Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Resurgence

With the fall of the Sith and the Exile's departure from the known regions of space, a small group of unlikely heroes find themselves wrapped up in a scheme to destroy the Republic and the Restoration of the Jedi Order. Will they be able to resist the pull of the Dark Side or will the Light triumph another day?

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Resurgence Episode 10 - Desperation of the Sojourn

The battle rages above Dromund Kaas! The Jedi defends have cornered the Saboteur, however, she has more than one trick up her sleeve! Admiral Onasi and Tirhar play a dangerous game of battle tactics!


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Resurgence Episode 9 - Saboteur

The Republic and Sith Fleets race to Dromund Kaas. The confrontation is set to begin, but a saboteur amongst the Sojourn crew tilts the balance!


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Resurgence Episode 8 - Kashyyyk

The relief fleet arrives to Kashyyyk, taking on the final supplies needed to assist Dromund Kaas. The Forces of Light and Dark make their final preparations that will shatter the fragile peace holding the Galaxy together.


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Resurgence Episode 7 - Assembly

Having journeyed to Illum, Padawan's Kai and Aiden begin assembling their Lightsabers under the guidance of Master Vaan. Meanwhile, the plot against the Republic continues as Zuqil's undercover operation proceeds unhindered as the relief mission ships begin their journey towards Kashyyyk, the Wookie homeworld.


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Resurgence Episode 6 - The Gathering

Taimu and Zuqil come to blows regarding their super weapon, while Tirhar takes steps to confront the Republic directly. Kai and Aiden undertake the next step in their training, obtaining their own Kyber Crystals from the planet of Illum.


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Resurgence Minisode 1: Tirhar Origins

Go back in time to witness the event which set Tirhar and Haydrian on their course to strike back against the Republic and the other Sith members.


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Resurgence Episode 5 - The Circle

As the weeks go on, Kai and Aiden's training progresses. The Senate finds itself in session, attempting to bring balance and support to Dromund Kaas, a former Sith world. The Sith infiltrate the one of the highest levels of Senate.


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Resurgence Episode 4 - Tython Planet of Mysteries

Their new home chosen, our Light Side adventurers make planetfall and begin their training. All the while, political intrigue enters the scene introducing a new conflict between the Senator of Naboo and the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. And the Sith begin their next moves.


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Resurgence Episode 3 - Questions and Answers

Aiden has successfully gotten the attention of Admiral Onasi and they rush to save Kai, Teresa, Somus, and HK-35 from the clutches of Lord Tirhar and Darth Tanqil. Will they be in time to save their friends or will space light up in glorious combat?


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Resurgence Episode 2 - The Desolation of Hoth

The Logan Star is captured! The Infernal prepares to test fire it's new doomsday weapon! Will the test be successful or end in utter failure?


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Resurgence Episode 1 - Light in Darkness

The Opening Chapter to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Resurgence and the introduction to the cast of characters the story focuses upon.


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