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Soul Led Living Podcast with Nikki Novo

Author: Nikki Novo

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Everyone’s favorite intuitive, Nikki Novo shares her insights about soul-led living. Tune in each week to hear Nikki’s intuitive insights and to receive spiritual guidance for your everyday challenges.
145 Episodes
I felt a strong sense that you’re onto something. Meaning, you are moving into an uplevel, a shift, or a leap — depending on how you want to see it. Sometimes we know what we’re doing to make these shifts other times we have no idea why it’s happening, but it seems to be happening for you. In today’s podcast I talk about this uplevel, how it might look for you, and what you can do to keep the momentum going. Often when we leap towards the level, we might accidentally freak out and start to take part in self-sabotaging behavior. In today’s show, we ‘ll go over those behaviors just to make sure you don’t accidentally fall into this trap. At the end of the episode, I feel into why this uplevel is happening and we’re you’re going. What I see for you even made me cry towards the end. Enjoy this episode, it’s a great one!-------PS - This is the last week to register for my intuition program Soul Reading Method. Click here to learn more. 
We’ve discussed in the past that you are not your business. Remember? Your business is an energy outside of yourself, with its own path and purpose. Well, in today’s podcast episode I’m going teach you exactly how you can connect and receive messages from your business by using your intuition. Come ready to learn!Also, my signature intuition program, Soul Reading Method, is currently open for registration. Yay! If you’re interested in strengthening your intuition and would love for me to be your teacher, please join!-------Join Soul Reading Method!Learn how to read your business' astrology chart with this guide by Agua Astrology"
I get this question a lot. I used to ask this question a lot, myself. When I would ask this question, I think I meant “Am I on the right path to get everything I want.. To hit my goals… to be happy.”The more I walked my spiritual path, the more I realized what I was asking was “Am I living my soul’s true path.”These days, I spend a lot of time in my readings looking at the soul’s path of others. I like to see if they’re on the soul’s path or not and how we can help them get there. This path truly is the path of joy, happiness, and abundance. Also, it’s a great sign when we start to ask ourselves this question, because it means our soul is trying to communicate with us. In today’s podcast episode, we talk all about your soul’s path and your soul likes to communicate. We cover:What does it mean to be on path?How do we remain on path?The 5 ways your soul likes to communicateAnd whether or not you’re on the right path-------Join my free workshop series: How to Activate Your IntuitionReady to commit to growing your intuition? Join Soul Reading Method today. 
As a child of immigrants, making money doing what you love wasn’t really a theme I heard at home.In fact, my father started his college career as a film major at NYU.After two years of school, my broke the news to him: “You know you can’t become a filmmaker, right? We don’t have that luxury. You need to become a doctor. Something safe. Something that can move us ahead.” That’s how my dad became a doctor. And I have so much compassion, respect and gratitude for my mother’s foresight. She knew their role in the lineage. And she made sure to live into it. Even though I was raised to become a doctor, lawyer, accountant — you know the drill — like my mother, I knew my role in the lineage was different. I was meant to be the person who introduced the concept of “making money doing what you love.”To start, it was just a theory? Is this possible? Can someone really make a living in a way that feels fun?And although I have proven this theory to be true, at every up-level I face the belief all over again. Can we really make money in a way that feels free and fun to us? Do we really believe this concept?Those are the questions we explore in today’s podcast episode. And what I received from the Divine will blow your mind.If you’re struggling to prove your own theory, this episode is a must-listen.I can’t wait to share!------Join Soul-Led Living on Substack to access meditations and journal prompts for the episodesJoin Spiritual Teacher on SubstackCaroline de Posada-Rodrliguez Podcast
In today’s pod we dig a little deeper into our shadows to take a look at why we don’t have what we want. If how we feel inside about ourselves is what we reflect in the world, then what is it we’re thinking about ourselves that’s stopping that abundance?How do we find it and how do we fix it? That’s what we discuss in today’s episode. We also talk about my Mother’s Day and the summer vacation I’m planning for my family. Enjoy, and sending you so much love. -------Join Soul-Led Living on Substack to access meditations and journal prompts for the episodesLink to my RV travel agent:
If you’re wondering why your brand is not getting the attention you’ve been hoping for, then this episode is for you. I tapped into the energy of being seen in today’s podcast episode. I was wondering why some people are more seen than others, so I asked! In today’s episode, I share 5 messages that will help you become more seen. -------Join my new business subscription on Substack - Spiritual Teacher
138. May Predictions

138. May Predictions


On today’s pod episode we’re going to do some predictions. We’ll be taking a look into what May holds for us. May is, um, a mix bag. But we’ll still have fun with it!I’m also answering a personal question — because you asked!Plus, I wanted to share an exciting milestone. -------Would you like to dive deeper into the podcast content? Join Soul-Led Living on Substack!Products/people Nikki recommends in this episode:Zenagen Hair Loss ShampooZenagen Hair Loss SerumNutrafol Hair SupplementsHarper Ellis Hair ExtensionsDr. Rebecca Novo (located in Florida)Disclaimer: We're part of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which means we may earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. So, when you click on our links to products and make a purchase, we might get a little something in return. But don't worry, this won't sway our honest opinions! We only suggest stuff we genuinely love or think you'll adore too.
I am sooo excited about today’s business podcast episode. The guidance I was receiving from the Divine on this one just feels so fresh…. So free. I just can’t wait to share, but let me tell you a little bit about the show. I receive a lot of business questions, and often what I sense is the anxiety, fear and overall trapness (is that word?) behind the question. These questions often feel “small” and therefore tend to receive “small” responses. So I started to understand that we needed to ask questions with higher vibrations in order to receive the answers that lead us to our future self.Because our future self is not asking these fearful questions. Our future self is at a higher vibration, so therefore the questions they ask are from a higher frequency.Does that make sense?So in today’s business episode, I took 4 common business questions and I dialed up the vibration in order to get answers that are really going to take us to where we’re meant to be. In today’s episode we’re going to explore these 4 questions, how we can ask better ones, and how to receive the proper guidance for each of us. I’ll be sharing messages, but this is also going to help you develop your own intuition. Here are the 4 questions we’ll cover:How do I make more money?How do I bring more clients my way or grow a bigger audience?How do I make this product/service successful?What business should I start?Get excited! I’ll see you in the pod.
Isn’t it funny that on my podcast, we rarely have “human” guests, but there’s always a “divine” guest!? That’s how you and I roll, I guess!Today’s divine guest is your inner child! She/he is the cutest and always has the best guidance when it comes to where your heart is truly trying to lead you. Not only where you’re meant to go, but also what is blocking us from fully shining.In today’s episode we cover:How your inner child can help guide you What the inner child has to say about your true talentWhy the inner child feels you haven’t fully manifested your dreamsAnd what advice you shouldn’t be listening toI can’t wait to share this one with you!
Last week, I put out a request for business questions to my community, and wow, did you guys deliver!In today’s podcast, I answered those questions. And even if you didn’t ask a question, I think you’ll get a lot of value from the messages that came through. I answered questions like:Is it too late to get into selling digital products?How to discern if getting more clients is not working or if it just takes time?How do you know if it’s time to take a leap?How do you discern which is the most aligned idea to pursue when you’re multipassionate?How to walk the line of asking for help, but knowing who to talk to. And if you need an investment, who should you ask for investment help?So many good downloads. 
In honor of Earth Day yesterday, I thought it would be fun to connect with Mother Earth to see if she had any messages to share with us, her children. She had a lot to say!In today’s podcast episode, I’m going to share what she has to say. We’re going to cover:How does Mother Earth see herself and her role in the cosmosWhat she thinks about her children’s current behaviorTips for humans on how to help guarantee the longevity of Earth’s resourcesMessages for anyone looking for a house or a piece of landAnd what she is really excited aboutThe messages were unexpected, but also really beautiful.
It’s time to grow your audience. You know that right? You’re feeling it. Well, I’m feeling it too. So I decided to plug into that stream of divine guidance that we all love and download five intuitive messages about the expansion of your audience. I share the five messages I received in today’s business podcast. I think you’re going to love it.
If you watched my Monday Reading yesterday on Instagram, you might have heard that we are being asked to let go of what is trying to leave us. Over the last few weeks, we have talked about people who are trying to leave us, jobs, and old versions of ourselves. Today, we’re going to talk about the habits that are trying to leave us. I won’t call them bad, because they never are. They might have served a purpose in the past, but they just can’t go with us on our next journey. In today’s podcast, we discuss 5 habits that are trying to leave you so that you can ascend to your next level. I think this episode is so powerful that you might even release them just by listening and being present in this space that we create together.
It’s funny to be me. There are just some days that messages haunt me. They stalk me like a crazy ex-boyfriend. Today’s podcast is about one of those messages. The energy of your business is my stalker. And they want to tell you this:It’s time to innovate. In today’s episode, I’m going to share with you all the ways in which your business is hoping to innovate. It has new ideas, new structures, and wow does it want to be heard. We’re going to have some fun traveling to the future in this episode! Listen here to receive the message your business is trying to send you.-------PS - I made a future self healing for those of you listening to this episode. If you’re feeling called to this kind of healing, you can purchase the activation here.-------
Wow, last week’s episode really seemed to resonate with so many people! I’m thrilled that the messages are helping you remain on your soul’s true path. That’s what I’m here for!As we start to shed the old ways that no longer serve us, the new us is trying to emerge. Another way to look at it is that our future self is trying to come into our present. In today’s podcast episode, I wanted to talk about how we can shift into the new energy that is calling us, so that we can begin to see the changes in our reality soon. In today’s episode we discuss:What does it mean to be in a season of “becoming”How your future self wants you to show upHow to shift into new habits with less effortAnd what the brain needs to do to support this new shiftLet’s get ready to shift into your future!-------PS - I made a future self healing for those of you listening to this episode. If you’re feeling called to this kind of healing, you can purchase the activation here.-------
Since so many of us are changing the way we work, in today’s business podcast episode, I wanted to have an expansive conversation about money. Because in order to feel brave enough to change the way we work, we have to be able to expand our understanding around money. I’m not an expert here, by any means, but I thought it would be fun to connect to the energy of money and see what she has to say to us. We’ll be learning together in this episode!In today’s episode, we’ll talk about:What the energy of money really feels likeThe shift from making money and allowing money-------Join Full-Time Spiritual Mentor Course:
So many of us are experiencing the “end of an era. “ Meaning, we’re closing out relationships, jobs, and overall ways of doing things. And while we might be okay with these endings, it’s scary when you can’t quite see what is ahead. In today’s podcast episode, we’re going to talk about how you can find clarity when you’re in between an ending and a beginning. We’ll cover A discussion about why something is leaving youHow to let go what is leaving youWhat to do when you don’t know what is nextLet’s dive in.
In today’s biz pod, we’re talking books! My fave! Because let’s be honest, writing was my first love. I know many of you are feeling that book come through you, but it’s totally overwhelming to get started. So I wanted to share with you Megan Williams of The Self Publishing Agency. Megan’s company has helped me publish both my books “The Final Swipe” and “Soul-Led Living.” And she is just a wealth of knowledge when it comes to book publishing. If you’re thinking about writing, you’ll love this conversation. We share stories, but we also share really tangible tips for getting started around the second-half of the episode.And if you want to learn more of my tips when it comes to book publishing, check out my course “How to Write and Self Publish Your Book.”Can’t wait to see your book babies in the world!-------Connect with Megan:
It’s Spring and Aries season! We’ll soon start to feel the feelings of moving forward on something we’ve been dreaming and thinking about. By now, the vision might be a little more clear in your mind. Or at least the desire is really starting to roar. That’s amazing! But there’s only one thing: nothing is changing quickly enough, ha. I always think it’s funny how when we manifest the visions ultimately become really strong but as we start to take steps forward it’s so disappointing when we realize how slow  it is to drag our meat suit around. As souls, we move fast. But as humans, we have a body. Plus, this world is physical. So manifestations take time. Which leads me to the question: What do we do with ourselves as we wait for our dreams to become reality?In today’s episode, I share with you what it looks like to trust and hold the vibration of what you really want in life. We’ll discuss:Your vibrationWhat’s the right amount of action to takeHow to keep believing even when nothing is appearing
Early on in my business, I couldn’t understand why more people weren’t signing up for my offers. I felt good about them and I knew people needed them. So why the crickets?Of course, I did what any spiritual girlie would do, I pulled angel cards to see what divine guidance I could get. I kept receiving this one card which was all about “clearing up communication and any misunderstandings.” The cards were right. I wasn’t communicating my offers correctly, enough, or to the right people. This is when I decided to start thinking about how I was communicating. I think most of us just depend on whatever natural communication style we have. It’s not fun to work on changing how we communicate, because it often feels like how we communicate is who we are. And if we’re being asked to be better at it, then we’re being asked to change ourselves. With time, I learned that becoming a better communicator just means becoming more of who I am. Yes, there are a ton of sleazy ways of communicating, but in today’s episode we’re going to talk about ways that feel right for you. In today’s podcast episode we discuss:How to explain what “awes” you about your product or serviceHow to put yourself in the shoes of your clientFinding a story that connects with the audiencePicking a content strategy that works for youHow to explain what they’re getting and what they are not gettingI think this is a convo all of us could use!-------Have a question that you would love Nikki's intuitive guidance on? Leave a voice note for her here. Please note that by leaving a message you agree to our use of your question on the show.-------
Comments (1)

Jeanette Bent

Oh my gosh, you two! I'm not even through with the podcast (about 10 minutes left), and I realize that I keep wavering between 4 and 5D with even some backslides into 3D, which is why I've felt so funky lately. I'd LOVE to learn more about all of this and join whatever communities you both keep! I'm also adding a coaching branch to my business and, TOO, came from media (I kid you not!). I also follow Rebecca Campbell. Seems like I'm supposed to be here with you ladies... Thanks so much 🙏🏼 - Jeanette Bent

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