DiscoverSpacious Podcast
Spacious Podcast
Claim Ownership

Spacious Podcast

Author: Kaitlyn Kessler

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The podcast for business owners, leaders, and CEOs who desire simplicity, sustainability, and spaciousness in their lives and their companies. In this podcast we'll dive deep with lessons, perspective shifts, coaching, and guests to help you find and create a spaciously successful business.
42 Episodes
Please only listen to this activation when it is safe for you to fully relax. Do not listen while operating machinery or if it is unsafe for you to relax. What if money could feel as light as a feather? In this episode I’m sharing with you a sneak peak of one of the activations inside of Open to Overflow-my new program to help the making and having of more money feel like more ease. Follow along with this simple subconscious reprogramming activation and witness how much lighter money can feel.   🌊 Open to Overflow: 💗 Work With Me Options: ✨ For Full Show Notes: ☁️ Connect on Instagram: 💭 Submit a Question:
You have a very powerful and probably under-utilized tool in your toolbox. In this episode I’m sharing with you a quick personal story that happened recently and how I used this tool to reframe a situation and give me a better perspective. Not only does this just let you feel better in general, it also inspires you to approach things in a more effective way.   🌊 Open to Overflow: 💗 Work With Me Options: ✨ For Full Show Notes: ☁️ Connect on Instagram: 💭 Submit a Question:
Okay, vulnerability alert coming in hot! We’re going there. In this very open and honest episode I’m taking you through a handful of things that aren’t quite working, don’t feel solid, are just wobbly and off in life and business AND sharing with you how those impact my income and impact. This episode has so many permission slips waiting for you, inside.   🌊 Open to Overflow Waitlist: 💗 Work With Me Options: ✨ For Full Show Notes: ☁️ Connect on Instagram: 💭 Submit a Question:
There are a few foundational pieces we need to understand about the energetics of money—and in this episode I’m walking you through them. From there we’ll discuss how to work with these energetics and how to use your mind and your intention to not only create more money but have it feel good, too.   🌊 Open to Overflow Waitlist: 💗 Work With Me Options: ✨ For Full Show Notes: ☁️ Connect on Instagram: 💭 Submit a Question:
Chelsea Wallace—who might actually be a literal launch genius—is on the podcast this week to blow your mind with how to create more easeful launches. Listen along as Chelsea shares incredible perspective shifts and steps to take, explorations to go on to create data-driven AND intentionally feel good launches. If you’re approaching a launch or in a launch, this is a must-listen!   Connect with Chelsea: Learn More about Chelsea 5 & 6-Figure Launch Funnel Case Studies Chelsea’s Website + Instagram + Facebook   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   ✨ For Full Show Notes: ☁️ Connect on Instagram: 💭 Submit a Question:
I love money mindset—but it’s not just about saying ‘I’m a millionaire’ over and over again. In fact, that’s probably doing more harm than good for a multitude of reasons. In this episode I’m breaking down the thing that gets missed about money mindset work and what to focus on instead.   🌊 Open to Overflow Waitlist: 💗 Work With Me Options: ✨ For Full Show Notes: ☁️ Connect on Instagram: 💭 Submit a Question:
*Please note: I got the date *completely* wrong at the end of the episode... I meant May 13th. I have no clue where March 12th came from 😅 Let’s talk about money (honey). In this episode I am walking you through three of the biggest beliefs I’ve had to shift and hold about money that have led to more ease around my income, more expansion in my bank account, and overall feeling good in my relationship with money.   🌊 Open to Overflow Waitlist: 💗 Work With Me Options: ✨ For Full Show Notes: ☁️ Connect on Instagram: 💭 Submit a Question:
In this incredible guest episode, Michelle Dew shows us how intention impacts everything—including your interior design. Listen along as Michelle shares her journey into becoming an interior designer, how she used design as a tool for healing after a traumatic event, and how she now helps others infuse intention into their homes and spaces.   Connect with Michelle: Work With Michelle Find Your Signature Interior Design Style Michelle’s Website + Instagram   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   ✨ For Full Show Notes: ☁️ Connect on Instagram: 💭 Submit a Question:
These themes are popping up in many client conversations lately, so I thought we could chat about them here, too. In this episode I am taking you through an exploration of five conversations that seem to keep circulating in my world and the perspective shifts and actions to help you move through them. We’re diving into money, mindset, marketing, and more.   💗 Work With Me Options: ✨ For Full Show Notes: ☁️ Connect on Instagram: 💭 Submit a Question:
Let’s do a deep dive into human design, manifestation, and spirituality this week with guest, Adriana Keefe. Listen along as Adriana shares her journey and how she blends science and spirituality. If you’re interested in exploring more about human design, pull your chart before listening!   Connect with Adriana: Get your Human Design Chart Join Adriana’s Monthly Moon Circle Podcast Episode: The Science Behind Human Design Adriana’s Website + Instagram    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   ✨ For Full Show Notes: ☁️ Connect on Instagram: 💭 Submit a Question:
Let’s talk about a subject that’s been coming up a lot lately in my world: being grateful but wanting more. In this riff of an episode I take you on a journey of how I have processed through this idea and help clients with it, too. We talk about parsing out wants and needs, reframing the idea of desire, and finding the powerful overlap between the energy of gratitude and MORE.   💗 Work With Me Options: ✨ For Full Show Notes: ☁️ Connect on Instagram: 💭 Submit a Question:
How do my clients typically 2-3x their income without adding overwhelm, or any of the things they don’t want to experience? In this behind the scenes episode we’ll use a recent client experience to illustrate some of the powerful conversations and questions that my clients and I explore together to help them ‘unlock their next level’.   🪄 Voxer Coaching Application: 💗 Work With Me Options: ✨ For Full Show Notes: ☁️ Connect on Instagram: 💭 Submit a Question:
Let’s talk about having an anxious attachment style and how that shows up (and holds you back) in your business. In this very open and transparent episode I’ll share with you my own journey through anxious attachment in and out of my business and how I’ve moved through that experience to a more secure relationship with my business—leading to more growth that actually feels good.   🪄 The Leader: ✨ For Full Show Notes: ☁️ Connect on Instagram: 💭 Submit a Question:
Let’s go deep on holistic wellness and what somatics is and how it shows up in your life and business so you can make sustainable impact. In this fun conversation with guest Jillian, we chat about how to make more sustainable impact by actually bringing the body into the conversation. We chat about somatics, healing, and so much more!   Connect with Jillian: Somatic Coaching with Jillian’s chrysalis package (use code Spacious!) Jillian’s Website + Instagram ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   ✨ For Full Show Notes: ☁️ Connect on Instagram: 💭 Submit a Question:
You value depth and you know that in the spaces you hold (your offers, coaching, etc.) depth is what creates real transformation for your clients. But how do you create that? How do you become to the kind of person who attracts clients who value depth and the kind of leader who can actually hold those spaces? In this episode I’m walking you through my own journey of creating mastery and depth in my own containers and how it’s impacted my business.   🪄 The Leader: ✨ For Full Show Notes: ☁️ Connect on Instagram: 💭 Submit a Question:
You desire to scale your income or your impact, but it seems impossible—you’re at capacity, you refuse to sacrifice your client experience, and you will not act out of integrity—so how can you make this possible? WHEW. This masterclass of an episode is walking you through the mindset shifts, tangible examples, and the questions to start asking so that you can find your own unique way to sustainably, spaciously scale (without sacrificing SERVICE or yourSELF).   🪄 The Leader: ✨ For Full Show Notes: ☁️ Connect on Instagram: 💭 Submit a Question:
Coming in SPICY for you today with big shifts and truths that can change your outlook and approach to business. I’m going deep (and hot) in today’s episode all about the things that you might be avoiding looking at, the things that actually make business simpler, easier, and way more effective. Get your notebooks out, y’all, this is a doozy of an episode.   🪄 Waitlist For The Leader: ✨ For Full Show Notes: ☁️ Connect on Instagram: 💭 Submit a Question:
Overthinking is keeping you back from the impact you’re here to make. In this episode I’ll give you the perspective shifts and actual tools to use daily to help you stop overthinking and actually show up present, attentive, and powerfully for your clients, your team, and your business. When we overthink our interactions with others we hold them back, and it’s time to change that experience.     🪄 Waitlist For The Leader: ✨ For Full Show Notes: ☁️ Connect on Instagram: 💭 Submit a Question:
Let’s talk about mastering those high-ticket sales! This live was a great exploration of all things sales—and a huge mindset shift for those of you who get caught up between ‘high ticket’ or not when it comes to sales. I’ll walk you through four questions that need STRONG answers no matter the price point, a reframe around sales and pricing, and four key areas to explore more to make sales way simpler.     ✨ For Full Show Notes: ☁️ Connect on Instagram: 💭 Submit a Question:
You already know 2024 is the YEAR of personal brands, and who better to teach us more about them than Tori Sprankel? Join Tori and I as we chat all things personal brands, including how to get started, the mindset shifts to step into, and more. Tori shares her experience in business and motherhood in this fun, informative episode that’ll help you get started ASAP in building your personal brand.   Connect with Tori: Stand Out on Instagram (Free Starter Guide) You're a Vibe Group Program Tori's Website, Instagram, Pinterest, + TikTok   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   ✨ For Full Show Notes: ☁️ Connect on Instagram: 💭 Submit a Question: