
The audio blog of Soulcruzer aka Clay Lowe.

I’m all for creating a new myth of the webmaster

Join me on a nostalgic journey as I uncover the forgotten role of the webmaster, the guardian of the early internet's enchanting digital realm. Discover with me the importance of personal touch in our online spaces and be inspired to become a master of your own digital domain in this captivating episode.


Harmonising Head and Heart: The Key to Authentic Living

Key MessagesMind and Heart as Guides: Both our intellect and emotions are crucial in guiding us through life. The intellect allows for introspection and understanding, while our emotions and intuition connect us to our authentic self.Power of Introspection: By deeply examining our thoughts and feelings, we can gain clarity, self-awareness, and emotional regulation. This process enables us to uncover and challenge limiting beliefs, fostering personal growth and creativity.Wisdom of the Heart: Embracing the heart's wisdom means trusting our intuition and emotional intelligence. This wisdom encourages us to live authentically, aligning our actions with our true selves and values, and fostering meaningful relationships.Finding Balance: Authentic living is achieved by balancing the analytical mind with the intuitive heart. This equilibrium allows us to make decisions that are both rational and deeply resonant with our innermost desires, leading to a fulfilling and purpose-driven life.The journey to harmonize the head and heart is ongoing, requiring continuous reflection, openness to intuition, and the bravery to live true to oneself. By valuing both introspection and intuition, we can discover a more harmonious and authentic way of living.


Journaling Reimagined: How ChatGPT Can Transform Your Self-Reflection Journey

Journaling has always been an awesome tool for self-discovery and reflection. And now, with AI like ChatGPT, it's getting a major upgrade! Instead of just writing to yourself, you can have a real back-and-forth convo with an AI that asks you deep questions and helps you explore your thoughts and feelings in new ways. It's like having a super insightful buddy to chat with about all the stuff that matters to you. This fresh take on journaling doesn't just make it more fun - it also helps you understand yourself better than ever before. Every time you journal with AI, you're unlocking new insights and perspectives that you might not have discovered on your own. So if you want to level up your personal growth game, give this new kind of journaling a try - it could be the key to really figuring yourself out and living your best life!


The Power and Mystery of Solitude

The power of solitude is indeed great and beyond our full comprehension. When we retreat into the quiet sanctuary of solitude, we open ourselves up to profound insights and revelations from within. In the stillness, when the chatter of the external world fades, our inner voice emerges to provide clarity. 


Beyond the limits of the mind's voice

The chatter of our own minds can often drown out the wisdom that exists within us. The incessant voice of our ego fills our head with a constant stream of commentary, judgement, and analysis. Yet we forget that we don't have to identify with or get caught up in the drama of this voice. 


All Faith; No Fear

Faith and fear are the contrasting forces that shape our journeys. They are the yin and yang of our existence. If we choose fear over faith, we stagnate and fall short of our potential. But if we choose to live by the mantra of “All Faith, No Fear,” we embrace a transformative path that leads us towards our true potential.


Between chaos and harmony

In today's episode, I explore the intricate dance between logic and emotion in my own mind. I discuss how these seeming opposites actually work in tandem - logic providing structure while emotion adds meaning. I share my personal journey of embracing this internal complexity rather than viewing it as a flaw. I talk about the tensions and growth that emerge from this spaces. Connect with me on Twitter X


Generously overthinking the internet in 2023

This week: Soulcruzer talks about returning to podcasting after a long hiatus, starting up a new season of his refugee-focused podcast "Voices of Resilience," reflecting on 2023 and goal-setting for 2024, focusing lately on his weekly Substack newsletter instead of podcasts, being tired of the overproduced sameness and everyone chasing high production value in online content, the glut of self-help/personal growth content by people just trying to make money, plans to move further into philosophy and spirituality with an absurdist/postmodern flair, and welcoming people to connect in more intimate spaces like Discord if they want to chat outside of mass social media.


My first conversation with ChatGPT Voice

For years I've dreamed of having natural conversations with artificial intelligence like Tony Stark does with J.A.R.V.I.S. in Iron Man. And now, thanks to advances by companies like OpenAI, we're closer than ever to that sci-fi future. I'm blown away by how ChatGPT can understand context, remember facts, and have reasoned dialogue. The only limitation now is a slight lag between messages. But overall, chatting with CHatGPT feels amazingly human and is a huge leap forward for AI. I can't wait to see where this technology goes in the next few years!


Guess who's back?

In which I talk about my comeback bid into social audio and audio blogging, my long and checkered history with traditional blogging, the relevance of social spaces for bloggers, why I hate titles in blogging, my squeaky chair, whether Jeff Bezos tweets or not, and lastly, I take a deep dive into my blogging ecosystem and how it all fits together. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.


All these moments had their moments

#AudioMo Day 5 a little trip down memory lane has me thinking when do family and friends start becoming strangers to each other?


Hunting for insects

Out on a bug hunt for #audiomo Day 3


Another June, another chance to hangout with my #Audiomo friends

As we usher in another June, we find ourselves once again amidst #audiomo - a month-long celebration and challenge of harnessing audio as a medium for creative self-expression. I eagerly anticipate immersing myself in the wealth of #audiomo entries this year, ready to be inspired by the cool, diverse audio content that's in store.


How can I embrace the full 21st century experience as a creator?

To answer my own question, Hephaestus would probably have morphed into the god of technology, or morphed into the god of technology if you still Greek mythology, Hephaestus is revered as the master craftsman, forging divine weapons and armour for the gods and heroes. His workshop, located deep within the heart of a volcano, is where he hones his skills and creates his masterpieces. Despite his physical deformities, Hephaestus is highly respected for his ingenuity and unrivalled craftsmanship, which have earned him a place among the Olympian gods.As for my other question, i'm hoping you can help with that?


Life Lessons from the Dude and the Zen Master?

TranscriptLife Lessons from the Dude and the Zen Master?Do you remember the movie "The Big Lebowski?" I was a big fan of the Dude, so when I saw this book, The Dude and the Zen Master, I snatched it up.IntroductionThe Dude and the Zen Master was published in 2005 by Jeff Bridges and Bernie Glassman. In this book, they recount the story of their friendship, which started when they were working on the film The Big Lebowski. Over time, their friendship led them to wonder if there was a better way for humans to live than what we usually do. They came up with three ideas that could help us all be happier: 1) Think for yourself instead of relying on others' opinions; 2) Understand that nobody knows anything about how life works; 3) That most things we hear about how we should live our lives are wrong (and therefore ineffective).The big idea of this book is that you are not who you think you are.The big idea of this book is that you are not who you think you are. In other words, if you listen to what other people tell you about how to live your life and then follow their advice, chances are good that it won’t work out very well for you.But why should we care about thinking for ourselves? because most things we hear about how we should live our lives are wrong.Which is why, as a coach, i steer clear of being prescriptive. In this book, we come to see that the way we have been told to live our lives doesn't work for us.The first thing we learn from The Dude and the Zen Master is that the way we have been told to live our lives doesn’t work for us. We have been told to do things like get a good education, follow our dreams, and be happy in our jobs. These things sound great, but what if you wanted to be a rock star? Or maybe you just want to take some time off from school so that you can travel around Europe before getting back into your studies? What if happiness means being able to spend time with your family instead of traveling or getting into some other career?In this book, we come to see that our lives are not what we think they are and neither are they what we want them to be—they're simply our lives. We don't always get what we want; sometimes life has other plans for us. This is okay because it means that instead of focusing on what hasn't worked out yet (or perhaps never will), we can focus on finding ways forward in the present moment with whatever skills and resources at hand.The Buddha said that all humans suffer and that the cause of suffering is wanting things to be different than they are.The Buddha said that all humans suffer and that the cause of suffering is wanting things to be different than they are. This is a very simple, but important insight. What does this mean? It means that you can't control everything around you, so being frustrated and angry about it will only make things worse for yourself. If you want your life to improve, then focus on improving your attitude instead of trying to control everything around you.So if something doesn't come easily right away—like getting ripped abs or finding lasting love—just accept where you're at right now while continuing on with whatever it is that makes sense for your life right now!According to the authors, "The only way out of delusion and suffering is waking up to reality as it actually is." This book shows us how to do this.ConclusionSo, what's the takeaway? I think we need to realize that we are not who we think we are. We have been told by all sorts of people for all sorts of reasons about what we should and shouldn't do in order to be happy, healthy, and successful in life. This book shows us why these ideas don't work for us personally and how this has contributed to our unhappiness in life.


Weird time, winding down, a look ahead, beef stew and a crazy cat

From my bunker deep in the heart of England... In this episode, I wander from pillar to post musing out loud about my year and how I deal with this no-man's land of time between Christmas and New Year. I ruminate on the merits of eating beef stew in the winter. And I get ambushed by a kitten.


self-expression is a beautiful thing

Post 30 day challenge, how do I keep the momentum up. We now resume our regular programming


What myth are you living?

In which I explore the most important question we can ask ourselves.


Exploring the Metaverse

I spent the weekend exploring the Metaverse and found some interesting things.


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