Speechless – Tell Stories that Change the World

<p>Learn how to tell stories that can change the world. Presented by communication experts Maryam Pasha and Simon Bucknall, tune in to tell better stories, more consistently, on purpose. Speak less, say more! </p>

Soundbite 09: How to introduce yourself

“So, what do you do?” Cue: cringe or awkwardness as it turns into a showboating parade or a modesty competition. Tune in to this Speechless soundbite with Maryam Pasha and Simon Bucknall to pick up top tips for how to introduce yourself in a way that hits the right note. Recorded live at the English Speaking Union in London.


Bonus: Getting started in storytelling

Public speaking has negative connotations for so many people - especially younger people. But what are the opportunities? How can we cultivate a more positive environment? A more empowering experience for people just getting started? Tune into this live storytelling masterclass with Speechless co-hosts Maryam Pasha and Simon Bucknall and guest host Zain Hussain. Learn how to get started, how to ignite the storytelling spark within yourself. In this episode, you’ll learn how to support young p...


Bonus: Wedding speech 101

Wedding speeches. A giant elephant trap for the unwary or the arrogant. Author of three books on the topic, in this latest episode of Speechless, Simon Bucknall shares practical tips and ideas drawn from thousands of hours spent reviewing wedding speech scripts and helping the speakers prepare. Whatever the internet might say, “telling jokes” is not the answer! Because no-one ever gave a great wedding speech by making the friends laugh and the bride's or groom’s parents cry… For mo...


Soundbite 08: How to moderate a panel like a pro

The art of moderating a panel. For many, a “Dark Art”. How to lead your speakers, keep your audience engaged and (where necessary) even keep the peace! Panels need a steady hand and intense concentration. In this Speechless Soundbite, co-hosts Simon Bucknall and Maryam Pasha get into the practicalities of moderating a panel discussion, and some quick actionable tips to help you level up, fast.


Chapter 08: So you want to compete? World Championship of Public Speaking

If you had only 7 minutes to speak to the world, what would you say? That’s the brief for Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking. 30,000 contestants. 1 overall winner. Contest speaking is one of the fastest, most effective paths to improvement as a speaker. But what are the keys to success? What are the Do’s and Don’ts? Is it all about just trying to impress the judges? And how do you pack maximum impact when you only have 7 minutes? In this episode, Simon Bucknall shares wi...


Soundbite 07: Build a lego kit

Speak regularly on an expert topic? Stop creating your speech from scratch! Instead? Create a lego kit. Your reputation depends on it. In this Speechless Soundbite, Maryam Pasha shares how you can create a lego kit of stories, analogies, stats and anecdotes that drive back to your core messages and help you feel prepared and be more consistent, whatever the speaking scenario.


Chapter 07: "Welcome to my TED Talk" – how to give a TEDx Talk

If you want to give a TEDx or TED Talk – this is the episode for you. Speechless co-host and TEDxLondon Director Maryam Pasha shares the key elements to consider about the TEDx Talk format and experience, in conversation with Simon Bucknall. If you’ve got no ego, are willing to ruthlessly self-edit, and you’ve got an idea that could change the world – listen in.


Chapter 06: Why 'being inspiring' shouldn't be a goal

"Inspiring others" is a tempting goalpost, but it's not a mission that the best speakers ever set out to achieve. Why? You don't tell an inspiring story. People are inspired by a story. It's an audience led thing! Instead, focus on gaining real clarity on the impact you want to create in the world. Find out how to set meaningful goals, with Speechless co-hosts Simon Bucknall and Maryam Pasha.


Soundbite 06: Speak like an opera singer

Delve into an unexpected lesson from one of Simon's opera singing mates. A powerful idea is not always about impacting millions of people: it's about impacting the right people. Tune in with Speechless co-hosts Simon Bucknall and Maryam Pasha to learn why leaving just one audience member speechless with your story is a win.


Soundbite 05: MC’ing and hosting like a boss

Hosting or MC’ing is a particular skill – ace it, and you feel like a hero. Lose your footing, and… well, not so much. In this Speechless Soundbite, co-hosts Simon Bucknall and Maryam Pasha offer some sage advice on how to MC like a boss. Hint – it involves being organised, and putting your audience and speakers first.


Chapter 05: How to tell difficult stories

Vulnerability. A sign of weakness? Or a powerful asset? Telling difficult stories means treading a fine line. Creating impact through use of stories and experiences that are vivid, credible and meaningful: Yes! Oversharing or manipulating an audience in a misleading way? Not so much. In this episode of Speechless, Maryam Pasha and Simon Bucknall take you through how to stay on the right side of that line, when you decide to get seriously personal. Further listening: A survivor...


Soundbite 04: Start a Story File

Life hack: start a Story File. Join Speechless co-hosts Maryam Pasha and Simon Bucknall to learn what a Story File is, how it can form the building blocks to great storytelling, and how you can start yours today.


Chapter 04: Maryam's creeping realisation

Sometimes the story you set out to tell isn’t the one you end up telling... that's certainly what happened when Maryam chose to take a step back from her so called, "Imposter Syndrome". Tune into this episode of Speechless to go on Maryam Pasha’s a-ha moment through the medium of storytelling, with a little help from co-host, Simon Bucknall. You’ll learn why storytelling can help you reclaim your truth, how to convey a long-tail narrative arc concisely, and how turning points can help y...


Soundbite 03: Pixar pitch

Once upon a time… yep, you got it, this Speechless Soundbite is all about how to nail your own Pixar Pitch. Join Maryam Pasha and Simon Bucknall to come away with a structure that gives you your very own “Toy Story” movie pitch.


Chapter 03: Simon's greatest weakness

You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to be honest: Simon’s a-ha moment after years of striving for perfection. Tune into this episode of Speechless to hear Simon Bucknall’s most memorable speech making moments, deconstructed by co-host Maryam Pasha. In this live masterclass, you’ll learn how to become an editor of your own experiences, when to use dialogue in your talks, and why a good story is all about honing, honing, honing…


Soundbite 02: Use this one word to transform your speech: “you”

You can engage your listener with your very first word. Really! Just one simple word – so often underused – which makes all the difference. How often do YOU use it? Join Speechless co-hosts Maryam Pasha and Simon Bucknall to learn how to harness the power of “you”.


Chapter 02: "But I don't have a story!" What to do when you don't have a story

Even the phrase “tell us a story” can be enough to put some communicators into a state of panic. How do you get to a point where you can tell stories naturally? And avoid sounding like you’re pulling a stunt? Tune in with Speechless hosts, Maryam Pasha and Simon Bucknall, to learn how to identify the moments you can turn into stories, why it’s not about “being inspiring”, and how to pull together your “tight five”.


Soundbite 01: How to deal with nerves

Shaky voice, knees knocking, palms sweating... just some of the symptoms when speaking under pressure – we’ve all been there. The question is: what to do about it? Join Speechless co-hosts Maryam Pasha and Simon Bucknall for practical tips and insights on how to handle taming the beast that is nerves.


Chapter 01: What is storytelling and why is it so powerful?

Join Maryam Pasha and Simon Bucknall for Speechless Chapter one as they share the founding principles for good storytelling. Tune in to learn how to make your idea memorable and more repeatable, what you can do to take your listener on a journey, and why you should always hone your skills in a safe environment.


Coming soon: Speechless Season One

On June 5th, Maryam Pasha and Simon Bucknall launch a new podcast, Speechless: how to tell stories that can change the world. An eight-part series of actionable conversations, Speechless is designed to help you learn how to tell better stories, more consistently, on purpose. Maryam and Simon introduce some of the topics we'll cover.


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