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Spirit Led Women

Author: Katelyne Koeberlein

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Hi!!! I’m so happy YOU ARE HERE! Are you ready to grow in the word together?

I think too many times we look for surface level solutions for just about EVERYTHING.

You know what could heal us more than anything the world can give? Opening up our Bible. Yep, it’s intimidating.. I know. But It’s here for you, now more than ever. Its time to make it come alive in your HEART and MIND!

On this journey with you, I hope we can tackle OUR insecurities with scripture and develop an inner peace, wisdom, and confidence that ONLY HE can give!

73 Episodes
Today we are diving into Acts chapter 16, starting in verse 16. A beautiful story of deliverance and the power of praising your way through adversity. --- Send in a voice message:
Hi friends ! Today, we are going to be reading through 🔥Acts chapter 3, and talking about the access and the power of the Holy Spirit! --- Send in a voice message:
Diving into Luke 5 to talk about the paralytic man who was dropped through the roof on a stretcher because of HIS FRIENDS FAITH! --- Send in a voice message:
I am so encouraged to share how the power of the Holy Spirit can completely take you from rock bottom to joy! Acts 5 --- Send in a voice message:
We are diving straight into scripture today. Mark chapter 5! A woman who was healed by touching the garments of Jesus’s clothes. A 12-year-old girl who rose from death. Babe, it’s about time you can start believing in miracles FOR your life, your confidence, your marriage, your health, your dream, anything! HE MAKES ALL THINGS NEW! You just need to kick up that faith! --- Send in a voice message:
In Matthew 25 we get to read about a parable that Jesus gave us about talents. You can multiply your talents or bury them in the ground because you’re scared. It’s time to step up to the plate, BABE! 👏🏼👏🏼💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 --- Send in a voice message:
Do you feel the need to keep up in this boss babe culture? Let’s have a 10 min dive into who the proverbs 31 woman was ☝🏻 --- Send in a voice message:
You know the enemy only comes to steal, kill, and destroy right? 🤢That means your mindset, your marriage, your business. But the Lord tells us he comes to give us life and to give it to us ABUNDANTLY! --- Send in a voice message:
Have you ever felt like you’re constantly working towards something so much you’re exhausted?! Do you know in scripture it gives us plenty of examples to slow down, sit in his presence, and just listen? You weren’t created to hustle ALL THE TIME!!!!!! But you were created with purpose. --- Send in a voice message:
Let’s dive into Romans 5 3-5. Suffering. Perseverance. Character. Hope... what do all these things mean? You can’t change your life, your mindset, or the world when you’re constantly listening to all of the enemies attacks. --- Send in a voice message:
MLM girls. Let’s talk about motives, internal strength, and worthiness of what you’re building. --- Send in a voice message:
Going crazy trying to explain your vision? Honey..... stop!!!!!! This is your vision. Your life. Your business. You set the standards. Level up that mind, boo! --- Send in a voice message:
What does the Bible say about money? Let’s chat. Proverbs says that wise people are builders and they build families, businesses, and communities. It’s also scriptural to not exhaust yourself trying to get rich. Do you understand THAT you can operate so much more out of fulfillment, peace, and happiness when you are using your gifts and chasing purpose? Rather that money? --- Send in a voice message:
Have you ever felt like you needed to prove your worth or your side of the story? Let’s have a little biblical perspective here today! --- Send in a voice message:
We’re going to get a little deep, a little biblical, and I hope to pierce your heart with this message. Your gifts and God-given talents will carry you further boo! Stop obsessing over the microwave success and open your crockpot! --- Send in a voice message:
Let’s take the pressure off and give it to the Lord! --- Send in a voice message:
Have you ever wanted to put yourself out there and start building your dream business… But then those fears start spiraling!? Yep and they are NOT SERVING YOUR MISSION! Girl, can we shift your mind and flip the script in your heart and start operating out of purpose instead of operating out of fear? --- Send in a voice message:
Hi friends!!! Today we are going to be diving into Luke 4. How Jesus’s name has the power and authority to cast out all unclean spirits. IG: katiekobe_ --- Send in a voice message:
Hi friends, today we’re going to be diving into Mark 6! We’re going to be discussing how Jesus was rejected in his hometown, and how the peoples lack of belief prevented him from performing the miracles he intended to do. As well as commissioning the 12 disciples and how we can apply that to our life today! I hope this message convicts you! --- Send in a voice message:
Friends!!! Today we are going to be diving into Haggai 2 and chatting about some simple tips you can take + apply to your brand! --- Send in a voice message:
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