A thankful spirit is others-exalting and glad-hearted. Therefore, pray for a great awakening of humble gratitude.
Death is gain because Christians will then be perfect, pain-free, rested, at home, and with Christ.
Because we have a Great High Priest, the throne of God is a throne of grace.
The word of God is our only hope. It is sharp, living, and active. Therefore, be of good cheer in your battle to believe.
Don’t be a fatalist. Be a Christian. Change is possible. God is alive. Christ is risen. The promises are true.
Take up the Bible, ask the Holy Spirit for help, lay the promises up in your heart, and fight the good fight — to live by faith in future grace.
When you feel discouraged and anxious, cling to God’s promises to be with you and uphold you.
When you marvel at the wonders of creation, do not marvel at the processes of chance but at the creativity of God.
The Bible’s warnings are written that you might believe and endure, and have life.
Satan cannot destroy us. In fact, God turns all his attacks finally against him and for us.
Becoming a Christian and being a Christian happen in the same way: by hoping in Jesus.
When anxiety blurs our vision of God’s glory, it does not mean that we are faithless. It means our faith is being attacked.
One day, we will see God’s glory, and marvel at it in such a way that he will be glorified in us for all the world to see.
It is possible to pursue God without glorifying God. If we want our quest to honor God, we must pursue him for the joy of fellowship with him.
There are precious experiences of the love of God that require that we fight pride, seek humility, and cherish the nearness of God.
Loving acts are genuine to the degree that they are not done begrudgingly.
Being a Christian is a very serious business, though not a sour business. We are simply blood-earnest about being happy in our great salvation.
What you thought was a mere struggle with an anxious disposition might really be a far deeper struggle with trusting God.
It is truer in suffering than anywhere else that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.
Whether we focus on the riches of the reward or the refining effects of suffering, God’s purpose is that our joy in suffering be sustained.
Jesaiah Kim
God is infinitely energetic with absolutely unbounded and unending enthusiasm for the fulfilment of his delight.
Paulo Francisco
I love this man indeed. God bless this amazing work.
Everything I need daily to as a reminder that God is in control. Love John Pipers devotionals.
Coe Lamoureux
Samuel Moses A
Excellent thought. Removes all anxiety