DiscoverSoulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices For Every Day
Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices For Every Day

Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices For Every Day

Author: Unpacked

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Overstressed, overworked, overstimulated? Close your eyes, take a deep breath and tune in. In each episode Rabbi Josh Feigelson will guide with ancient wisdom and modern mindfulness practices to help center your soul and ease you into your week.

Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality.

67 Episodes
Habits of the Heart

Habits of the Heart


In the second episode of our five-part series leading up to the U.S. elections, Rabbi Feigelson explores "habits of the heart," offering spiritual insights on living harmoniously in a multicultural democracy. Drawing from Parker Palmer’s Healing the Heart of Democracy, he delves into the second habit: "An Appreciation of the Value of Otherness," and connects it to the Jewish priestly blessing as a meditative practice for fostering understanding and unity. ~~~~   Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. This episode was sponsored by Jonathan and Kori Kalafer and the Somerset Patriots: The Bridgewater, NJ-based AA Affiliate of the New York Yankees. This podcast was brought to you by Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media. For other podcasts from Unpacked, check out: Jewish History Nerds Unpacking Israeli History Wondering Jews
All in this together

All in this together


With election season approaching, emotions often run high. In this episode, Rabbi Feigelson explores the emotional and mental challenges that come with this time, discussing how constant news updates, social media, and everyday conversations can become overwhelming. Drawing from Jewish teachings and Parker Palmer’s book, “Healing the Heart of Democracy,” he delves into the first of five key principles: “We are all in this together.” ~~~~   Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. This episode was sponsored by Jonathan and Kori Kalafer and the Somerset Patriots: The Bridgewater, NJ-based AA Affiliate of the New York Yankees. This podcast was brought to you by Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media. For other podcasts from Unpacked, check out: Jewish History Nerds Unpacking Israeli History Wondering Jews
Don't Give Up

Don't Give Up


In these difficult times, some may have a hard time finding hope. In this thought-provoking episode, Rabbi Feigelson discusses the value in not giving up and how to find inner strength and hope. He explores the themes of Tisha B'av and the Jewish people's history of spirituality and resilience. ~~~~   Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. This episode was sponsored by Jonathan and Kori Kalafer and the Somerset Patriots: The Bridgewater, NJ-based AA Affiliate of the New York Yankees. This podcast was brought to you by Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media. For other podcasts from Unpacked, check out: Jewish History Nerds Unpacking Israeli History Wondering Jews
Talk the Talk

Talk the Talk


Ever made a promise you can't keep? In this week's episode, Rabbi Feigelson discusses the concept of promises in Parshat Matot and why our words and commitments matter more than we may think. He encourages listeners to practice 'mindful speech' and explores the profound impact of staying true to our word. ~~~~   Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. This episode was sponsored by Jonathan and Kori Kalafer and the Somerset Patriots: The Bridgewater, NJ-based AA Affiliate of the New York Yankees. This podcast was brought to you by Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media. For other podcasts from Unpacked, check out: Jewish History Nerds Unpacking Israeli History Wondering Jews
Everything is Awesome

Everything is Awesome


In this weeks episode, Rabbi Feigelson delves into the concept of awe in Judaism and bringing awesomeness into our every day life, inspired by Dacher Keltner's book "Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life." Discover how awe manifests in nature, music, and spiritual experiences, and how Jewish traditions provide opportunities to experience this profound emotion. Reflect on your personal moments of awe and learn how to bring more of it into your life, especially through the mindful practice of Shabbat. ~~~~   Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. This episode was sponsored by Jonathan and Kori Kalafer and the Somerset Patriots: The Bridgewater, NJ-based AA Affiliate of the New York Yankees. This podcast was brought to you by Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media. For other podcasts from Unpacked, check out: Jewish History Nerds Unpacking Israeli History Wondering Jews
Frequent Flyer

Frequent Flyer


If you've ever dealt with an unexpected flight delay, you know how stressful they can be. In this episode, Rabbi Feigelson recounts his many experiences with flight delays as a teenager and how the experiences taught him to keep his cool during stressful situations. Drawing parallels between these experiences and the biblical story of Balak from the Torah, the episode explores the concept of focusing on what we can control while letting go of what we can't. ~~~~   Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. This episode was sponsored by Jonathan and Kori Kalafer and the Somerset Patriots: The Bridgewater, NJ-based AA Affiliate of the New York Yankees. This podcast was brought to you by Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media. For other podcasts from Unpacked, check out: Jewish History Nerds Unpacking Israeli History Wondering Jews
Rabbi Josh Feigelson explores the lesson of letting go through the lens of two iconic figures: Darth Vader and Moses. He reflects on the character of Darth Vader, whose struggle with fear and loss led him to seek control and power. Drawing a parallel, we delve into the story of Moses in Parashat Huqat, examining his moment of anger and its consequences. Through these narratives, we discuss the importance of processing grief, managing emotions, and the power of letting go. ~~~~   Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. This episode was sponsored by Jonathan and Kori Kalafer and the Somerset Patriots: The Bridgewater, NJ-based AA Affiliate of the New York Yankees. This podcast was brought to you by Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media. For other podcasts from Unpacked, check out: Jewish History Nerds Unpacking Israeli History Wondering Jews
In this week's episode, Rabbi Josh Feigelson addresses the heightened stress of political conversations, particularly on social media, during a presidential election year and the Israel-Hamas war. Drawing from the Torah portion of Korach, Rabbi Josh emphasizes mindful, non-reactive communication and how to engage in healthier political arguments through calm and thoughtful engagement. ~~~~   Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. This episode was sponsored by Jonathan and Kori Kalafer and the Somerset Patriots: The Bridgewater, NJ-based AA Affiliate of the New York Yankees. This podcast was brought to you by Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media. For other podcasts from Unpacked, check out: Jewish History Nerds Unpacking Israeli History Wondering Jews
Face your Fears

Face your Fears


In this heartfelt episode, Rabbi Josh Feigelson shares a personal story about a recent ER visit with his son. He explores the intense emotions of fear and gratitude during the ordeal, connecting his experience to the Torah portion of Shelach, and the story of how fear overtook the Israelite spies when they first entered the land of Israel. ~~~~   Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. This episode was sponsored by Jonathan and Kori Kalafer and the Somerset Patriots: The Bridgewater, NJ-based AA Affiliate of the New York Yankees. This podcast was brought to you by Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media. For other podcasts from Unpacked, check out: Jewish History Nerds Unpacking Israeli History Wondering Jews
Giants Among Us

Giants Among Us


Do you have any teachers who made a great impact on your life? In this episode, Rabbi Josh Feigelson remembers some of his great teachers and the lessons of humility that he learned from them. He draws parallels between his teachers, Moshe Rabeinu, and the lessons of humility found in the Torah portion Beha’alotcha. ~~~~   Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. This episode was sponsored by Jonathan and Kori Kalafer and the Somerset Patriots: The Bridgewater, NJ-based AA Affiliate of the New York Yankees. This podcast was brought to you by Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media. For other podcasts from Unpacked, check out: Jewish History Nerds Unpacking Israeli History Wondering Jews
This week, Rabbi Feigelson delves into the stress of airports, recounting a nerve-wracking customs experience that spiraled into wild anxiety about sinus rinse bottles. Using insights from the Torah portion of Naso, he highlights how our minds can quickly become a maze of stress and shares a quick meditation to keep calm, even in moments of internal chaos. ~~~~   Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. This episode was sponsored by Jonathan and Kori Kalafer and the Somerset Patriots: The Bridgewater, NJ-based AA Affiliate of the New York Yankees. This podcast was brought to you by Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media. For other podcasts from Unpacked, check out: Jewish History Nerds Unpacking Israeli History Wondering Jews
Sure, Torah is part of Judaism, but does it really feel important to your life? Join Rabbi Josh Feigelson as he celebrates his bar mitzvah anniversary by sharing insights on writing a dvar Torah, making meaningful connections in Jewish tradition, and cultivating mindfulness this Shavuot. Tune in for practical tips and inspiring reflections! ~~~~   Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. This episode was sponsored by Jonathan and Kori Kalafer and the Somerset Patriots: The Bridgewater, NJ-based AA Affiliate of the New York Yankees. This podcast was brought to you by Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media. For other podcasts from Unpacked, check out: Jewish History Nerds Unpacking Israeli History Wondering Jews
The Power of Disruptions

The Power of Disruptions


If your life has been impacted by the trillions of cicadas swarming the U.S. this summer you aren't alone. In this engaging episode, Rabbi Josh Feigelson dives into the fascinating world of cicadas and how their massive emergence this year has impacted daily life in Illinois. Their disruption serves as a springboard for a deeper discussion on mindfulness, the benefits of walking meditation amidst distractions, and what it means for G-d to walk alongside us. ~~~~   Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. This episode was sponsored by Jonathan and Kori Kalafer and the Somerset Patriots: The Bridgewater, NJ-based AA Affiliate of the New York Yankees. This podcast was brought to you by Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media. For other podcasts from Unpacked, check out: Jewish History Nerds Unpacking Israeli History Wondering Jews
Take a Beat

Take a Beat


We all have that memory living rent free inside of our mind where, instead of thinking things through, we totally lost it. Maybe it was with a family member, a frustrating classmate, or maybe it was at... a Philharmonic concerts in Jerusalem? Join Rabbi Josh Feigleson as he explores the importance of taking a beat, resting our minds, and embracing moments of mindfulness. ~~~~   Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. This episode was sponsored by Jonathan and Kori Kalafer and the Somerset Patriots: The Bridgewater, NJ-based AA Affiliate of the New York Yankees. This podcast was brought to you by Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media. For other podcasts from Unpacked, check out: Jewish History Nerds Unpacking Israeli History Wondering Jews
I Want Candy

I Want Candy


Ever find yourself powerless in front of a big bowl of candy? Rabbi Josh Feigleson draws parallels between food and willpower and the broader Jewish teachings on mindfulness and consumption. He guides listeners through a mindful eating exercise, emphasizing the importance of presence and appreciation in everyday acts like eating, and linking these practices to spiritual and personal growth. ~~~~   Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. This episode was sponsored by Jonathan and Kori Kalafer and the Somerset Patriots: The Bridgewater, NJ-based AA Affiliate of the New York Yankees. This podcast was brought to you by Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media. For other podcasts from Unpacked, check out: Jewish History Nerds Unpacking Israeli History Wondering Jews
Get in the Zone

Get in the Zone


The Peleton and Kedoshim might have more in common than you thought. In this episode, Rabbi Josh Feigelson draws a parallel between personalized fitness and the concept of kedusha (holiness) in the Torah portion Kedoshim. Tune in for practical insights on cultivating kavvanah and embodying holiness in your own distinct way. ~~~~   Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. This episode was sponsored by Jonathan and Kori Kalafer and the Somerset Patriots: The Bridgewater, NJ-based AA Affiliate of the New York Yankees. This podcast was brought to you by Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media. For other podcasts from Unpacked, check out: Jewish History Nerds Unpacking Israeli History Wondering Jews
Let it Go

Let it Go


What do Yom Kippur and Zen monks have in common? In this episode, Rabbi Josh Feigelson explores the profound lesson of letting go, drawing from a classic Zen tale and the Yom Kippur scapegoat ritual to illustrate how Judaism teaches the importance of releasing burdens. Join him for a guided meditation that invites you to practice forgiveness and lighten your spiritual load. ~~~~   Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. This episode was sponsored by Jonathan and Kori Kalafer and the Somerset Patriots: The Bridgewater, NJ-based AA Affiliate of the New York Yankees. This podcast was brought to you by Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media. For other podcasts from Unpacked, check out: Jewish History Nerds Unpacking Israeli History Wondering Jews
Worried about what Passover will feel like in a post-10/7 world? Rabbi Josh Feigelson addresses anxiety this Passover and explores the concept of home and safety, emphasizing the spiritual hunger for belonging and peace in tumultuous times. Offering practical advice and spiritual practices, the episode invites listeners to prepare themselves for a holiday that demands openness, understanding and compassion while wrestling with the complex realities of our world today. ~~~~   Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. This episode was sponsored by Jonathan and Kori Kalafer and the Somerset Patriots: The Bridgewater, NJ-based AA Affiliate of the New York Yankees. This podcast was brought to you by Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media. For other podcasts from Unpacked, check out: Jewish History Nerds Unpacking Israeli History Wondering Jews
Players Gonna Play

Players Gonna Play


In this episode, Rabbi Josh Feigelson delves into the imaginative essence of Passover observance, highlighting how a sense of playfulness enriches mindfulness and strengthens connections to Jewish traditions. ~~~~   Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. This episode was sponsored by Jonathan and Kori Kalafer and the Somerset Patriots: The Bridgewater, NJ-based AA Affiliate of the New York Yankees. This podcast was brought to you by Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media. For other podcasts from Unpacked, check out: Jewish History Nerds Unpacking Israeli History Wondering Jews
Walk like an Egyptian

Walk like an Egyptian


In this episode, Rabbi Josh Feigelson explores the story of Passover through the lens of a pivotal scene from Star Wars, and shares how to leave behind our personal "Egypt" of narrowness and find freedom. ~~~~   Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. This episode was sponsored by Jonathan and Kori Kalafer and the Somerset Patriots: The Bridgewater, NJ-based AA Affiliate of the New York Yankees. This podcast was brought to you by Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media. For other podcasts from Unpacked, check out: Jewish History Nerds Unpacking Israeli History Wondering Jews