Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

Sovereign Grace Baptist Church is located in Cookeville, TN. Our desire is to honor Christ by loving the fallen world as Christ loved us. We learn how to love the world from God's Word by studying, growing, and applying God's Word in our lives and in our worship. We firmly believe that hearing God's Word is the path to understanding and experiencing salvation in Christ alone. Sovereign Grace Baptist Church 2523 Hwy 111 North Cookeville, TN 38506

5/26/2024 "Devoted to Prayer" [Acts 1:12-14] - Audio

Devoted to Prayer The opening chapter of Luke's account of the Acts of the Apostles lays the groundword for the work of the Spirit of God through the Church. Jesus commanded the disciples to go to Jerusalem where the promise of the Holy Spirit would come (vv 1-5). Then the twelve expected Jesus to restore the kingdom to Israel (v 6). Jesus then ascended back to the Father in Heaven (vv 7-11). Our LORD was faithful to the Father’s intent for the Son and passed that call to faithfulness to the Church. Today’s passage will show us the faithfulness that the early Church had to one another as they united in prayerful faithfulness to Christ. "All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers" Luke tells us what the apostles and the 'others with them' did during the ten days in Jerusalem as Jesus instructed. They were all together. They were devoted. They were praying. It’s a beautiful kind of fellowship; it’s a sweet kind of fellowship.


05/12/2024 "Wait" [Acts 1:4-5] - Audio

So the work of redemption was completed on the cross as far as the sacrifice of Christ is concerned. However, the work of gathering the redeemed goes on, and it continued in that first generation of the church through the apostles, and then through the church as the apostles established the church. This is the history of the good news in the fallen world. The spel and the establishment of churches passed to Jesus' disciples.  They become the first wave of evangelists and preachers that went out to gather the redeemed and to establish the church. So this is the history of the church, and this history goes on until the last person in the plan of God is redeemed and the kingdom of God is fulfilled. A massive undertaking, Jesus commanded his disciples to take the gospel of repentance and salvation to every person on the planet.  That would be beyond our wildest imagination. Just the massive nature of such a task is daunting to even think about, let alone to be assumed, by powerless people ... educationally, academically, religiously. These are the ones Jesus chose for the job. Disobedient, fickle, yet loyal, disciples. They were inadequate for the task of the Great Commission. Yet Jesus chose them. He chose them to receive the gift of the Helper, the promise, the Holy Spirit, so that the task of kingdom building through heart transformations of sinners could be accomplished. Jesus had a 40-day period between His resurrection and His asor them to finish what He started ... to go out and preach the gospel and plant churches in such a way that it extended throughout all of human history and across the globe. These disciples had to 'wait' until the Father in Heaven sent 'the promise' before they were to go and tell the world the good news. Without this 'Helper' ... their words and actions would be ineffective. The promise was that HIS Spirit would dwell with HIS people ... no longer in a separated holy of holies in the temple ... but HE would dwell within them ... in their hearts ... changing their very souls.


05/05/2024 "Authentic Christianity: An introduction" [Acts 1:1-3] - Audio

Sovereign Grace Baptist Church is located in Cookeville, TN. Our desire is to honor Christ by loving the fallen world as Christ loved us. We learn how to love the world from God's Word by studying, growing, and applying God's Word in our lives and in our worship. We firmly believe that hearing God's Word is the path to understanding and experiencing salvation in Christ alone. Sovereign Grace Baptist Church 2523 Hwy 111 North Cookeville, TN 38506


04/28/2024 "The Purpose of the Gospel" (Pt 2) [Luke 24:33-53] - Audio

Jesus' 40 days with his disciples began in Galilee and ended near Jerusalem. Whereas Jesus' commission to the disciples in Matthew 28:16-20 was in Galilee, further discipleship occurred near Jerusalem. This passage in Luke's account was an appearance of Jesus to his disciples following his encounter with two disciples on the road to Emmaus, seven miles from Jerusalem. Jesus ‘opened their minds to understand the Scriptures' concerning himself. Part of the forty days of discipleship was to illuminate the understanding of who Jesus was but also understanding of the purpose of the gospel. True understanding of the Scriptures was granted so that the disciples understood how all of redemptive history fit together. This was a gift of God to the disciples. Furthermore, that illumination seemed to be an act of Jesus while he was present. But Jesus also taught his disciples that he would leave so that the Helper would come. This “Helper” would be the source of illumination concerning Christ and the Scriptures. The “Helper” would also be the source of illumination of the sinner about his sin when the faithful disciples proclaimed the promise of salvation in the name of Jesus Christ. Jesus taught the important lesson of the proclamation of the gospel by citing some of the old testament prophets. A key lesson Jesus taught in his discipleship of the eleven (and others ... up to 500) was the understanding of the Scriptures. It is in this lesson in Jerusalem before his ascension that the lesson from the prophets defined what the proclamation would be from these disciples. They were witnesses to the gospel. Here is the gospel according to Jesus and the common prophecies of Isaiah and other minor prophets


04/24/2024 "Zechariah 14:1-9" - Audio

Sovereign Grace Baptist Church is located in Cookeville, TN. Our desire is to honor Christ by loving the fallen world as Christ loved us. We learn how to love the world from God's Word by studying, growing, and applying God's Word in our lives and in our worship. We firmly believe that hearing God's Word is the path to understanding and experiencing salvation in Christ alone. Sovereign Grace Baptist Church 2523 Hwy 111 North Cookeville, TN 38506


04/21/2024 "The Purpose of the Gospel" (Pt 1) [Matthew 28:16-20] - Audio

All action has some purpose. The preaching/proclaiming of the gospel is action. Therefore preaching/proclaiming the gospel must have purpose. But let's pause and consider what has purpose in this statement: "preach the gospel". Is it the act of preaching that has purpose? Is it the gospel that has purpose? Preaching as an action can have any number of subjects to proclaim. Marketing executives can preach the value of a product or service. A politician can preach a political agenda. An evangelist preaches the gospel. Matthew closes his gospel with what the church now calls The Great Commission. It is a lesson from Jesus to HIS disciples to make disciples, baptizing them, teaching them. This passage has been affectionately dubbed, "The railroad terminal through which all of Matthew runs." This is not a lesson in individualism. This is a lesson in dependent unity. Jesus speaks to 'them' and commands 'them' to make disciples of 'them' by baptizing 'them' and teaching 'them'. The only sense of singularity here is in the assurance that Jesus is with 'them'. "I AM with you always". This is a lesson in discipleship in that HIS church will not be alone in this commission. It is a lesson for the faithful now to trust in Christ as we proclaim the gospel, HE makes disciples. It is a lesson clearly intended to encourage and affirm that though we doubt and fear this commission, we are not alone. Christ is with us even as we stand in fear and joy of this great calling to make disciples. In Christ Alone we do this. In Christ Alone we can.


04/17/2024 "Zechariah 13:1-9" - Audio

Sovereign Grace Baptist Church is located in Cookeville, TN. Our desire is to honor Christ by loving the fallen world as Christ loved us. We learn how to love the world from God's Word by studying, growing, and applying God's Word in our lives and in our worship. We firmly believe that hearing God's Word is the path to understanding and experiencing salvation in Christ alone. Sovereign Grace Baptist Church 2523 Hwy 111 North Cookeville, TN 38506


04/10/2024 "Zechariah 10:6-12" - Audio

Sovereign Grace Baptist Church is located in Cookeville, TN. Our desire is to honor Christ by loving the fallen world as Christ loved us. We learn how to love the world from God's Word by studying, growing, and applying God's Word in our lives and in our worship. We firmly believe that hearing God's Word is the path to understanding and experiencing salvation in Christ alone. Sovereign Grace Baptist Church 2523 Hwy 111 North Cookeville, TN 38506


04/07/2024 "Hindering the Gospel?" [Matthew 27:62-66] - Audio

Ideas have power. We used to call misdirected ideas propaganda in times of war. Now in the era of the war of ideas, we call our enemy's ideas 'fake news' or 'misinformation.' At no other time will the power of ideas be more important than after the death of a loved one. How that person is remembered matters. Memories are powerful. "The power of the memory is great, O Lord. It is awe-inspiring in its profound and incalculable complexity. Yet is it my mind: it is myself." [Augustine on memory in 'Confessions’ 10.17.26] True friends honor the memory of the lost one. Likewise, enemies and cold hearted acquaintances may try to confuse the memory. Matthew's gospel alone tells us the unique response of evil members of the Sanhedrin who plot to silence the power of Jesus' message of resurrection and salvation. They wanted to ensure that NO ONE would remember Jesus or his memory. Even evil men understand the power of a memory. God providentially used their vain attempt to stop any memory of Jesus' message of salvation to promote it far and wide throughout history. Let's dig into Matthew 27:62-66, the account of those who sought to hinder the truth of the gospel message.


04/03/2024 "Zechariah 10:1-7" - Audio

Sovereign Grace Baptist Church is located in Cookeville, TN. Our desire is to honor Christ by loving the fallen world as Christ loved us. We learn how to love the world from God's Word by studying, growing, and applying God's Word in our lives and in our worship. We firmly believe that hearing God's Word is the path to understanding and experiencing salvation in Christ alone. Sovereign Grace Baptist Church 2523 Hwy 111 North Cookeville, TN 38506


03/31/2024 "Resurrection Sunday: “See, I Have Told You!” [Matthew 28:1-8] - Audio

Sovereign Grace Baptist Church is located in Cookeville, TN. Our desire is to honor Christ by loving the fallen world as Christ loved us. We learn how to love the world from God's Word by studying, growing, and applying God's Word in our lives and in our worship. We firmly believe that hearing God's Word is the path to understanding and experiencing salvation in Christ alone. Sovereign Grace Baptist Church 2523 Hwy 111 North Cookeville, TN 38506


03/27/2024 "Him Whom They Have Pierced" [Zechariah 12:10-13:1] - Audio

Sovereign Grace Baptist Church is located in Cookeville, TN. Our desire is to honor Christ by loving the fallen world as Christ loved us. We learn how to love the world from God's Word by studying, growing, and applying God's Word in our lives and in our worship. We firmly believe that hearing God's Word is the path to understanding and experiencing salvation in Christ alone. Sovereign Grace Baptist Church 2523 Hwy 111 North Cookeville, TN 38506


03/24/24 "The Suffering: The Ninth Hour" [Matthew 27:45-56] - Audio

Sovereign Grace Baptist Church is located in Cookeville, TN. Our desire is to honor Christ by loving the fallen world as Christ loved us. We learn how to love the world from God's Word by studying, growing, and applying God's Word in our lives and in our worship. We firmly believe that hearing God's Word is the path to understanding and experiencing salvation in Christ alone. Sovereign Grace Baptist Church 2523 Hwy 111 North Cookeville, TN 38506


03/20/2024 "Zechariah 9:11-17" - Audio

Sovereign Grace Baptist Church is located in Cookeville, TN. Our desire is to honor Christ by loving the fallen world as Christ loved us. We learn how to love the world from God's Word by studying, growing, and applying God's Word in our lives and in our worship. We firmly believe that hearing God's Word is the path to understanding and experiencing salvation in Christ alone. Sovereign Grace Baptist Church 2523 Hwy 111 North Cookeville, TN 38506


03/17/2024 "Compelled to Share the Suffering" [Matthew 27:31-44] - Audio

While Jesus’ substitutionary suffering and crucifixion means that he took upon himself what suffering and judgment was rightly due us; the gospel narratives of the crucifixion also challenges the Christian to share Christ's suffering. Via Dolorosa literally means “The Way of Sorrows”, marking the Stations of the Cross, the route that Jesus supposedly took from Pontius Pilate’s palace where he was sentenced to death, to the site of his crucifixion on the hill at Golgotha, beyond the city walls. Tourists & pilgrims have traveled that road for centuries reflecting on Christ’s procession through the streets of Jerusalem since the time of the Medieval Church. They want to experience Christ’s suffering and pain by walking in the supposedly same steps on the same streets that Christ stumbled through on his way to Golgotha and our salvation. Walking through a tourist area of Jerusalem can be a reflective exercise on who might have shared the same streets throughout history. But honest reflection of the soul and one’s response to Christ’s suffering can only happen in meditation on Scripture through prayer. A close & prayerful reflection on Matthew’s account of Jesus’ stumbling journey to his crucifixion reveals fulfillment of prophecy and two responses to Jesus and his suffering. One can either: 1. Share Christ’s Suffering: Simon of Cyrene 2. Save Yourself from Christ’s Suffering: the Mob, the Sanhedrin, and two Robbers [Insurrectionists] Let’s dig into Matthew’s account of Jesus’ journey from the Praetorium to Golgotha. While details on the steps taken by Jesus can be found in Luke’s and John’s gospels, Matthew wants his readers to reflect on the different reactions of a Gentile against the religious people of God.


3/13/2024 "Your King is Coming!" [Zechariah 9:1-10] - Audio

Difficult times do not last forever. Likewise, times of oppression do come to an end. Israel was defeated and humilated by enemy nations. Yet Zechariah is given promises by God to the people that the LORD will conquer those who conquered and oppressed Israel. This promise looks to a day when pease is restored to Israel who was troubled by war. The high point of these chapters [The LORD's promise] looks beyond the immediate future to the some day arrival of the Messiah King. [9:9 & 10:2-4]


03/10/2024 "The Suffering: A Blood-Stained Robe" [Matthew 27:27-31] - Audio

Violence and abuse are symptoms of a fallen humanity. We fight for what we want and will often harm others to show our power over them. A key truth to gospel salvation is that Jesus submitted himself to sinful abuse as providentially directed by the Father’s grace. This seems to us illogical. How can divine grace providentially direct violence and abuse for the purposes of undeserved forgiveness? If we follow the gospel accounts of Jesus’s Great Suffering, we will see God’s grace poured out upon sinful and guilty humanity through the shift of HIS divine wrath upon HIS Son. Whereas sinful men express sin in violence, anger, and abuse; God who is holy has a wrath against sin that is as personal as his love. The Jewish trial of Jesus before the Sanhedrin ended with abuse: “Then they [The Sanhedrin] spit in his face and struck him. And some slapped him, saying, ‘Prophesy to us, you Christ! Who is it that struck you?’” [Matthew 26:67–68] The Roman trial of Jesus before Pilate ended with scourging and mockery: “Then he [Pilate] released for them Barabbas, and having scourged Jesus, delivered him to be crucified.” [Matthew 27:26] The details of Jesus’ abusive suffering in Matthew’s account shows us the Love of God through the propitiation of Christ’s blood. The Jewish people of God mocked HIM. The Roman gentiles mocked HIM and violently abused HIM. The body of Christ was beaten and his blood shed as the sacrifice necessary for God’s grace and favor. Jesus Christ, the Son, abolished God’s wrath against us and ensured God’s forever after favor. Jesus’s blood ‘propitiated’ God’s wrath and guaranteed the Father’s favorable outlook over sinful humanity. This happens through the propitiation by the blood of Christ shed on the cross but also in the bloody mess of his suffering. Let’s dig into Matthew 27:27–31 to glean wisdom on how to respond to the public humiliation and suffering of our Savior.


03/06/2024 "Zechariah 8:18-23" - Audio

Sovereign Grace Baptist Church is located in Cookeville, TN. Our desire is to honor Christ by loving the fallen world as Christ loved us. We learn how to love the world from God's Word by studying, growing, and applying God's Word in our lives and in our worship. We firmly believe that hearing God's Word is the path to understanding and experiencing salvation in Christ alone. Sovereign Grace Baptist Church 2523 Hwy 111 North Cookeville, TN 38506


03/03/2024 "The Suffering: Political Games Deliver the Sacrifice" [Matthew 27:11–26] - Audio

The Church can be too political. There are forces among God’s elect that see the dominance of the Church in earthly rule as God’s design for His kingdom. Kingdom now theology falls far short of the Christ intent of the Kingdom of Heaven. Kingdom Now proponents believe that God lost control over the world to Satan when Adam and Eve sinned. Since then, the theology goes, God has been trying to reestablish control over the world by seeking a special group of believers—known as "covenant people," or "overcomers," who would bring all earthly kingdoms under God’s authority. The Church fails miserably when calls for theocracy overpower the TRUE teaching of Jesus as the Christ concerning HIS kingdom of heaven now. Matthew’s gospel focuses on the role of Jesus as the fulfillment of kingdom prophecy. “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” [Matthew 3:2]. The kingdom of heaven is referenced fifty times in Matthew’s gospel, and within those mentions Jesus spoke of the kingdom forty-four times. At his birth, the Magi looked for the king of the Jews [Matthew 2:2]. And at his trial before Pilate, the governor asked Jesus if he was the king of the Jews [Matthew 27:1]. A battle of kingdoms has played out since the Edenic Fall while two kingdoms between Heaven and Hell wage war. Human history is the battlefield. The kingdom of men fights on the side of the Satanic kingdom but in the end, kings and kingdoms will all pass away under the reign and rule of Jesus Christ who is granted the throne of heaven. As all great battles must fight the greatest of all battles before the war ends, so too will the kings of men fight against the king of heaven who won the great spiritual battle on the cross. Jesus shows his great strength against the kings of men as he suffered greatly along his journey to the cross. Let’s dig into Matthew 27:11–26 to see the battle waged between the religious leaders allied with Rome and the kingdom of heaven where Jesus reigns.


02/25/2024 "The Suffering: The Field of Blood" [Matthew 27:1-10] - Audio

Sometimes a priceless heirloom breaks never to be the same again. Imagine children roughhousing and knocking over a priceless vase. Imagine dropping a cherished dish, a piece of fine china, that shatters never to be replaced. The fall of both the chief priests and the betrayer Judas fulfilled the prophecies of Jeremiah and the prophet Zechariah concerning broken pottery and a potter’s field. The prophets speak of an unrepairable relationship between the LORD and his people … between God the Creator and humanity he created. Although the LORD is always seeking a repentant heart from his people, the broken covenant can reach a place of disrepair. It is a sad outcome for the hardest of hearts toward salvation when one’s soul cannot be saved. It is a sad outcome for the one who is willingly persuaded by Satan and rejects the hand of salvation from Christ alone. While Peter wept in private before the Lord [Matthew 26:75] the chief priests and Judas regretted their actions. Yet the difference between Peter’s broken repentance and Judas’s hardened regret is stark. Judas regretted his actions. The chief priests and elders regretted the money paid for innocent blood. The gospels tell us that Judas, and these chief priests, acted in maniacal betrayal toward the Messiah who was the only hope of salvation. These men have been the example to the church ever since as a warning that human nature can and often will reject salvation when plotting for one’s own glory and pride. Blood is the cost of broken covenants. Blood money for selling Jesus into crucifixion. The Field of Blood where Judas hung himself. Jesus’ Blood alone was the perfect sacrifice to atone for sin. Let’s dig into Matthew 27:1-10 together to see how Jesus’ Great Suffering also spoke of the painful suffering for those who betray HIS name and reject HIS salvation.


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