As our heroes journey to the enigmatic Blue Planet, Rishi, they find themselves navigating treacherous terrains, both physically and politically. On their quest to transfer vital data and find refuge, they're caught in a web of pirate politics, Mandalorian intrigue, and the ever-elusive Mr. G. An unexpected ambush in the bustling docks and a mysterious intervention from the skies will leave you on the edge of your seat. Meanwhile, in the backdrop, shifting alliances signal greater cosmic conspiracies at play. Dive into an episode packed with deception, camaraderie, and the shadows of old friends and foes.This episode wasProduced, Written, and Directed by H.C. OGDENSound Design and Soundtrack by Cam Lee, @killercamlee on socialCo-Written, and Co-Directed by Eli CaswellCo-Produced by Eli Caswell and Cam LeeFor the rest of the Scarlet Crew, we’ve got:H.C. OGDEN @h.c.ogden, as Killik Faz and SkippyEli Caswell @thepr0phecy17, as Zeb GeboroLindsay Zana @lindsayzana, as AegeonAnd c.E @c.E, as Hector SilberwolfAlso joining us this episode, in order of appearance, we have:Julianna Wolfe, as MasterMia Rorah, @miava96 on CCC, as NajaahCommanderDorr on CCC, as GA Armed ForcesRobb on CCC, as Cug LimEthan Farrell, @farreep, as Mr. GBill Stephenson, @canadianvoiceovers, as ZomoMercBandit on CCC, as Hired ThugsBrian @_SBBrian, as Cloaked FigureJames Cattle, @javaman on CCC, as RishiiMary-Anne Stanek @MaryStanVA, as OfficerBen Parks, as General Gotev KavikonAnd Kris Wentworth, as Moff Drikl LecersonFor a full list of credits for the episode, including any minor or extra roles, please visit & Death on the Rim is a work of fanfiction, created inside the Star Wars Expanded Universe. A big thank you to Lucasfilm and Disney for providing such a rich world to create in. Life & Death on the Rim is a listener-supported podcast and we welcome you to please visit our website at if you’d like to learn more about how you can support the series and others like it. This is a non-profit, unofficial fan-series that is not intended for commercial use. Star Wars is owned by Lucasfilm/Disney and this fan-series is not connected in any way to said companies.
Welcome to Episode I: Fractured! In this adventure, we're venturing to a distant, enigmatic planet on the Outer Rim.This episode is a whirlwind of emotions, expertly blending high-octane action, uncharted adventures, touching moments of sorrow, and just the right dash of comedy to keep you smiling.We've poured our hearts into creating this well-rounded experience, and we hope it will sweep you off your feet. So, buckle up and prepare for a stellar adventure with us. Your support means the universe to us, and we're thrilled to have you aboard on this journey.Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to keep up with our cosmic quest. Enjoy the ride!This episode wasProduced, Written, and Directed by H.C. OGDENSound Design and Soundtrack by Cam Lee, @killercamlee on socialCo-Written, and Co-Directed by Eli CaswellCo-Produced by Eli Caswell and Cam LeeFor the rest of the Scarlet Crew, we’ve got:H.C. OGDEN @h.c.ogden, as Killik FazEli Caswell @thepr0phecy17, as Zeb Geboro and Liam HuntLindsay Zana @lindsayzana, as Aegeonand c.E, @c.E on social as Hector Silberwolf, Intro Narrator, and Pesh VeerAlso joining us this episode, in order of appearance, we have:Sam Williams, as Rodian Port Authority OfficerJade, @jadisnebula, as JobSpotAnd Mia Rorah, @miava96 on CCC, as NajaahThanks to Bill Stephenson, @canadianvoiceovers and c.E for their Introduction NarrationLife & Death on the Rim is a work of fanfiction, created inside the Star Wars Expanded Universe. A big thank you to Lucasfilm and Disney for providing such a rich world to create in. Life & Death on the Rim is a listener-supported podcast and we welcome you to please visit our website at if you’d like to learn more about how you can support the series and others like it. This is a non-profit, unofficial fan-series that is not intended for commercial use. Star Wars is owned by Lucasfilm/Disney and this fan-series is not connected in any way to said companies.
In the explosive Prologue of our series, alliances shatter and a deadly chase begins across the stars. A refused call sows the seeds of a larger conspiracy. Welcome to a universe of treachery and unexpected heroes.This episode wasProduced, Written, and Directed by H.C. OGDENSound Design and Soundtrack by Cam Lee, @killercamlee on socialCo-Written, and Co-Directed by Eli CaswellCo-Produced by Eli Caswell and Cam LeeH.C. OGDEN @h.c.ogden as Killik FazEli Caswell @thepr0phecy17, as Zeb Geboro, Gorga the Hutt, and Liam Huntc.E @c.E, as Hector Silberwolfand Lindsay Zana, @lindsayzana on social as AegeonAlso joining us this episode, in order of appearance, we have:Mia Rorah, @miaerorah as NajaahJessica Hart as Havilla GurnerBill Stephenson, @canadianvoiceovers, as ZomoMagellanator on CCC, as Ware DealerRyleyCrouseVA on CCC, as Laborer One and Speeder PilotKookabruva on CCC, as Laborer TwoRobb on CCC, as ForemanCaitlin Smith, @vampirechick15, as ShopkeeperMoralSupport on CCC, as TownsmanPheonixSolaris on CCC, as GuardKeegash on CCC, and CommanderDorr on CCC, as GA Armed ForcesKris Wentworth, as Moff Drikl LecersonBen Parks, as General Gotev KavikonAnd Mary-Anne Stanek @MaryStanVA, as OfficerFor an extended list of credits for this episode, please visit our website at & Death on the Rim is a work of fanfiction, created inside the Star Wars Expanded Universe. A big thank you to Lucasfilm and Disney for providing such a rich world to create in. Life & Death on the Rim is a listener-supported podcast and we welcome you to please visit our website at if you’d like to learn more about how you can support the series and others like it. This is a non-profit, unofficial fan-series that is not intended for commercial use. Star Wars is owned by Lucasfilm/Disney and this fan-series is not connected in any way to said companies.
A sneak preview of the upcoming series Star Wars: Life & Death on the Rim.