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Spirit Dog Training Podcast

Author: Steffi Trott

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Spirit Dog Training brings you science-based, modern and effective dog training advice, explaining why your dog acts the way he acts, and how to approach training efficiently.
65 Episodes
In this second episode on breed-specific training, I discuss why you may be WRONG in believing that your dog needs a breed-specific training approach. Falsely holding out for this can actually harm your training progress! So let's break down the difference between breed-specific training issues ... and "run of the mill" training issues. If you want to start training with our library of over 1,300 training videos for free, visit
Are your criteria too muddled? Are you able to be black and white in training? Or do you try to teach unrefined behaviors ... and hurting yourself with it in the long run? Today I explain why you should NOT be a wishy washy trainer! If you want to start training with our library of over 1,300 training videos for free, visit
It's a huge misconception that in order to teach our dogs how to do something right, we wait for them to get it wrong. If you attempt to train like this, you and your dog will be frustrated and disapppointed. In this episode I discuss why you already have the teaching skills you need deep within you ... and the questions you need to ask yourself to apply the knowledge to dog training! If you want to start training with our library of over 1,300 training videos for free, visit
The #1 question I always asked myself when teaching group classes "What do my students talk about in the car?" In this quick episode I discuss why your trainer should care about each and every student's happiness and their dogs' successes. If your trainer doesn't seem invested in making you proud of your dog - look for a different trainer! If you want to start training with our library of over 1,300 training videos for free, visit
Did you know that no two breeds are trained the same? If you do not take your dog's breed(s) into account when planning your sessions, you won't be successful. In this episode I explain how your dog's breed impacts training decisions, and how you can tailor training to your specific dog! If you want to start training with our library of over 1,300 training videos for free, visit
Should you teach your dog multiple things at once? Or will they get confused? How do you decide which behaviors to work on at any one time? In today's episode I will discuss whether you should train several behaviors ... and how to decide which ones! If you want to start training with our library of over 1,300 training videos for free, visit
Living with and training a reactive dog is a taxing, tiring task! What if there was a shortcut? In this episode I discuss if there is a way to cut corners in reactivity training ... and what the results will look like. If you want to start training with our library of over 1,300 training videos for free, visit
We are never only training a skill ... we are always training a skill and an emotion. Out of the two, the emotion is actually the one you should be most concerned about! Today I dive into why the wrong emotion can ruin skill training (even if the dog is good at the skill) ... and how to help your dog find the right mindset. If you want to start training with our library of over 1,300 training videos for free, visit
As a dog trainer who uses a lot of food rewards, one of the most common questions I get us "... And what happens when you don't have a treat?" Today I unravel how to make your dog independent from having to be bribed and lured, and explain why having or not having a treat should not make a difference in a well-trained dog! If you want to start training with our library of over 1,300 training videos for free, visit
Scent work is a fascinating dog sport. It's welcoming to dogs of all ages and physical abilities ... and it's an amazing way to bond with your dog! In this episode we interview highly accomplished scent work competitor, judge and professional bed bug detection dog handler Paige Gordon about how to get started and progress in the sport.
Every day I work with dog owners and help them break through behavioral and training struggles. And every day I know that if dog owners were more mindful of these 6 things ... a lot of issues would NOT happen in the first place! Today I give you a list of the 6 things I wished every dog owner did - implement these to see immediate improvement in your dog. Also in this episode I share a special gift with you ... you can now access all of my over 1,300 online lessons completely free at
Most dog owners with more than one dog would love to train them all at once. But is this even possible? Is it a good idea to have everyone train at the same time? What about dogs that can wait their turn? And what should you do if your dogs are so attached that you cannot separate them? In this episode I answer all of these questions!
Training often fails because we are not progressing skills well. But what does it actually mean to "advance a skill"? How do we break down the training process for our dogs correctly? How many steps are involved in teaching a solid behaviors? In this episode you will find answers to all of these questions!
52. Training Momentum

52. Training Momentum


Do you struggle to motivate yourself to train? Is consistency hard for you and your dog? There actually is a secret to training every day ... I call it "training momentum". In this episode I share how you can reach training momentum, and why most dog owners are only a few training sessions away from breaking through this wall!
Treats are reinforcements and corrective collars are punishments ... but is that really what the definition of those words is? Are you using reinforcers as skillful as you could? And did you know that the environment is constantly reinforcing and punishing your dog, too?
How do you find the right dog trainer for you and your dog? What expectations should you have for a dog trainer? But also ... what is your dog trainer expecting from YOU in the coaching relationship? In this podcast I take a deep dive into my expectations for dog owners and trainers. And I also have a pretty big surprise for you ...
We want our dogs in a happy, eager and enthusiastic state of mind for training ... but what exactly should we do to achieve this? In this episode, I am sharing 10 tips that will make your dog more comfortable - and ultimately, this will make your training more successful, too!
Is your dog reactive towards unannounced visitors? Do they love to chase wildlife when you run into it? Are they barking and lunging ... but only when coming across certain other dogs? Unpredictable behaviors are one of the hardest things to address in dog training. It feels like we don't even have a place to start! The good news it that with the right approach we can tackle these training challenges and succeed. In this episode I share my top 3 tips for moving past the struggles of unpredictable behaviors!
Preemptive doubts can hurt your dog training and hinder your progress! We discuss where the mindset of "this won't work ..." comes from and how to break through it. I talk about how many times I have personally failed, and why this should never be a reason to stop pursuing new training ideas!
If treat training makes you go "meh", this episode is for you. I discuss other forms of rewards (toys, praise, access to the environment) as well as whether rewards are even always needed! This is a big episode to answer all questions regarding treat alternatives.