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Special Needs Parenting SOS

Author: Nadya Tahri

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Help, hope, encouragement and support for parents who have a child with special needs. Caring for a child with special needs has several challenges and I don’t want you to feel like you are all alone. I created this podcast to give you hope, support and encouragement 🤗💗
95 Episodes
In this podcast episode I am sharing straight from my heart some of the really difficult challenges we have faced this summer. It’s been one thing after the next. Sometimes when it rains, it pours!
When was the last time you told your loved ones how much you love them? If it’s been a while, I urge you to reach out to them today. Because unfortunately tomorrow is never guaranteed. In this podcast episode I share about how my incredible father in law Tim Bryant just suddenly passed away. 😭😭 He was such a wonderful, kind, caring, intelligent, thoughtful and giving person. I miss him dearly. 😭
Imagine getting up one morning and going to work…just like a normal day, but then all of a sudden, you lose everything in a matter of minutes. That is exactly what happened to my 24 year old daughter Gabriella Kielhorn. She left her apartment to go to work on Tuesday, May 16th, 2023 and while she was at work, the guy who lived directly below her, Garrett Repp intentionally started a massive fire in their apartment building because he was being evicted for non payment and clearly wanted to make sure that he wasn’t the only person forced to find a new place to live. My daughter is devastated not just from losing everything she owned and having to find another place to live and begin to rebuild all over again, she is beyond devastated that her 2 cats died in the fire. Nothing can or will replace her beloved cats that she bottle fed when they were babies. 😭 Please pray for my daughter and for everyone else who lost everything in the apartment fire. 🙏🏻
In this podcast my mom shares what life is like caring for her 2 grandchildren who have special needs. #AllanHerndonDudleySyndrome #AHDS #MCT8
Do you really need to take that handicap parking spot? This podcast episode talks about when you should and should not use a handicap parking spot.
Needing to take your child to the ER is always a scary time. In this podcast episode you will find out why we had to take my 5 year old son Josiah to the ER this weekend.
Are you tired of driving all over trying to find a park that has a special needs swing so that your child with special needs can enjoy swinging? I have some very good news 🥳 Listen to this podcast episode to see how easily you can get a special needs swing for your child.
Are you wondering how to stay motivated to achieve your New Years resolution or goals for this year? If so, then you definitely want to listen to this podcast episode.
Have you been stressing because you don’t have enough money to buy your kids gifts for Christmas? If so, no need to worry. Just listen to this podcast episode to say how you can make this Christmas one of the best Christmas’ ever…even without spending much money on gifts. 🎁
Need a few ideas for how you can make Christmas time extra special for your child with special needs? If so, you will definitely want to listen to this podcast episode.
Having your child with special needs get sick can be heartbreaking. Naturally we want to do everything we can to avoid that from happening. In this podcast episode I share a few simple tips to help your child from getting sick.
In this podcast episode I share why having daily gratitude is so important. If you find it challenging to find things to be thankful for, you definitely want to listen to this podcast episode.
Viewpoint from my oldest son Elijah on life with 2 younger brothers with special needs. The ups and downs. The highlights and the challenges. Elijah opens his heart and tells all.
Kate Hamilton shares about a chapter she wrote in a book called “Navigating Motherhood”. A book written by Mothers for Mothers. Her son Mason has the same rare genetic syndrome that my 2 boys have called Allan Herndon Dudley Syndrome.
If you have a child with autism…you definitely want to listen to this podcast episode. In this podcast episode my friend Kathleen Caldwell shares her story of life with her son who has autism. You definitely don’t want to miss this one.
Some days can be really hard and it can feel overwhelming at times. But just know that you are a huge inspiration to so many people who are watching you. They see the heavy load you are carrying day in and day out and you inspire them more then you will ever know. Most people won’t ever tell you how much you inspire them…but just know…you are making a big difference in the lives of so many people.
If you are tired of worrying about money or our economy….try allowing your subconscious to find solutions to what you are stressing about. This podcast episode explains how to do that.
October 8th is Worldwide MCT8-Allan Herndon Dudley Syndrome Awareness Day. This is the rare genetic syndrome that my two youngest boys have. It is my hope and prayer that one day there will be a cure for AHDS.
Pure panic set in as soon as I realized that I had accidentally locked my son inside our wheelchair van. This podcast episode talks about what you can do to prevent this from ever happening to you.
Are you tired of feeling stuck, confused or worried about what you should do? If so, you will definitely want to listen to this podcast episode where I share a simple solution you can use anytime you feel stuck or confused as to what you should do next.