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Author: Solidarity Center

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Promoting Worker Rights Worldwide
90 Episodes
Workers from around the world, including those exiled from Belarus, Eswatini and Myanmar for forming unions, striking and trying to speak freely, describe why democracy is important—and why unions are key to democracy.
As a result of strong union activism, in partnership with Indigenous communities, the Brazilian government has recently halted a massive development project in the Brazilian wetlands that threatened workers and indigenous communities that are dependent on the river. Given this significant victory, we’re revisiting a podcast from 2022 when we first talked to activist and union leader Carmen Foro, who became a part of the newly elected Brazilian government not long after our interview.   A community that makes its livelihood from the Amazon is standing up to the Brazilian government that, without consulting with the people most affected, is […]
In Eswatini, where union workers are routinely harassed, attacked and even killed for going on strike or holding rallies, union leader Sticks Nkambule was recently targeted by the government for leading a strike to improve working conditions. Forced to flee the country, Nkambule describes the interconnected struggle for worker rights, human rights and democracy. “We […]
Teachers in Kosovo struggle to support their families on their wages and have limited classroom resources–but say the government has turned its back on their requests  to partner together to improve education. “We’re trying to establish a mutual cooperation network,” says Rrahman Jasharaj, chair of the teacher’s union, SBASHK. “My colleagues in all Kosovo schools […]
Union women who work at factories, on farms, in restaurants, taxis and offices successfully campaigned for an international treaty to end gender-based violence at work. Authors of a new book, “Stopping Gender-Based Violence and Harassment at Work: The Campaign for an ILO Convention,” share these womens’ stories and describe the powerful movement they created with […]
Український юрист з трудового права Георгій Сандул розповідає про те, як український Парламент використовує воєнний стан та катастрофу, що принесла війна з росією, аби проштовхнути репресивне трудове законодавство, що значним чином уріже права профспілок та доступ працівників до гідної праці. Сандул заявляє: “Нові закони підривають саме існування трудових прав в Україні”. Більше по цій темі: […]
Ukrainian labor lawyer George Sandul describes how the Ukrainian Parliament is using martial law, and the chaos and disaster of the ongoing war with Russia, to push through harsh legislation aimed at gutting unions and limiting workers’ rights to decent jobs. Despite the gains of labor in Ukraine over the last several years, employers are now reducing wages, re-introducing zero hour contracts, and looking to new government exemptions to the more recent, worker-focused labor laws. Says Sandul: The new laws "will undermine the very existence of employees' rights in Ukraine.".
During this year’s 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign and in honor of #GivingTuesday, you can support our work in ending GBVH and get a free copy of the book, “Stopping Gender-Based Violence and Harassment at Work,” by donating $100 to the Solidarity Center. Show your solidarity and make a donation now!   […]
In April, at least 18 union leaders were recently arrested in Belarus, where an autocracy has run the country since the fall of the Soviet Union. Among those arrested was Sergey Antusevich, vice president of the Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions, who was a guest on The Solidarity Center Podcast in 2021. On the […]
Comunidades que vivem na Amazônia estão enfrentando o Governo Brasileiro que, sem consultar os mais afetados pela situação, está prestes a implementar um projeto de explosão e dragagem ao longo de um rio que ocasionará a destruição das formas de subsistência de muitas comunidades. Carmen Foro, uma ativista rural e líder sindical brasileira que está à […]
A community that makes its livelihood from the Amazon is standing up to the Brazilian government that, without consulting with the people most affected, is on the verge of undertaking a blasting and dredging project along a river waterway that would destroy their livelihoods. Carmen Foro, a rural activist and a Brazilian union leader on […]
Union activist and leader Mohammad Badri describes the successful campaign by the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU) to raise the minimum wage, and the ongoing efforts to ensure employers pay workers what they are owed. . Find Out More! Episode Summary PGFTU Photo Story: Palestinian Workers Find Strength in Their  Union Photo Story: […]
Miles de trabajadores mexicanos formaron recientemente un sindicato independiente en la planta automotriz de GM en Silao (el centro del país), derrotando en las elecciones a otro sindicato que no luchaba por sus intereses. María Alejandra Morales Reynoso, secretaria general de SINTTIA (el sindicato que ahora representa a los trabajadores de esa planta), nos cuenta […]
Thousands of workers in Mexico recently formed an independent union at a GM auto plant in Silao, in central Mexico, voting out a union that did not operate in their interest. Maria Alejandra Morales Reynoso, general secretary of SINTTIA, the union that now represents the workers, discusses why this victory is a milestone for many […]
The co-founder and director of the Plantation Rural Education and Development Organization in Sri Lanka describes the work of the Justice for Wage Theft Campaign, a global network of unions and migrant rights organizations, including the Solidarity Center, that formed during the pandemic to push for governmental and employer reforms to ensure migrant workers have […]
Union women in Nigeria are not waiting for their governments to ratify Convention 190, the international treaty that addresses violence and harassment in the world of work—they are taking action now to ensure workers benefit from the incredibly powerful rights it provides. This week’s Solidarity Center Podcast looks at how Nigerian unions are reaching workplaces as diverse as garment factory floors and sprawling informal markets, connecting with workers to create the best strategies for ending GBVH at work. Find out More Episode summary Nigerian Labor Congress Video: Rita Goyit on the First Anniversary of C190
In Thailand, Apantree Charoensak, a former union leader who led a campaign to organize fast food workers at KFC, describes on this week’s Solidarity Center Podcast how workers overcame the company’s opposition to successfully form a union and win better wages and working conditions. “They said they would get me out of the company, if […]
The latest episode of The Solidarity Center Podcast looks at how workers in Colombia and Nigeria who have been targeted by police brutality as they wage peaceful protests to address inequality are joining—and leading—large movements to demand new levels of accountability and reform for the agencies charged with protecting and serving their communities. Find Out […]
Worldwide, agricultural workers have few rights on the job. The latest Solidarity Center Podcast shows how agricultural workers in Jordan recently joined together to collectively campaign for—and win—a landmark law that will bring them safer jobs, overtime pay and even guaranteed 10 weeks paid maternity leave. More than half of agricultural workers in Jordan are […]