Stable Pursuits

Stable Pursuits is Artelon's journey of more than two decades pursuing innovations that restore full life and activity following a tendon or ligament injury. Here you'll find our stories on this journey and discussions around current indications where our products are advancing expectations as the leader in tendon and ligament restoration.

Balancing Act: Soft Tissues and Total Ankles

Drs. Greg Berlet and Bret Smith focus on the soft tissue side of total ankles, and why the next wave of innovation in ankle joint replacement will be led by better balancing.


An Inside Job: The Medial Ankle

Foot and Ankle Specialists Patrick Bull, DO (Columbus, OH) and Peter Mangone, MD (Asheville, NC) join host Richmond Weaver in a discussion centered on the history, current state, and future of medial ankle reconstruction.


Active Stabilizers: The Peroneals

The ankle joint is a relatively small joint able to withstand forces up to 10x someone's body weight with a unique structure compromised of both passive and active stabilizers like the peroneal tendons. Dr. Oliver Schipper, Dr. Ryan Scott and Dr. Steven Neufeld describe the unique characteristics of these stabilizers and the challenges when treating injuries to these active stabilizers.


The Hands We Walk On

The foot and ankle functional unit is often referred to as the 'hands we walk on' because of the complexity of the unit itself. How do we treat ankle injuries based on these complexities and what new innovations have evolved and more with Dr. Robert Anderson and Dr. Kent Ellington.


Introducing Stable Pursuits

Additional audio clips: NBC Sports


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