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Soulful Ambition

Author: Analisa Leaming

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A Balancing Act is a podcast for anyone in the arts desiring more. The focus is on sharing conscious, uplifting, inspiring conversation about navigating the ups and downs of this beautiful, crazy business.
89 Episodes
🚀 Apply to join the next Soulful Ambition Circle - a 6 month group journey led by Analisa Leaming 🚀 Get Analisa's signature practices to unleash your star power + take aligned action towards your soulful ambitions: HERE   Episode Highlights:  The Business Side of Analisa’s Work Changing career paths Investing in support  Trusting yourself  Listening to your Inner Voice  The tables are turned and Analisa is the guest! This week’s episode was originally aired on the podcast Business Witch where Analisa was the guest. She loved the discussion with the host and her business coach, Cara Kovacks, and decided to share it on Soulful Ambition.  Analisa pulls the curtain back on her business and the rebrand, including her own fears and insecurities and how she moved through them.  Cara and Analisa delve into the challenges people face in believing in their dreams, such as societal conditioning and personal fears. Analisa shares her own experiences of reaching the top of her career and realizing that it didn't define her identity. She highlights the significance of detaching self-worth from external achievements and finding fulfillment through authentic self-expression. This podcast is the permission you didn’t know you were waiting for to make a change, take the leap, and pursue your own Soulful Ambition!   Soulful Ambition is a show for big dreamers about choosing to live inside out & acting upon your deepest longings. From starting your dream business to starring on Broadway, from sacred activism to being a radiant, aligned parent and everything in between. The manifestation of your desires is your destined path and the medicine and magic that the world needs.
🚀Apply to join the next Soulful Ambition Circle - a 6 month group journey led by Analisa Leaming. 🚀Get Analisa's signature practices to unleash your star power + take aligned action towards your soulful ambitions: HERE.   Episode Highlights:  What is  "Soulful Ambition" Learning to Listen to that Still Small Voice Within Knowing Your Resistance  The Powering of Centering Whomever Your Serving Just get started!  In this episode, Analisa interviews Brian Patacca, a powerhouse in the realm of creative coaching and entrepreneurship. With a subscriber base of 25,000 people for his newsletter and a podcast that ranks among the top 1% globally, Brian is the CEO of Team BKP. Over the past two decades, he has mastered the art of helping creative professionals attain their goals with minimal suffering. His methods blend sharp marketing and branding strategies with spiritual and grounding approaches, derived from his training as a non-denominational Reverend. This blend allows creatives to follow their true purposes, breaking free from limiting industry norms and personal beliefs. Analisa asks Brian to define what Soulful Ambition means to him and what unfolds is an entire conversation around just that and what arises as you begin to take action upon your deepest longings. They both share how resistance shows up for them (which it does when you reach for the stars!) and how they work with it. Analisa asks Brian how he stands in his radiance and shares his light and he shares such a beautiful perspective that you won’t want to miss. This is the perfect episode for anyone that needs a soulful pep talk to get started or take action towards their audacious dreams!    Grab Brian’s free gift How to Say Thank You w/out Being Weird HERE. Visit Brian Patacca’s website and instagram.   Soulful Ambition is a show for big dreamers about choosing to live inside out & acting upon your deepest longings. From starting your dream business to starring on Broadway, from sacred activism to being a radiant, aligned parent and everything in between. The manifestation of your desires is your destined path and the medicine and magic that the world needs.  
🚀Sign up for the IN PERSON 4 Hour Workshop HERE. 🚀Get Analisa's signature practices to unleash your star power + take aligned action towards your soulful ambitions: HERE.   Episode Highlights:  The power of Sisterhood Online dating as a catalyst for shadow work  Giving your most cringe-y bits a moment to express  Our default mode vs Our Main Character Energy  Blowing your own mind with what’s possible!    Episode Summary: Join soul sisters Analisa and Leona for this casual yet beautiful conversation where they share their own current struggles from panic attacks to victim mentality and the tools they are using to move through them.  They once again share about the power of shadow work as well as the power to choose to step into your Main Character Energy. They offer tangible tools to begin using in your life today making it a valuable listen for anyone on a Soulful path. Leona Waller is a neuroscientist turned embodiment facilitator and revolutionist.  Follow her on Instagram and read her brilliant writing on substack   Soulful Ambition is a show for big dreamers about choosing to live inside out & acting upon your deepest longings. From starting your dream business to starring on Broadway, from sacred activism to being a radiant, aligned parent and everything in between. The manifestation of your desires is your destined path and the medicine and magic that the world needs.  
🚀Sign up for the In-Person Workshop with Analisa, “Unlocking the Power of Desire,” May 1st!!  🚀Get Analisa's signature practices to unleash your star power + take aligned action towards your soulful ambitions: HERE   Episode Highlights: Analisa’s Post Partum Depression  The prevalence of trauma and PTSD and the available healing methods Meaning of, “The ecological is personal, and the personal is ecological” The power of nature in healing us from pain  The hope of neuroplasticity!  Talk therapy and trauma  Steps we can take to help the planet   Episode Summary: In this episode, Analisa interviews Greg Wrenn, a former Stanford lecturer and author of "Mothership: A Memoir of Wonder and Crisis," which explores healing from childhood trauma through nature and psychedelics. Greg talks about how mental health issues represent a significant yet often overlooked crisis impacting countless individuals. Many of these challenges stem from childhood experiences, evolving into traumatic events that shape adult life. While therapy and coaching offer pathways to recovery and healing, the natural world has an undeniable power to facilitate healing processes. With its calming and rejuvenating properties, nature often plays a pivotal role in restoring mental well-being.  He shares more about this from his latest book, where he documents an evidence-based account of his quest to heal from complex PTSD by turning to endangered coral reefs and psychedelic plants after traditional therapies failed—and his awakening to the need for us to heal the planet as well. Grab His latest book, Mothership: A Memoir of Wonder and Crisis Here. Visit Greg’s Website Follow Greg on Instagram  Soulful Ambition is a show for big dreamers about choosing to live inside out & acting upon your deepest longings, from starting your dream business to starring on Broadway, from sacred activism to being a radiant, aligned parent, and everything in between. The manifestation of your desires is your destined path and the medicine and magic that the world needs.
🚀Sign up for the In-Person Workshop with Analisa, “Unlocking the Power of Desire,” on May 1st!!  🚀Get Analisa's signature practices to unleash your star power + take aligned action towards your soulful ambitions: HERE.   Episode Highlights:  Noticing in the body if it feels safe to dream big Building a healthy relationship with your desires How to cultivate the practice of feeling your longing Allowing your desire to be the fuel for your deepest longing Being turned ON by your own desire    Episode Summary: In this episode, Analisa shows up in a real and transparent way and unpacks in real time how she’s feeling disconnected from her dreams.  Through her own example, Analisa talks about giving yourself permission to notice if it even feels same to long deeply, to be where you are, to begin to embody your desire and fully inhabit your current space. Drawing from her heartfelt experience, she unveils the transformative power of slowing down, feeling deeply, and nurturing the relationship with your desires. Living from a place of soulful alignment is about embracing your longing and taking action from a place of authenticity, clarity, and resonance.  Analisa then invites you to self reflect on your current relationship with your desire. Do you trust it? How can you nurture this relationship?  Finally, Analisa shares a practice to begin to become turned on by your passion. Your desires are the fuel that propels you forward with energy and vitality. So, learn how to tap into your desire and allow yourself to be guided by the energy that lights you up and inspires each step toward realizing your aspirations. This is an episode for anyone longing to build a relationship with their desires, get clear on what they really want, and go after their dream or vision!    Soulful Ambition is a show for big dreamers about choosing to live inside out & acting upon your deepest longings, from starting your dream business to starring on Broadway, from sacred activism to being a radiant, aligned parent, and everything in between. The manifestation of your desires is your destined path and the medicine and magic that the world needs.
🚀Sign up for the In-Person Workshop with Analisa “Unlocking the Power of Desire” May 1st!! Early bird ends 4/15 🚀Get Analisa's signature practices to unleash your star power + take aligned action towards your soulful ambitions: HERE.   Episode Highlights:  Embracing messy emotional expression Ritualizing the embodiment of emotions The power that unfelt emotions have over us Feminine/masculine energies are ungendered Bringing creativity into your love life   Episode Summary: In this episode, Analisa interviews Madelyn Moon, a voice in the world of feminine-masculine relationships. Madelyn shares her personal journey of moving away from perfectionism and embracing full emotional expression, even the messy and untamed parts. She discusses the importance of ritually enacting and embodying challenging emotional states like anger and fear, rather than suppressing them. Madelyn emphasizes creating safe containers and "bookends" to explore these states without projecting onto others. Madelyn explains that feminine and masculine refer to different aspects of consciousness and expression, not gender itself. She advocates reclaiming these terms from cultural assumptions. Towards the end, Madelyn shares about her current intention to prioritize home life and potentially starting a family. She discusses finding more sustainable business models to create space for this new phase. This is an episode for anyone longing to embrace and be true to all aspects of themselves!    Madelyn Moon is a leading voice in the world of feminine-masculine relationships, devoted to serving women in liberating their expressive, artistic hearts with themselves, with partners, and with the world. Her work and story has been featured in hundreds of podcasts as well as various publications such as BBC, The Huffington Post, Teen Vogue, Thought Catalog, Nylon Magazine, The Daily Mail, Vice, Greatist, Men's Health, PEOPLE and ABC News Nightline. Madelyn is the host of the top 100 ranked podcast, The Madelyn Moon Show, and the author of the best-selling book on conscious intimacy, Artist of Love. She teaches live programs, workshops and courses year round. Grab her free gift 50 ways to be Creative in Love Here.  Follow Madelyn on Instagram and visit her website.   Soulful Ambition is a show for big dreamers about choosing to live inside out & acting upon your deepest longings. From starting your dream business to starring on Broadway, from sacred activism to being a radiant, aligned parent and everything in between. The manifestation of your desires is your destined path and the medicine and magic that the world needs.  
🚀Learn more about working with Analisa HERE. 🚀Get Analisa's signature practices to unleash your star power + take aligned action towards your soulful ambitions: HERE.   Episode Highlights:  From Atheism to all things subconscious, energetic + mysterious The beauty of embracing grief, rage, and pain  Unshaming ourselves  Practical embodiment practices to move stuck emotions + energy  The four biggest fears causing you to reject your fullness    Episode Summary: Analisa invited dear friend and soul sister, Leona Waller, to unpack last week’s episode around shadow work to make it even more practical and applicable to listeners' everyday life. Leona shares her journey from neuroscience to becoming an embodiment facilitator and how she went from a devout atheist to being devoted to her own soul and shadow work. Analisa and Leona share how they recognize their shadowselves and different tools and practices they both use to integrate the dark, uncomfortable, painful parts of their human. Embodiment is a big piece of their discussion and listeners will leave with an understanding of what it is and ways to practice it today! They turn the discussion to our four main fears: humiliation, alienation, loss, and persecution and how to reframe them as initiations to build the stamina to shine!    Leona Waller is a neuroscientist turned embodiment facilitator and revolutionist.  Follow her on Instagram and read her brilliant writing on substack. Soulful Ambition is a show for big dreamers about choosing to live inside out & acting upon your deepest longings. From starting your dream business to starring on Broadway, from sacred activism to being a radiant, aligned parent and everything in between. The manifestation of your desires is your destined path and the medicine and magic that the world needs.
🚀Learn more about working with Analisa HERE. 🚀Get Analisa's signature practices to unleash your star power + take aligned action towards your soulful ambitions: HERE.   Episode Highlights:  From a PhD to washing dishes Integrative Thinking rather than positive thinking  Shadow work: repression to expression The bridge between our human selves and our Divinity  Understanding our Golden Shadow Episode Summary: In this episode Analisa interviews Xavier Dagba, a life coach, shadow work facilitator, and mystic. Xavier shares his journey of leaving his PhD program to follow his inner calling, facing fears of failure and rebuilding from the humble job of washing dishes. Through experiencing his own health issues and repressions, Xavier came to shadow work, integrating the darkness to clear trauma and embody wholeness. Now with a large following, Xavier stresses integrating all parts of oneself, using "integrative thinking" to move collective evolution forward. He and Analisa discuss welcoming your pain and discovering the balance between accepting where you are and excitement for where you want to be. Listen to learn tools to connect to your highest self and navigate your life from a fully aligned place.   Xavier Dagba is a shadow work facilitator, writer and mystic. He offers transformative online courses, coaching and workshops. Known for helping people heal and integrate their fragmented parts to fully embody their power, Xavier is considered a leader in the field of shadow work. His "Awaken Your Golden Shadow" course has supported thousands. Take the course and learn more about Xavier here and follow him on Instagram. Soulful Ambition is a show for big dreamers about choosing to live inside out & acting upon your deepest longings. From starting your dream business to starring on Broadway, from sacred activism to being a radiant, aligned parent and everything in between. The manifestation of your desires is your destined path and the medicine and magic that the world needs.
Welcome to Soulful Ambition, formerly known as A Balancing Act, Analisa's latest iteration of her work in the world.  Soulful Ambition explores what it means to live inside out and go after our deepest longings. Soulful Ambition might sound contradictory at first… Because we’ve let society define ambition as striving for individual success, monetary gain, and personal achievements.  But that’s not what the soul really craves. In each episode, we’re calling back the parts of ourselves conditioned to society’s grind and external pressure. And awakening the longing in your chest that is so big it threatens to swallow you whole.  So you can shine unapologetically, source from within, and move towards your big, wild dreams. Not to become a manifesting babe/bro striving for individual success, but because your dreams are your destined path and the medicine that the world needs.  To learn more about Analisa and how you can work together:  IG:   
Learn more about 1:1 Soulful Coaching w/ Analisa Leaming or Soulful Creatives Circle Member  HERE.  Today's episode with co-founders and artistic directors of TheatreSquared, Bob Ford + Amy Herzberg:  What Bob + Amy were doing in their 20s & how they wouldn't have believed this is how their lives would unfold Amy's journey from acting to teaching + directing Amy's keys to career longevity Bob's untangling from ego + identity as a NY actor  Founding a mission driven nationally acclaimed theatre in Fayetteville, Arkansas! The importance of great theatre everywhere, not just NYC Stories of how TheatreSquared is transforming their community  Aligning with your values + mission as a daily conversation and practice Look at this award-winning theatre they got to build with architects Marvel & Charcoalblue. Follow TheatreSquared on Instagram   A Balancing Act is hosted by Analisa Leaming, Broadway actor +  soulful coach for creatives.  This season is designed to inspire performers and creatives to journey towards their dreams with more soul and less attachment to outcomes and society's definitions of success.  Get your free audition meditation and stay in the loop with Analisa and A Balancing Act HERE.    
Performers get your free Between Gig Guide here for powerful tools and practices to support you in staying aligned and to unleash your star power!  Visit to coach with Analisa, receive updates about the podcast, and future events! Episode Highlights: ✨ Analisa shares why she's ending her journey with ABA + where she's heading! (spoiler: it's still a podcast for you!) ✨ An invitation to examine where you're being called to expand ✨ Blow up limiting beliefs + redefine success ✨ Embracing expansion  ✨ Living aligned with your Soulful Ambitions Beloved listeners, this is the final episode of A Balancing Act. Today Analisa shares how this came to be since and invites you to examine your own journey and see if you've outgrown anything or are ready to expand. As always, she shares vulnerably and transparently. Analisa unveils the name of the new podcast, which will begin at the middle/end of March, make sure you're subscribed so you don't miss the first episode!  Analisa ends with massive gratitude for all of you that have been a part of the journey!  A Balancing Act is hosted by Analisa Leaming, Broadway actor + soulful coach.  This season is designed to inspire performers and creatives to journey towards their dreams with more soul and less attachment to outcomes and society's definitions of success.    
🚀 Get your free Between Gig Guide Here  💛 Learn more about working with Analisa Leaming here. Episode Highlights:  ✨ An update on A Balancing Act podcast + where it's heading ✨ Embracing the in-between ✨ Tangible ideas and practices to keep the flame alive ✨ Connecting daily with your Soul ✨ Using your creative gifts to be in your Star Power  In this episode, Analisa Leaming reflects on the closing of the season and teases the upcoming transition and expansion of the podcast. Analisa discusses the importance of the in-between show period and offers practical steps for navigating this time. She also emphasizes the practice of being with discomfort and connecting with the soul on a daily basis. The episode concludes with exercises on writing the current chapter of your life and crafting and committing to your character.  A Balancing Act is hosted by Analisa Leaming, Broadway actor +  soulful coach for creatives.  This season is designed to inspire performers and creatives to journey towards their dreams with more soul and less attachment to outcomes and society's definitions of success.    
Get your free audition meditation and stay in the loop with Analisa and A Balancing Act HERE.   Episode Highlights:  Aligning with the seasons to enhance the creative process Identifying your primary element (earth, air, water, or fire) to provide insights into your creative process The importance of playing the long game as a Creative Being The Ultimate Game: maintaining passion + desire while remaining detached from specific outcomes Breaking the paradigm of 'if/then' thinking  Analisa is joined by guest Joshua Townsend, an expert in creative development and story coaching. They discuss the importance of understanding the elements and how they relate to the creative process. They delve into the characteristics and challenges of each element (earth, air, water, and fire) and provide practical tips for working with each element in a creative context. In this conversation, Joshua Townshend and Analisa Leaming discuss various aspects of the creative process and personal growth. They explore the importance of understanding characters and how they present themselves versus who they truly are. They also delve into the concept of the short game versus the long game, emphasizing the need for patience and authenticity in pursuing creative endeavors. The conversation then shifts to the ultimate game, which involves maintaining passion and desire while remaining detached from specific outcomes. They discuss the path of mastery and the importance of breaking the paradigm of 'if-then' thinking. Finally, they touch on the power of breathing and the skills that artists develop throughout their journey.   Learn more about Joshua Townshend here. Take Joshua's creative element quiz here.   A Balancing Act is hosted by Analisa Leaming, Broadway actor +  soulful coach for creatives.  This season is designed to inspire performers and creatives to journey towards their dreams with more soul and less attachment to outcomes and society's definitions of success.
Get your free audition meditation and stay in the loop with Analisa and A Balancing Act HERE. In this short + sweet solo episode Analisa explores two ways of managing energy while you await your audition. It's easy to be swept up and deeply affected by frenetic energy and most performers are sensitives/empaths. These kinds of practices are imperative so that we can stay in our own alignment. Listen and give them a try today!  Also, we know this, but these practices serve FAR beyond Ripley and Pearl. May it serve!  Take this quiz before next week's episode! A Balancing Act is hosted by Analisa Leaming, Broadway actor + soulful coach for creatives.  This season is designed to inspire performers and creatives to journey towards their dreams with more soul and less attachment to outcomes and society's definitions of success.
Get your free audition meditation and stay in the loop with Analisa + A Balancing Act HERE.     Episode Highlights: Patrick's story: dressing actors on Broadway while also auditioning!!!  Patrick's hot-take on audition season What makes an actor stand out in the audition room Goal setting  Detaching from audacious dreams  The power of creating on your own terms "Skipping the first 10 times"  Practice      This conversation explores the journey of Patrick O'Neill, a director and choreographer, and his insights on navigating the performing arts industry. Analisa and Patrick cover topics such as his accidental journey in the arts, identity shifts, audition season, cultivating creativity, qualities that make an actor stand out, the importance of daily practices, and embracing the journey and setting goals.   In this conversation, Patrick O'Neill and Analisa Leaming discuss setting achievable goals, detaching from audacious dreams, the power of making things, finding answers within, embracing vulnerability, and belonging on stage. They emphasize the importance of taking practical steps towards goals and not being overwhelmed by the end result. They also discuss the practice of detaching from outcomes and finding satisfaction in the creative process. Patrick shares the importance of making things and how it gives a sense of pride and authority. They also explore the practice of finding answers within oneself and the vulnerability that comes with pursuing big dreams. They conclude by discussing the idea of belonging on stage and the importance of skipping the first 10 attempts to find success.   Soul Nourishment in this episode:   Connect with Patrick here and here.   Michael Hyatt Planner     A Balancing Act is hosted by Analisa Leaming, Broadway actor +  soulful coach for creatives.  This season is designed to inspire performers and creatives to journey towards their dreams with more soul and less attachment to outcomes and society's definitions of success.
Get your free audition meditation and stay in the loop with Analisa and A Balancing Act HERE. Learn more about 1:1 Soulful Coaching w/ Analisa Leaming HERE.  Inside this episode:  Analisa's way of activating her Indestructible Core How to practice not taking things personally  How the fear of humiliation points to an addiction to pride The antidote to fear of humiliation (the opinion of others) An exploration of True Humility  This episode is a follow up to Eleri Ward's powerful conversation last week. Analisa goes deeper into two main themes: the indestructible core and the power of not taking anything personally. She then explores the fear of humiliation and how it's holding so many artists back. Analisa shares that she, too, is very much a student of this topic and goes into her favorite teachings on humiliation, pride, perfectionism and true humility. Anyone struggling with perfectionism, taking up space, and being their full self will find gems and actionable steps within this episode!  Soul Nourishment in this episode: Xavier Dagba Caroline Myss Entering the Castle Jason Mraz Making it Up A Balancing Act is hosted by Analisa Leaming, Broadway actor +  soulful coach for creatives.  This season is designed to inspire performers and creatives to journey towards their dreams with more soul and less attachment to outcomes and society's definitions of success.   
Get your free audition meditation and stay in the loop with Analisa and A Balancing Act HERE.  Learn more about 1:1 Soulful Coaching w/ Analisa Leaming HERE. In this episode with Eleri Ward:   ✨ Eleri's journey from musical theatre showcase to critically acclaimed recording artist + finding HER voice  ✨ Having "Healthy Delusion" in the entertainment + theatre industry ✨ Cultivating an indestructible core  ✨ The power of not taking anything personally  ✨ Reframing being told "You Don't Fit/We don't understand you" Analisa stumbled across this reel of Eleri's on Instagram and was blown away by her story and her talent. She was thrilled to sit down with her and learn about her journey from her musical theatre showcase at Boston Conservatory where she didn't receive an offer from an agent to recording and producing her full length indie-folk Sondheim album, “A Perfect Little Death,” in her closet.   After gaining a viral TikTok following, it was released by Ghostlight Records and has been hailed as “a harmonious marriage of musical theater and indie folk music, with hauntingly beautiful arrangements” by Forbes and “an incandescent new record, something genuinely new” from American Theater Magazine. Eleri speaks to the mindset that allows her to show up fully and unapologetically. She shares the pitfalls she sees in the musical theatre industry where it's easy to give up your power and self-belief and the necessity to build and maintain and indestructible core. This episode is a jampacked with motivation, inspiration and encouragement for owning your unique voice and path and believing in yourself no matter what. It's a perfect episode to have bookmarked before auditions or in a time when you need a reminder of claiming your own greatness.  Follow Eleri Listen + Watch Eleri A Balancing Act is hosted by Analisa Leaming, Broadway actor + soulful coach.  This season is designed to inspire performers and creatives to journey towards their dreams with more soul and less attachment to outcomes and society's definitions of success.        
Get your free audition meditation and stay in the loop with Analisa + A Balancing Act HERE. Analisa has been podcasting since 2016 and this is the first time she's shared her own unique path to Broadway and beyond. She shares her early influences, experiences in college, auditions, and survival jobs in New York City. Analisa discusses the heartbreak and soul-searching moments in her career and the pivotal decision to consider a different path. Tune in for a very special behind-the-scenes episode!!  Highlights from Analisa's Story:  Everyone's path is different! From Opera to Musical Theatre Analisa's journey from Tennessee to NYC Analisa's "survival jobs" Audition stories Heartbreaks along the way Considering another path before making it to Broadway  The thing she thinks about most when reflecting on her career Tune into Episode 37 to hear the journey from NYC to Colorado!  Time Stamps: 00:00 Introduction and Setting the Intention 02:41 Growing Up and Early Influences 08:05 College  12:17 Professional Opportunities and Decision-Making 19:25 Moving to New York and Survival Jobs 27:09 Regional Theater and Broadway Dreams 35:27 Heartbreak and Soul-Searching 39:05 Meeting Steve Lutvak and Gentleman's Guide 45:15 Considering a Different Path 46:14 Hope and Booking On the 20th Century 47:36 Broadway Debut  48:25 On the 20th Century 49:24 Taking Kathy's Spot 49:54 The Music Man 50:50 Relationships and Offstage Moments 51:55 Career Reflections 52:24 Sound of Music and Mary Poppins 53:23 Auditioning for The King and I 53:49 Standing By at Lincoln Center 54:44 Booking Hello Dolly 55:08 Becoming a Lead and Touring 56:03 Booking School of Rock 56:28 Touring with Hello Dolly 57:29 Transitioning to Coaching 58:23 Moving to Colorado 59:15 Upcoming Gig with Tulsa Ballet   A Balancing Act is hosted by Analisa Leaming, Broadway actor +  soulful coach for creatives.  This season is designed to inspire performers and creatives to journey towards their dreams with more soul and less attachment to outcomes and society's definitions of success.
Get your free audition meditation and stay in the loop with Analisa and A Balancing Act HERE. Episode Highlights:  All the tangible practices + tools for managing your hopes and dreams in the biz and beyond Vulnerable stories + shares from Broadway and Hollywood Establishing a practice to manage challenges + setbacks without letting it derail or defeat you Making peace with where you are The power of shifting from a mindset of “should” to “could” How to identity the voice of your intuition + developing a playbook for your best self Episode Summary: In this episode Analisa interviews Wendy Braun, an accomplished actress and breakthrough coach of Actor Inspiration. Wendy talks about the importance of developing a practice to navigate disappointment and setbacks in the industry without letting it derail or define you. Wendy and Analisa share stories from their careers of discovering the balance between finding peace with where they are and excitement for where they want to be. Wendy reveals her process for helping lead her students to creative breakthroughs. Listen to this episode to learn tools and insights for connecting to your highest self and navigating your career from a fully aligned place. Time Stamps: 0:00 Intro to Podcast and Wendy Braun 3:00 Speaking with authority through mastering disappointment 5:23 Finding the good where you are 12:12 Reaching the highest level doesn’t cure the insecurities 21:54 Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable 24:09 Journaling from your highest self 26:38 Daily practice for expanding into your highest self 32:00 How to identify your intuition / inner voice 34:59 Shifting shoulds to clouds 38:54 4 questions to ask yourself to create a breakthrough 43:10 A best self playbook 50:00 Working through the emotions we don’t like 53:08 A practice for artists and wild dreamers to start the new year with 59:45 Finding community to help you do the work About Wendy: Accomplished actress Wendy Braun has enjoyed a dynamic career, recently appearing on four seasons of the celebrated Netflix series, Atypical, as well as guest appearances on This Is Us, Grey's Anatomy, It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia and Criminal Minds to name a few. With over 80 TV + Film credits, over 100 commercials and thousands of voiceovers, Wendy has also combined decades of invaluable professional experience with her passion for inspiring others. She is also a Breakthrough Coach and the CEO + founder of, and was recently featured in Forbes for her game-changing Success Breakthrough Workshop online course (now in over 25 countries) and powerful guided meditations that have helped thousands of creatives overcome obstacles and create new levels of success, joy and fulfillment. Known as a powerhouse global speaker and the guiding light behind many success stories, Authority Magazine declared Wendy one of their “Inspirational Women In Hollywood.” Her clients include Series Regulars, Broadway performers and Award-Winning stage and screen actors, as well as directors, producers, writers and entrepreneurs. 🎉YOU’RE INVITED! Join Wendy for an impactful + empowering Success Breakthrough Experience, a Free 5 Day Virtual Event, designed to help you release blocks, re-imagine what's possible and learn the exact steps to making this your best year yet.  ➡️ Join the party here:   🎁 FREE GIFT: Enjoy a free guided meditation to help you create success while you sleep and wake up each morning feeling renewed, refreshed and confident. ➡️ Download "Creating Success While You Sleep” here: A Balancing Act is hosted by Analisa Leaming, Broadway actor + soulful coach.  This season is designed to inspire performers and creatives to journey towards their dreams with more soul and less attachment to outcomes and society's definitions of success.
Reserve your Seat: Harvest Wisdom/Plant Dreams: A Soulful Approach to Year-End Reflections and Intention on Dec 29th   Embrace the spirit of self-discovery and artistic growth as we bid farewell to the year and set our sights on new beginnings. Join as we revisit a cherished discussion with Jack Plotnick, whose wisdom on overcoming mental barriers in acting remains evergreen as we step into the new year. Jack shared his concept of the ego as your vulture, which is a game-changer for actors looking to shed their limitations. He also highlights the emotional rollercoaster that comes with the pursuit of acting, from the search for validation to the exhilaration of creative freedom. This episode brilliantly outlines how actors can navigate their mental labyrinths and emerge with a renewed sense of purpose and creative liberation. Episode Highlights : Your “vulture”  and how it can help actors overcome mental barriers Authenticity in auditions and the role of spontaneity in performances Unpacking Want VS. Need Focusing on outcomes to enjoy the process of acting and auditioning Leveraging social media and online platforms to gain visibility and opportunities High stakes in characters' desires to enhance comedic and dramatic acting Dedication and resilience required to thrive in the acting industry   Get your free audition meditation and stay in the loop with Analisa + A Balancing Act HERE Download Jack's Ebook New Thoughts For Actors A Balancing Act is hosted by Analisa Leaming, Broadway actor +  soulful coach for creatives.  This season is designed to inspire performers and creatives to journey towards their dreams with more soul and less attachment to outcomes and society's definitions of success.
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