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Some Dare Call It Conspiracy

Some Dare Call It Conspiracy

Author: Some Dare Call It Conspiracy

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Welcome to Some Dare Call It Conspiracy with Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. A podcast that aims to deconstruct and demystify popular conspiracy theories. After 20 years exploring the world of Conspiracy Culture, we're taking our guests & listeners on a guided tour of the Rabbit Hole. Our mission? To discover where the truth lies. - Brent Lee is a former believer in the NWO/Illuminati Grand Conspiracy and was an activist in the Truth Movement from 2003-2018. Neil Sanders is an author covering True Crime and Psychology with a particular interest in the history of mind manipulation techniques.

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97 Episodes
In this riveting episode of "Some Dare Call It Conspiracy," hosts Neil Sanders and Brent Lee sit down with Otto English to unravel the complex web of political maneuverings, historical misconceptions, and media influences that shape our contemporary world. This insightful conversation delves deep into the layers of influence, from dark money in politics to the perpetuation of historical myths and the rise of political entertainers.The Dark Money Influencing PoliticsOne of the most compelling topics discussed is the concept of "dark money." Large corporations funnel significant amounts of undisclosed funds into politics to steer policies and public opinion in their favor. This clandestine funding mechanism has far-reaching implications, influencing everything from healthcare reforms to deregulation policies. By highlighting this issue, the podcast underscores the urgent need for transparency and accountability in government affairs.Political Entertainers: The Rise of a New ClassThe conversation extends to the rise of political entertainers such as Lawrence Fox, Calvin Robinson, and Ben Shapiro. These figures have capitalized on the merging of entertainment and politics to spread their ideologies. Otto English criticizes this trend, arguing that it undermines serious political discourse and fosters a climate where racist and bigoted statements can be made without consequence. There's a call for regulatory intervention to curb these harmful narratives and restore integrity to political discussions.The Curious Case of Ancestry and MonarchyOtto English then touches upon the fascinating topic of ancestry and its implications. Highlighting how Boris Johnson and David Cameron discovered their royal lineage on the show "Who Do You Think You Are?", he suggests that almost everyone with one European ancestor in the last hundred years likely descends from historical figures like Charlemagne or King John. This revelation serves as a reminder that lineage and ancestry often carry unexpected connections and histories.The Inextricable Link Between History and MediaMedia representations of history can significantly influence public perception. The podcast discusses how movies, such as Oliver Stone's "JFK," perpetuate conspiracy theories and shape historical narratives. Otto English points out that while such films can be entertaining, they can also distort historical facts, creating misconceptions that linger in public consciousness.The Problem with Sudden ElectionsThe hosts delve into the reasons behind a prime minister calling a sudden election. This often perplexing political move may be motivated by a range of factors, from internal party dynamics to personal considerations, such as securing a family break in California. Understanding these underlying motivations can demystify political maneuvers that often seem abrupt and inexplicable to the public.Reflecting on Brexit and Its Ideological RootsA significant portion of the discussion focuses on Brexit and the ideologies driving it. Otto English highlights how Brexit was shaped by a nostalgic longing for a mythical British past and aristocratic interests. The conversation also touches upon the influence of American organizations like the Heritage Foundation on English think tanks, pushing for privatization and wealth accumulation. This ideological cross-pollination has profound implications for the UK's political landscape.The Fetishization of Historical FiguresThe podcast critiques the fetishization of historical figures such as Winston Churchill and John F. Kennedy. Otto English argues that this glorification often ignores the complex and multifaceted realities of these individuals. By oversimplifying their legacies, society perpetuates myths that can misinform and mislead.Prince Andrew and the Epstein ScandalThe conversation takes a critical turn as Otto English addresses the scandal involving Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein. He condemns Prince Andrew's friendship with Epstein and the subsequent attempts to justify this relationship. This discussion emphasizes the importance of accountability and ethical behavior, even within the highest echelons of society.The Influence of Farage and the Reform PartyNigel Farage and the Reform Party also come under scrutiny. The hosts explore Farage's media influence and political maneuvers, expressing concerns about his cult-like following and the potential dangers of complacency in politics. Otto English's prediction that Trump might lose the US election, coupled with his ambivalence about Farage's potential win in Clacton, underscores the precarious nature of contemporary politics.ConclusionIn this episode of "Some Dare Call It Conspiracy," the hosts and Otto English offer a thought-provoking exploration of the forces shaping our world. From the shadowy influence of dark money to the distortions of historical narratives and the rise of political entertainers, the discussion provides a nuanced understanding of contemporary political and social issues. This episode serves as a clarion call for greater transparency, accountability, and critical engagement with the forces that govern our lives.🔥🦉🔥In the last few years we have seen a significant rise in the belief of conspiracy theories. From the dismissal of facts as fake news to the full embrace of conspiracy theories by politicians and commentators, we face an uncertain future. Democracy is under attack and our open and free societies are in danger due to a dangerous mind virus. Conspiracism is the new pandemic. Our new project, Tin Foil Confessions, is not just a podcast and book; it's a beacon of hope for those lost in the maze of conspiracism. It's a story of redemption, a guide back to reality, and a testament to the power of change. But to bring this project to life, to reach more people and make a greater impact, we need your support.So, we ask you, join us in this fight against the pandemic of misinformation. Help us illuminate the path for those seeking truth and clarity. Donate to today and let's build a future grounded in reality, together.🔥🦉🔥 - Some Dare Call It Conspiracy is produced entirely by Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. Consider supporting us and get access to AD FREE episodes, exclusive Patreon only episodes, bonus content and an invitation to our private Discord server by joining our support us by subscribing, sharing, liking or leaving a review wherever you're listening to us!Please visit our website for all of our social media links, email address and various press clippings!🔥🦉🔥Become a supporter of this podcast:
Hello Initiates! Apologies for the delay, we've been experiencing some technical difficulties... it must be that pesky Illuminati trying to silence us! lolAnyway, thanks for your patience and support!Here is a brand new episode: Turning Chaos Into Comedy The Barney Farmer (VIZ) InterviewIn this insightful episode of "Some Dare Call It Conspiracy," host Neil Sanders chats with Barney Farmer, the creative mind behind iconic characters like the Drunken Bakers and Male Online. The conversation dives deep into the roots of his satirical work, the changing landscape of conspiracy theories, and the fine line between edgy comedy and offensive material.Male Online: Inspired by RealityBarney Farmer shares that the inspiration for his character Male Online came from reading the polarizing comments on The Daily Mail website. He observed older right-wing activists sharpening their skills online, embodying a raw, unfiltered form of social commentary.Drunken Bakers: From Pub Observations to Comic StripsFarmer recounts how experiences at a pub and a pie shop laid the groundwork for his despondent yet relatable characters in "Drunken Bakers." Despite the bleak environment of the north, the humor struck a chord with readers, blending wit with melancholy.Offering Meaning in a World of UncertaintyFarmer acknowledges that both religion and science provide meaning, despite their different approaches. Where religion fills the void of existential and moral queries, science offers explanations grounded in empirical evidence.Conspiracies: A Symptom of a Troubled Society?Farmer and Sanders explore the notion that conspiracy theories serve as a coping mechanism for those grappling with the chaos and unpredictability of the world. The comfort lies in believing that events unfold according to a grand plan, even if it's a nefarious one.Our conversation with Barney Farmer offers a kaleidoscope of insights into the intricate blend of humor, politics, and societal observations that define his work. From exploring the genesis of beloved characters to the nuanced navigation of conspiracy theories and modern societal dynamics, this episode provides a rich tapestry of thought and laughter, weaving together the many facets of Farmer's comedic genius.🔥🦉🔥In the last few years we have seen a significant rise in the belief of conspiracy theories. From the dismissal of facts as fake news to the full embrace of conspiracy theories by politicians and commentators, we face an uncertain future. Democracy is under attack and our open and free societies are in danger due to a dangerous mind virus. Conspiracism is the new pandemic. Our new project, Tin Foil Confessions, is not just a podcast and book; it's a beacon of hope for those lost in the maze of conspiracism. It's a story of redemption, a guide back to reality, and a testament to the power of change. But to bring this project to life, to reach more people and make a greater impact, we need your support.So, we ask you, join us in this fight against the pandemic of misinformation. Help us illuminate the path for those seeking truth and clarity. Donate to today and let's build a future grounded in reality, together.🔥🦉🔥 - Some Dare Call It Conspiracy is produced entirely by Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. Consider supporting us and get access to AD FREE episodes, exclusive Patreon only episodes, bonus content and an invitation to our private Discord server by joining our support us by subscribing, sharing, liking or leaving a review wherever you're listening to us!Please visit our website for all of our social media links, email address and various press clippings!🔥🦉🔥Become a supporter of this podcast:
Hello Initiates! In this episode, we welcome comedian, author, and 'cult leader' Danny Wallace for a wide-ranging and captivating conversation. Wallace shares his insights on conspiracy theories, disinformation, the supernatural, his mysterious email correspondent from China and a surreal encounter with Gareth Icke. He also provides behind-the-scenes stories from his time producing the film 'Yes Man' with Jim Carrey and working on comedy projects like The Mighty Boosh. The episode explores the role of social media in shaping public opinion, the dynamics within conspiracy communities, and Wallace's latest book 'Somebody Told Me', which discusses personal stories and the impact of conspiracy theories.🔥🦉🔥In the last few years we have seen a significant rise in the belief of conspiracy theories. From the dismissal of facts as fake news to the full embrace of conspiracy theories by politicians and commentators, we face an uncertain future. Democracy is under attack and our open and free societies are in danger due to a dangerous mind virus. Conspiracism is the new pandemic. Our new project, Tin Foil Confessions, is not just a podcast and book; it's a beacon of hope for those lost in the maze of conspiracism. It's a story of redemption, a guide back to reality, and a testament to the power of change. But to bring this project to life, to reach more people and make a greater impact, we need your support.So, we ask you, join us in this fight against the pandemic of misinformation. Help us illuminate the path for those seeking truth and clarity. Donate to today and let's build a future grounded in reality, together.🔥🦉🔥 - Some Dare Call It Conspiracy is produced entirely by Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. Consider supporting us and get access to AD FREE episodes, exclusive Patreon only episodes, bonus content and an invitation to our private Discord server by joining our support us by subscribing, sharing, liking or leaving a review wherever you're listening to us!Please visit our website for all of our social media links, email address and various press clippings!🔥🦉🔥Become a supporter of this podcast:
History is a lie agreed upon, and so is the present day when navigating the narratives of the internet's conspiracy crowd. But luckily we have a swathe of talking heads who are here to separate the wheat from the chaff, sift through the bullshit and amplify the white in the white noise. They are here to tell us the truth, no matter how unpalatable, bigoted and fallacious this might seem to reasonable or informed people. In the USA they have entire networks dedicated to distributing this modern day two minutes of hate. It can be highly lucrative to wind up the credulous and furious, and these outlets namely The Daily Wire, OAN, Rebel TV, Turning Point and others do very well and have directed more people to the right wing than a stewardess during a crash landing. These outlets can loosely be described as purveyors of news, in the same way that a dirty protest can loosely be described as an example of elegant home decoration. In the UK we have the propaganda Network GB News and Talk TV. They are very much the Robbie Williams to America’s Justin Timberlake in this regard, the Jim Davidson to their Dave Chappelle or the Scunthorpe united to their Dallas Cowboys. Essentially they do the same thing but with wildly different standards of aesthetics and with far less talent, charisma, skill and panache. The main through-line is a mixture of right wing and far right politics and performative outrage deployed through the lens of conspiracy and faux anti government sentiment.  But, as I believe Shakespeare once said, there are levels to this shit. If we think of Alex Jones and David Icke as top billing prize fighters slugging it out against the illuminati on a pay per view from Las Vegas, then people like Russel Brand, Laurence Fox and their ilk are a man killing rats with a hammer in a ring of hay-bales in the dimly lit back room of an abandoned warehouse in Kidderminster.🔥🦉🔥In the last few years we have seen a significant rise in the belief of conspiracy theories. From the dismissal of facts as fake news to the full embrace of conspiracy theories by politicians and commentators, we face an uncertain future. Democracy is under attack and our open and free societies are in danger due to a dangerous mind virus. Conspiracism is the new pandemic. Our new project, Tin Foil Confessions, is not just a podcast and book; it's a beacon of hope for those lost in the maze of conspiracism. It's a story of redemption, a guide back to reality, and a testament to the power of change. But to bring this project to life, to reach more people and make a greater impact, we need your support.So, we ask you, join us in this fight against the pandemic of misinformation. Help us illuminate the path for those seeking truth and clarity. Donate to today and let's build a future grounded in reality, together.🔥🦉🔥 - Some Dare Call It Conspiracy is produced entirely by Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. Consider supporting us and get access to AD FREE episodes, exclusive Patreon only episodes, bonus content and an invitation to our private Discord server by joining our support us by subscribing, sharing, liking or leaving a review wherever you're listening to us!Please visit our website for all of our social media links, email address and various press clippings!🔥🦉🔥Become a supporter of this podcast:
Hello initiates! This here is a short snippet of Brent Lee's Q&A session at Cambridge University hosted by Sander van der Linden. If you want to listen to the full hour, please hop over to the only place where you can listen to this session in full! Enjoy!🔥🦉🔥In the last few years we have seen a significant rise in the belief of conspiracy theories. From the dismissal of facts as fake news to the full embrace of conspiracy theories by politicians and commentators, we face an uncertain future. Democracy is under attack and our open and free societies are in danger due to a dangerous mind virus. Conspiracism is the new pandemic. Our new project, Tin Foil Confessions, is not just a podcast and book; it's a beacon of hope for those lost in the maze of conspiracism. It's a story of redemption, a guide back to reality, and a testament to the power of change. But to bring this project to life, to reach more people and make a greater impact, we need your support.So, we ask you, join us in this fight against the pandemic of misinformation. Help us illuminate the path for those seeking truth and clarity. Donate to today and let's build a future grounded in reality, together.🔥🦉🔥 - Some Dare Call It Conspiracy is produced entirely by Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. Consider supporting us and get access to AD FREE episodes, exclusive Patreon only episodes, bonus content and an invitation to our private Discord server by joining our support us by subscribing, sharing, liking or leaving a review wherever you're listening to us!Please visit our website for all of our social media links, email address and various press clippings!🔥🦉🔥Become a supporter of this podcast:
Please be aware, this series will be examining a deadly bombing and we will be discussing details of death and injury. Listener discretion is advised.Examining the Conspiracy Theories Around the Manchester Arena BombingThe 2017 Manchester Arena bombing was a tragic event that left 22 people dead and hundreds more injured. However, in the years since, a number of conspiracy theories have emerged claiming the attack was a hoax. One of the main proponents of this theory is Richard D. Hall, who has produced a book and documentary called "The Night of the Bang" alleging the victims were crisis actors.In this 8-part podcast series, we aim to meticulously examine the claims made by Hall and others, assess the evidence, and uncover the truth behind this divisive event. As content creators, we recognize the responsibility we have to approach these sensitive discussions with great care.The first half of the series will present Hall's arguments and the conspiracy theory in detail. We will then spend the second half deconstructing these claims and determining where the truth lies. This balanced approach is crucial, as conspiracy theories around tragic events can have devastating consequences.We've already seen how these false narratives can fracture communities and lead to the harassment of victims and their families. The recent legal action taken by Manchester Arena survivors Martin and Eve Hibbert against Hall is a landmark case, the first of its kind in the UK against a "disaster troll.”The Hibberts are seeking an injunction to prevent Hall from making similar allegations in the future, as well as damages. Their lawyer has described Hall's actions as "appalling" and hopes this case will set a precedent to better protect survivors of tragedies from such harassment.This issue also highlights the challenges lawmakers and social media platforms face in addressing the spread of disinformation and abuse online. While new legislation like the UK's Online Safety Bill aims to improve user protections, there are still debates over how far such laws can and should go.Ultimately, the Manchester Arena bombing conspiracy theories demonstrate the very real harm that can result when facts are obscured and victims are re-traumatized. As we delve into this complex topic, our goal is to provide a thoughtful, nuanced examination - one that honours the memory of those lost and supports the recovery of the survivors.By rigorously analysing the evidence and ethical implications, we hope to cut through the noise and misinformation, offering listeners a clearer understanding of this tragic event and the importance of responsible journalism in the face of conspiracy theories.Listen to episodes weekly: us on your preferred podcast platform: Listen to all 8 parts of the series now: You have questions? We have answers.   🔥🦉🔥In the last few years we have seen a significant rise in the belief of conspiracy theories. From the dismissal of facts as fake news to the full embrace of conspiracy theories by politicians and commentators, we face an uncertain future. Democracy is under attack and our open and free societies are in danger due to a dangerous mind virus. Conspiracism is the new pandemic. Our new project, Tin Foil Confessions, is not just a podcast and book; it's a beacon of hope for those lost in the maze of conspiracism. It's a story of redemption, a guide back to reality, and a testament to the power of change. But to bring this project to life, to reach more people and make a greater impact, we need your support.So, we ask you, join us in this fight against the pandemic of misinformation. Help us illuminate the path for those seeking truth and clarity. Donate to today and let's build a future grounded in reality, together.🔥🦉🔥 - Some Dare Call It Conspiracy is produced entirely by Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. Consider supporting us and get access to AD FREE episodes, exclusive Patreon only episodes, bonus content and an invitation to our private Discord server by joining our support us by subscribing, sharing, liking or leaving a review wherever you're listening to us!Please visit our website for all of our social media links, email address and various press clippings!🔥🦉🔥Become a supporter of this podcast:
Please be aware, this series will be examining a deadly bombing and we will be discussing details of death and injury. Listener discretion is advised.Examining the Conspiracy Theories Around the Manchester Arena BombingThe 2017 Manchester Arena bombing was a tragic event that left 22 people dead and hundreds more injured. However, in the years since, a number of conspiracy theories have emerged claiming the attack was a hoax. One of the main proponents of this theory is Richard D. Hall, who has produced a book and documentary called "The Night of the Bang" alleging the victims were crisis actors.In this 8-part podcast series, we aim to meticulously examine the claims made by Hall and others, assess the evidence, and uncover the truth behind this divisive event. As content creators, we recognize the responsibility we have to approach these sensitive discussions with great care.The first half of the series will present Hall's arguments and the conspiracy theory in detail. We will then spend the second half deconstructing these claims and determining where the truth lies. This balanced approach is crucial, as conspiracy theories around tragic events can have devastating consequences.We've already seen how these false narratives can fracture communities and lead to the harassment of victims and their families. The recent legal action taken by Manchester Arena survivors Martin and Eve Hibbert against Hall is a landmark case, the first of its kind in the UK against a "disaster troll.”The Hibberts are seeking an injunction to prevent Hall from making similar allegations in the future, as well as damages. Their lawyer has described Hall's actions as "appalling" and hopes this case will set a precedent to better protect survivors of tragedies from such harassment.This issue also highlights the challenges lawmakers and social media platforms face in addressing the spread of disinformation and abuse online. While new legislation like the UK's Online Safety Bill aims to improve user protections, there are still debates over how far such laws can and should go.Ultimately, the Manchester Arena bombing conspiracy theories demonstrate the very real harm that can result when facts are obscured and victims are re-traumatized. As we delve into this complex topic, our goal is to provide a thoughtful, nuanced examination - one that honours the memory of those lost and supports the recovery of the survivors.By rigorously analysing the evidence and ethical implications, we hope to cut through the noise and misinformation, offering listeners a clearer understanding of this tragic event and the importance of responsible journalism in the face of conspiracy theories.Listen to episodes weekly: us on your preferred podcast platform: Listen to all 8 parts of the series now: You have questions? We have answers.   🔥🦉🔥In the last few years we have seen a significant rise in the belief of conspiracy theories. From the dismissal of facts as fake news to the full embrace of conspiracy theories by politicians and commentators, we face an uncertain future. Democracy is under attack and our open and free societies are in danger due to a dangerous mind virus. Conspiracism is the new pandemic. Our new project, Tin Foil Confessions, is not just a podcast and book; it's a beacon of hope for those lost in the maze of conspiracism. It's a story of redemption, a guide back to reality, and a testament to the power of change. But to bring this project to life, to reach more people and make a greater impact, we need your support.So, we ask you, join us in this fight against the pandemic of misinformation. Help us illuminate the path for those seeking truth and clarity. Donate to today and let's build a future grounded in reality, together.🔥🦉🔥 - Some Dare Call It Conspiracy is produced entirely by Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. Consider supporting us and get access to AD FREE episodes, exclusive Patreon only episodes, bonus content and an invitation to our private Discord server by joining our support us by subscribing, sharing, liking or leaving a review wherever you're listening to us!Please visit our website for all of our social media links, email address and various press clippings!🔥🦉🔥Become a supporter of this podcast:
Hello initiates... a few months ago we found out that our dear friend Jitarth Jadeja had passed away. For those who don't know, Jitarth was a former conspiracist and follower of QANON who was one of the first former conspiracy theorists speaking out in the media that I heard. He was, and remains, a huge inspiration to me. Back in August 2022, myself, Stephanie Kemmerer and Jitarth sat down for a chat on Zoom to "Discuss Our Unusual Beliefs Together" - it was the start of a lovely friendship and I wish we had the opportunity to do more of these, as we had planned, but scheduling always got the better of us.This conversation was removed from YouTube because of fraudulent claims so I wanted to reupload it here to keep his memory alive and share with you this wonderful chat with our friend who will be sorely missed. RIP Jitarth Jadeja, our brother. ❤️Become a supporter of this podcast:
Please be aware, this series will be examining a deadly bombing and we will be discussing details of death and injury. Listener discretion is advised.Examining the Conspiracy Theories Around the Manchester Arena BombingThe 2017 Manchester Arena bombing was a tragic event that left 22 people dead and hundreds more injured. However, in the years since, a number of conspiracy theories have emerged claiming the attack was a hoax. One of the main proponents of this theory is Richard D. Hall, who has produced a book and documentary called "The Night of the Bang" alleging the victims were crisis actors.In this 8-part podcast series, we aim to meticulously examine the claims made by Hall and others, assess the evidence, and uncover the truth behind this divisive event. As content creators, we recognize the responsibility we have to approach these sensitive discussions with great care.The first half of the series will present Hall's arguments and the conspiracy theory in detail. We will then spend the second half deconstructing these claims and determining where the truth lies. This balanced approach is crucial, as conspiracy theories around tragic events can have devastating consequences.We've already seen how these false narratives can fracture communities and lead to the harassment of victims and their families. The recent legal action taken by Manchester Arena survivors Martin and Eve Hibbert against Hall is a landmark case, the first of its kind in the UK against a "disaster troll.”The Hibberts are seeking an injunction to prevent Hall from making similar allegations in the future, as well as damages. Their lawyer has described Hall's actions as "appalling" and hopes this case will set a precedent to better protect survivors of tragedies from such harassment.This issue also highlights the challenges lawmakers and social media platforms face in addressing the spread of disinformation and abuse online. While new legislation like the UK's Online Safety Bill aims to improve user protections, there are still debates over how far such laws can and should go.Ultimately, the Manchester Arena bombing conspiracy theories demonstrate the very real harm that can result when facts are obscured and victims are re-traumatized. As we delve into this complex topic, our goal is to provide a thoughtful, nuanced examination - one that honours the memory of those lost and supports the recovery of the survivors.By rigorously analysing the evidence and ethical implications, we hope to cut through the noise and misinformation, offering listeners a clearer understanding of this tragic event and the importance of responsible journalism in the face of conspiracy theories.Listen to episodes weekly: us on your preferred podcast platform: Listen to all 8 parts of the series now: You have questions? We have answers.   🔥🦉🔥In the last few years we have seen a significant rise in the belief of conspiracy theories. From the dismissal of facts as fake news to the full embrace of conspiracy theories by politicians and commentators, we face an uncertain future. Democracy is under attack and our open and free societies are in danger due to a dangerous mind virus. Conspiracism is the new pandemic. Our new project, Tin Foil Confessions, is not just a podcast and book; it's a beacon of hope for those lost in the maze of conspiracism. It's a story of redemption, a guide back to reality, and a testament to the power of change. But to bring this project to life, to reach more people and make a greater impact, we need your support.So, we ask you, join us in this fight against the pandemic of misinformation. Help us illuminate the path for those seeking truth and clarity. Donate to today and let's build a future grounded in reality, together.🔥🦉🔥 - Some Dare Call It Conspiracy is produced entirely by Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. Consider supporting us and get access to AD FREE episodes, exclusive Patreon only episodes, bonus content and an invitation to our private Discord server by joining our support us by subscribing, sharing, liking or leaving a review wherever you're listening to us!Please visit our website for all of our social media links, email address and various press clippings!🔥🦉🔥Become a supporter of this podcast:
Please be aware, this series will be examining a deadly bombing and we will be discussing details of death and injury. Listener discretion is advised.Examining the Conspiracy Theories Around the Manchester Arena BombingThe 2017 Manchester Arena bombing was a tragic event that left 22 people dead and hundreds more injured. However, in the years since, a number of conspiracy theories have emerged claiming the attack was a hoax. One of the main proponents of this theory is Richard D. Hall, who has produced a book and documentary called "The Night of the Bang" alleging the victims were crisis actors.In this 8-part podcast series, we aim to meticulously examine the claims made by Hall and others, assess the evidence, and uncover the truth behind this divisive event. As content creators, we recognize the responsibility we have to approach these sensitive discussions with great care.The first half of the series will present Hall's arguments and the conspiracy theory in detail. We will then spend the second half deconstructing these claims and determining where the truth lies. This balanced approach is crucial, as conspiracy theories around tragic events can have devastating consequences.We've already seen how these false narratives can fracture communities and lead to the harassment of victims and their families. The recent legal action taken by Manchester Arena survivors Martin and Eve Hibbert against Hall is a landmark case, the first of its kind in the UK against a "disaster troll.”The Hibberts are seeking an injunction to prevent Hall from making similar allegations in the future, as well as damages. Their lawyer has described Hall's actions as "appalling" and hopes this case will set a precedent to better protect survivors of tragedies from such harassment.This issue also highlights the challenges lawmakers and social media platforms face in addressing the spread of disinformation and abuse online. While new legislation like the UK's Online Safety Bill aims to improve user protections, there are still debates over how far such laws can and should go.Ultimately, the Manchester Arena bombing conspiracy theories demonstrate the very real harm that can result when facts are obscured and victims are re-traumatized. As we delve into this complex topic, our goal is to provide a thoughtful, nuanced examination - one that honours the memory of those lost and supports the recovery of the survivors.By rigorously analysing the evidence and ethical implications, we hope to cut through the noise and misinformation, offering listeners a clearer understanding of this tragic event and the importance of responsible journalism in the face of conspiracy theories.Listen to episodes weekly: us on your preferred podcast platform: Listen to all 8 parts of the series now: You have questions? We have answers.   🔥🦉🔥In the last few years we have seen a significant rise in the belief of conspiracy theories. From the dismissal of facts as fake news to the full embrace of conspiracy theories by politicians and commentators, we face an uncertain future. Democracy is under attack and our open and free societies are in danger due to a dangerous mind virus. Conspiracism is the new pandemic. Our new project, Tin Foil Confessions, is not just a podcast and book; it's a beacon of hope for those lost in the maze of conspiracism. It's a story of redemption, a guide back to reality, and a testament to the power of change. But to bring this project to life, to reach more people and make a greater impact, we need your support.So, we ask you, join us in this fight against the pandemic of misinformation. Help us illuminate the path for those seeking truth and clarity. Donate to today and let's build a future grounded in reality, together.🔥🦉🔥 - Some Dare Call It Conspiracy is produced entirely by Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. Consider supporting us and get access to AD FREE episodes, exclusive Patreon only episodes, bonus content and an invitation to our private Discord server by joining our support us by subscribing, sharing, liking or leaving a review wherever you're listening to us!Please visit our website for all of our social media links, email address and various press clippings!🔥🦉🔥Become a supporter of this podcast:
Please be aware, this series will be examining a deadly bombing and we will be discussing details of death and injury. Listener discretion is advised.Examining the Conspiracy Theories Around the Manchester Arena BombingThe 2017 Manchester Arena bombing was a tragic event that left 22 people dead and hundreds more injured. However, in the years since, a number of conspiracy theories have emerged claiming the attack was a hoax. One of the main proponents of this theory is Richard D. Hall, who has produced a book and documentary called "The Night of the Bang" alleging the victims were crisis actors.In this 8-part podcast series, we aim to meticulously examine the claims made by Hall and others, assess the evidence, and uncover the truth behind this divisive event. As content creators, we recognize the responsibility we have to approach these sensitive discussions with great care.The first half of the series will present Hall's arguments and the conspiracy theory in detail. We will then spend the second half deconstructing these claims and determining where the truth lies. This balanced approach is crucial, as conspiracy theories around tragic events can have devastating consequences.We've already seen how these false narratives can fracture communities and lead to the harassment of victims and their families. The recent legal action taken by Manchester Arena survivors Martin and Eve Hibbert against Hall is a landmark case, the first of its kind in the UK against a "disaster troll.”The Hibberts are seeking an injunction to prevent Hall from making similar allegations in the future, as well as damages. Their lawyer has described Hall's actions as "appalling" and hopes this case will set a precedent to better protect survivors of tragedies from such harassment.This issue also highlights the challenges lawmakers and social media platforms face in addressing the spread of disinformation and abuse online. While new legislation like the UK's Online Safety Bill aims to improve user protections, there are still debates over how far such laws can and should go.Ultimately, the Manchester Arena bombing conspiracy theories demonstrate the very real harm that can result when facts are obscured and victims are re-traumatized. As we delve into this complex topic, our goal is to provide a thoughtful, nuanced examination - one that honours the memory of those lost and supports the recovery of the survivors.By rigorously analysing the evidence and ethical implications, we hope to cut through the noise and misinformation, offering listeners a clearer understanding of this tragic event and the importance of responsible journalism in the face of conspiracy theories.Listen to episodes weekly: us on your preferred podcast platform: Listen to all 8 parts of the series now: You have questions? We have answers.   🔥🦉🔥In the last few years we have seen a significant rise in the belief of conspiracy theories. From the dismissal of facts as fake news to the full embrace of conspiracy theories by politicians and commentators, we face an uncertain future. Democracy is under attack and our open and free societies are in danger due to a dangerous mind virus. Conspiracism is the new pandemic. Our new project, Tin Foil Confessions, is not just a podcast and book; it's a beacon of hope for those lost in the maze of conspiracism. It's a story of redemption, a guide back to reality, and a testament to the power of change. But to bring this project to life, to reach more people and make a greater impact, we need your support.So, we ask you, join us in this fight against the pandemic of misinformation. Help us illuminate the path for those seeking truth and clarity. Donate to today and let's build a future grounded in reality, together.🔥🦉🔥 - Some Dare Call It Conspiracy is produced entirely by Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. Consider supporting us and get access to AD FREE episodes, exclusive Patreon only episodes, bonus content and an invitation to our private Discord server by joining our support us by subscribing, sharing, liking or leaving a review wherever you're listening to us!Please visit our website for all of our social media links, email address and various press clippings!🔥🦉🔥Become a supporter of this podcast:
Please be aware, this series will be examining a deadly bombing and we will be discussing details of death and injury. Listener discretion is advised.Examining the Conspiracy Theories Around the Manchester Arena BombingThe 2017 Manchester Arena bombing was a tragic event that left 22 people dead and hundreds more injured. However, in the years since, a number of conspiracy theories have emerged claiming the attack was a hoax. One of the main proponents of this theory is Richard D. Hall, who has produced a book and documentary called "The Night of the Bang" alleging the victims were crisis actors.In this 8-part podcast series, we aim to meticulously examine the claims made by Hall and others, assess the evidence, and uncover the truth behind this divisive event. As content creators, we recognize the responsibility we have to approach these sensitive discussions with great care.The first half of the series will present Hall's arguments and the conspiracy theory in detail. We will then spend the second half deconstructing these claims and determining where the truth lies. This balanced approach is crucial, as conspiracy theories around tragic events can have devastating consequences.We've already seen how these false narratives can fracture communities and lead to the harassment of victims and their families. The recent legal action taken by Manchester Arena survivors Martin and Eve Hibbert against Hall is a landmark case, the first of its kind in the UK against a "disaster troll.”The Hibberts are seeking an injunction to prevent Hall from making similar allegations in the future, as well as damages. Their lawyer has described Hall's actions as "appalling" and hopes this case will set a precedent to better protect survivors of tragedies from such harassment.This issue also highlights the challenges lawmakers and social media platforms face in addressing the spread of disinformation and abuse online. While new legislation like the UK's Online Safety Bill aims to improve user protections, there are still debates over how far such laws can and should go.Ultimately, the Manchester Arena bombing conspiracy theories demonstrate the very real harm that can result when facts are obscured and victims are re-traumatized. As we delve into this complex topic, our goal is to provide a thoughtful, nuanced examination - one that honours the memory of those lost and supports the recovery of the survivors.By rigorously analysing the evidence and ethical implications, we hope to cut through the noise and misinformation, offering listeners a clearer understanding of this tragic event and the importance of responsible journalism in the face of conspiracy theories.Listen to episodes weekly: us on your preferred podcast platform: Listen to all 8 parts of the series now: You have questions? We have answers.   🔥🦉🔥In the last few years we have seen a significant rise in the belief of conspiracy theories. From the dismissal of facts as fake news to the full embrace of conspiracy theories by politicians and commentators, we face an uncertain future. Democracy is under attack and our open and free societies are in danger due to a dangerous mind virus. Conspiracism is the new pandemic. Our new project, Tin Foil Confessions, is not just a podcast and book; it's a beacon of hope for those lost in the maze of conspiracism. It's a story of redemption, a guide back to reality, and a testament to the power of change. But to bring this project to life, to reach more people and make a greater impact, we need your support.So, we ask you, join us in this fight against the pandemic of misinformation. Help us illuminate the path for those seeking truth and clarity. Donate to today and let's build a future grounded in reality, together.🔥🦉🔥 - Some Dare Call It Conspiracy is produced entirely by Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. Consider supporting us and get access to AD FREE episodes, exclusive Patreon only episodes, bonus content and an invitation to our private Discord server by joining our support us by subscribing, sharing, liking or leaving a review wherever you're listening to us!Please visit our website for all of our social media links, email address and various press clippings!🔥🦉🔥Become a supporter of this podcast:
Please be aware, this series will be examining a deadly bombing and we will be discussing details of death and injury. Listener discretion is advised.Examining the Conspiracy Theories Around the Manchester Arena BombingThe 2017 Manchester Arena bombing was a tragic event that left 22 people dead and hundreds more injured. However, in the years since, a number of conspiracy theories have emerged claiming the attack was a hoax. One of the main proponents of this theory is Richard D. Hall, who has produced a book and documentary called "The Night of the Bang" alleging the victims were crisis actors.In this 8-part podcast series, we aim to meticulously examine the claims made by Hall and others, assess the evidence, and uncover the truth behind this divisive event. As content creators, we recognize the responsibility we have to approach these sensitive discussions with great care.The first half of the series will present Hall's arguments and the conspiracy theory in detail. We will then spend the second half deconstructing these claims and determining where the truth lies. This balanced approach is crucial, as conspiracy theories around tragic events can have devastating consequences.We've already seen how these false narratives can fracture communities and lead to the harassment of victims and their families. The recent legal action taken by Manchester Arena survivors Martin and Eve Hibbert against Hall is a landmark case, the first of its kind in the UK against a "disaster troll.”The Hibberts are seeking an injunction to prevent Hall from making similar allegations in the future, as well as damages. Their lawyer has described Hall's actions as "appalling" and hopes this case will set a precedent to better protect survivors of tragedies from such harassment.This issue also highlights the challenges lawmakers and social media platforms face in addressing the spread of disinformation and abuse online. While new legislation like the UK's Online Safety Bill aims to improve user protections, there are still debates over how far such laws can and should go.Ultimately, the Manchester Arena bombing conspiracy theories demonstrate the very real harm that can result when facts are obscured and victims are re-traumatized. As we delve into this complex topic, our goal is to provide a thoughtful, nuanced examination - one that honours the memory of those lost and supports the recovery of the survivors.By rigorously analysing the evidence and ethical implications, we hope to cut through the noise and misinformation, offering listeners a clearer understanding of this tragic event and the importance of responsible journalism in the face of conspiracy theories.Listen to episodes weekly: us on your preferred podcast platform: Listen to all 8 parts of the series now: You have questions? We have answers.   🔥🦉🔥In the last few years we have seen a significant rise in the belief of conspiracy theories. From the dismissal of facts as fake news to the full embrace of conspiracy theories by politicians and commentators, we face an uncertain future. Democracy is under attack and our open and free societies are in danger due to a dangerous mind virus. Conspiracism is the new pandemic. Our new project, Tin Foil Confessions, is not just a podcast and book; it's a beacon of hope for those lost in the maze of conspiracism. It's a story of redemption, a guide back to reality, and a testament to the power of change. But to bring this project to life, to reach more people and make a greater impact, we need your support.So, we ask you, join us in this fight against the pandemic of misinformation. Help us illuminate the path for those seeking truth and clarity. Donate to today and let's build a future grounded in reality, together.🔥🦉🔥 - Some Dare Call It Conspiracy is produced entirely by Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. Consider supporting us and get access to AD FREE episodes, exclusive Patreon only episodes, bonus content and an invitation to our private Discord server by joining our support us by subscribing, sharing, liking or leaving a review wherever you're listening to us!Please visit our website for all of our social media links, email address and various press clippings!🔥🦉🔥Become a supporter of this podcast:
Welcome to our Manchester Arena Bombing On Trial series.On the 22nd of May, 2017, Salman Abedi detonated a bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena at the end of an Arianna Grande concert killing 22 people and injuring hundreds more.A conspiracy theory claiming that this bombing was hoaxed and everyone involved was a crisis actor soon became a dominant narrative in the Conspirasphere.One of the main proponents of this theory is Richard D Hall. Over the course of this series we will be examining and deconstructing the claims made by Richard D Hall in his book and documentary "Night Of The Bang" only to discover where the truth lies. As usual, our deep dive series are split into two halves. In the first four episodes we present the conspiracy theory faithfully and with as little judgement as possible. All the while attempting to give our perspective as former believers as to how or why the theory may be believable.  In the final four episodes we revisit the theory and provide the often missing context and facts which prove the theory wrong.You have questions? We have answers.   Please be aware, this series will be examining a deadly bombing and we will be discussing details of death and injury. Listener discretion is advised.Topics discussed:  Episode One - Introducing our new co-host / permanent guest for all of our upcoming deep dive "On Trial" episodes: Joel HillOur personal experience with once believing that false flag attacks were commonplace.Where we were and what we thought about the Manchester Arena Bombing in 2017.Who is Richard D Hall? Neil's connection to Richard."The Night Of The Bang" Documentary. Evidence for Crisis Actors, ie: "Strategic Operations" Dave McGowan and the Boston Marathon bombing.Did ShowSec (security) divert the crowd away from the foyer before the "bang"?Witness statements from Jenny Brewster and Freya.The Nick Bickerstaff video and Jordan Kenny.   🔥🦉🔥In the last few years we have seen a significant rise in the belief of conspiracy theories. From the dismissal of facts as fake news to the full embrace of conspiracy theories by politicians and commentators, we face an uncertain future. Democracy is under attack and our open and free societies are in danger due to a dangerous mind virus. Conspiracism is the new pandemic. Our new project, Tin Foil Confessions, is not just a podcast and book; it's a beacon of hope for those lost in the maze of conspiracism. It's a story of redemption, a guide back to reality, and a testament to the power of change. But to bring this project to life, to reach more people and make a greater impact, we need your support.So, we ask you, join us in this fight against the pandemic of misinformation. Help us illuminate the path for those seeking truth and clarity. Donate to today and let's build a future grounded in reality, together.🔥🦉🔥 - Some Dare Call It Conspiracy is produced entirely by Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. Consider supporting us and get access to AD FREE episodes, exclusive Patreon only episodes, bonus content and an invitation to our private Discord server by joining our support us by subscribing, sharing, liking or leaving a review wherever you're listening to us!Please visit our website for all of our social media links, email address and various press clippings!🔥🦉🔥Become a supporter of this podcast:
Welcome back initiates!🎙️ This an incredibly enlightening episode of "Some Dare Call It Conspiracy," featuring Rupert Read, an emeritus philosophy professor and director of the Climate Majority project. Our conversation delved deep into the intersection of climate change facts, activism, and the pervasive cloud of misinformation.Here are three key takeaways from this must-listen episode:1. **Dismantling Denialism**:Rupert Read emphasized the importance of effective communication in countering climate change denial. He shared strategies to challenge misinformation without getting entangled in unproductive debates, focusing on collective action as a force for change.2. **Grassroots Leadership**:Read highlighted the transformative power of community involvement—from climate choirs to eco-consciousness in sports—that can lead to political and institutional reforms. His work with the Climate Majority Project seeks to channel vast networks of organizations and individuals towards meaningful climate actions.3. **Corporate Misinformation & Responsibility**:Our guest shed light on a real conspiracy of climate misinformation funded by fossil fuel interests, likening it to tactics once used by tobacco companies. He stressed that, despite feeling overwhelmed by the actions of nations such as China and India, individual and collective efforts in the West hold substantial sway due to historical emissions responsibility.Get ready for a candid and inspiring conversation with Rupert Read and to stay informed about climate change and the actors behind the veil of denialism.#ClimateChange #ConspiracyTheories #SomeDareCallItConspiracy #RupertRead #ClimateAction #Sustainability #ActivismFollow Rupert Read online at the following: Rupert Read, a prominent figure in the discourse on climate change, has earned recognition for his forthright approach in tackling climate denialism. With an astute grasp of the subject, he argues that even those who question the overwhelming scientific consensus cannot ignore the tangible shifts in our weather patterns and the imprudence of perpetuating our carbon emissions. Describing climate change deniers as "risible" and akin to conspiracy theorists, Read highlights the stark reality evident both in empirical data and our day-to-day meteorological experiences.Read's critical message extends an invitation to skeptics: abandon reliance on disbelief and acknowledge the straightforward logic that discredits unfettered carbon pollution. He reasons there's no wisdom in adding unprecedented levels of greenhouse gases to Earth's atmosphere—a stance that combines rationality with a precautionary principle. Rupert Read's story is one of unwavering commitment to rational discourse, advocating for environmental prudence in an era where such caution is not just preferred but essential.**Expect to Explore:**- The significance of everyday discourse about climate and nature.- Strategies to counter misinformation without falling into the deniers' debate trap.- The societal ripple effect of communal positive actions, underlining anecdotes from climate choirs to sports.- Personal empowerment through active participation in climate solutions.- Kim Stanley Robinson's views on integrating climate scenarios into our societal narrative.- Neil Sanders questions the misplaced notion of the 'green agenda' as restrictive, while Rupert Read broadens the horizon on how inaction will truly impact us all.**Climate Majority Project:**Discover how to participate in the campaign that is shaping the future of climate action. Learn how Rupert Read's Climate Majority Project weaves together disparate strands of grassroots mobilization, professional alliances, and community engagement for a greener tomorrow.**A Crisis Framed by Denialism and Disinformation:**The episode doesn't shy away from shedding light on how the misrepresentation of facts and deliberate denialism has woven a narrative contrary to the stark truths of an overheating globe. From the misuse of scientific jargon to the manufacturing of skepticism, Rupert Read confronts the authentic 'conspiracy' against climate truth.**Emerging Hopes in Climate Response:**Despite the gravity of the facts presented, Rupert puts forth a beacon of hope with stories of collective action from all fronts of society, preparing to combat the climate emergency with a unified stance.**Participation Is Key:**As our insightful discussion draws to a close, remember that the fight against climate change begins with you. Whether adapting your personal lifestyle, initiating dialogues in your community, or stepping into political advocacy, your role is as crucial as any.🔥🦉🔥In the last few years we have seen a significant rise in the belief of conspiracy theories. From the dismissal of facts as fake news to the full embrace of conspiracy theories by politicians and commentators, we face an uncertain future. Democracy is under attack and our open and free societies are in danger due to a dangerous mind virus. Conspiracism is the new pandemic.  Our new project, Tin Foil Confessions, is not just a podcast and book; it's a beacon of hope for those lost in the maze of conspiracism. It's a story of redemption, a guide back to reality, and a testament to the power of change. But to bring this project to life, to reach more people and make a greater impact, we need your support. So, we ask you, join us in this fight against the pandemic of misinformation. Help us illuminate the path for those seeking truth and clarity. Donate to today and let's build a future grounded in reality, together.🔥🦉🔥 - Some Dare Call It Conspiracy is produced entirely by Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. Consider supporting us and get access to AD FREE episodes, exclusive Patreon only episodes, bonus content and an invitation to our private Discord server by joining our support us by subscribing, sharing, liking or leaving a review wherever you're listening to us!Please visit our website for all of our social media links, email address and various press clippings!🔥🦉🔥Become a supporter of this podcast:
Hello Initiates! We have a special bonus episode for you today! A couple weeks back Neil and I were delighted to be interviewed by SOS and Sandee from the Tinfoil Tales Podcast. This was a fantastic chat so we wanted to share it with you. We both highly recommend you go check out and subscribe to Tinfoil Tales! 🔥🦉🔥In the last few years we have seen a significant rise in the belief of conspiracy theories. From the dismissal of facts as fake news to the full embrace of conspiracy theories by politicians and commentators, we face an uncertain future. Democracy is under attack and our open and free societies are in danger due to a dangerous mind virus. Conspiracism is the new pandemic.  Our new project, Tin Foil Confessions, is not just a podcast and book; it's a beacon of hope for those lost in the maze of conspiracism. It's a story of redemption, a guide back to reality, and a testament to the power of change. But to bring this project to life, to reach more people and make a greater impact, we need your support. So, we ask you, join us in this fight against the pandemic of misinformation. Help us illuminate the path for those seeking truth and clarity. Donate to today and let's build a future grounded in reality, together. 🔥🦉🔥 - Some Dare Call It Conspiracy is produced entirely by Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. Consider supporting us and get access to AD FREE episodes, exclusive Patreon only episodes, bonus content and an invitation to our private Discord server by joining our support us by subscribing, sharing, liking or leaving a review wherever you're listening to us!Please visit our website for all of our social media links, email address and various press clippings!🔥🦉🔥Become a supporter of this podcast:
In the last few years we have seen a significant rise in the belief of conspiracy theories. From the dismissal of facts as fake news to the full embrace of conspiracy theories by politicians and commentators, we face an uncertain future. Democracy is under attack and our open and free societies are in danger due to a dangerous mind virus. Conspiracism is the new pandemic.  Our new project, Tin Foil Confessions, is not just a podcast and book; it's a beacon of hope for those lost in the maze of conspiracism. It's a story of redemption, a guide back to reality, and a testament to the power of change. But to bring this project to life, to reach more people and make a greater impact, we need your support. So, we ask you, join us in this fight against the pandemic of misinformation. Help us illuminate the path for those seeking truth and clarity. Donate to today and let's build a future grounded in reality, together. 🔥🦉🔥 -  Neil is back with another scathing review of conspiracy influencer's desperate bid for relevance. This time, he takes aim at Laurence Fox and Calvin Robinson's new podcast "Fox And Father". Here's an excerpt!So Laurence has done what many others have done when they piss their career away, he has started a youtube/twitter channel where he can hold a flame to the feet of truth, speak freely without fear of repercussions and possibly get away with using the occasional racist epithet. Like adverts for hot girls leaks, these types of shows keep popping up all over twitter, threatening to infect the audience with their edge lord rhetoric. And like said leak videos they are all just a load of arse.  The show is called Fox and Father and I was immediately disappointed to realise that this was not an hour of Laurence being berated by his dad for fucking up his life and wasting so many opportunities.  The father in question is Calvin Robinson. Calvin has previously tried to become a Deacon in the Church of England but was rejected due to his controversial and bigoted views. This is an organisation that in the past has defended paedophiles within its ranks, and yet it felt that Calvin didn’t quite butter enough parsnips for them. So Calvin became a Deacon in the Free Church of England, which is recognised by the C of E in the same way that Donald Trump recognises his daughter Tiffany, it sometimes vaguely acknowledges the fact that it exists. In 2023 Robinson was ordained in the Nordic Catholic Church (based in Norway) as a Priest.   He reminds me of a talentless Canadian ice hockey player who, having been rejected by every team there, tried his luck unsuccessfully in America, the UK and Europe before settling in the second division of some African league in a country where the majority of people have never seen ice. Robinson has previously been involved with various right wing media outlets and has dabbled in reactionary politics. He too was let go by GB News for sticking up for his good buddy Laurence.  I did wonder if the show name might be ironic, an acknowledgement of the hosts reputation and an understanding that many people do not see either of them as “proper fathers” but I doubt they have that level of self awareness.🔥🦉🔥Some Dare Call It Conspiracy is produced entirely by Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. Consider supporting us and get access to AD FREE episodes, exclusive Patreon only episodes, bonus content and an invitation to our private Discord server by joining our support us by subscribing, sharing, liking or leaving a review wherever you're listening to us!Please visit our website for all of our social media links, email address and various press clippings!🔥🦉🔥Become a supporter of this podcast:
In the last few years we have seen a significant rise in the belief of conspiracy theories. From the dismissal of facts as fake news to the full embrace of conspiracy theories by politicians and commentators, we face an uncertain future. Democracy is under attack and our open and free societies are in danger due to a dangerous mind virus. Conspiracism is the new pandemic. Our new project, Tin Foil Confessions, is not just a podcast and book; it's a beacon of hope for those lost in the maze of conspiracism. It's a story of redemption, a guide back to reality, and a testament to the power of change. But to bring this project to life, to reach more people and make a greater impact, we need your support.So, we ask you, join us in this fight against the pandemic of misinformation. Help us illuminate the path for those seeking truth and clarity. Donate to today and let's build a future grounded in reality, together. 🔥🦉🔥 - It's Movie Night with Greg Hall! In today's episode, Brent Lee puts the guys through absolute hell and makes them watch Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening by film maker Mikki Willis. Enjoy!  From Wikipedia "Plandemic is a trilogy of conspiracy theory films produced by Mikki Willis promoting misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic. They feature Judy Mikovits, a discredited American researcher and prominent anti-vaccine activist. The first video, Plandemic: The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid-19, was released on May 4, 2020, under Willis' production company Elevate Films. The second film, Plandemic Indoctornation, which includes more interviewees, was released on August 18 by Brian Rose's distributor of conspiracy theory related films, London Real. Later on June 3, 2023, Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening was released on The Highwire, a website devoted to conspiracy theories run by anti-vaccine activist Del Bigtree. Upon its release, the first video went viral, becoming one of the most widespread pieces of COVID-19 misinformation, its popularity most attributed to online word-of-mouth. It was quickly removed by multiple online platforms, but this failed to stop its proliferation. The video also contributed to the increasing rebellion against health protocols. Due to social media companies' preparedness for its release, Plandemic: Indoctornation received less attention. Scientists and health professionals have criticized all the installments of the trilogy for their misleading claims, while Willis' filmmaking style employing various modes of persuasion has been cited as lending to a conspiratorial and brainwashing character of the film." 🔥🦉🔥Some Dare Call It Conspiracy is produced entirely by Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. Consider supporting us and get access to AD FREE episodes, exclusive Patreon only episodes, bonus content and an invitation to our private Discord server by joining our support us by subscribing, sharing, liking or leaving a review wherever you're listening to us!Please visit our website for all of our social media links, email address and various press clippings!🔥🦉🔥Become a supporter of this podcast:
In the last few years we have seen a significant rise in the belief of conspiracy theories. From the dismissal of facts as fake news to the full embrace of conspiracy theories by politicians and commentators, we face an uncertain future. Democracy is under attack and our open and free societies are in danger due to a dangerous mind virus. Conspiracism is the new pandemic.  Our new project, Tin Foil Confessions, is not just a podcast and book; it's a beacon of hope for those lost in the maze of conspiracism. It's a story of redemption, a guide back to reality, and a testament to the power of change. But to bring this project to life, to reach more people and make a greater impact, we need your support. So, we ask you, join us in this fight against the pandemic of misinformation. Help us illuminate the path for those seeking truth and clarity. Donate to today and let's build a future grounded in reality, together. 🔥🦉🔥 - Initiates! ICYMI: Our live show from last week. With Steve (Brian Kurvie), Mike Rothschild, Mike Wendling, and friends in the audience! Apologies for the sound, this was a live Twitter/X Space but we have fixed it as best we can.Recently, Brent Lee celebrated 1,000 days of speaking out.. so we marked the occasion with a live stream on Twitter/X Spaces and were joined by Mike Rothschild (Author of "Jewish Space Lasers" - and - "The Coming Storm") - Mike Wendling (Author of "Day Of Reckoning" - and - Alt-Right: "4chan To The White House" - and - Co-Founder of BBC's Disinformation Unit)Enjoy!🔥🦉🔥Some Dare Call It Conspiracy is produced entirely by Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. Consider supporting us and get access to AD FREE episodes, exclusive Patreon only episodes, bonus content and an invitation to our private Discord server by joining our support us by subscribing, sharing, liking or leaving a review wherever you're listening to us!Please visit our website for all of our social media links, email address and various press clippings!🔥🦉🔥Become a supporter of this podcast:
🔥🦉🔥 - In the last few years we have seen a significant rise in the belief of conspiracy theories. From the dismissal of facts as fake news to the full embrace of conspiracy theories by politicians and commentators, we face an uncertain future. Democracy is under attack and our open and free societies are in danger due to a dangerous mind virus. Conspiracism is the new pandemic. Our new project, Tin Foil Confessions, is not just a podcast and book; it's a beacon of hope for those lost in the maze of conspiracism. It's a story of redemption, a guide back to reality, and a testament to the power of change. But to bring this project to life, to reach more people and make a greater impact, we need your support.So, we ask you, join us in this fight against the pandemic of misinformation. Help us illuminate the path for those seeking truth and clarity. Donate to today and let's build a future grounded in reality, together.🔥🦉🔥 - Initiates! Neil has recorded a quick little bonus episode exposing the dog whistles behind this meme that has popped up over the weekend. Enjoy!🔥🦉🔥Some Dare Call It Conspiracy is produced entirely by Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. Consider supporting us and get access to AD FREE episodes, exclusive Patreon only episodes, bonus content and an invitation to our private Discord server by joining our support us by subscribing, sharing, liking or leaving a review wherever you're listening to us!Please visit our website for all of our social media links, email address and various press clippings!🔥🦉🔥Become a supporter of this podcast: