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Spiritually Hungry

Spiritually Hungry

Author: Monica Berg and Michael Berg

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Don’t miss this thought-provoking podcast series with authors Monica and Michael Berg. Together, they’ll answer your most pressing questions, offering sage advice for the modern world. Self-proclaimed Change Junkie, Monica Berg is an author and teacher who lectures internationally. Michael Berg is a rabbi and Aramaic scholar who has published almost 20 books on the teachings of Kabbalah. This husband and wife team has been sharing kabbalistic wisdom and relationship expertise with students for decades. Join them for a down-to-earth conversation about the big life questions that spark your curiosity the most.
185 Episodes
Empathy allows us to connect with others and deepen our relationships. Whether we realize it or not, the children in our lives are always watching and learning from us. Join us in this summer mini-episode of Spiritually Hungry as we discuss the most powerful ways to teach and model empathy. “You don’t need to know someone’s story to be able to see them as human or feel their pain. You just need to be able to put yourself in their shoes.” – Monica BergFurther Readings: The Tale of the Other Glove, by Monica & Abigail Berg
Most of us would assert we are working towards our spiritual goals. But how hard are we actually working? The truth is that we can become complacent in our journey for spiritual transformation. Join us in this summer mini-episode of Spiritually Hungry as we discuss how to fuel the drive for greater personal change.“Each one of our souls came into this world to accomplish a certain level of growth and change, in addition to a certain amount of goodness or Light that we bring to this world.” – Michael Berg
The harshest words we ever mutter may be the things we say to ourselves. In this summer mini-episode of Spiritually Hungry, we discuss four tools for building greater self-worth so you can live your best life, mistakes and all.“Rather than striving to be perfect, get excited about being better.” – Michael Berg
Our lives are measured by how closely we align our daily actions with our soul’s desire. In this summer mini-episode, listen as we discuss the key to living all the days of our lives to the fullest and avoid unhappiness and regrets in death.“The reality is that most unhappiness, if not all unhappiness, comes from a misalignment of the life we are currently living with the desires of our soul and the knowledge of our soul.” – Michael Berg
Our minds are more powerful than we realize. In this summer mini-episode of Spiritually Hungry, we discuss how catching and redirecting your thoughts can shape your emotions and overall mindset. Join us as we unpack practical strategies to harness your thoughts, cultivate a positive mindset, and live a more intentional and purpose-driven life.“Having a sense of purpose, appreciation, and gratitude, is that circuitry which allows you to certainly live more of the days of your life.” – Monica Berg
How many little things upset you each day? It’s easy to react to the many tiny incidents that irk us daily. But is it really worth it? In this summer mini episode, we discuss the spiritual importance of letting the small stuff go and focusing on the things that really matter.“I do not believe it is possible for any one of us to allow very few things to upset us or cause us pain unless we are really doing the difficult spiritual work. That is, certainty in the Light of the Creator.” – Michael Berg
Have you ever wondered where insecurity comes from? In a spiritual sense, the source lies in a fundamental misconception: the belief that our gifts and talents are solely the result of our own merit. Tune in for an insightful episode as we discuss how recognizing ourselves as conduits rather than owners of our talents can lead to a more fulfilled and confident life."A window doesn’t bring the light in; it allows the sun to shine through it into the room. In the same way, we are conduits for the Creator’s Light." – Michael Berg
We can encounter narcissists in the workplace, in social settings, and in family structures. These relationships can be devastatingly toxic. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry, we discuss how to spot and set boundaries with the narcissists in our lives to maintain our well-being.“Just because somebody has fantastical visions of the world doesn’t mean they know how to treat a human being… At the end of the day, when you are making a decision for yourself, you have to pay attention to whether you feel safe, seen, and heard in their presence.” – Dr. Ramani DurvasulaFurther Readings:Should I Stay or Should I Go: Surviving A Relationship with a Narcissist, by Dr. Ramani Durvasula“Don’t You Know Who I Am?”: How to Stay Sane in an Era of Narcissism, Entitlement, and Incivility, by Dr. Ramani Durvasula
With so much information available to us every day, it can be difficult to tune into the most important messages: those that come straight from the Creator. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry, we discuss the four levels of intuition and how to distinguish between each divine message we receive.“The reality is that for every step you take, there is a message… It’s about opening up our mind and consciousness to the fact that not only is the universe conspiring for our benefit and the messages are coming all of the time, it’s also a necessary part of our development as human beings.” – Michael Berg
We know that our souls have come to this life to heal and find meaning. And one of the ways we can help our souls along is by knowing where our souls are on that journey over lifetimes. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry, we speak with past-life psychic, Ainslie MacLeod about the evolution of our individual souls and personalities.“We all come with a life plan… it’s not carved in stone, and it’s not massively detailed. It’s a broad outline. It includes things like, your location, the place of your birth, the places you want to visit, the people you want to interact with, experiences that you want to have, fears that you want to overcome, and challenges or work you need to do.” – Ainslie MacLeodFurther Readings:The Transformation, by Ainslie MacLeodThe Old Soul’s Guidebook, by Ainslie MacLeod
Get ready to rethink everything you think you know about relationships. In this live-recorded episode of Spiritually Hungry, we discuss four ways to grow with your partner and strengthen your bond so you can reconnect and change together.“The strongest relationships are when two people are committed to changing together.” – Monica Berg
Our daily rituals are the building blocks of our lives. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry, we continue our discussion about living each day in alignment with our values so we can strengthen our spiritual practice and connect more deeply to the Light of the Creator. “These tools are about creating a shift of consciousness, creating a state of existence where you feel in flow all of the time. That’s the power of what we are sharing today.” – Monica Berg
Obligations and to-do lists can easily pull us away from the things that are most important to us. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry, we discuss how to live each day with integrity so we can avoid the unnecessary busyness of life and live in alignment with our values.“The only way to possibly begin inching towards the greatness we all have potential for is by first doing the things that safeguard ourselves from the consciousness of the world and from the busyness of life.” – Michael Berg
The idea of radical change can evoke great fear. But change is inevitable and can lead to tremendous personal growth. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry, Lisa Bilyeu shares how she cultivated radical confidence despite fear, and completely restructured her life for deeper success and fulfillment.“Fear can actually hold you back or it can propel you forward. That’s how I think about life now. I pause and go, ‘Is this leading you towards your goal or away from your goal?’ If it leads me away from my goal, I won’t do it. If it leads me toward my goal, I better figure it out.” – Lisa BilyeuFurther Readings:Radical Confidence, by Lisa Bilyeu
From the day we are born, we receive messages about who we should be and what choices we should make. But this is seldom aligned with our true nature. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry, guest Jenna Zoe illuminates Human Design, a tool that can help us work with our innate energy and gifts to live a fulfilling and centered life. “It’s about coming back to who you already were before the world told you how to be.” - Jenna Zoe
In this part II discussion of Spiritually Hungry episode #168, we delve deeper into the connection between desire and true fulfillment. Listen as we continue our conversation about tuning into core desires in the pursuit of lasting happiness. “Fulfillment comes from being as similar as possible to the force that permeates everything—what we call the endless Light of the Creator.” - Michael Berg
We all want to be healthy, but what happens if we go too far in our quest for wellness? True wellbeing comes from an alignment of the mind, body, and soul. Tune in as we welcome Jordan Younger, creator of The Balanced Blonde podcast, to discuss the importance of growing our intuition and maintaining balance in our approach to well-being. “I learned how to give myself grace as I go through my wellness journey, and now I truly feel like I live a healthy life.” – Jordan YoungerFurther Readings:Breaking Vegan: One Woman's Journey from Veganism, Extreme Dieting, and Orthorexia to a More Balanced Life by Jordan Younger
We came into this world to reveal Light for the benefit of others. But how well are our daily actions aligned with this higher purpose? Join us for an episode of Spiritually Hungry that delves into the nuances of living out your true potential every single day.“If you really direct your life towards the pursuit of revealing your soul’s potential, there are less things that upset you and less things that distract you.” – Michael Berg
Liel Shitrit and Shoham Cohen survived the Hamas attack at the Nova Music Festival in Israel on October 7th. They now travel the world to share their story of resilience, love, and Light with others. Join us for a very special conversation about their experience and the miracles they now find in everyday moments. Content warning: This episode contains depictions of graphic violence that some may find disturbing. Listener discretion is advised.“I think connections are more important to me than money and work. I wake up every day and just smile because I woke up.” – Liel Shitrit
How can mindfulness improve our mind and body wellness? And how do our thoughts impact the body? In this episode of Spiritually Hungry, we speak with Dr. Ellen Langer to learn what four decades of mindfulness research has taught her about the relationship between mental attitude and physical health.“If we see mind and body as a single unit, then wherever you’re putting the mind, you’re necessarily putting the body, which gives us enormous control over our health.” – Dr. Langer Further Readings:The Mindful Body: Thinking Our Way to Chronic Health, by Ellen J. LangerTo join Monica for the Living Your Values: International Women's Day Panel on Zoom on March 7th at 1pm EST, please register here:
Comments (10)

Mahaw HtikeLay


Aug 22nd

robert blodgett


May 27th


Hi i love sex my contact))) here

Mar 16th

Rebecca Marmaduke

Thanks for this. Perfect for ending this year. "What is my soul meant to do in this world?" The Creator is ever present ❤️

Dec 25th

Mahdi ML


Dec 14th

Aakash Amanat

"Spiritually Hungry" is an engaging and thought-provoking podcast that delves deep into the realms of spirituality and personal growth. Hosted by [Host Name], this podcast is a compelling resource for individuals seeking to nourish their inner selves and explore the dimensions of spirituality. The podcast stands out for its wide-ranging content, covering topics such as meditation, mindfulness, self-discovery, and various spiritual traditions. The host's in-depth interviews with spiritual leaders, practitioners, and experts bring a diverse range of perspectives, making "Spiritually Hungry" a well-rounded resource for listeners of all backgrounds.

Oct 25th

Pablo Hernandez

I am deeply grateful for this brave and honorable act you just did. The loss of a loved one brings so many emotions, I have been contemplating my life for quite a while and I found this episode. You have been a source of inspiration and vast knowledge in Kabbalah. The both of you have settled my emotions to a calm state and I can breathe. Thnx again, Pablo Hernandez

Apr 13th

Felix Caje

how can i differenciate when to small my ego and when i have to put a stop to somenone hurting me emocionally?

Sep 21st

Felix Caje

thanks very much

Sep 21st

Chrysa Barmpounaki

I am so ever grateful for this broadcast from Monica and Michael Berg ❤️ I am looking forward to listening and expanding my knowledge and belief in the spiritual path of Kabbalah. The world right now is in so much need for their podcast.

Jun 16th