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Spaceman’s Transmissions

Spaceman’s Transmissions

Author: Tonepoet

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Ambient music podcast for the masses during their interplanetary explorations within spiritual and mental realms in effort to reach higher creative goals. I’m your host, Tonepoet, and together with the staff at Spaceman’s Transmissions we’re here to provide you with the means to dream and mentally flourish. Download the mixes, turn on, tune in, sleep...
133 Episodes
the dream awaits

the dream awaits


Dear listener, where have you been?!? We are tasked for a mission with an estimated departure time of now! Your old boy Tonepoet simply refuses to set sail into the cosmic horizon as a lone voyager. Our standard operating procedure mandates a strict directive for enlisting a co-pilot; one worthy of commandeering a vessel that bends the horizon while burning the skies, leaving behind a vapor trail of dreams and aspirations. You, my dear listener, are that co-pilot. All aboard! This mission is not one to disregard or discount in any way. A tapestry pathway automates the controls that guide us towards a universe that exists within a very small space: the space between your ears. This is where the dream lives. With this session, we will fill the crevices of confusion and stress with an auditory putty, one that consists of equal parts solitude, hope, love, and wonderment. With this putty we hope to banish aforementioned confusion and stress. Dial your mental compass toward the curtain of cosmic ether and allow the blanket of sound provided to emanate a warmth that caresses your soul and lifts you into an elevated state. Yes, dear listener, our mission is an investment into you! The plateau that we seek is one of self realization that you are a larger-than-life carbon entity filled with a passion to strive for an optimal creative flow. It is in this instance that I will assume duties as the co-pilot as we touch down into your place of clarity where the sun never sets. Your lighted soul will pierce the heavens, and move through the air at the speed of light. You've got this! As you drift into this zone, remember to look around you and appreciate everyone as you share good thoughts in effort to reap the sweet nectar of karma. Once you become synonymous with your dreams, be sure to assist others with achieving similar outcomes. The dream is here, you just need to reach out to it. What are you waiting for? Turn on, tune in, sleep... TRACK LISTING “Station ID” by Tonelady from Pumpkin Time (Start Time: 00:00) “See No Sky” by Thorny from See No Sky (Start Time: 00:11) “Incinerati” by Lesjamusic from Lesjamusic Is Lost (Start Time: 07:21) “Lesjamusic Is Lost” by Lesjamusic from Lesjamusic Is Lost (Start Time: 08:02) “Occidere, Everyone Leaves Someday” by A Veiled Frame in Amber from Yet Another Season Graced Our Doorsteps (Start Time: 12:33) “Flying Plants” by Ancient Astronaut from Hospital Planet (Start Time: 17:16) “Quiet Night” by The Monk By The Sea from The Acoustic Album (Start Time: 20:24) “Morluniau” by ambalek from Lull (Start Time: 23:21) “Westerly” by Dermott Reilly from National Anthems Of The Atmosphere (Start Time: 27:08) “Come Watch The Rain With Me” by Thiago Desant from Let It Happen Here And Now (Start Time: 30:08) “Captive” by Danny Mulhern from Reflections On A Dead Sea (Start Time: 37:01) “III. Forest” by David Stoddard from Evolve (Start Time: 40:57) “Cygnas A Two (Excerpt)” by Drew Gardner from Cygnus A (Start Time: 48:30) “Grove” by Wil Bolton from Swept (Start Time: 51:00) “Wind” by Eternal Wanderer from Ash Land (Start Time: 58:42)
Guten Morgen/Tag/Abend/Nacht (CIRCLE ONLY ONE, PLEASE), dear listeners. I am ecstatic to be able to deliver to you a uniquely fresh tapestry of solace and beauty. This quest was brought to life from a single entity that ascends skyward to the highest reaches of the IMAGINARY NORTH. You might be asking 'well, what makes THIS particular episode so unique?". Well, it's a celebratory session of the glorious label IMAGINARY NORTH, curated by ambient artist extraordinaire KILOMETRE CLUB (Daniel Field). Having started in 2022 (a mere 2 years since publishing this), the label is already leading the charge in finding unbelievably focused artists that are producing some of the finest ambient moments. Yes, dear listener, all selections (and much more) can be found via a single BANDCAMP page (drift there, thank me later). This amalgamation of sound is GMO-free and enriched with nutritious inspiration to replenish the minds of carbon-based souls. If you've been looking for a single source of flawless serenity within an oasis of sound and color, look no further, I'm leading your right to it. A single path to a source chocked full of unlimited opportunities for quenching your mind with symphonic enrichment within the ambient realm?!? Say no more. I've got you covered and you didn't even need a doctor's prescription for it. As we begin the ascent towards the IMAGINARY NORTH, allow your vessel to relax and sink a bit deeper into your soul cushion. The slight shifting that you feel is merely your deep breaths as they inhale the mystique of each sketch. These sketches will funnel into a grand tapestry. Take a moment to gaze upon an amalgamation in process as it conjures up a blissful mosaic that represents our peaceful journey to the IMAGINARY NORTH. Turn on, tune in, drift to the Imaginary North...   TRACK LISTING “Station ID” by Kilometre Club (Daniel Field) from Imaginary North (Start Time: 00:00) “Another Storm” by Maussene from Imaginary North Transmission 002 (Start Time: 00:16) “Bathe In Colour (Excerpt)” by Gollden & Willows8ng from Bathe In Colour (Start Time: 04:05) “Airliner (with Hollie Kenniff)” by Kilometre Club from An Alphabet Of Distance (Start Time: 07:32) “Remaining (Kilometre Club Rework)” by Marie from Remaining Fragments (A Rework Album) (Start Time: 10:23) “Pages Of” by Arbee and Norvik from Prints (Start Time: 17:56) “Calm Nights” by Bahrambient from Imaginary North Transmission 002 (Start Time: 20:55) “Glimmering” by Papi Thereso from Imaginary North Transmission 007 (Start Time: 23:15) “Languishing” by Six Missing from Today Until Tomorrow (Start Time: 25:50) “Inlets (Reimagined) (Excerpt)” by Willebrant from Today Until Tomorrow (Start Time: 32:10) “Alpha Mound” by Glist from Imaginary North Transmission 007 (Start Time: 36:19) “Finding Your Way Home (Feat. Mouad Abbad, Jehanne Bastoni)” by The Missing Note from Symphonic Reverie - An Orchestral Journey (Start Time: 41:58) “Astral Reverie” by Mirai No Hagaki & TL30 from Lunar Illusions (Start Time: 44:37) “Overfloater” by Hymns57 from Ambient Guitar Chronicles (Start Time: 49:08) “Slow Breaths” by Brannan Lane & Ambient Solstice from Imaginary North Transmission 003 (Start Time: 52:48) “Granite” by IKSRE from Imaginary North Transmission 006 (Start Time: 57:30)
Dear listeners, I have yet another very important tale for you today, and one of absolute truth! This is above and beyond the tale that I laid upon your mind in the podcast Camping Under The Stars, Vol. 5 (Sanctuary), which was a mere 2 weeks of living off of the land and surviving on hot dogs, bananas, and peanut butter. Dear listeners, this tale stretches across 3 years. 3 long YEARS!! It is not one that was pleasant, but it had a(n eventual) happy ending. How does that tie into today's episode?? Well, let me tell you....... In a time not long ago, during a weird and upside-down world of toilet paper shortages and no haircuts lived a content little dude whom we will call Poemhobbit. He lived in his happy village with his happy family and created musings of aural jewels for people all over the world which he delivered like an Easter egg. Well, for some odd reason, Poemhobbit and his family felt that they should travel to a land unknown, so he sold his tiny cottage quickly and with a prosperous outcome. Poemhobbit was so happy! But, before he and his family would decide on the perfect place, they would live in a less-than-desirable village that was infested by a sub-societal mob of unhappy zombies that smelled of burning skunk cigarettes. 'It is okay', thought Poemhobbit, 'it will not last for more than 3 months. I will take this negative experience and thrive, nonetheless. These 3 months will go by quickly and we will have departed before any misery sets in!' And so it was..... However, those 3 months turned into 6 months. Then, into a year. And, yet another year. And another year after that. And anot........wait, how many years is that?!? So, Poemhobbit was stuck in this prison-like dystopian cubicle for 3 years. And, the misery did set in. In fact, it festered like a cancer. The family was unhappy, hope had abandoned them, their dreams turned into dusty cobwebs, and escaping was something that was never even talked about without malice and regret. Poemhobbit was miserable, and his joy for the arts became a chore and a cumbersome endeavor. It was difficult for Poemhobbit to weave sounds and spread joy when it had escaped him.  But, Poemhobbit never gave up. He didn't always allow his family to know of his struggles, and instead fought to shine positive light on the negative situation. He fueled them with his (fake) optimism and assurance. Moreso, Poemhobbit had to really convince himself that his misery was perception, and that his ambitions would pull him out of the quicksand. He had to be the beacon of light, the sunbeam to those that depended upon him, and somehow find the strength to burn through the shadows and dust. 'Stay strong', Poemhobbit told himself, 'and let those that follow you tread upon a path of optimism and diligence.' Well, as fate would have it, persistence finally did win. Poemhobbit held out and never stopped raining hope and optimism upon his family. They were eventually able to escape the inferno of stinky skunk cigarettes burned by sketchy circus clowns. This journey in time was very debilitating physically, emotionally, and spiritually. If Poemhobbit gave up hope (which nearly happened many, many times), then he would have let down his family. In the end, Poemhobbit found a nice cottage in a small village where he had laid his wishes. Fortune smiled down upon his family, and the fire inside him rekindled once again. The struggle for comfort had finally subsided. Sometimes, to succeed you need the positive person around you to inspire you and light up your ambitions. Sometimes that person needs to be you. While the modern world wants us to let out everything and seek comfort from our hardships, your boy Poemhob........... I mean Tonepoet, believes that controlling this like a water spigot and knowing when, how much, and to who you water your hardships to is an exercise of optimal self-control. Seek a co-pilot that can give you guidance when you need it, so that you can ignite the light inside those that rely on you for assurance during tough times. And, in turn, be an inspirational sunbeam to others. Things will work out for you if you show persistence and patience. The staff at Spaceman's Transmissions has faith in our dear listeners, our power is with you. Turn on, tune in, shine on...   TRACK LISTING “Station ID” by Low Altitude from Spaceman’s Transmissions (Start Time: 00:00)  “Sunbeam” by Low Altitude from Boat (Start Time: 00:23)  “The Starry Night” by Tomo Nakaguchi from The Long Night In Winter Light (Start Time: 05:54)  “R Abacus Landr (Excerpt)” by Pulse Mandala & Distant Fires Burning from R Abacus Lndr (Start Time: 08:49)  “Unknownland” by Zero Ohms from Spotted Peccary Free Ambient Electronic Sampler #36 (Start Time: 10:31)  “Spaghetti Western” by Andrew Heath and Mi Cosa de Resistance from Café Tristesse (Start Time: 12:41)  “Peace (Excerpt)” by Clem Leek & Ian Hawgood from Places for Peace (Start Time: 17:04)  “White Noise IV” by The Fire & The Fog from Moments (Start Time: 21:23)  “Logic Is The Beginning Of Wisdom, Not The End” by Kosmorama from Kosmorama (Start Time: 22:45)  “it knows (Excerpt)” by just this morning, songbirds from it lives (Start Time: 28:21)  “Indeciso” by Quelche from Imaginary North Transmission 001 (Start Time: 32:30)  “Verde (Excerpt)” by Tewksbury from Floes- Volumes I-IV (Start Time: 35:20)  “Hum (w- Moonsign)” by Hidden Sky from Bliss etc (Start Time: 38:48)  “Day 81 (Eb Maj)” by Hidden Sky from I V VI IV (Start Time: 42:56)  “Coldwater II” by Nowherians from This Is Not An Acceptable Lullaby (Start Time: 45:46)  “Maggie Is Napping” by One Of Them from Sithaboo (Start Time: 48:55)  “Weightless Time” by Erothyme from Life Sidereal (Start Time: 53:57)  “Aerial” by Low Altitude from Boat (Start Time: 56:02)
Hello, dear listeners. Today, I have a special guest mix by a label that I follow and truly love. ARTIFICIAL OWL RECORDINGS is a new and mighty label whose mission is to break down the traditional walls of predictable ho-hum ambient and introduce deeper atmospheres and wider spectrums of sound into our universes. I was fortunate to have been given the opportunity to share with you all quite a few tracks (over 1 ½ hours of music!) from AOR in a stellar mix by the label’s founder and curator, Niko Dalagelis (One Of Them). Dig into the history and mission statement of AOR below as you take in some truly mystical vibes not of this earth. Pay AOR a visit and show them the love. Oh, and their artwork is beyond astounding! ------------------------------------------------------------------ When did Artificial Owl Recordings come into being and what was the motivation to start a label? Artificial Owl Recordings was created in 2019 by Niko Dalagelis. Niko has been writing music as ONE OF THEM since 2008 and before that as Niko Dalagelis (since 2000). The One of Them project has always been more focused on the deep and ambient side of music, and the label was created to release his first ambient album entitled Sithabo. Niko had been releasing his music on numerous international record labels in the past and felt that it was time to release his own album on his own record label. *** Where is Artificial Owl Recordings based out of? Artificial Owl Recordings is based in New York city. The 4th release just came out recently (Excogitation by the artist One Of Them). Prior to this, the label released a full album by Spain's OG Miguel Ruiz aka ORFEON GAGARIN who has been in the scene since the 80's, and a full album by ORBITAL PATTERNS. The label's vinyl is globally distributed by Paris Yoyaku and all the records can be found around the world in select record stores. Our 5th release will be coming out in the Spring of 2024 and it will be work from legendary music producer Satoshi Tomiie and his A_A PROJECT. *** How did you find your current roster of artists and what is your outreach looking like in the future? Listening to new music and following underground artists is the focus for finding artists that can be added on the label's roster. *** How many people (and who) is behind Artificial Owl Recordings? What kind of future endeavors lie ahead for AOR?  At the moment, Niko is running the label. The future of Artificial Owl Recordings is to keep on releasing underground experimental music that will be available on vinyl. The weirder and deeper the music, the better :) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Turn on, tune in, discover new music...     TRACK LISTING (MIXED BY ONE OF THEM aka NIKO DALAGELIS) Orbital Patterns - Impostor Syndrome Orbital Patterns - Generative Curriculum One of Them - Grace Bay One of Them - Orfeon Gagarin - Salmos Funiculares Part 1 Orbital Patterns - Gove Orfeon Gagarin - Salmos Funiculares Part 11 One of Them - Tokasiki Orbital Patterns - Cant Tell If Im Awake Orbital Patterns - The Deconstructed Hero Orfeon Gagarin - Salmos Funiculares Part 10 A A - Diskortand A A - Disonant III Orbital Patterns - Dead Flower Syndicate Orbital Patterns - Ship In A Bottle One of Them - Vermont Fields Orbital Patterns - Impostor Syndrome One of Them - Tawewa Hill One of Them - Excogitation 1
mental drift, vol.3

mental drift, vol.3


My fellow travelers of the aural universe, I'm so very happy to have you all here as we lazily flow into a continuation of the Mental Drift series. As with any amalgamation that is woven, special consideration is given to those of you that may feel alarmed by disruptive and angular sonic anomalies. Our mission here at the Spaceman's Transmissions laboratory is optimized towards the analyzation of our sketches. It is during these rigorous processes that the removal of diluted mish-mash and scratchy, if not, dull and turbulent static are discarded. Dear listeners, we have baked you a morsel of mental release made with only the freshest natural ingredients. All allergy free. This sweetly baked bite-sized snack is a mere hour(ish) of an escape journey, and is one which requires only a very tiny fraction of of your devotion. This will allow you to paint your grey matter with colorful light and provide your creative spirit a smooth path inward towards your cerebral control center. Allow the gears of your mind the pleasure of connecting with what really matters: you! Sink deep into your own universe, you owe yourself that. There will be no bumps or turbulence along the way, as we are drifting calmly and slowly upon a mental breeze of comfort and beauty. Take a moment to gaze skyward and marvel at how wonderful you are. Celebrate your uniqueness with a smile and a sense of motivation towards your utopian sunset. Don't hurry through this journey. Rather, let the slight breeze set the course of the voyage. It will steadily (and purposefully) carry you to where your creative oasis resides. Stay there awhile, and rejoice over the beauty of everything around you. Your old boy Tonepoet is there to ensure that your mellow flight of peace is every bit as rejuvenating as it should be.    Revisit Spaceman's Transmissions often, and invite your loved ones along so that they, too, may take advantage of the mental reset that we afford everyone. The journey was, is, and always will be a free ticket to the calm skies within your amazingly underappreciated personal space: the galaxy between your ears.   Turn on, tune in, drift away...     TRACK LISTING “Station ID” by Tonepoet’s Daughter from Goodnight, Lady (Start Time: 00:00) “Space Travel” by Ancient Astronaut from Through The Tunnel of Love (Start Time: 00:31) “Two Divers” by Isik Kural from Maya's Night (Start Time: 02:42) “Follow the Stream Entry” by J. Arif Verner from From A Distant Horizon [Remastered Edition] (Start Time: 04:43) “116” by Hidden Sky from 3 (Start Time: 08:24) “Nummer 2” by Anne Mueller from Heliopause (Start Time: 11:11) “Words Appear Lost” by An Imaginal Space from Anniversaries (Start Time: 16:41) “Layered Sun” by William St Hugh from Anomaly (Start Time: 17:57) “Before We Were Born (Bonus Track)” by Hammock from The Sleepover Series, Volume Two (Start Time: 20:09) “Audition” by Jim Wallis from Europa (Start Time: 26:18) “Through Summer Rooms” by John Foxx from The Complete Cathedral Oceans (Start Time: 31:03) “Hypermorph Swingstellar X” by Rikaar from Malin 1 (Start Time: 36:39) “Damaged” by Endless Melancholy from A Perception Of Everything (Start Time: 41:30) “Live and Die (Excerpt)” by Spencer Bott from Abstract Reflex (Start Time: 45:53) “Icebergs Melt (Excerpt)” by Static Storm from Burial At Sea (Start Time: 48:18) “Empty Packs Of Thai Cigarettes” by Benoît Pioulard from These Clouds… (Start Time: 50:58) “Carta Atlántica II (Excerpt)” by bahía mansa & Yama Yuki from Cartas Náuticas (Start Time: 55:09)
the future is now!

the future is now!


It's hip, it's new, it's here, it's now, it's the FUTURE, dear listeners!! Now, I have an idea what you might be thinking of when you ponder what the future actually is. Machines, robots, automation, absence of the human element? Or, is it the ability to harness the means of connecting diverse sets of people with common goals, aspirations, and creative energy to develop a communal sense that encompasses much more than what we envision? I'm going with the latter. It would be so easy to bury our heads in the sand and ignore what some might call 'progress'. You're not incorrect with stating that this constant perpetual forward motion becomes cumbersome, requiring us to constantly evolve to fit the need. Now, for many, the future is not always so bright. It's an unfortunate thing that we often choose to ignore that populace and persist in our own bubbles of contentment and comfort. That's not living, dear listeners. Living is sharing the light in your universe with a soul who is subsisting on shadows and sorrow. Dear listeners, since I've been sending out the transmissions, I've been working to bring a brighter sun into your sonic universe. It's up to you now to spread your positive energy to those that need it, to provide the shade over their burnt ambition and water the barren field of their failures. Provide the minerals of belonging to those unlike you and watch their fields of admiration turn into a fertile land of giving. If you want to live in an amazing world then you have to build it. With what, you ask? Well, with other people. Surround yourself with water and you swim. Surround yourself with people who you've unrolled your joy into and you will thrive. Nay, you will build your legacy! That's living, or more so, that's living after life. Okay, story time. I used to go to Walt Disney World in Orlando every year with my family when I was a little kid (I lived an hour away and it was, at that time, affordable). I remember going into a ride called Tomorrowland. It was absolutely fascinating. The one part that I remember the most, and that still sticks with your boy Tonepoet, is witnessing a scene of two kids on separate sides of the world talking to each other through a television screen. I marveled that one day I would be able to send messages on the other side of the world. With Spaceman's Transmissions, I'm able to do just that. Lesson? Grasp the future with both hands and turn it into your launchpad of discovery. Peace. Turn on, tune in, sleep...    TRACK LISTING “The Future” by Ambient Island from Beauty Everywhere (Start Time: 00:00)  “Paene” by ambalek from Lull (Start Time: 02:02) “Formal Parts One & Two (Excerpt)” by from In Part (Start Time: 05:03) “December Dreams (Excerpt)” by Julian Loida from Giverny (Start Time: 10:43) “Points of Light” by Wil Bolton from Swept (Start Time: 14:30) “Another Time” by Daily Rituals from Aftersongs (Start Time: 19:20) “Cove” by Orbital Patterns from Imposter Syndrome (Start Time: 21:35) “Axiom” by ThoughtExperiment from Ambient Online Compilation Volume 24 (Start Time: 25:55) “Poppies” by Jack Quinn from Music For Painting (Start Time: 35:12) “Force Buoyant (How Sad The Shore)” by Amnotic from Ambient Online Compilation Volume 24 (Start Time: 39:46) “Grey Mornings” by Ashen Swan from 1.17.19 (Start Time: 47:27) “Winter Morning Pastoral” by Daily Ritual from Aftersongs (Start Time: 53:00)
Hello, beautiful listeners and travelers of the cosmic tapestry. We've have had some relaxing times while wandering around the peaceful forests of aural canyons. We've dipped our toes into a calm, yet vibrant, stream of brilliantly blissful moments. There comes a time when the spacecraft must align the controls for yet another destination in search of the vivid beauty from echoing dreams. While it's blissfully effortless to lay in the pasture of calm, pillowy thoughts and star gaze while recalling worlds unique to ourselves, we have to slowly and softly uproot ourselves in effort to keep on truckin'. This minor disruption is but a very momentary displacement into yet another realm of as-of-yet unseen and unfelt bliss. Our goal is to seek the optimal oasis. All that I ask of you, dear listener, is to ensure that your belt buckle is firmly fastened for another journey into the unknown. Taking mental snapshots of comet tails and celestial dust is highly recommended as we drift sweetly into our new destination. Save these snapshots within your scrapbook of dreams. Each new endeavor we seek to undertake requires effort, and each effort requires resources and creative fuel. Sure, you could apply minimal effort and coast on closing your eyes tightly and shaking your head for 10 seconds to bring yourself out of a slump. But that sort of solution is not a problem solver at all. Rather, it is but a mere distraction like shaking a jar of wasps and expecting them to behave. Nay, dear listener, your reset and expulsion into the realm of rejuvenation requires a recoating of your grey matter with the sweet nectar of sound and color. This journey is designed to do just that. Feel the tingling sensation of new synapses awakening, old neurons developing fresh pathways, and a soulful re-awakening. Here, you will come to realize that there are indeed more peaceful pastures to explore and camp at. Spaceman's Transmissions is devoted to ensuring that your flight there is brewed with equal parts beauty, intensity, comfort, and solace. You have our guarantee or your money back.  So, drift into the spacecraft with your boy Tonepoet at the helm, and slowly (snail's pace) buckle yourself into your dream pod for an expedition through the cosmos. Together, we'll all make the journey to another tomorrow and seek to optimize ourselves by letting go of the troubled baggage and stocking up on positive atmospheric transmissions.  Turn on, tune in, drift on...   TRACK LISTING “Station ID” by Tonepoet from Nunya (Start Time: 00:00)  “Visions” by Telomere from Lux Primordia (Start Time: 00:30)  “Sea Gradients” by Fog Net from Headlands (Start Time: 09:42)  “The Wilder We Became” by Ben McElroy & A Spot On The Hill from Everything Was Different Yesterday (Start Time: 16:13)  “Vimana” by Ancient Astronaut from Through the Tunnel of Love (Start Time: 19:30)  “Ideas of the Far Future” by Anders Nils from Ideas of the Far Future (Start Time: 23:16)  “At The Waters Edge” by Monty Adkins from Audiobulb Records (Exhibition #100) (Start Time: 29:04)  “The Warm Light Makes You Relax (Excerpt)” by Cliffdiver from Cliffdiver (Start Time: 37:03)  “Autumn Sun” by Winks from Intraset 016: Daydream - Vox Verto (Start Time: 42:33)  “Day V - Room With A View” by Fallen from Of Memories And Hopes (Start Time: 46:19)  “Canopy” by Gus Tomizuka from Prospect & Refuge (Start Time: 52:00)  “Seele Heimat (Excerpt)” by Henrik Meierkord from Gesichten (Start Time: 54:50)
For this guest mix I present you, the listener, with an absolutely stellar outing from an ambient DJ that hails from Hungary. Not only that, but the only female ambient DJ in Hungary. How cool is that? Beyond a measurable scale of incredibly cool. Lepque started out as a radio DJ, but got the bug for digging into ambient via Peter Namlook and Jonn Serrie, and has been fighting for the pure ambient style for over 10 years now. The name 'Lepque' is a play on the word 'Lepke', which means butterfly in Hungarian. She claims that it comes from the moth symbol. Just as a moth seeks the light, but dies when reaching it, Lepque also prefers to stay in the background, within the cool and soothing darkness. When not preaching the gospel of ambient at a number of festivals at Ozora, the Sziget Festival, VOLT Festival, Waha, and many others, she's afforded the opportunity to spread her art in the club scene as well as radio. When performing at festivals, she is the lone wolf, representing the weary in their unique and mysterious space. In this world, she takes pleasure in witnessing thousands giving in to the sandman as she weaves her sleep-inducing sonic yarn. Seeing the happy faces the next morning proves that it's not just dance music that is welcome at festivals. We are very similar in that we both draw a distinct line between ambient and other subgenres of chillout music, like lounge or downtempo styles (that others claim is ambient). One of the biggest wishes for Lepque is that she can make people realize what true ambient is. As with this space-themed mix, her main focus is to tell a story and present a theme with each creation that she conjures. Through her dreams she develops ideas, and becomes the music storyteller. Her other wish is to eventually release her own music. After hearing her mix, and taking it in, I am pretty anxious to what has been bouncing around in her mind. Lepque, thanks so much for allowing me to host this, and I look forward to witnessing your future dreams coming to light. Turn on, tune in, sleep...    TRACK LISTING The Healing Lake – Rudy Adrian Infinite Possibility – Phillip Wilkerson Starmoods – Jonn Serrie Memories Of Wandering, Pt. 1 – Robert Rich Magnificent Gallery – Steve Roach Wherever Two Or More Are Gathered – Michael Stearns Merge (Violette Light Mix) – Troll ‘N Roll Records The Return Of Babel – Babel Rise To Light – Cosmic Replicant 12 18 – Global Communication Vanishing Memories – Alexander Cheresney Untitled 6 – Irezumi Victims Of A System – Har & Altus A Drowning – Astropilot Signals In Moonlight – Thom Brennan Mirage – Peter Namlook Empire Of Nothing – Numina Before The Celebration – Hammock Held Together By Gravity – Carbon Based Lifeforms Silent Valleys – Andrew Lahiff Beautiful Desolate Spaces – Adam Fielding Zen – Tetsu Inoue Under Stars II – Brian Eno



Hello, dear listeners, travelers of the celestial realm, and co-pilots. This new session evolves around the ethos of an album that I just put out entitled 'Bloom', and is one that ushers in a re-invention and reinvigorating of our mental and physical being. As we weather the storms of life's turbulent forces, we need enlightenment and encouragement so that we can pick ourselves up, knock of the dirt and negative vibes, and bring in a rebirth and passion for not only living but striving. That's it, dear listeners, striving!! And THRIVING!! It rhymes, and now all of a sudden I feel like Dr. Seuss. Working to be better tomorrow than we are today requires incremental steps. We hear the expression 'Rome wasn't built in a day' and, well, neither were we. Take the time in planning your re-entry into the world as a better version of yourself every single day. It requires mental energy to develop the creative means to plan our re-entry into our proposed new world, and it takes physical energy to implement those changes around us. But, the biggest and most effect change is within us, in our minds and hearts. Work to calibrate and synchronize these with your new mission. Expend the mental energy so that the task of pushing through your boundaries is well rewarded. This session is your comforting pillow of that much needed mental reset. We at Spaceman's Transmissions propose that you set aside a quiet hour-ish of time to let everything go, and let the tapestry here guide you to the prairie of peaceful vibes. A place where you can assemble your collage of innovative endeavors which will bring your incrementally closer to where you view yourself. Fill in the gaps that separate where you are and where you want to be, as if you are patching holes in the wall for a fresh, new coat of colorful and vibrant paint. Through effort and realization of your potential comes the reward of a newly emerging you! The stormy night that you endured will pass over you, and the stage will reset for you to explore and set up for new scenes to create and thrive in. Lather, rinse, repeat. Don't take your renewals for granted, dear listener. Celebrate each victory as a reward to yourself for reaching and surpassing milestone, not unlike traveling past a dark cosmic tide to reemerge into a realm of a breathtaking starlit field of beauty. I'm with you, dear travelers, and as your co-pilot I have full faith that your journey and effort will yield great success. Okay, yes, as mentioned, shameless plug time (sorry!). I put our a new album entitled Bloom (of course) which can be found by going to My music was, is, and always will be free so that you can all have access to it. It is my gift to you, dear listeners, as my thanks for your attendance during the voyages that we undertake. Peace. Turn on, tune in, sleep...  TRACK LISTING “I’m Outside Now” by Dr. Tone Dude from Nature Calls, So You’d Better Answer (Start Time: 00:00)  “Beyond The Limelight (Song For Neil)” by Tonepoet from Bloom (Start Time: 00:30) “Half Light” by Delia Derbyshire Appreciation Society from Delia Derbyshire Appreciation Society (Start Time: 03:10) “Funambulist No8” by Rémi Fay from Funambulist (Start Time: 09:35) “Capacitor Weavers” by Conrad Praetzel from Adventures Into Somethingness (Start Time: 13:48) “The Large Floating Vessel” by Siren and the Sea from Gravity Wave (Start Time: 15:04) “Trauma” by Henrick Meierkord from Gesichten (Start Time: 18:37) “Transience” by A Cerulean State from Omgjord (Start Time: 23:11) “All Those Little Moments” by Colliding Galaxies from Ambient, Vol. 4 (Start Time: 26:14) “I Touched The Face Of God (Bonus Track)” by Benoît Honoré Pioulard from Plays Thelma (Start Time: 27:25) “The Quiet Divide (Early Mix, Tranquility Version, 2011)” by Black Swan from Re-miniscence - Unreleased Recordings, 2010-2020 (Start Time: 33:03) “Don't Leave Santa Cruz (Excerpt)” by Cliffdiver from Cliffdiver (Start Time: 35:49) “Sleeping Under the Stars” by Hidden Sky from Afternoon Light (Start Time: 38:48) “All is Memory” by Hotel Neon from All is Memory (Start Time: 47:38) “Always On” by Marta Mist from Eyes Like Pools (Start Time: 52:49) “TKATC X Message To Bears” by The Kids And The Cosmos from Ambient Mixtape Vol. 1 (Start Time: 58:07)
Dear listeners, I have a tale for you!! It was one of the best/worst thing to happen to me delivered by our sweet Mother Nature. I had been planning a camping trip for 1 whole year with a high school buddy (who only knows me only as a metalhead, shhhhhh......). He had never been to the mid-west, in any place like South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, or Idaho. I had, but for work-related travel, which was a soul sucking endeavor and left me devoid of any potentially wonderful life altering experiences. Our plan went from imagining to planning, and would take us to The Badlands, Custer State Park, Mount Rushmore, the Black Hills, Devil's Tower, Bighorn National Forest, Yellowstone Park, and beyond. It was going to be fantastic. I bulked up some snivel camping gear and I was ready. Imagine that: me, a sissy novice camper, eating barbaric foods over a fire and having a flexible agenda while listening to nature at night in a tiny tent. What could go wrong? We didn't bother to plan more than a day in advance, just in case we liked something so much we decided to explore it more. How exciting!! The first day after flying into Rapid City, SD was the Badlands. We hiked all over it, went places where we probably should not have (including into a buffalo field about a mile's walk from our car, how very wise) and spent about 12 hours there. It was blissful! That night, we set up camp at a very basic campsite. I was awoken in the morning at about 2:30 to hear some distant thunder and some very light sprinkling that lasted about 30 minutes. Perfect. In the morning, the sweet breezes dried everything flawlessly. This is how it is all going to be. Or so I thought.  After another few days, we were succeeding, and confident. Nothing could defeat us! On the 3rd night, we set up camp at a popular chain camping place with great amenities and were nice and comfortable. We didn't even bother to see if it was going to rain. Like I said before, what could go wrong? Well, yeah, dear listener, I found out how wrong it could really go for us. I was awoken that night at around 1:30, and there was a torrential downpour above us. Not only that, it sounded as though the wind was whipping at about 300 miles per hour, and massive hailstones were pummeling my tent. There were flashes of lightning that seemed like a thousand suns happening every 10 seconds and thunderclaps with deafening roars. Not gonna lie, I was extremely petrified. I could hear by buddy sneezing non-stop in his tent during it all (we were under pine trees, he has a very bad allergy) that multiplied my fear because I knew that the end is near! It lasted for 2 hours, and I buried my head within my sleeping bag and wondering why I thought that it was wise to sleep under a lightning rod, uh, I mean a tree, and planning my escape to the car at a moment's notice if needed. Dear listeners, I was relegated to the fetal position and turning back into the sissy camper that I really was. I was indeed back at square one. When we woke in the morning, we had to carefully pack (after shaking out) all of our drenched gear and drove 5 hours to a hotel that was gracious enough to permit usage of a private room in which to completely dry out our gear. Dear listener, I made promise to Mother Nature that I would use my fortune of survival against the elements to create a session in the volume of the Camping Under The Stars series. I could only happily oblige. Even though Mother Nature can be comforting and offer serenity and peace, she also exists to put us in our places. She provides a balance of awareness, and offers us sanctuary. Remain cognizant of her beauty and power, respect her intentions, use this session to overcome your challenges, and invigorate your senses with monumental breakthroughs. Make the time to exercise your new mental awareness and gain a new appreciation and respect for Mother Nature in all of her beauty. Shameless plug time!! The very last song is an original song of mine that will be released on an upcoming album (waiting on one last song to be mastered). You can find my music at Another very last thing, I did record a few sounds from this crazy camping trip and posted them to the app White Noise (I'm not affiliated with them, and I'm not endorsing anything, I just use the app). You can find those sounds HERE. Turn on, tune in, sleep...  TRACK LISTING “In Tents” by Tonedude from I’m A Dude (Start Time: 00:00) “Oceannaire Pragmatist” by ambalek from Lull (Start Time: 00:16) “Rainbow Bridge” by Cliffdiver from Cliffdiver (Start Time: 04:02) “Benevolent Whirlpool of Stars” by Florigenix from Wild Light (Start Time: 10:14) “Generative Curriculum (Excerpt)” by Orbital Patterns from Imposter Syndrome (Start Time: 14:17) “The Long Journey Home” by Realm from Ambient Online Compilation Volume 14 (Start Time: 16:18) “No Agenda (Instrumental)” by Hammock from Chasing After Shadows...Living With The Ghosts (Start Time: 20:57) “Durga (Featuring The Corrupting Sea)” by Aura Gaze from Great Moon Essence (Start Time: 25:37) “Flying High” by Brother Saturn from Music for Sleep (Start Time: 29:03) “A2. Profumo Di Nebbia” by Carlo Giustini from Colla (Double Album) (Start Time: 33:16) “Air and Salt” by Idra from Duet (Start Time: 37:19) “Viola” by Igor Yalivec from Still Life (Start Time: 39:36) “Godspeed, Little Doodle (Excerpt)” by Marta Mist from Eyes Like Pools (Start Time: 43:47) “Home Movies” by Radical Face from Missing Film (Start Time: 45:08) “Layered Sun” by William St Hugh from Anomaly (Start Time: 47:57) “Infinite Portals” by Jörgen Kjellgren from Hollawood (Start Time: 50:07) “Beam Me Up. We Are Free To Go” by Kosmorama from Kosmorama (Start Time: 53:05) “...And the Sun Smiled at the Horizon, Bringing Us Joy!” by Tonepoet from Bloom (Start Time: 56:48)
It is that time of year, dear listeners, where we once again set sail in the celestial sea of diamonds in search of a better tomorrow, and seek the renewal of our mental energy and creative awakening. I'm here to assist you in your voyage, as you know that your old boy Tonepoet would never expect you to navigate blindly through the ether. It is you who will guide this ship through the pathway of stars, and I am more than happy to be your severely relaxed co-pilot. As we sail gently along this route, let's reflect on the things in the past that made us happy and engaged. As we bathe in this nostalgia, start to bundle up the negative energy and various letdowns of this past year so that we may set them afloat towards a black hole, never to be seen again. While you might not see it, there is a lighted path towards a better you, and a tree that sprouts positive vibe. Steer the craft towards this tree so that we may taste the nectar of positive energy and enlightenment. Understand that this tree withers and fades, and seems to lack the abundant life at times. Yet, this tree is constantly growing, even through the darker times, and replenishing it's weather beaten suit in effort to rise up in the seasons of growth and replenishment. This is not unlike us, dear listener, as we seek to keep growing, and still do so, even during the darkest of times. That period of perceived stagnation is only a readjustment. Use this to recalibrate your mind and energy. Awaken with your renewed strength. While we become one with the light that burns brightly into a new tomorrow, close your eyes and feel the air move by you. It's subtle, but it's there, and that is out indication that we are still drifting toward a higher plane of existence. Take it in, and enjoy the journey. I will see you all in 2023. Peace. BTW, Merry Christmas!! This is my gift to you, sorry that I couldn't wrap it somehow! Turn on, tune in, sleep...    TRACK LISTING “As The Light Moves Through The Air” by Steve Pacheco from Places For Peace (Start Time: 00:00) “Some” by Jogging House from Chants (Start Time: 05:00) “Mit Ausblick” by Thomas Fehlmann from Böser Herbst (Start Time: 09:20) “Orion’s Field” by Telomere from The Stellar Sea (Start Time: 12:14) “The Veils Of Beta Pavonis” by Jonn Serrie from The Sentinel (Start Time: 22:42) “Monument II” by In The Branches And Neglect from Monuments (Start Time: 33:24) “The Arrival” by Hollan Holmes from A Distant Light (Start Time: 37:31) “Orangeville” by Saint Sorrow from Windows (Start Time: 43:19) “I Found A Bit Of Myself” by A Cerulean State from Just Out Of Sight (Start Time: 45:48) “Remaining (Excerpt)” by Aperire from Aperire (Start Time: 49:15) “Birkets” by Hammock from Columbus (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (Start Time: 50:45) “Mono No Aware” by Hammock from An Introduction To Hammock (Start Time: 51:35) “Symphony Of Extinct Lights” by CloudFall & Tonepoet from Forgotten Hymns (Start Time: 57:35)
Hello, co-pilots and curious star hoppers. Welcome to Spaceman's Transmissions, your home away from home in the aural universe, and your most trusted source of inflight entertainment during that peaceful ascent into the ether. I'm aware that there are many of you out there that have given up on your ability of assembling the dream machine into a working apparatus. You dismiss dreams as an escapable entity, afforded to only a privileged few. It seems as though we have all experienced the phenomenon of déjà vu at some points in our lives. Wasn't I here before, why is this familiar, don't I know this person from somewhere? In many cases, if we dug deep enough into the well of our own creatively subliminal souls, we could find that it was our own bubbling well of dream intuition which had brought us to that magical space. This proves that those dreams are there, somewhat hidden or obscured, by other pieces of information that create a cloud cover. My mission is to assist you in dissipating that cloud cover and leading you to the field of creative wonder. Take steps to learn about lucid dreaming and documenting your dreams once you awaken. Find ways to be creative without being critical or dismissive of your artistic abilities. These practices will open a creative portal in which the tides of color and light will flow. No one is born and able to speak a language, ride a bike, or navigate a spacecraft to the stars. It's all a learned process that takes practice and determination. Navigating to the dreamer's landscape is no different. We tend to dismiss obscure dreams as a hindrance, or an utter confusion of entangled nonsense and senseless weirdness. However, dear listener, it's much deeper than that. Travel to that forgotten land of dreams and build a mental bridge to your waking self. Lather, rinse, repeat. Turn on, tune in, sleep...  TRACK LISTING “Blue Light of Morning (Flickers)” by Swartz et from Nighttide (10 Year Deluxe Version) (Start Time: 00:00) “Cloudface” by Delia Derbyshire Appreciation Society from Delia Derbyshire Appreciation Society (Start Time: 04:54) “Capacitor Weavers” by Conrad Praetzel from Adventures Into Somethingness (Start Time: 08:25) “Dies Irae” by Felix Rösch from Mya (Start Time: 09:33) “Disposable Glances” by halftribe from Lucent Forms Travelling (Start Time: 10:43) “Komorebi (deletion 47)” by Monogoto from Partial Deletion of Everything (Vol. 2) (Start Time: 15:18) “All In Circles” by Shida Shahabi from Shifts (Start Time: 18:55) “Requiem for Dying Mothers (Part 2)” by Stars Of The Lid from The Tired Sounds Of... (Start Time: 22:25) “Vapor Lines (Excerpt)” by Forest Management from Intraset 016: Daydream - Vox Verto (Start Time: 28:53) “1BR” by Letsko from Intraset 016: Daydream - Vox Verto (Start Time: 32:04) “Thunder” by Grand Ciel from Ater Iterare (Start Time: 37:00) “North Dakota Overture” by Jamie Stillwell from Lullaby For A Stranger (Start Time: 39:08) “Ingenting Saknas” by Ludvig Cimbrelius from Love Letters From The Sky (Start Time: 43:01) “Secret Forest” by Michael Peters & Fabio Anile from Presence (Start Time: 47:22) “Night Country” by Michael Peters & Fabio Anile from Presence (Start Time: 48:14) “Anoxic Event” by Mathoms from The Woe Trumpets (Start Time: 52:31) “Flight in Reverse” by Mian Bao from Overexposure (Start Time: 53:56)
Ah, dear travelers, it has been a good spring and summer so far for your old boy Tonepoet with lots of sightseeing in the West Virginia mountains, hiking in the hills of western Maryland, and traveling the mid-western states of South Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana. I've climbed mountains, swam in waterfalls, and breathed in some of the cleanest air on earth while taking in sights that only our sweet Mother Nature can dispense. And through it all, my initial thoughts were 'if only I could contain my sense of awe and wonderment into a aural package and gift wrap as a present to my listeners'. Well, my wonderful co-pilots, why don't I do just that?----more---- Taking in the color-soaked sounds of this session guarantees an optimal listening experience. And, dear listener, I truly mean experience and not a passing distraction. As I have touched clouds, I seek the same for you all. Sink into your self, and slowly rise up to the layer of cottony softness in which we will find our craft of voyage. To merely listen is passe. To experience? Not only a goal but a requirement! As you climb into your cloud-craft, maintain your position on the status of the mission. Be sure to balance the components for a successful journey: equal parts dreaming, wondering, elating, and prospering. Find your equilibrium and begin to slowly awaken the creative light within. It is your fuel, and the well that provides the sauce for this motor of mindful innovation will never run dry, provided you nurture it and visit it often. Just as this juice of inventive source rises to the surface, as does the sun beyond the horizon, shining a light that guides you to those places within that bring your dreams into focus.  Turn on, tune in, sleep...    TRACK LISTING “Forest Sounds” by Sumbuddy from Sumthin’ (Start Time: 00:00)  “Wait II” by The Fire & The Fog from Moments (Start Time: 01:06) “Sanctuary” by Conrad Praetzel from Adventures Into Somethingness (Start Time: 02:47) “In 8 Movements, Parts I & II (Stripped Version, 2010)” by Black Swan from re/miniscence: unreleased recordings, 2010-2020 (Start Time: 04:47) “We’re All Clouds” by Abstract Aprils from Everything (Start Time: 06:42) “When The Body Breaks” by Hammock from Mysterium (Start Time: 10:23) “6-37 AM” by Hotel Neon from Context (Start Time: 14:23) “All the Distant Objects” by Andrew Lahiff from Quiet Spaces and Distant Dreams (Start Time: 20:10) “Dark Illusions” by Ashot Danielyan from Levitation (Start Time: 24:12) “Prelude” by Aperire from It's Okay, It's Over Now (Start Time: 29:05) “Pao Alpina” by Biosphere from Substrata (Start Time: 30:50) “Tears like Quiet Drifts” by City Of Dawn from EP Tour (Start Time: 34:00) “Fern Moss” by halftribe from Lucent Forms Traveling (Start Time: 37:37) “blid” by Hviledag from Under A Mellem Moon (Start Time: 41:00) “Total Precipitation (Excerpt)” by Luke Sanger from Global Horizontal Irradiance (Start Time: 47:51) “夜晚的呼喚 (Call Of The Night)” by 粉forestry from 粉reflection (Start Time: 49:46) “REM” by Saint Sorrow from Moments (Start Time: 53:14)
Merely drifting aimlessly from one destination to another in effort to avoid turbulence (aka 'responsibilities') can sometimes be ideal to optimize mental energy and seek out momentary minutes of solace. However, one must put the brakes on at intervallic points with the sole purpose of enjoying colors of the blissful moments that abound. Not every instance of every day is one that you wish to freeze time within, but there are those pockets of subliminally divine moments for each of us that beg our undivided attention. Finding the optimal time to sink into can be a daunting task. There was a time where your old boy Tonepoet was whining (yes, I do that from time to time) about not having enough time to do something, in which a co-pilot explained that I should make the time instead. Then he handed me a tissue. This, dear shipmate, is regaining focus, motivation, and purpose.  For you, dear listener, this means that in order to sustain the fuel for your mental tank and to endure the effort of climbing higher, it is imminent that you focus on keeping your craft in tip-top condition. Yes, this requires that you dock said craft for necessary pits stop from time to time. Allow yourself to run to the pasture just beyond that pit stop into a pasture of dreams. Feel no guilt as you take this time to replenish and rejuvenate yourself within the soothing cosmic atmosphere. Look around you, listen around you, take it all in, and exchange your weary breath for a breath that is rich with mentally empowering nutrients. Ahhh, tastes like heaven. As we let go of everything for just a moment, find yourself and conduct repairs and maintenance upon you! When we are finished, realize that you are far more equipped to undertake challenges now that you invested some time and peace to yourself. Turn on, tune in, sleep...    TRACK LISTING “All Systems Go” by Tone-SomethingSomething from Oh, You Know (Start Time: 00:00) “Ascension in Blue” by Asura from Radio Universe (Start Time: 00:18) “Gazing At The Stars” by Ancient Astronaut from Hospital Planet (Start Time: 07:23) “Sirius” by Endeleas from Stargazing (Start Time: 12:21) “Existencia” by Francisco Juacida from Interior (Start Time: 17:00) “night.Movement” by Peter Edwards Ambient from suspended.Lucidity (Start Time: 23:48) “Bright Light” by Ralph Prata from For The Time Being (Start Time: 28:31) “Sunshine” by [r.h] from ufo [b-sides] (Start Time: 31:45) “Expansion” by Ancient Astronaut from Spheres of Love (Start Time: 33:34) “Invisible Architecture” by John Foxx from The Complete Cathedral Oceans (Start Time: 37:01) “Thick Prog II” by Luke Sanger from Ancient Pathways (Start Time: 39:28) “Music For Healing 1 (Excerpt)” by Richard Norris from Music For Healing 1 (Start Time: 42:17) “All Who Remain” by Rhian Sheehan from A Quiet Divide (Start Time: 47:21) “La Mort Du Loup” by Vangelis from L'Apocalypse Des Animaux (Start Time: 49:13) “Only Sinewave Coffee” by Colliding Galaxies from Lazy Dreams (Start Time: 51:55) “Through The Gardens Overgrown” by John Foxx from The Complete Cathedral Oceans (Start Time: 57:06) “Awakened, He Heard Only Silence” by Hammock from Departure Songs (Start Time: 58:50)
The staff here at Spaceman's Transmissions understands your dilemmas, dear listeners. For this reason, we choose to offer our empathy through a pathway of sound; one that ushers you into a realm of contentment and solace. Every session brewed in the Spaceman's laboratory was carefully cultivated by the highest ingredients and balanced with equal measures of intensity, beauty, and wholesome nutrients. Morsels with an equilibrium of sonic nutrients and flavorful colors? Say no more. Do not be alarmed by the initial systems check of the pod, dear listener. It is a necessary precaution to ensure that your traveling arrangements are safe and secure so that we may traverse our destination without worry of derailment, or rather, distraction. Where are we going? Well, glad you asked. There is a cosmic ocean whose tides ebb and flow with cleansing potential. We will wade in the warmth of this current and bask in the beauty of a constellation that is unique in its stunning splendor.  As with every mission with Spaceman's Transmissions, we must expound upon our objective. In turbulent and disruptive times such as these, we shall repurpose our vision and direction. Your boy Tonepoet gets it: you are weary. I bind myself to an unwavering commitment of cradling you for a mere hour so that I may dip your mind into the chocolatey sweet syrup of rejuvenation. Having you as my co-pilot is a wish fulfilled, and providing a comforting blanket of cosmic wind is my pledge to you. You know what? Enough jibba jabba already, let's depart for this freshly amalgamated sea of swirling colors by traversing the starry pathways of bliss. Take the controls, dear listener, and steer the craft towards the crystalline waters beyond the galactic wall. For it is there where we shall rest as we gather our thoughts and admire the glistening skyline with one another. Turn on, tune in, sleep...    TRACK LISTING “Fasten Your Seatbelts, Please” by Tone Guy from Cosmic Soup (Start Time: 00:00)  “Juno’s Ethereal Breeze” by Vangelis from Juno To Jupiter (Start Time: 00:31) “Arrival In Mystery” by The Kids And The Cosmos from Ambient Mixtape Vol. 1 (Start Time: 02:18) “Deep Shift (Featuring Rhea)” by Venja from Galactic Underground (Music For Astronauts) (Start Time: 07:08) “Phalo” by Russ Young from Tunnels To Float Through (Start Time: 15:21) “Angel’s Heart” by Ashot Danielyan from Diana (Start Time: 21:39) “Crystal Terrace” by Ancient Astronaut from Spheres Of Love (Start Time: 24:52) “Escholle” by Azizy from Escholle (Start Time: 29:40) “XIII” by Benoît Pioulard from Stanza I-III (Start Time: 33:42) “flos” by anthéne from Places for Peace (Start Time: 37:20) “Transition” by The Kids And The Cosmos from Ambient Mixtape Vol. 1 (Start Time: 40:52) “Redshift” by Endeleas from Starlight Tapestry (Start Time: 47:07) “You Have To Let Go” by Adam Fielding from Mesmera (Extended And Beatless) (Start Time: 52:26) “Super Wolf Moon (Extract)” by Richard Norris from Abstractions Volume Two (Start Time: 58:19)
memories, not dreams

memories, not dreams


Welcome to your home away from home, your oasis of mental reset, and that place beyond the stars deep within the cosmic ocean of solace. This newly branded aural pool of euphoria ushers in 2022 and is one with special purpose and intention. By this title, your old boy Tonepoet is not telling you that you should dismiss your dreams, or that they are obstructions, or even that they are lifeless longings that you shelve in favor of 'responsibilities' (there's that word again, I hate that word). That is quite the opposite, dear listener. To dream is to feel alive, and turning those dreams into triumphs and memories, that is to actually live. This is the endlessly flowing river of potential where we want to find ourselves. Understand that the ebb and flow of the currents and tides might feel like a discourse, but it is merely a test of your drive and ambition to reach the higher ground. So many time we hear the phrase 'live your dreams', and 'turn your dreams into a reality'. Dear listener, do I look as though I'm trying to sell books here? That's a big, fat negative. What I present is not a ploy or scheme, but an opportunity for us all to reassess our potentials and measure them up against our dreams. Find those gaps that exist between the two and fill them with effort and fortitude. If you don't dare dream it, you can never hope to plant your goal in the fertile garden of wishes.  I am here with you, dear listener, and as always nudging you in that direction towards your highest potential. Much change begins with the mind, and it is the mind that takes in aural cues for motivation and fuel for the victories over your challenges. Use this session as that replenishing fuel and creative mind-juice. In turn, take charge of those dreams and create memories from them. Peace. Turn on, tune in, dream big...    TRACK LISTING “To Where Traces Of My Dreams Remain” by A Cerulean State from A Place Amid The Golden Fields (Start Time: 00:00) “Atomos XI” by A Winged Victory For The Sullen from Atomos (Start Time: 03:01) “Still, The Earth Will Remain” by Ashen Swan from L'appel du Vide (Start Time: 04:13) “Lignin Poise (Excerpt)” by Benoît Pioulard from Lignin Poise (Start Time: 05:24) “N B” by Sylvain Chauveau from Eleven Into Fifteen [A 130701 Compilation] (Start Time: 08:29) “The Scent Of Rain” by Delia Derbyshire Appreciation Society from Delia Derbyshire Appreciation Society (Start Time: 10:50) “Forecast Fire” by High Skies from Sounds Of The Earth (Start Time: 17:31) “Galaxyrise” by In The Branches from Expanse Sessions (Start Time: 20:41) “Blown Away” by Focus On The Breath from Fragile (Start Time: 24:48) “We Played Some Open Chords And Rejoiced, For The Earth Had Circled The Sun Yet Another Year” by A Winged Victory For The Sullen from A Winged Victory For The Sullen (Start Time: 28:11) “Cloudscape Timelapse 27.05.15 (Silent Voices)” by An Imaginal Space from Cloudscape Timelapse Vol. 2 (Start Time: 33:48) “La Vagabonde” by Balmorhea from The Wind (Start Time: 37:10) “Night” by Danny Mulhern from Reflections On A Dead Sea (Start Time: 41:51) “Rain Master” by Clem Leek from Exhibition #100 [Audiobulb Various Artists] (Start Time: 42:29) “Armstrong Opening/Closing” by Adam Bryanbaum Wiltzie from Salero Soundtrack (Start Time: 49:54) “Rotterdam (Story IX) (Excerpt)” by Ashot Danielyan from Night Meetings (Start Time: 52:37) “Sea Ear (Excerpt)” by Shida Shahabi from Shifts (Start Time: 53:51) “Lost I” by The Fire & The Fog from Endless Vol. 1 (Start Time: 56:59) “After The Rain” by Hazy from After The Rain (Start Time: 58:45)
Shhhh, listener, do you hear that? Nothing? Well, you are correct. We need to focus on that nothing, see where it comes from, and embrace its existence. Today, we're seeking that oasis that creates moments of solitude and solace. At undefined intervals within you daily life, it is vital for you to sink into your personal think tank which allows the reverberation of your own thoughts and aspirations to develop and spring to life. This creative space is our moment in time to plant the seeds of creativity and peace. There is so much going on every day that we begin to lose sight of our own objectives. In doing so, we give a very vital piece of ourselves to those objectives and responsibilities (meh) that dull the sharpened blade of your mind. You can't see the forest through the trees. Now, it's time to cultivate the fertile land of your inner sanctum and grow your own forest of a flourishing wonderland. Focus on the single thought that will bring your inner forest of beauty and depth into existence. Spend the time and effort to develop that seedling into a sapling with the care, attention, and love that promises to reciprocate its full potential of blessings. Feel free to add saplings of good thoughts and vibes, and care for them in your garden of beauty. Visit this sanctum often, as needed, to gaze and walk among the fruits of your own labor of love. Spending that time and effort pays in dividends which are indescribable yet rewarding. Enjoy your garden, as it it becomes the forest which you wander through in times of need, cultivating the carefully tended landscape which is the creative reflection among the echoing chamber of life. Turn on, tune in, tend the garden...    TRACK LISTING “Forest Sounds” by Mother Nature from The World Around Us (Start Time: 00:00) “Karst” by Marcus Nero from Losing Steam (Start Time: 00:25) “Chapters (Excerpt)” by Slleepwalker from Lonly (Ambient Album) (Start Time: 03:30) “Umwelt 10” by Umwelt from Umwelt (Start Time: 05:52) “Courtesy” by Benoît Pioulard from Stanza I-III (Start Time: 09:37) “My Lovely Angel” by Ashot Danielyan from Diana (Start Time: 14:21) “Cloudforest” by Focus On The Breath from Fragile (Start Time: 18:53) “Centuries Apart” by Eternell from Imagined Distances (Start Time: 25:01) “After A Swim” by Isik Kural from Maya's Night (Start Time: 31:28) “An Explanation For Its Own Sake” by Rutger Hoedemaekers from The Age Of Oddities (Start Time: 32:30) “We Will Clamber Through The Clouds And Exist” by Rutger Hoedemaekers from The Age Of Oddities (Start Time: 34:38) “Standing in Silence (Part 8) (Excerpt)” by Rhian Sheehan from Standing in Silence (Start Time: 35:56) “Standing in Silence (Part 14)” by Rhian Sheehan from Standing in Silence (Start Time: 36:45) “Spiraling Light (Excerpt)” by Etermell from Imagined Distances (Start Time: 38:00) “Atlantic Drift” by Benjamin Hill from Hawk Moon Records- Volume IX (Start Time: 41:58) “Atlantic” by Max Ananyev from Water Atlas (Start Time: 44:28) “Just Breathe” by Ashot Danielyan from Diana (Start Time: 48:40) “City In The Dust On My Window” by Hammock from Maybe They Will Sing For Us Tomorrow (Start Time: 52:36) “Quaintly Misanthropic” by Innesti from Formless (Start Time: 56:45)
day dreams

day dreams


We've arrived upon a new experience that is guaranteed to guide your flowering mind into a realm of solace as it engulfs your grey matter within a sea of illumination and color. With our feet firmly planted on the ground, there is nothing to say that we can't reach for the sky, letting our imaginative souls reveal the heavens above that we seek to drift among. Reach up, dear listener, and take hold of those elusive day dreams. Reward yourself with the pleasure that you experience while floating among the sweet nectar-like embers of  creative energy. Our daily lives are filled with challenges and distractions. They are but obstructive branches in the river that hinder the flow to your creative island. Use this session to optimize a pathway that navigates us around these obstacles and into a current where day dreams take hold. I seek to merely guide you there, among the channels that spark your creative flow and ease your minds for a single mere hour. It is my gift to you, and I ask for zero in return other than assurance that I piloted your journey well. Your old boy Tonepoet is here for you, and ever amalgamating voyages to the stars and beyond. Search out the artists within this session and keep dreaming. The featured artist for this session is the incredible ASHEN SWAN (who is, coincidently, the same artist A VEILED FRAME IN AMBER) and does SO MUCH MORE. Pay him a visit on BANDCAMP for some really incredible music.   Turn on, tune in, dream on...    TRACK LISTING “Freak Out, Freak In” by Emanon from Emanon Lives (Start Time: 00:00)  “Sliver Of Time” by Richard Norris from Abstractions Volume II (Start Time: 00:25) “When We Disappear” by The Fire & The Fog from Moments (Start Time: 05:51) “Our Mind” by Drifts In Autumn from Ambient Online Compilation Volume 10 (Start Time: 09:24) “Wonder” by Hazy from Wonder (Start Time: 15:41) “Hadassah” by Ashen Swan from Daughters (Start Time: 19:50) “There is Only Without Me, Always Forgotten (Excerpt)” by A Veiled Frame In Amber from Sincerely; (Start Time: 26:53) “The Scent of Rain” by Delia Derbyshire Appreciation Society from Delia Derbyshire Appreciation Society (Start Time: 31:29) “Madi (Excerpt)” by Hammock from Into the Blank – Madi (Start Time: 38:27) “Deep Space” by Tunesurge from Cycles Of Time (Start Time: 47:43) “A Bright, Brilliant Death (Excerpt)” by Naal from Hawk Moon Records- Volume VI (Start Time: 50:39) “Atmosphere 2 (Excerpt)” by The Green Kingdom from Solaria (Start Time: 52:50) “Body” by Jogging House from Chants (Start Time: 57:05)
taking flight

taking flight


Salutations, co-pilots of the cosmic landscape. Let's climb aboard our floating craft and drift along the astral plane. Destination: a colorful cerebral universe. Speed: a glacial pace. Outcome: successful ushering of brain sugar in the form of an aural transmission. Do not take this mission for granted. Actually, never take any mission for granted. The quest for unleashing your creative potential and igniting your synapses helps develop and therefore execute creative solutions that enable you in becoming more human than human and are not to be taken LIGHTLY! Sorry for yelling, listener, I'm better now. Mild freakout, but panic averted. In the not so distant past, I released an album with another artist named CloudFall that was an honor and tribute to an event that I hold near and dear to my heart, and one that defines my childhood. The album is Taking Flight and was a concept of a single day in the life of a skateboarder from morning until evening. Nope, not kidding. You can find the album at (as with all of my releases, it is free). Anyhow, I try to steer clear of using my own compositions (as I tend to favor avoiding self-appreciation and whatnot), however, I did use the opening track and that last two from my own catalog. I do like these songs, so I decided to use the title track and actually name this travelogue as such. Okay, enough lame self-gratification, I'm starting to get a rash. This session has been optimized with only non-GMO, certified organic, all natural, detoxifying cognitive jelly. Do not be alarmed when this jelly coats your grey matter. The tingling is not unlike an aphrodisiac. I might add caution to operating heavy machinery as you soak up this amalgamation. You would never operate a hammer jack upon a floating balloon, would you, dear listener? Please answer 'no' to this. Now, then, let's carry on with this gentle yet uplifting mode of transportation and lightly drift through the clouds, shall we? Turn on, tune in, take flight...    TRACK LISTING “Taking Flight” by Tonepoet from Taking Flight (Start Time: 00:00) “Light Returning (Excerpt)” by Black Brunswicker from Wilder Paths (Start Time: 07:48) “A Modest Moment Under Shimmering Leaves” by A Veiled Frame in Amber from Yet Another Season Graced Our Doorsteps (Start Time: 09:12) “Courage” by Hazy from Courage (Start Time: 15:05) “Sleeping Summer” by Jónsi & Alex Somers from Lost and Found (Start Time: 20:15) “Cotton Access” by Olan Mill from Pine (Start Time: 27:02) “Now And Not Yet” by Hammock from Mysterium (Start Time: 29:38) “Contention” by Steve Gibbs from Adrift (Start Time: 35:33) “5” by Hotel Neon from Relic (Start Time: 39:04) “Loblolly” by Azalea Four from Loblolly / You Already Did (Start Time: 39:57) “Outro” by Aperire from Aperire (Start Time: 44:05) “H-Meditation” by Ashot Danielyan from Diana (Start Time: 46:34) “Sacrifice” by Clarice Jensen from Ainu Mosir EP (Start Time: 49:40) “Safe House” by Danny Mulhern from Safe House (Start Time: 50:41) “Flower Song (Excerpt)” by Hidden Sky from Carnation (Start Time: 52:32) “Old Photo of a Smiling Girl” by CloudFall & Tonepoet from Forgotten Hymns (Start Time: 54:51) “Lost In The Sound Of Shadows” by Tonepoet & CloudFall from Taking Flight (Start Time: 55:36)
Hello, travelers, and welcome to a special edition of Spaceman's Transmissions. It is deemed essential that we take the time to calibrate our creative synapses that gently glide us through life's daily obstacles (I generally use the dirty word 'responsibilities', so ugly this word!). Let's turn challenges into goals, lemons into lemonade, and transform setbacks into a star chamber that is ripe for your journey to which you seamlessly pass through and emerge with a clear mind and a sense of self-ownership. While the title mentions the word 'lone', let it be known, dear listener, that your old boy Tonepoet would not abandon you during this liberating endeavor. Rather, it is you that is will set the controls in motion, allowing you to become both navigator and successor, emerging from this cocoon onto a celestial tapestry that will provide your direction and ambition. I am your co-pilot, here to assist with direction and motivation. It's what I do. As we spend this mere hour thrusting into a galactic curtain, free yourself from the constraints that act as a negative gravity field and rob you of your potential to float above. If necessary, don't hesitate to engage in additional sessions with this tapestry in effort to develop the skill of performing the functions pertinent to frolicking in a cosmic garden of tranquility and inspiration. Please do something good for someone today, as well as for yourself. Become the glue of humanity that positive events and fortune stick to and the rest of the human race will follow. Peace.   TRACK LISTING “Space (Is The Place)” by Nonexistent Dude from Nope (Start Time: 00:00) “Origins (Arrival)” by Vangelis from Rosetta (Start Time: 00:29) “Where Am I (Excerpt)” by PJS from Neuroplasticity (Start Time: 04:44) “Proxima Centauri B” by Lauver from Celestial Bodies (Start Time: 09:46) “Satellites” by -r.h.- from Satellites (Start Time: 13:15) “The Last Starship” by Endeleas from Radiant (Start Time: 17:45) “Cold Suns (Featuring Slow Meadow) (Excerpt)” by Hotel Neon from Cold Suns (Start Time: 25:32) “Spiraling Light” by Eternell from Imagined Distances (Start Time: 28:53) “Frost” by Eternal Wanderer from Ash Land (Start Time: 35:13) “Blue Filter” by Delia Derbyshire Appreciation Society from Delia Derbyshire Appreciation Society (Start Time: 40:52) “When The Body Breaks” by Hammock from Mysterium (Start Time: 45:08) “Fall II” by The Fire And The Fog from Fall (Start Time: 49:08) “Into The Mountain (Excerpt)” by Micah Pick from Brighter Than I Thought (Start Time: 50:04) “All In Circles” by Shida Shahabi from Shifts (Start Time: 52:17) “Departure (Excerpt)” by State Azure from Edge Of Forever (Start Time: 55:47) “East (Excerpt)” by Hammock from North, West, East, South (Start Time: 58:19)
Comments (5)

Derrick Thibeau

Loved it. Thank you. I downloaded all episodes in your catalogue and am sitting home on this sunny Sunday afternoon with headphones on. Loving it.

Aug 22nd
Reply (1)

Tonepoet Music

Tonepoet here. Thanks for subscribing to Spaceman's Transmissions and please support the artists by searching out their music. Feel free to contact me at tonepoetry(at)gmail(dot)com You can also check out my releases and other news at Turn on, tune in, sleep...

Dec 7th

Fabio Ramos


Nov 21st
Reply (1)