This story begins after a long and devastating war that has left The Federation in shambles. The pressing mission for the remaining ships in Star Fleet is to travel the war-torn galaxy's and find old alleys to reunite under one federation. Many of the classic Star Trek races make an appearance in this series including the Klingons, Romulans and everyone's favorite the Borg! This book is fast paced and a very creative read. It comes recommended highly for anyone who has followed Star Trek and it also fills in a good amount of background information for those less well versed in the subject.
Believe it or not this is what I go to sleep each night listening to. I enjoy the show Eric. Thanks. Wish there were more of these episodes on Lost Frontier podcast.
Kelvin Coldwell
why is this no longer able to download but still listed I want to hear this story 😞
Blk Blu
any1!any1? u!u should keep distance from s/th !
Blk Blu
think twice!what u sheared!
Tracy Babione
Believe it or not this is what I go to sleep each night listening to. I enjoy the show Eric. Thanks. Wish there were more of these episodes on Lost Frontier podcast.