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Soul Sutra

Author: Lav Chintapalli

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How do we balance meaning and matter? How do we make meaning out of our lives and livelihood? This is the premise of this podcast.
Soul Sutra invites us back into Cosmic Abundance, getting into resonant frequencies of harmony, vitality and prosperity.

Soul Sutra is about igniting our light within.
See you on the inside!
43 Episodes
Have you ever had a belief or a behavior you've adopted to protect you from something? How does that show up in your life now? If you are curious to see how that belief or a behavior gets in the way of your growth, then listen to this episode.
Are you at a place of confusion, of cross-roads, or not knowing? Is there suffering in your life and you feel like events are just happening and you feel out of control? Then have a listen to this episode. Also, here's the link to the Cosmic Abundance FB group -
We are starting a new season, in more ways than one. And we have new information on how to connect into our own divine presence.
It only takes 17secs to match what, you ask? It only takes 17secs to match the vibratory state of something. When you give your attention to something, be it for your highest or not, you include its vibration in yours. Listen to this episode to understand this concept more.
The other law that runs alongside Law of Attraction. Curious to see why your Law of Attraction vision boards and visualizations may not have attracted what you desired? Have a listen.
Life doesn't always go our way. Law of Attraction doesn't always work. How can we manage ourselves when things don't manifest the way we want? How do we reconcile the fact that our lives are not how we envisioned them to be? And is there a bigger reason for all of this to happen? Listen to this episode to find out the answers to all this.
There are so many times in our lives where we come face to face with our triggers, and so many times we back away, never quite exploring what that means. Listen to this episode to see how we can so easily sabotage ourselves, and how to shift our awareness regarding this.
When things keep repeating, or something that is not good for your highest seems to have a hold, and you've tried everything that is logically possible, then these three questions are what you must ask. Have a listen.
In this world where there is far too much noise, too little time, where you have partners working from home, how do you stay grounded, energetically balanced and not drained? Especially if you are energy sensitive? Listen to this podcast for a way to do so.
In this episode I talk about awareness, self-responsibility as it relates to healing, how energy can stuck in the body, how to let it go and flow, and how all these relate to each other.
I'm sure you have been hearing about eclipses non-stop, but let me tell you something important. Eclipses are mirroring something that is eclipsed within ourselves. Hear this episode to find out what it is!
How do we manifest things? What is the cycle of creation or the creativity cycle? What does any of this have to do with the Egyptian elements? Have a listen!
How do you help a sensitive soul who comes to you with lack of motivation, joy and a sense of being adrift? I use my intricate weave of Channeling + Coaching + Healing to help her go from adrift to anchored.
Have you ever thought you've healed something, only to find yourself back in teh same spot again, with teh same thing happening - just a different face but the same story? Listen to this episode to learn who to heal and why it healing is a multi-layered helix.
Have you been at a place where you really feel like not doing anything? Even a place of apathy where you feel like 'how does it even matter?"? Here are things you need to watch out for and things you can do. Remember, you are the light and your light is needed.
Have you been tending to same wound over and over again? You've been therapy, to healers and so many other things and yet here it is again, in front of you. Listen to this episode to understand this a bit more. 
Listen in to see we dance around our own growth, and how when we decide and commit, when you really tune into an energy or an idea, that energy or idea opens up to you. 
What is love? Is it the exuberance and high that we feel? Or is it more grounded, serene? Have a listen in. 
A slightly chilling experience I've had recently, and the learnings from it - What is the connection between fear and unconditional love? 
We are all instruments of the Divine. Listen to this episode to hear how i finally accepted my mission. 