Songs in the Key of...

A podcast about songs. New songs. Old songs. Middle aged songs. Join Stephen Morris as he trawls through his collection of albums, EPs and singles. Sometimes these shows will be themed around an idea, a person, a genre or some other concept. Other times they will simply reflect his latest obsessions. His new favourite bands. Those songs he just can’t get out of his head... Follow Stephen on Twitter @reviewage

Songs in the Key of...2023 - Part 2

Welcome to Songs in the Key of 2023 - Part 2 during which I chat with Lucy Forder, Vicky Price, Kate Arnold, Marc Symonds and Roy Smith. Expect a wide range of musical highlights from indie folk through to the most ethereal of electronica.Don't forget: once you've listened to both these episodes, you can head over to Spotify to hear all the songs in full.


Songs in the key of...2023 - Part One

Welcome to Part One of the Songs in the Key of... review of the year.This episode features chats with Jeremy Simon, Stuart Turner, Moira Mehaffey, Darren Lovell and Nick Rice.Don't forget to stick around for Part Two...


Songs in the Key of...Kids

Welcome to a special edition of Songs in the Key of... featuring a chat with my daughter.Don't forget: once you've finished listening to this, head over to Spotify to ear all the songs in full.


Songs in the key of Christmas VII

The seventh installment of Songs in the Key of...Christmas is here. Just in time for the big day.Listen up for chat about Phoebe Bridgers, Momus, Tim Minchin, The Futureheads and, of course The Fall. Don't forget. Once you've listened to the podcast, head over to Spotify to hear all the songs in full.


Songs in the Key of Christmas VI

Brought to you by the Spirit of Christmas past, this installment of the seasonal "Songs in the Key of...Christmas" series was recorded last year - but too late for Christmas. Artists featured for this episode of festive music include Simon and Garfunkel, Saint Etienne, Hannah Peel and, of course - and at last - the mighty Half Man Half Biscuit.Don't forget, once you've listened to the podcast, head over to Spotify to hear the songs in full.


Songs in the Key of Cinema Part III

Steven Keevil is one half of the dynamic duo behind Local Authority, a news website for residents of Medway, and Medway-ish – which sells Medway related gift, designs and – among other things – my book, Do It Yourself: a History of Music in Medway. There’ll be more on that during the interview.This episode would have been called “Songs in the Key of Steven Keevil, were it not for the fact that it quickly emerged that all of his song choices were taken from soundtracks to films. And so, having already done two episodes of this podcast based on tunes from the movies, it seemed only sensible to name this episode Songs in the Key of Cinema – Part III.Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast so you don't miss any new episodes. And once you've heard this episode, head over to Spotify to hear the songs featured in full.


Songs in the Key of...Ian Petrie

Welcome to Songs in the Key of... - a podcast about songs.On this episode I have another guest in the form of the splendidly affable Ian Petrie who will be familiar to anyone who’s wandered into a folk club in the South East of England – or a folk festival further afield. He’s one of those people with whom it’s an absolute pleasure to spend time as he has a story for every occasion. He’s a gentle soul with a wonderful wry sense of humour and an excellent way with words.Don't forget. Once you've listened to this episode, you can head over to Spotify to hear all of Ian's song choices in full on the playlist that accompanies this episode. Just look for "Songs in the Key of...Ian Petrie".And if you liked this episode, be sure to join the new "Songs in the Key of..." Facebook group.


Songs in the Key of...Whiskey, Mambos and Good Technology

Welcome to another episode of Songs in the Key of...This episode features another wander around the songs that have been keeping Stephen Morris entertained over the last few days and weeks. No great theme, just great tunes.Don't forget to head over to Spotify to hear most of the songs from this show in full on the specially made playlist.


Songs in the Key of...August 2023

Welcome to the latest Songs in the Key of... episode in which you are invited to trawl through a selection of songs that have been keeping presenter Stephen Morris occupied of late.Don't forget. Once you've listened to this episode, head on over to Spotify to find the playlist for all but one of the songs in full. And don't forget to subscribe! It's practically the law.


Songs in the key of...Blur

AlbarnCoxonJamesRowntreeThis episode gives a glimpse of one fan's relationship with the band who sparked his absolute addiction to music.Once you have listened to the podcast, hear the songs in full on this Spotify playlist.


Songs in the Key of...Medway

This is a big one.Back in 2015, my book, Do It Yourself: a History of Music in Medway was published.It covered the story of bands and artists who emerged in the area from 1976 through to what was then the present day.This episode of "Songs in the Key of..." features extensive readings from the book with tales from Billy Childish (with reference to The Pop Rivets, The Milkshakes, Thee Headcoats), Graham Day (The Prisoners), Lupen Crook, Bob Collins (The Dentists), David Read (The Claim) and many others.Time is running out if you want to buy your own copy of the book. You have until 30 June 2023 when the presses will stop running on it!Buy your copy here: Do It Yourself: A History of Music in Medway - Cultured Llama Cultured LlamaOnce you've listened to the podcast, don't forget to head over to Spotify to listen to the songs featured on the playlist that accompanies this episode.WARNING: This episode features references to sexual abuse and suicide.


Songs in the Key of...Vicky Price

For this episode we're taking a world tour through the British Isles, Romania, Sweden and Brazil. Our guide for this hour's worth of globe trotting is Vicky Price.So please fasten your seatbelts, secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments ad make sure the table trays are in the upright position for take-off...


Songs in the Key of...Folk

Now is the month of maying,When merry lads are playing..So let's celebrate with a podcast themed around folk music. This podcast has it all: 70s rock bands performing ancient songs about the murder of one Mr Barleycorn, angry singing and songwriting about commercialisation of modern Britain and fast and furious tunes to accompany gothically tinged Morris dancing.


Songs in the Key of...A Few of My Favourite Things

Things have been a bit slow on the podcast front of late, but here, at last, is another episode to get your lugholes round.This episode features another ten songs themed around things I've been listening to of late. Be does get a bit gloomy!


Songs in the Key of...One Man and his Dog

Another podcast...another guest.This time, the rather marvellous Roy Smith joins Stephen Morris to talk about some of the songs that have been buzzing around his brain of late.Expect weird and wonderful electrickery, 60s pop perfection and THE BEST COVER OF A NIRVANA SONG YOU WILL EVER HEAR!


Songs in the key of...Pod

On 2 January 2022, Chris Broderick, who had entertained, amused and provoked with his writing of all disciplines, passed away. Over the course of his life he’d amassed a large collection of songs, stories and plays, all filled with his on unique linguistic flair and his sheer love of humanity in al its warts and all glory.Towards the end of his life, he entered a flurry of creative activity, not realising he would not be able to see the completion of these final projects. This interview with his collaborator, Stuart Turner, explores the final musical adventures of Chris Broderick.This podcast is also available as a video on the Reviewage Youtube channel.


Songs in the Key of...Nothing in Particular

If you need a little diversion from (a) The Winter of Discontent Mk. II and (b) the onslaught of yuletide merriment, behold, I bring glad tidings of Songs in the Key of...Nothing in Particular.Here, you will find not a single reference to Christmas. But you will find a list of ten songs that have been keeping me occupied of late. And perhaps they'll keep you occupied too.Once you've finished listening to this, make sure you head over to Spotify to hear all the songs in their glorious and most complete fullness.


Songs in the key of...Jeremy Simon

Welcome to episode 60 of Songs in the Key of...To celebrate this diamond jubilee of an episode join Stephen Morris as he chats with guest Jeremy Simon about his adventures in the band Dylan Trees and the music that is getting him going at the moment.Once you're done, don't forget to head over to Spotify to hear all his song choices in glorious, magnificent fullness.


Songs in the Key of...Lately

Forgive me. It's been far too long since my last podcast.But here, just for you, is a brand spanking new instalment with an admittedly chilled and introspective vibe to it.So sit back and enjoy. But before you do that - maybe you should pop the kettle on...Don't forget. Once you've listened to the podcast, head over to Spotify to hear the songs in full on the playlist created especially for this very episode.


Songs in the Key of...Back to School

September is the month of returning to school.In honour of the occasion, here's a "Songs in the Key of..." episode devoted to school subjects.Well, kind of. Each song on this episode features the name of a school subject in its title. Yup. Search far enough through the history of pop music and you will find songs mentioning the words "Chemistry", "Geography" and "Mathematics".Just don't forget to show your working.


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