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SolveItForKids Science podcast
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SolveItForKids Science podcast

Author: Jennifer Swanson/Jeff Gonyea

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Solve It! for Kids - The science podcast for curious & creative kids and their families.
Peek into the world of real-life scientists, engineers, and experts as they solve problems in their every day jobs. Kids and families are then invited to take on a challenge and solve a problem themselves! Join Jennifer Swanson and Jeff Gonyea as they ask questions, solve problems, and offer challenges that take curiosity and creativity to a whole new level.
Don’t forget to participate in our weekly challenges!
216 Episodes
People often try to be aware of the impact they are making on the planet. They will make sure to drink out of reusable water bottles, use as little plastic as possible, and even walk instead of driving. But did you ever think about how the clothes you wear affect the planet? If not, you'll want to listen to our awesome chat with Louise Ulukaya, founder of Mon Couer clothing, as she explains to us how she uses recycled plastic and abandoned fishing lines to make her clothes for kids. You'll be surprised at all of the science that is involved! 
The Solve It! for Kids Podcast is on summer break! Enjoy our BEST of ANIMALS podcast while we are away. You'll hear clips from: Ep 212 How do you Rescue Raptors? Ep 206 Why are Whales Important? Ep 203 How do Dolphins Recognize Humans?    #sciencepodcast #sciencepodcastforkids #sciencecareeers #stem #stemcareers  #stempodcastforkids  Every episode of this award-winning science podcast for kids takes you behind the scenes of a scientist, engineer, or expert's daily job. Packed with fun facts, intriguing information, and lots of laughs, this podcast aims to educate as well as inspire. The best part is that each episode gives our listeners a challenge to learn more.   Find more information on our website ( Follow us on Facebook @ kidssolve ( / kidssolve ) Instagram @kidssolve ( / kidssolve ) X @kidssolve ( / kidssolve )  
The U.S. plans to return to the Moon in a few years and have humans walk there again. Consistent and reliable communication between the Moon and Earth is imperative. How will NASA accomplish this? Take a listen to our guest Sirina Nabhan, project data systems engineer at NASA JPL as she explains how the Deep Space Network will help.  #sciencepodcast #sciencepodcastforkids #sciencecareeers #stem #stemcareers #stempodcastforkids Every episode of this award-winning science podcast for kids takes you behind the scenes of a scientist, engineer, or expert's daily job. Packed with fun facts, intriguing information, and lots of laughs, this podcast aims to educate as well as inspire. The best part is that each episode gives our listeners a challenge to learn more.   This week's challenge is to think about this: Think about what space exploration will look like in 20 years? And see if you can come up with some unconventional jobs that help with space exploration.    Find more information on our website (  Follow us on Facebook @ kidssolve ( / kidssolve ) Instagram @kidssolve ( / kidssolve ) X @kidssolve ( / kidssolve )
Have you ever looked at a building and noticed the beautiful landscape around it? Perhaps you've walked along amazingly manicured lawns amidst interesting plants, flowers, trees, and shrubs. Just who designs this natural beauty for you to enjoy? That would be someone like our guest, landscape architect Chris Flagg! Take a listen to this fascinating episode to learn about how to design and enjoy the beauty of our natural world.  #sciencepodcast #sciencepodcastforkids #sciencecareeers #stem #stemcareers #stempodcastforkids Every episode of this award-winning science podcast for kids takes you behind the scenes of a scientist, engineer, or expert's daily job. Packed with fun facts, intriguing information, and lots of laughs, this podcast aims to educate as well as inspire. The best part is that each episode gives our listeners a challenge to learn more. This week's challenge is to think about this: If you were a landscape architect, what would you change or design to most influence your physical environment?  Find more information on our website   Follow us on Facebook @ kidssolve ( / kidssolve )  Instagram @kidssolve ( / kidssolve ) X @kidssolve ( / kidssolve )  
  Have you ever wondered what it's like to live in Antartica? We have Greg Neri, explorer, science translator for Antarctica, and children's author, on our show today to tell us all about his experiences of living on the frozen contentinent with scientists. He even shares the story behind his new children's book about it! Don't miss this exciting episode!    #sciencepodcast #sciencepodcastforkids #sciencecareeers #stem #stemcareers #stempodcastforkids Every episode of this award-winning science podcast for kids takes you behind the scenes of a scientist, engineer, or expert's daily job. Packed with fun facts, intriguing information, and lots of laughs, this podcast aims to educate as well as inspire. The best part is that each episode gives our listeners a challenge to learn more. This week's challenge is to Think like an Antarctican! Look at your world with fresh eyes, as if you were an explorer. Write or draw or just think about what you see.   Find more information on our website ( ( Follow us on Facebook @ kidssolve ( / kidssolve ) Instagram @kidssolve ( / kidssolve ) X @kidssolve ( / kidssolve )  
Have you ever wondered how firefighters keep track of where a wildfire is heading? They use incident meteorologists to help them understand how the winds, temperature, and precipitation affect the movement of the wildfire. Our guest, Jon Fox, an incident meteorologist with NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, explains how it works.  #sciencepodcast #sciencepodcastforkids #sciencecareeers #stem #stemcareers #stempodcastforkids   Every episode of this award-winning science podcast for kids takes you behind the scenes of a scientist, engineer, or expert's daily job. Packed with fun facts, intriguing information, and lots of laughs, this podcast aims to educate as well as inspire. The best part is that each episode gives our listeners a challenge to learn more. This week's challenge is to get the 7-day forecast from your local weather station. Keep track of the weather that week. See if they match.    Find more information on our website (   Follow us on Facebook / kidssolve Instagram / kidssolve X @kidssolve / kidssolve
Have you ever wondered how NASA talks to all of its spacecraft that are way out in space? They use the Deep Space Network! Do you know what that is or how it works? Our guest, Rémy Morgan, is a Network Analyst for the Deep Space Network and she tells us all about how they keep track of multiple spacecraft in our solar system and all of the data they send back. If you love space technology, you won't want to miss this episode!  #sciencepodcast #sciencepodcastforkids #sciencecareeers #stem #stemcareers #stempodcastforkids #womeninstem  Every episode of this award-winning science podcast for kids takes you behind the scenes of a scientist, engineer, or expert's daily job. Packed with fun facts, intriguing information, and lots of laughs, this podcast aims to educate as well as inspire. The best part is that each episode gives our listeners a challenge to learn more. This week's challenge is to check out the Deep Space Network website to see where all of the spacecraft are today. Find more information on our website ( ( Follow us on Facebook @ kidssolve ( / kidssolve ) Instagram @kidssolve ( / kidssolve ) X @kidssolve ( / kidssolve )  
How many museums have you visited? A lot? Have you ever thought about why the museum curators choose those specific topics for exhibits? It's a fascinating tale and one that our guest, retired museum curator, Douglas Noble, knows tons about. Take a listen to this fascinating episode and learn how fun facts get turned into wonderful ways of learning in a museum.  #sciencepodcast #sciencepodcastforkids #sciencecareeers #stem #stemcareers #stempodcastforkids  Every episode of this award-winning science podcast for kids takes you behind the scenes of a scientist, engineer, or expert's daily  job. Packed with fun facts, intriguing information, and lots of laughs, this podcast aims to educate as well as inspire. The best part is that each episode gives our listeners a challenge to learn more.  This week's challenge is to consider a collection that you have. Go through and record what you have and evaluat them all. Then go to a museum and evaulate their collection.  Find more information on our website Follow us on Facebook Instagram X @kidssolve  
  Have you ever wondered how floods occur? Or maybe what happens when we get too much snow? Today's guest has the answer! Robin Fox, a surface hydrologist with the National Weather Service, is here to chat with us about things precipitation, most of all what to do if you get too much. Lot's of great weather information here for anyone who is interested in meteorology.  #sciencepodcast #sciencecareers #stempodcast #stemcareers #womeninstem  Every episode of this award-winning science podcast for kids takes you behind the scenes of a scientist, engineer, or experts day. Packe with fun facts, intriguing information, and lots of laughs, this podcast aims to educate as well as inspire. The best part is that each episode gives our listeners a challenge to learn more. This week's challenge: Measure and keep track of how much precipitation falls this week. Compare your results to your local meteorologists. Were they the same?  Find more information on our website      
Have you ever wished that your peas could taste better? Perhaps you've avoided eating them because you don't like how they taste. Well, Christine Lewington, Founder and CEO of PIP International, the best tasting pea protein, is here to talk with us. You'll learn how pea protein is made, and even what an agricultural engineer does.  #sciencepodcast #sciencecareers #STEMcareers #podcast  Every episode of this award-winning science podcast for kids and families takes you behind the scenes of a scientist, engineer, or expert's day job. Packed with fun facts, intriguing information, and lots of laughs, this podcast aims to educate as well as inspire. The best part is that each guest gives our listeners a challenge to learn more. The challenge for this episode is to go to the grocery store and identify three products that have pea protein.  Find more information at our website:  
Have you ever wondered why whales are important to the planet? On  our special Earth Day edition of the podcast, we talk with Dr. Emme Devonish, an Amelia Island Whale Ambassador, as she discusses how whales contribute so many things to our ecosystem. You can learn a lot about right whales who live on the east coast of the U.S.  Every episode of this award-winning podcast for kids (of all ages) takes you behind the scenes of a scientist, engineer, or expert's day on the job. Packed with fun facts, intriguing information, and lots of fun. This podcast aims to educate as well as inspire. The best part is that every guest gives our listeners an easy challenge to learn to do more. Challenge for this episode: Think about whales and write a poem or draw a picture about something that inspires you about them.  Check out our website,, to learn more about our guest, their job, and discover book recommendations for young readers who wish to learn more.   
How Do Birds Fly?

How Do Birds Fly?


Have you ever watched birds soaring in the sky and wondered... How do they fly like that? Our guest,  Alex Troutman, wildlife biologist and science communicator, is here to explain it all. A lifetime birding enthusiast, Alex turned his interest in birds into a job as a scientist. He now shares all of his awesome knowledge with us.    Every episode of this award-winning science podcast for kids and families takes you behind the scenes of a scientist, engineer, or expert's day job. Packed with fun facts, intriguing information, and lots of fun, this podcast aims to educate as well as inspire. The best part is that every guest gives our listeners and easy challenge to learn more.  This episode's challenge is to: make a paper airplane that looks like a bird and test it out! Find more information on our website:  
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is on everyone's minds these days. What is it? How can it help me? Is it a good thing to learn to use? Our guest,  Peter Kuperman Founder and CEO of HATCH Coding, answers all of those questions and more! Peter gives us a very user-friendly analogy for how to think of coding that's as simple as setting the table. Don't miss this intriguing episode.  Every episode of this award-winning podcast for kids (of all ages) takes you behind the scenes of a a scientist, engineer, or expert's life. Packed with fun facts, intriguing information, and lots of fun, this podcast aims to educate as well as inspire. The best part is that every guest gives the listeners an easy challenge to do to learn more. The challenge for this episode is: Use Chat GPT to create a title for your own app, and then have it outline how to build the app.  Check out our website: for more information about the guest, their job, and even book recommendations for young readers to learn more. 
  Have you ever wondered how dolphins respond to their trainers? Do they actually recognize humans? Learn the answer on today's show from dolphin trainer Griselda Mora as she explains how smart dolphins are and talks about how you can become a dolphin trainer one day!  Participate in this episode's challenge: Build something out of recyclables, like an ocean creature. Award-winning podcast for kids, parents, teachers, homeschoolers, and anyone who is curious about science and STEM careers. Highlighting STEM careers, diversity, and women in STEM.     
Have you ever wanted to go to space?  Meet Chris Sembroski, civilian astronaut member of Inspiration4, a historic orbital mission that took four civilian astronauts to space. Chris shares his amazing experience with us. Hopefully, he'll inspire one of you to head to space, too! 
What types of planets are way out in space and how do scientists study them? We have the awesome Dakota Tyler, astrophysicist and science communicator at DT Star Kid on our show to talk all about the fascinating field of exoplanets. You won't want to miss this out-of-this-world episode! 
How much do we know about the ocean? And how much is there still to learn? TONS! Aquanaut and scientist Brian Helmuth is on our show today to talk about all of the amazing things he has learned about while studying the ocean for his entire career. Listen and celebrate our 200th episode with a repeat visit from our very first amazing guest! 
What do you think it would look like if we lived in space? Would we have houses? Mobile homes? Moon buggies? What kind of food would we eat? Entrepreneur and Axiom astronaut John Shoffner is here to talk to us about what it's like to live in space for a short time. And he challenges us to participate in the International Space Art and Poetry Contest to share your ideas! 
Have you seen those giant wind turbines across the country? Ever wondered what happens to the blades when they have to be replaced? They can be recycled! Take a listen to our guest, Brian Donahue, with Canvus, a company who manufactures furniture out of old wind turbine blades. You may have some of these awesome structures in your community right now. What an awesome combination of STEM, ART, and recycling. 
We now know that the universe is vast and filled with billions of stars. But where could we find life? It's such a big place to search, so why not start with our own solar system. What are we doing to search for life here? Natasha Carr, a PhD candidate studying physics and space science at the University of Leicester, has a lot of thoughts about this. She is sharing them with us today. Don't miss this excellent out-of-this-world episode! 