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Speak by Design

Author: Stephanie Bickel

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Leadership communication strategies to help you become a consistently compelling force.  Be impeccable with your words.  Improve your beliefs around communication to help your messages create action. Hosted by Stephanie Bickel

Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
22 Episodes
It's game-changing when leaders master the 5 Most Important Stories. If you've ever struggled to make your message stick or felt like your words just weren't making the impact you wanted, then listen in. We’re breaking down the five most important stories every leader should have in their back pocket to elevate their interactions and the impact of their words.Stories aren't just fluff. They’re powerful tools that prove your expertise and move your audience to action. Think about it: data is forgettable, but wrap that data in a compelling story, and you've got something remarkable - - something that will stick with people. Learn practical steps for you to identify and craft your own powerful stories. Whether you’re using these in interviews, sales, or the boardroom, these stories will help you communicate with authenticity and impact. Learn how to turn everyday experiences into compelling narratives that resonate and leave a lasting impression.***Want us to help you build these stories? Join us at the start of next month in Speak by Design University: by Ausha. See for more information.
20 Market Your Talks

20 Market Your Talks


How do you help your ideas spread?We taught you how to craft a powerful 10-minute talk in Lesson 19. Now, it’s time to take that talk and market it to your internal team, customers, and the broader public. In this episode, we dive into the essentials of promoting your message effectively.Discover what needs to be built to get noticed and how to position yourself to get invited to speak to various groups. Learn strategies to keep your message concise and compelling, making it more appealing to diverse audiences.All leaders must be able to get audiences excited to listen and learn from their experience and expertise. This is how you pass down thought leadership and create real impact. In the end, it is how you leave a legacy. Tune in to learn the 4 things you need to build and strategies for marketing your talks.***Want a private guide to help you develop and market your talks? Sign up for our one-of-a-kind leadership communication coaching program at We combine self-paced, private coaching, group coaching, and group training all in one program and help you network with professionals like you. There is no other program like it.Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
One of the most important meetings for leaders is the townhall. Leaders use townhall meetings to articulate a new strategy, reset and improve the company culture, and create an accelerated pace of productivity. Maybe your strategy keeps shifting. Maybe it has been too complicated. Maybe people are struggling to believe it's possible. It's the leader's responsibility to make sure the message is clear and conveyed in a way that resonates with the full audience. How do you do this? Listen in to learn about the common pitfalls to avoid and how to structure a message of impact in 5 steps. ********Want to change communication skills and elevate your impact on those around you? Go to to sign up for Speak by Design University. Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
Do your messages capture attention right from the start and leave a lasting impression? Beginnings and endings are crucial in any form of communication, and mastering them can significantly enhance your impact. Join us on this week's episode of Speak by Design where we dive into the art of Strong Starts and Closes.Discover practical techniques to grab your audience's attention from the first word and strategies to ensure you close with a powerful, memorable finish. Whether you're presenting to a boardroom, speaking at a conference, or pitching to potential investors, how you open and close can make all the difference.We'll also share insights from communication experts and real-life examples to illustrate how dynamic openings and strong conclusions are crafted. Transform your speaking style and see immediate results in your audience's engagement. Tune in and start delivering presentations that stand out and stick with your listeners long after you've finished speaking.***Interested in private and group coaching, check out Make communication one of your greatest strengths. Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
17 Ask for Investment

17 Ask for Investment


Great leaders know how to ask for investment. It's an art.It's not easy to ask for funding and budget. What if you could approach these conversations with confidence and strategic insight?In this lesson, we tackle the art of asking for investment by focusing on four crucial areas: Mindset, Style, Structure, and Strategy. Learn actionable ways to shift your mindset from scarcity to opportunity, refine your communication style to engage rather than alienate, structure your requests to clearly articulate value, and strategize to anticipate and counter resistance effectively.We'll also delve into common limiting beliefs that could be holding you back:The fear of being perceived as greedy or aggressive.Beliefs that they will ask you hard questions.Worries that your request will be seen as unreasonable or that others won’t understand.Learn how to address these fears and position your requests in a way that not only secures funding but also builds and maintains strong relationships with peers and decision-makers.Ready to change the way you approach investment requests? Tune in and learn how to ask for what is needed with clarity and confidence.***Interested in deeper work and practice, check out You could start with us at the first of the month. Want to bring a group training to your company, email Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
Leaders are responsible for articulating the North Star. When you do this well, you create clarity for your colleagues and renewed commitment.How do you share a vision and strategy that aligns and excites audiences? Listen to ways to avoid these common problems:Too Much InformationNo ContextLack of frequency + follow-throughInconsistencyLack of DelegationLearn the framework for articulating a vision that drives action and engagement. _____Interested in private and group coaching on this topic, check out our coaching program at Interested in becoming a leadership communication coach, learn more at Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
The leader's message must be understood. When it isn't, your audience stops trusting you.Build the habit of speaking clearly and concisely - because when you confuse, you lose. And when you ramble, they scramble. Learn tips and tricks to help you simplify the complex. Get your bottom line upfront so there is no risk of confusion. Keep your responses short so that you maintain your listener's attention span. Senior audiences will not tolerate confusing ideas and indirect responses to questions. Listen in for ideas that immediately help you be clear and concise. **************Want to practice with a coach? Join our monthly coaching program to polish these skills and feel the immediate impact at work. to become a coach? Learn more at by Ausha. See for more information.
Leaders must have showmanship and know how to "perform" a message. It is part of the role. Great delivery balances three tensions:Strength and VulnerabilityFitting In and Standing OutDistance and IntimacyWhen you put all of the opposites into your body language, vocal presence, and content - you naturally will have a better delivery. People often resist the idea of acting in a business setting. Instead, see this as an invitation to bring all your energy, emotion, and creativity to captivate your listener. Listen as I walk through visual cues, vocal presence, strong starts and closes, provocative transitions, storytelling, use of data, and strong closes. Apply these tips with your next large audience and increase the impact. ************If you want to dig into this more deeply in private and group sessions, check out our monthly coaching program at in bringing an event to your office or virtual team, email Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
When you sound confident, the audience hears that and listens better to you. Your voice is just like a muscle. Without daily conditioning, the voice will weaken. A strong voice is a leader's best way to convey conviction, confidence, and commitment. The perfect daily warmup includes exercises in this order:RelaxationBreathingArticulator StretchesTouching SoundResonanceProjectionArticulation Agility (Tongue Twisters)When the speaker's voice is warmed up, it is much easier to speak with confidence. Listen to the creative ways to warm up the voice. Do these exercises with me to feel the immediate impact of a stronger voice. If you want to work with a voice and speech coach privately, join our coaching program at Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
How do you use your voice to get people to listen? There are three vocal styles every leader needs. The Assertive VoiceThe Motivational VoiceThe Consultative VoiceWhen you have a strong recommendation or solution, the assertive voice heightens the credibility.When you want to excite the room, the motivational voice builds passion for the idea. When you need to calm down the room, the consultative voice creates a safer atmosphere.Learn how to match your intention to your vocal tone and master your version of the 3 Vocal Styles. Interested in working with a private voice coach? Join our monthly coaching program for a combination of self paced lessons, plus two private coaching sessions per month. by Ausha. See for more information.
What kind of voices do you gravitate toward? Why do you like that vocal style?We make a lot of assumptions about a person by the way they sound. We make assumptions about their knowledge, capabilities, competence, leadership potential, and motivation.How can you create a vocal presence that conveys both confidence and credibility?Vocal Presence, as a study, includes 6 elements of voice: pitch, pace, volume, variety, weight, and direction. You have to be heard. A strong vocal presence helps your ideas be heard. It helps you keep people's attention. Design the voice YOU want. If you don't like your voice, change it. Learn how to use your voice to convey confidence, credibility, and connection in this lesson on Vocal Presence.***Would you like to work on your voice with a private coach? Join Speak by Design University to go through our Vocal Presence course while working with a private coach. you join by March 31, you will also get the new course for April, which is Credential Stories. Stephanie will lead us through 3 lessons on how to build and deliver stories that inspire, educate, and convince your audiences. Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
10 Grow Your Network

10 Grow Your Network


Why do you need a strong network?  It helps you navigate through challenging moments, helps increase visibility around your initiatives, helps grow business. These are the people who become your personal board of directors. Over time, people start making excuses for why relationship building is not a priority.What if you approached this differently?  Get more excited and better at networking.Little actions yield great results. Listen to learn what small steps you could start taking immediately. ***Interested in developing your leadership communication skills? Join us at Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
9 Create Connection

9 Create Connection


Senior leaders need to be able to connect with anyone. How does that work?This lesson explores how you can open yourself to new ways of building relationships. What do the best talk show hosts do that helps their guests shine and mesmerizes audiences. Explore the mindsets and conversation strategies that help you establish the foundation of a relationship swiftly.Want to bring a half day group training to your team on this topic or other leadership communication topics, email private coaching, join our monthly coaching program at by Ausha. See for more information.
8 Inspire Others

8 Inspire Others


How do you inspire others? You can inspire others from any seat at the table.  You can inspire even if you just joined the team yesterday. You can inspire in an interview.  You can inspire people by the way you answer a question - - - even by the way you listen.The mark of a great message is that it drives action. The mark of a great leader is that they earn followers. Great leaders inspire others.Reflect on what personality traits inspire you. What behaviors in others inspire you?  What types of messages inspire you?We inspire others through our attributes, actions, and messages.  I cover all of three topics in this lesson.Interested in bringing Speak by Design training to your team, send a request to in joining our monthly coaching program, sign up at You can be at the start of next month. Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
7 Be Interesting

7 Be Interesting


People are most interesting... when they are interested.Could you be a degree more fascinated in your own status update?Could you marvel at the team's achievement more?Could you show more interest in other peoples' ideas?What else makes a person interesting? Deep dive into your delivery style and your way of structuring your ideas. Maybe a quote, story, analogy, or humor bit could grab peoples' attention faster.When you share something unexpected, the audience leans in. When you are an interesting person, you also get talked about. It helps you expand your network and increase visibility. Learn how to "Be Interesting" in Lesson 7.If you want to work with a private coach on these skills, join us at the beginning of the month in Speak by Design University: you are interested in becoming a coach, sign up for our Coach Certification waitlist, by Ausha. See for more information.
Are you looking to develop a more senior presence in meetings? Are you spending more time with senior leaders and need to act more peer-like? Research suggests that these 4 behaviors are a sign of maturity. Are you calm under pressure?Are you able to put out a contrary opinion?Can you make a decision and move on?Do people know you care about them?When you can answer yes to all of these, you have gravitas. Explore 4 practical ways to infuse gravitas into your day-to-day communication. Leave a lasting impression of authority and confidence because of the way you behave.Want to bring a half day or full day learning experience to your team? Contact to schedule an event.Ready to take your leadership to the next level? Join Speak by Design University and master the art of gravitas through personalized coaching sessions. Don't miss out—visit to enroll and join us at the first of the month. Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
How do some people naturally stand out and command attention? They know how to use contrast and intensity. These are two concepts that create executive presence. When you know how to apply this to your image, body language, and vocal presence - - people stop and listen. This is critical for commanding a room. Listen as I walk through practical ways to weave these strategies into your day-to-day communication. You can start incorporating these immediately into virtual and in person meetings. We have half day trainings available for small and large groups, contact to bring us to your office in person or virtually. If you are ready to master these concepts through private coaching, you have to join me in Speak by Design University: by Ausha. See for more information.
Why should you craft a clear personal brand? It helps you build trust with audiences. It helps you leave a lasting impression. It helps you stand out and become the obvious choice. As a leader, your personal brand will shape the culture of your team. It is crucial that the brand is clear and aligned to your purpose, passions, and values. Then, match your communication style to that brand. Finally, align your dress to the brand. As communication coaches, a clear personal brand helps us guide our clients on body language, vocal presence, word choice, and message structure when we understand your brand. ***CORRECTION: On the podcast, I reference a free quiz to help you figure out your brand. This is the quiz: If you would like to give your team our half day workshop on Personal Branding, email If this topic is something you want to explore with a private coach, sign up for our coaching program, Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
Want to learn the most efficient way to build trust? It's through visual leadership. Visual leadership is the concept of using aesthetics to help you connect and influence. Your visuals are the first things an audience notices about you. You can’t be “the obvious choice” if you are blending in or worse, invisible. Listen as I discuss how the elements of body language, dress, and visual graphics combine to leave lasting impressions.If you are ready to become an exceptional communicator, join me in Speak by Design University: Want to bring Speak by Design training to your office or team, write to us at by Ausha. See for more information.
How do great leaders articulate visions and strategies so easily? They think differently. They have an expansive mindset. Leadership is a point of view. If your point of view is from your job description only, you are missing the mark.Learn the mental skill of thinking bigger so that you have no trouble articulating a vision, a mission, and global strategies. When we hear someone speak with aspirations bigger than ours, we are inspired. This is how you get people to listen and follow.Interested in more? For February 2024 only, Stephanie is leading a 3-part series on "Commanding the Room" in Speak by Design University. This is our program that combines private coaching, group meetings, and self-paced learning. When you register by January 31, you will also be invited to our signature course on "Personal Branding", the perfect course for a fresh start.Interested in group events or coach certification, contact Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
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