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Episode @007: WebAssembly with Brian Sletten

Brian Sletten: @bsletten | 00:30 - Brian Sletten Introduction02:01 - What is WebAssembly? Search=webassemblyGoogle Native Client (NaCl)NaCl and PNaClasm.js11:58 - The Popularity and Attraction of WebAssembly21:44 - Will WebAssembly kill the desktop?33:00 - The Synergy Between Rust and WebAssemblyMozilla 40:38 - Getting Started with WebAssembly, Additional Resources, and AdviceTwitter: #WebAssemblyLearn WebAssembly | PACKT BooksThe Pragmatic Programmer: Programming WebAssembly with Rust“Lin Clark WebAssembly” Google Search @WasmWeekly This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Episode @006: Modular Monoliths with Simon Brown

Simon Brown: | @simonbrown | Software Architecture for Developers | Simon blogs at Coding the ArchitectureThis episode is sponsored by Pivotal and ThoughtWorks.02:13 - Simon’s Background and Career Path Thus Far04:20 - Structurizr and Software Tooling The C4 Software Architecture Model08:44 - Architecture Concepts in Programming Languages and an Architecturally Evident Coding Style 12:24 - Organization of Code and Software Systems; Microservices The Moose Technology Platform23:32 - Lack of Design ThinkingDistributed Big Balls of MudSimon's Modular Monoliths @ Devoxx Belgium 2016This episode is sponsored by The O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference and ArchConf 2017.29:08 - Cargo Culting Ideas and Testing Strategies Martin Fowler’s PresentationDomainDataLayering39:36 - Problems with Terminology44:37 - Tooling “for the right thing”52:59 - Advice for an Aspiring Software Architect This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Episode @005: Evolutionary Architecture with Neal Ford

Neal Ford: @neal4d | nealford.comThis episode is sponsored by Pivotal and ArchConf 201701:36 - Neal’s Background and Career Path Thus Far Clipper Development Delphi Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs)11:52 - Evolutionary Architecture and Evolvability Neal and Rebecca Parsons on Microservices as an Evolutionary ArchitectureNeal’s Evolutionary Architecture Podcast Episode on Software Engineering DailyNeal and Rebecca Parsons Discuss Evolutionary Architecture on the Thoughtworks Tech Leaders PodcastNeal’s Webinar on Evolutionary ArchitecturesDocker - Dynamic Equilibrium Arrival of the Fittest: How Nature Innovates by Andreas Wagner26:56 - Fitness Functions; Ensuring Resiliency31:19 - Microservice Architecture and Complexity40:57 - Data Ownership: Who owns customer? Logical Cohesion50:44 - -ilities: Tradeoffs This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Episode @004: The New Normal with Michael Nygard

Michael Nygard: @mtnygard | Wide Awake Developers (Mike’s Blog) | The Cognitect Blog | Release It! Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software This episode is sponsored by Pivotal. 01:42 - Mike’s Background and Career Path Thus Far02:59 - Complex Systems The Complexity Explorer06:22 - Continuous Partial Failure and Looking at MicroservicesMike’s New Normal Blog Series11:23 - “Agile”: Why?14:03 - AntifragilityBlog Post: From Resilient to AntifragileNassim Taleb’s AntifragileNormal Accidents: Living with High-Risk Technologies by Charles Perrow 20:18 - Evolutionary Design Blog Post: The Art of War, Maneuverability, and Microservices Sun Tzu’s The Art of War Matt’s Antifragile Architecture Talk Evolutionary Architecture by Neal Ford, Rebecca Parsons, and Pat Kua29:05 - Redundancy and DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) YAGNI (You Aren’t Gonna Need It)37:11 - What services should I actually have?41:00 - Contracts Between Services48:29 - Advice for Someone Getting Started as an Architect:Ward Cunningham’s c2 Wiki The Pattern Oriented System Architecture Series This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Episode 3 - Mark Richards on the Evolution of Software Architecture

My guest today is my good friend Mark Richards. Mark is an independent hands-on software architect, with 20 of his 30 years of experience in the industry playing some type of architecture role on a myriad of different software projects. He is the author of several books including Java Message Service, 2nd Edition, and is featured in the book 97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know. In addition to that he is a frequent speaker on the conference circuit (which is how we met), and gives various extremely popular software architecture trainings around the world.In this episode we discuss his keynote from the O'Reilly Software Architecture Conference in London, which took place in October 2016. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Episode 2 - Tudor Girba on Solving Problems Without Reading Code

My guest for this episode is Tudor Girba. Tudor builds tools and techniques for improving the productivity and happiness of software teams. He currently acts as a software environmentalist at feenk gmbh, a coaching and consulting company that he co-founded.In 2014 he received the Dahl-Nygaard Junior Award for his work on modeling and visualization of evolution and interplay of large numbers of objects.He leads the work on the Moose platform for software and data analysis, he initiated the work on the Glamorous Toolkit project for reinventing the software development environments, and he is a board member of the Pharo programming language and environment. He also authored the humane assessment method for making software engineering decisions, and the demo-driven approach to embedding design thinking in software development. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Episode 1 - Tim Berglund on Distributed Systems

My guest for this show is Tim Berglund, Vice President of Developer Education at DataStax. We start by discussing the unique challenges of distributed systems for architects, eventually landing on the most important piece of distributed systems advice a software architect can receive. We then dive into types of distributed systems and how to build up one's skill set in this important area. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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