your voice matters. Building a business isn't just about strategy. Start speaking your truth. You are the strategy. And the world needs you. Let's go! Tell us what your golden nuggets were when you watch the #replay. 🌸🌸🌸 💌 Ready to shine? Book a call with me if you want to explore how you too could benefit from showing up consistently online and help you acquire new clients from the internet: Let's illuminate your path together! ===


EP 82 | Stepping Into The Light With Tammy Ward

I'm super pumped to welcome you to today's episode featuring the visibility journey of Tammy Ward. From being a police officer to a motivational speaker, Tammy’s growth journey is hard to ignore. Today's conversation dives right into the significance of listening to your heart, intuition and passion, emphasizing how feeling you want more out of life can shape your next level of success and visibility. Tammy introduces a profound perspective: "you can never say the wrong thing to the right people and you can never say the right thing to the wrong people". Through her journey, you'll discover its essence and how embracing her uniqueness amplified her achievements. She also shares what courage experiences are and how she believes that it is the most healing thing that you can do when it comes to share your voice, ideas and stories of life. So grab a blanket, a pen, your journal, and let's dive in. All the SociaL Media Love You Deserve, Angélique ‌ Love the show?! Please leave a review. Thank you so much! Your feedback means the world to us. Let’s keep the conversation going!Website: ‌ About Tammy Ward: ”Tammy Ward Speaks, where I bring my passion for motivational speaking and holistic wellness to inspire others to live their best lives. With over two decades in law enforcement, including roles as a Sergeant in the RCMP specializing in Domestic Violence and Community Relations, I've navigated challenges within a traditionally male-dominated field and have experienced many traumatic events. After experiencing unfathomable losses, my journey took a turn as I founded TLW Yoga and Wellness, creating a safe space for others to find inner peace through mind-body wellness. Since I retired from Policing in February 2020, I have been fully dedicated to uplifting individuals through impactful speaking engagements, yoga, and wellness initiatives.” Learn more about Tammy here:


EP 81 | How to Use Your Voice on Social Media

Do you know why most women entrepreneurs “think” they don’t have a voice? It’s because they compare themselves to other powerhouse women on the internet who already paved the way. This is what stops them to show up - the feeling of not having anything to say that is not earth shattering enough. I was that person before. Here are the 5 exploration paths to explore your voice and how. to sprinkle in your social media content. hear your voice for real what is the voice of your brand what value do you carry online identify the world movement you’re part of when you rely on your inner wisdom you connect with your voice === Love the episode? This is the sign you ready to become V.I.S.I.B.L.E. Get more of this at All the Social Media Love you deserve, ‌ Let's keep the conversation going! ‌ YouTube: ⁠Social Media Love⁠ Facebook: ⁠Social Media Love in English⁠ Instagram: ⁠Social Media Love in English⁠ Download ⁠10 Storytelling Ideas For Women Entrepreneurs⁠


EP 79 | What Helps You Not Feel Defeated As A Female Entrepreneur

The entrepreneurial journey for women often takes unexpected turns, bringing forth moments of defeat that cut deep into our resilience. As a woman immersed in the business realm, I've encountered setbacks, faced imposter syndrome head-on, and navigated through distinctive obstacles that can be disheartening. Revealing these challenges isn't a sign of weakness but a powerful way to authentically connect with our audience. Your story as a woman entrepreneur carries the potential to make a profound impact. It's not just about the defeats, but the strength, determination, and growth that arise from overcoming them. If you're ready to harness the power of your narrative and connect with your audience on a deeper level, let's embark on the journey of authentic marketing together. All the Social Media Love you deserve, Let's keep the conversation going! YouTube: Social Media Love Facebook: Social Media Love in English Instagram: Social Media Love in English Download 10 Storytelling Ideas For Women Entrepreneurs


EP 78 | Unlocking Authenticity: The Power of Vulnerability and Storytelling in Building Your Brand

Vulnerability and storytelling aren’t just tactics; they’re the essence of connection and authenticity. Here’s why they matter: 🌸 Vulnerability Connects: It transforms your brand from a distant entity into a relatable ally, creating a genuine bond with your audience. 🌸 Storytelling Simplifies: It takes complex ideas and makes them engaging and easy to grasp, highlighting the transformation your clients seek. 🌸 Together, They Ignite Action: Emotional resonance compels people to move from observers to active participants in your brand's journey. Your story has the power to make a profound impact. It’s not just about what you sell but the heart and soul behind it. If you're ready to harness the power of your own narrative and connect with your audience on a deeper level, let's dive into the art of authentic marketing together. Link to my chapter "Hungry for More: A Slice of My Life" from the book "Behind The Power", where I peel back the layers of my journey and share insights on leveraging vulnerability and storytelling to elevate your brand. Thank you to the author and coach Allyson Roberts for opening the door of that journey for me. #StorytellingInBusiness #BrandVulnerability #AuthenticMarketing #BehindThePower


How to Do The Work of Becoming Visible Online

This is an episode that is meant to recenter your focus and attention ont he BIG REVEAL! You are changing lives... and it's beautiful! To all my coaches and consultants out there, this message is for you! In today’s episode, I share with you the 5 vital key to a flourishing online presence for your marketing When I train and advice my clients, I often hear that they want to have everything ready before making a sale. I had to really look at things and remember that the way I started my business was exactly that - set up the marketing, the website, the brand… but a major piece was missing. In today’s video, I share some of the things I do with my clients so they can generate cash while building the business using social media. If you are looking to recenter on how you’re building or pivoting your business, I’d love to hear from you. Please share in the comments! We need more conversations about this. Who's Angélique Binet? Angélique Binet is paid media strategist & an online visibility educator for 6-figure women entrepreneurs who want to get clients from the Internet, through understanding how to use social media from a place of ease & joy so that they can fall in love with their fear of becoming V.I.S.I.B.L.E. - using their Voice, Ideas, Stories, Irresistible Offers, Beliefs, Leadership & Expertise.    She's the founder of Social Media Love, and the host of The Real Story Behind Her Business Show. She started her career as journalist in France and extended her career in Canada as a TV reporter. Raised on a farm in France, Binet is a graduate of La Sorbonne University in Paris, and King's College University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.


EP 76: The Magic of Selling using Social Media

Who loves selling online? Most the people I know hate it. They feel it’s uncomfortable. They don’t know how to close. They barely post about the work they do in the world and if they do, they’re quiet about their call to action. This was me until a few years ago. I was not vocal about the exact thing I was selling. I was selling so many things that one of my coach said it was a really “Chinese buffet” ‌ Results: people didn’t know what I was doing exactly. And when they thought they knew, it was awful because it was not at all what I was doing. Now is a little different. 1) I only sell 2 things. 2) I repeat myself a lot 3) you for sure know about by now and if you don’t have a read, apply and I will book a short call with you to learn more about your challenges, the gap you'd like to fill and if this program is a good fit for you and your business. Enjoy this episode! Who's Angélique Binet? Angélique Binet is paid media strategist & an online visibility educator for 6-figure women entrepreneurs who want to get clients from the Internet, through understanding how to use social media from a place of ease & joy so that they can fall in love with their fear of becoming V.I.S.I.B.L.E. - using their Voice, Ideas, Stories, Irresistible Offers, Beliefs, Leadership & Expertise.    She's the founder of Social Media Love, and the host of The Real Story Behind Her Business Show. She started her career as journalist in France and extended her career in Canada as a TV reporter. Raised on a farm in France, Binet is a graduate of La Sorbonne University in Paris, and King's College University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.


EP 75 | Unveiling Visibility: Nurturing Your Beliefs for an Online Presence

BIG REVEAL! You are changing lives... and it's beautiful! To all my coaches and consultants out there, this message is for you! Download 10 Ideas To Repurpose Your Signature Content here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Resources Mentioned: My email: FREE RESOURCES. Have you thought about using social networks to grow your business but you're not sure where to start or you're afraid of going in the wrong direction? Let me guide you! I'll show you how to use social media to expand your visibility, show your videos and posts to more people who will become your prospects and subscribe to your platforms so you don't miss anything you do. 🌟Here's your Top Social Media Marketing Strategy To Ask Yourself " GUIDE ⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠ 🌟Here's your "5 Types of Content for Social Media" GUIDE  ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ This is FREE a free resource I created for you. 🌟 Now, if you're ready to share more of your story online so that you can showcase the benefits of your programs and services, grab this FREE little guide I created for you: 10 Storytelling Ideas For Women Entrepreneurs: ⁠⁠⁠⁠


EP 74 | The Mind Laws and Why Tony Robbins is really good at marketing and so can YOU

Discover the game-changing marketing lessons that Angelique learned at UPW - Unleash the Power Within, where she learned why Tony Robbins is so good at marketing. Download 10 Ideas To Repurpose Your Signature Content here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Resources Mentioned: FREE RESOURCES. Have you thought about using social networks to grow your business but you're not sure where to start or you're afraid of going in the wrong direction? Let me guide you! I'll show you how to use social media to expand your visibility, show your videos and posts to more people who will become your prospects and subscribe to your platforms so you don't miss anything you do. 🌟Here's your Top Social Media Marketing Strategy To Ask Yourself " GUIDE ⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠ 🌟Here's your "5 Types of Content for Social Media" GUIDE  ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ This is FREE a free resource I created for you. 🌟 Now, if you're ready to share more of your story online so that you can showcase the benefits of your programs and services, grab this FREE little guide I created for you: 10 Storytelling Ideas For Women Entrepreneurs: ⁠⁠⁠


EP 73 | The Real Story Behind Her Business with Kristina Lucia

Kristina Lucia is an artist, creator, and author who ignites the imaginations of children and their parents through her limited-edition animals and touching storybooks. Her humble beginnings in a small farm town (there was only one traffic light!) sparked her creativity at a young age and her adopted home of New York City keeps her inspired daily. Curiously Curated Creations of Kristina Lucia features a magical array of warm, cuddly and comforting creatures along with storybooks that help parents and kids improve their communication and deepen their relationships. Learn more here: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Lead Magnet: Resources Mentioned:Join my group here: FREE RESOURCES. Have you thought about using social networks to grow your business but you're not sure where to start or you're afraid of going in the wrong direction? Let me guide you! I'll show you how to use social media to expand your visibility, show your videos and posts to more people who will become your prospects and subscribe to your platforms so you don't miss anything you do. 🌟Here's your Top Social Media Marketing Strategy To Ask Yourself " GUIDE 🌟Here's your "5 Types of Content for Social Media" GUIDE This is FREE a free resource I created for you.🌟 Now, if you're ready to share more of your story online so that you can showcase the benefits of your programs and services, grab this FREE little guide I created for you: 10 Storytelling Ideas For Women Entrepreneurs: ✔ E M A I L✔ I N S T A G R A M✔ F A C E B O O K✔ L I N K E D I N✔ P O D C A S T Angélique Binet is the founder of Social Media Love, an online visibility strategist for women entrepreneurs who want to fall in love with their fear of becoming V.I.S.I.B.L.E. As a visibility trauma-informed practitioner, Angélique provides social media marketing coaching, learning programs and custom content to women in business that includes mind & bodywork. She's also a paid media strategist for a large public organization in Canada. She started her career as a journalist in France and extended her career in Canada as a TV reporter.


EP 72 | Stop Saying It's Hard and Keep Doing Hard Things

How many times a day do you hear some say “it’s so hard”, I personally do it many times and it kills my ears. I used to do it to myself as well. “Making things hard” is a habit that sabotages our energy. This is why today in this episode I want to introduce you to a new experience. Next time you hear yourself say loudly or silently, “social media is so hard” or “selling is so hard”, you will experience some of the tips & insights I share with you here today. Please send me an email at and let me know what came out for you after listening. Download 10 Ideas To Repurpose Your Signature Content here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Resources Mentioned: FREE RESOURCES. Have you thought about using social networks to grow your business but you're not sure where to start or you're afraid of going in the wrong direction? Let me guide you! I'll show you how to use social media to expand your visibility, show your videos and posts to more people who will become your prospects and subscribe to your platforms so you don't miss anything you do. 🌟Here's your Top Social Media Marketing Strategy To Ask Yourself " GUIDE ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ 🌟Here's your "5 Types of Content for Social Media" GUIDE  ⁠⁠⁠⁠ This is FREE a free resource I created for you. 🌟 Now, if you're ready to share more of your story online so that you can showcase the benefits of your programs and services, grab this FREE little guide I created for you: 10 Storytelling Ideas For Women Entrepreneurs: ⁠⁠


EP 71 | Stop getting attached to the results

When you were younger, were you told you were too loud? Or that you were too much of this or not enough of that... In this thought-provoking podcast, we delve deep into the concept of how your inner visibility and its connection to our childhood pain, impact the way you behave on social media as a marketer. Join us on a journey of self-discovery as we explore how our past experiences shape our present perceptions of ourselves. I myself found that I was always looking for the next social media strategy, the next marketing tactic to make my business work, feeling inadequate, doubting my abilities, and constantly fearing that I was not enough to be the expert in my field. Sounds familiar? But what if we told you that its roots often lie in the suppressed emotions of our past? By uncovering these hidden wounds, we can begin to heal and understand the source of our self-doubt and play with our resistance of becoming V.I.S.I.B.L.E online. It's time to break free from the chains of comparison, step out of the shadows, and share our unique voices with the world. Once you've listened to this episode, I would love for you to join my next free workshop called "Posting on Social Media: Got Resistance?" The link is here:  Saturday, June 3rd at 11 am ET. Free Resources: FREE RESOURCES. Have you thought about using social networks to grow your business but you're not sure where to start or you're afraid of going in the wrong direction? Let me guide you! I'll show you how to use social media to expand your visibility, show your videos and posts to more people who will become your prospects and subscribe to your platforms so you don't miss anything you do. 🌟Here's your Top Social Media Marketing Strategy To Ask Yourself " GUIDE ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ 🌟Here's your "5 Types of Content for Social Media" GUIDE  ⁠⁠⁠⁠ This is FREE a free resource I created for you. 🌟 Now, if you're ready to share more of your story online so that you can showcase the benefits of your programs and services, grab this FREE little guide I created for you: 10 Storytelling Ideas For Women Entrepreneurs: ⁠⁠


EP 70 | The Real Story Behind Her Business with Renee-Nichole Serrant

Renée Serrant-Layne, an accomplished online marketing and launch strategist, marketing systems expert, and passionate track and field enthusiast. With her FCE Framework, Renée empowers online entrepreneurs to create personalized marketing ecosystems that guide their audience through every step of the purchasing journey. Her expertise in designing and building custom marketing strategies has helped countless entrepreneurs successfully launch and grow their businesses online. In this interview, we'll dive into Renée's background, her approach to marketing, and the unique perspectives she brings to the industry. My Instagram: Facebook page: Website: Resources Mentioned: Join my group here: ⁠ ⁠ FREE RESOURCES. Have you thought about using social networks to grow your business but you're not sure where to start or you're afraid of going in the wrong direction? Let me guide you! I'll show you how to use social media to expand your visibility, show your videos and posts to more people who will become your prospects and subscribe to your platforms so you don't miss anything you do. 🌟Here's your Top Social Media Marketing Strategy To Ask Yourself " GUIDE ⁠ ⁠ 🌟 Here are your "5 Types of Content for Social Media" GUIDE  ⁠⁠ This is FREE a free resource I created for you. 🌟 Now, if you're ready to share more of your story online so that you can showcase the benefits of your programs and services, grab this FREE little guide I created for you: 10 Storytelling Ideas For Women Entrepreneurs: ⁠⁠ ==== ✔ E M A I L ✔ I N S T A G R A M ✔ F A C E B O O K ✔ L I N K E D I N ✔ P O D C A S T Angélique Binet is the founder of Social Media Love, an online visibility strategist for women entrepreneurs who want to fall in love with their fear of becoming V.I.S.I.B.L.E. As a visibility trauma-informed practitioner, Angélique provides social media marketing coaching, learning programs and custom content to women in business that includes mind & bodywork. She's also a paid media strategist for a large public organization in Canada. She started her career as a journalist in France and extended her career in Canada as a TV reporter.


EP 69 | Critical Component for Social Media Success

In today's digital age, social media has become an essential tool for businesses, organizations, and individuals alike to connect with their target audience and build a strong online presence. However, with so much competition and noise on social media platforms, it can be challenging to stand out and achieve success. That's why in this video, we'll be exploring the key components that are crucial to achieving social media success. Whether you're a business owner, marketer, or simply looking to grow your personal brand, this video will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to help you navigate the ever-evolving world of social media and achieve your goals. Download 10 Ideas To Repurpose Your Signture Content here: ⁠⁠ Resources Mentioned: FREE RESOURCES. Have you thought about using social networks to grow your business but you're not sure where to start or you're afraid of going in the wrong direction? Let me guide you! I'll show you how to use social media to expand your visibility, show your videos and posts to more people who will become your prospects and subscribe to your platforms so you don't miss anything you do. 🌟Here's your Top Social Media Marketing Strategy To Ask Yourself " GUIDE ⁠ ⁠ 🌟Here's your "5 Types of Content for Social Media" GUIDE  ⁠⁠ This is FREE a free resource I created for you. 🌟 Now, if you're ready to share more of your story online so that you can showcase the benefits of your programs and services, grab this FREE little guide I created for you: 10 Storytelling Ideas For Women Entrepreneurs: ⁠


EP 68 | Live Interview with Tracy Litt

Tracy Litt is a sought-after success mentor for visionary women leaders that are navigating huge paradigm shifts and elevating into the next level of themselves, so they can seamlessly generate the next level of their impact, wealth, and holistic success. Tracy is a science & spirituality teacher, rapid transformational hypnotherapist, best-selling author, and TEDx speaker. She is the Founder of The Litt Factor, and creator of Mind Magic ®, a proven methodology that marries metacognition and spirituality, neuroscience and quantum law to expand and elevate more quickly. Her work has served thousands of women across the globe and has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, FastCompany, Thrive Global, Success 125 and Her book Worthy Human is a #1 best seller in Spiritual Growth and Mindset. Join the Certified Master Mind Magic® Practitioner Program:  Free Resource:   Social platforms:


EP 64: Tips Before You Go Live on Social Media

How do you prepare yourself when you are going to go live on social media? Here are some things that you can do. Download 10 Ideas To Repurpose Your Signture Content here: Resources Mentioned: FREE RESOURCES. Have you thought about using social networks to grow your business but you're not sure where to start or you're afraid of going in the wrong direction? Let me guide you! I'll show you how to use social media to expand your visibility, show your videos and posts to more people who will become your prospects and subscribe to your platforms so you don't miss anything you do. 🌟Here's your Top Social Media Marketing Strategy To Ask Yourself " GUIDE  🌟Here's your "5 Types of Content for Social Media" GUIDE This is FREE a free resource I created for you. 🌟 Now, if you're ready to share more of your story online so that you can showcase the benefits of your programs and services, grab this FREE little guide I created for you: 10 Storytelling Ideas For Women Entrepreneurs:


EP 63: The Real Story Behind Her Business with Tracy Litt

Tracy Litt is a sought-after success mentor for visionary women leaders that are navigating huge paradigm shifts and elevating into the next level of themselves, so they can seamlessly generate the next level of their impact, wealth, and holistic success.   Tracy is a science & spirituality teacher, rapid transformational hypnotherapist, best-selling author, and TEDx speaker.   She is the Founder of The Litt Factor, and creator of Mind Magic ®, a proven methodology that marries metacognition and spirituality, neuroscience and quantum law to expand and elevate more quickly.   Her work has served thousands of women across the globe and has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, FastCompany, Thrive Global, Success 125 and Her book Worthy Human is a #1 best seller in Spiritual Growth and Mindset.   Free Resource:   Social platforms:


Ep 62: The Real Story Behind Her Business with Christine Lindebak

How to create your own path and peel the onion one layer after the other. In this conversation with Christine Lindebak, you will get what you need to re-boost your energy and your joy of entrepreneurship – talking about money, social media visibility, and mindset. Christine is a consultant helping niche experts and creatives turn their passion into digital products and courses. Her services are based on her hands-on experience starting and growing her own online brand, Sewing and the City. Passion to Profit Roadmap: Main website: Sewing and the City: Resources Mentioned: Join my group here:  FREE RESOURCES. Have you thought about using social networks to grow your business but you're not sure where to start or you're afraid of going in the wrong direction? Let me guide you! I'll show you how to use social media to expand your visibility, show your videos and posts to more people who will become your prospects and subscribe to your platforms so you don't miss anything you do. 🌟Here's your Top Social Media Marketing Strategy To Ask Yourself " GUIDE  🌟 Here are your "5 Types of Content for Social Media" GUIDE This is FREE a free resource I created for you. 🌟 Now, if you're ready to share more of your story online so that you can showcase the benefits of your programs and services, grab this FREE little guide I created for you: 10 Storytelling Ideas For Women Entrepreneurs: ==== ✔ E M A I L ✔ I N S T A G R A M ✔ F A C E B O O K ✔ L I N K E D I N ✔ P O D C A S T Angélique Binet is the founder of Social Media Love, an online visibility strategist for women entrepreneurs who want to fall in love with their fear of becoming V.I.S.I.B.L.E. As a visibility trauma-informed practitioner, Angélique provides social media marketing coaching, learning programs and custom content to women in business that includes mind & bodywork. She's also a paid media strategist for a large public organization in Canada. She started her career as a journalist in France and extended her career in Canada as a TV reporter.


EP 61 | How to avoid DMs from people who are not my ideal client

Are you getting DMs from people who are not your ideal client? There is a simple solution. Watch the video and know how you can filter your audience. My name is Angélique Binet. I love coffee shops, people, and laughing... the most in life. I started my career as a journalist and then turned entrepreneur. My company is Social Media Love Inc.  As a social media marketing consultant and educator, I help 6-figure women entrepreneurs to learn how to fall in love with their fears of becoming V.I.S.I.B.L.E in order to get more customers from the internet.  I bring them the foundation of social media marketing by providing the skills, the tools and the community to become V.I.S.I.B.L.E online without sacrificing who they are and worrying about algorithms.  We do that through coaching, content marketing co-creation, and mind & bodywork.   🌎 My mission is to inspire and amplify women’s visibility online and inwards - one post, one video, one belief at a time - from a place of ease & joy.    → Why is this my mission? I believe that women leaders currently have a historical advantage to take control of their influence thanks to digital platforms where gender, skin colour and cultural heritage have no more boundaries.    → What problem do I solve? I put an end to my clients' social media fear, technology frustrations, sales process confusion, and content creation panic attacks.    → How do I make their life easier? I co-create with them a basic sales funnel, a signature platform where they share their signature content, and teach them how to sell online _ from their own platforms and from others'. When their foundation is set up, I help them amplify their message, reach, impact, and sales with FB Ads (and LinkedIn Ads).    → Do my clients need to search to find those pieces themselves...or do you do it for them?  The Visibility Accelerator is my Signature Program. There is a Done-For-You & a Done-With-You option.  Want to learn more, you can book a call here:    → Wondering if you should book a call with me?  Here are the prerequisites:    📲 You need a phone & a connection    🏷 Have something to sell    🎼 Be open to learning progressively    🧘🏾‍♀️ Keep doing the inner work (body & mind work)    ✌️Be there for the long game    👩🏼‍💻 Open to deprogram the old stressful way of doing things and to learn how to show up from a place of ease & joy.


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