Spurgeon Legacy Podcast

<p>Welcome to the Spurgeon Legacy Podcast! <br><br></p><p>This podcast is a production of CHSpurgeon.com, which exists to share helpful resources by and about the Prince of Preachers, Charles Haddon Spurgeon.<br><br>Each week we'll explore Spurgeon's enduring ministry through unabridged audio sermons delivered with the dynamic of live preaching, essays, devotionals, and selections from Spurgeon’s writings, as well as interviews with authors, biographers, and others who appreciate Spurgeon’s ministry.<br><br></p><p>I encourage you to subscribe and join me each week as we are encouraged by the life and legacy of CH Spurgeon to grow in the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ.</p>

The Great Jail (and How to Get Out of It) | A Spurgeon Sermon on Galatians 3:22

"We preach, at God’s command, the way of salvation by mercy, not by merit; by faith, not by works; by grace, not by the efforts of men. May God help us so to set forth that principle, that many may accept it. I do not care one snap of my finger about preaching so that the style shall please the ear, but I long to reach your hearts. I want you to receive the only sure method of salvation, and I pray the Holy Ghost to baptize my words in his own mighty fire, and make them to burn their way into...


The Spurgeon Heritage Collection — A Conversation with Curator Geoff Chang

The Spurgeon Library at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has become the primary location for Spurgeon scholarship. It contains the bulk of Spurgeon’s personal library — more than 6,000 volumes — as well as artifacts from his life, such as his preaching rail, his writing desk, and even pews from the church where he was converted.The Spurgeon Library recently acquired the Spurgeon Heritage Collection, adding many more of his writings and personal belongings, including personal letters, m...


ONWARD! A CH Spurgeon Sermon on Philippians 3:13-14

“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 3:13-14In the sermon "Onward," Charles Spurgeon focuses on Philippians 3:13-14, where the Apostle Paul speaks about pressing forward toward the goal of spiritual maturity and eternal life. Spurgeon exhorts believers to follow P...


CH Spurgeon on Borrowing Books: A Lesson for Book Lovers

"I do not like being security for a man that he will return books, for no ordinary mortals ever do so." — CH SpurgeonC.H. Spurgeon, who had a personal library of 12,000 books, was especially aware of the problem of people borrowing books without returning them.So was the Prince of Preachers against borrowing and loaning books? Here's what he had to say on the matter.— ADDITIONAL RESOURCES —✉️ Subscribe to CHSpurgeon.com for timeless Spurgeon sermons delivered with the dynamic of live preachin...


Pride and Humility: A CH Spurgeon sermon on Proverbs 18:12

“Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honor is humility.” — Proverbs 18:12In "Pride and Humility," CH Spurgeon lays out the contrasting natures of pride and humility, emphasizing the destructive nature of pride and the virtues of humility. He warns that pride leads to downfall and separation from God, while humility aligns us with God's grace and wisdom. Spurgeon encourages believers to cultivate humility as a Christ-like attribute, reminding them that true greatness in ...


Spurgeon: A Life — A Conversation with Biographer Alex DiPrima

Welcome to the Spurgeon Legacy Podcast. Each week we’ll explore Spurgeon’s enduring ministry through unabridged audio sermons delivered with the dynamic of live preaching, essays, devotionals, and selections from Spurgeon’s writings, as well as interviews with authors, biographers, and Spurgeon scholars.On this episode we’ll get to hear from Alex DiPrima, pastor of Emanuel Church in Winston Salem North Carolina — Pastor Alex has a new book out titled 'Spurgeon: A Life - A Biography of t...


Meet CH Spurgeon's Alter Ego: John Ploughman

On this episode we’ll be hearing an excerpt from an extremely popular Spurgeon book, John Ploughman’s Pictures.Published in 1881, John Ploughman’s Pictures is a sequel to the earlier John Ploughman’s Talk. In each of these books, Spurgeon uses the persona of John Ploughman, a plain-spoken, hardworking farmer, to convey insights on Christian living and common-sense.This is one of my favorite Spurgeon books. It uses practical, folksy wisdom and Spurgeon’s wit and spiritual insight to help “men ...


A Gospel Worth Dying For — A CH Spurgeon Sermon on Acts 20:24

In “A Gospel Worth Dying For,” Charles Spurgeon proclaims the unparalleled value of the Gospel of Grace. He emphasizes that the true gospel is worth living for and worth dying for. Spurgeon underscores the necessity of faith in Jesus Christ and the assurance of salvation it brings, presenting the gospel as the ultimate truth worth proclaiming and defending. He calls believers to live and, if necessary, die for this message of divine grace.This sermon was delivered on August 12, 1883 and was o...


The Legacy of CH Spurgeon

Welcome to this introductory episode of the Spurgeon Legacy Podcast This podcast is a production of CHSpurgeon.com, which exists to share helpful resources by and about the Prince of Preachers, Charles Haddon Spurgeon.My name is Clay Kraby, and I’m your host here on the Spurgeon Legacy podcast. I’ve had an interest in Spurgeon since I first encountered his sermons online while in college. As providence would have it, I was introduced to the Prince of Preachers through the very recorded s...


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