Liz has a background of miracles and has learned through both disappointment and success what it really means to follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost, even when it seems totally crazy. In this episode you'll hear about how God can use an impossible situation to make amazing things happen. You can check out her book at or at Cedar Fort Publishing and tune into her podcast as well at
Last year the creators of the wisdom app (which you can find here: said they liked what they heard on here and asked if I would be interested in being one of their Top Mentors when they launched. So this is the first posting of a recording from a live Episode where I talk with Rosalie Peterson about Peace in Christ.More Mentor talks to come.
Ana Katia has a story of finding family like few others. This is an episode where you'll hear a story of confusion overcome with prayer, unsteadiness overcome with friends, impossible odds overcome with the guidance of the Holy Ghost and surprise obstacles overcome with miracles from God. Ana's story is one that illustrates the importance of seeking, valuing, finding and creating the record of the human soul. Find yours and use those of our ancestors. You can find more about Ana at Here is the link to the talk mentioned in this episode:
Wow, I never thought I'd be doing an episode so involved with sports, but in this one Tom Holmoe uses the scriptures and some person experience to illustrate why true freedom comes from following the Lord's counsel in the scriptures as a guide for balancing family with sport and work life. He gives some excellent examples of how the Lord can use each of us in different ways to access His power and build healthy family relationships now matter how demanding your career gets. The link to Joy D. Jones talked mentioned in this episode: If you like this episode please share it everywhere you can and click that follow button on Feedback and questions can be sent to our page on facebook at
This is a story of saying "NO!" to letting trauma run your life. Paul Cirilo talks in this episode about her own learning process as she went through rehab as a result of circumstances out of her control. She gives some awesome advice about learning to have compassion on others and ourselves and why the scriptures she chose are good for anyone who is suffering as a result of trauma not caused by their own choices. If you like this episode, please share this everyone you can. For feedback and question, please contact us at our facebook page:
Kevin Martell is one of those guys who is both a work horse and can talk for HOURS about why including God in your daily fight is always a good idea. In this episode he talks about the Lord's involvement in his ability to break the cycle of generational alcoholism and has a lot to say about why acting in faith and seeking for Christ is always the best option in any fight against the mortal in each of us. If you like this episode please share it wherever you can. You can email any questions or comments to our facebook page at
Our friend Jilly returns to the show to discuss why forgiveness and humility in our weaknesses is such a powerful tool for personal peace, including a few powerful practices she has made a part of her life. Elder Christofferson's Talk: If you like this episode please share it wherever you can. You can email any questions or comments to
Jeff and Cathy Teichert have a ton of experience with learning from relationship challenges and in this episodes connect their wisdom to the benefits of learning to act instead of being acted upon. This one is a must listen! More about their Love In Later Years (LILY) organization: Facebook: Website: Podcast: Youtube: If you like this episode please share it wherever you can. You can email any questions or comments to
Having gone from being the "sports guy" of the Bonner Family, Yahosh's transformation into a public speaker, big time vocalist and movie star illustrates just what can happen when live up to our potential by coming to understand our worth in God's eyes and become willing to go with His plan instead of ours. You can find his family's Christmas album here and on Apple Music, Amazon, Seagull Book, Spotify, Youtube, Pandora, iHeart Radio and Deezer You can find out more about his movie, His Name is Greenflake here: If you like this episode please share it wherever you can. You can email any questions or comments to
Life Coach and USU graduate Nicole Shepard gives several great insights into perfect via little steps and being satisfied with every little bit of growth and progress we achieve as we incorporate the light of Christ into the process. Links: Book of Mormon Central's Come Follow Me The Body Keeps A Score Planted: Belief and Belonging in an Age of Doubt Nicole's Instagram Nicole's Podcast If you like this episode please share it wherever you can. You can email any questions or comments to
A professional genealogist, our sister Adele, joins us in this episode to discuss ways in which testimonies of Christ help us in our path to Godly freedom, drawing on multiple examples from our own experiences as well as those of Christ's special witnesses, the apostles and prophets. Email to inquire about Adele's genealogy services. Her website is For mental health coaching (not therapy) visit If you like this episode please share it wherever you can. You can email any questions or comments to
If you ever worry about stage fright or public speaking or overcoming any weakness for that matter, Todd talks, in this episode, about his journey overcoming being painfully shy to the point that he produced and hosted his own T.V. show, The Story Trek in BYUTV, 12 seasons of it, to be exact! You'll love Todd's candor and testimony of how the Lord helped him become someone he never thought possible. Now he teaches other how to do it and you can learn more from him at If you like this episode please share it wherever you can. You can email any questions or comments to
Essie Hopkins is, most simply put, a wonderful ball of joyful energy and endless optimism. She lights up every room she walks into. This is both despite and because of experiences she shares in this episode about a few scriptures that show the value of drawing from the wells of salvation, including the deepest and most wonderful well of light, our Savior Jesus Christ If you like this episode please share it wherever you can. You can email any questions or comments to
Sorry It's been so long. Work schedules and such have made getting this out difficult to do. In Season III we'll be basing our theme on freedom in the scriptures. Each guest will be talking about specific scriptures that have helped them gain personal freedom in their lives. In this episode listeners will get to hear a more focused background on Collette and a general overview of our plans for this season! Happy listening! If you like this episode please share it wherever you can. You can email any questions or comments to
A few thoughts to start the New Year off right and some exciting news for future episodes! Email for more information.
In Hark The Herald Angels Sing, there is so much goodness in a short two verses and in this one we invite you all to consider the healing and renewal found through Jesus Christ. Email with any questions. Please click that "follow" link on if you like what you heard here. Written reviews are also helpful on iTunes, Stitcher or Facebook
Oh Come, Let Us Adore Him is repeated 12 times in the Hymn "Oh Come All Ye Faithful". We talk about why that is as well as why and how to find ways to adore Him yourself this 2020 Christmas and how to help others adore Him. Here is John Bytheway's video we mentioned: and the song Peace in the Storm from last season: Email with any questions. Please click that "follow" link on if you like what you heard here. Written reviews are also helpful on iTunes, Stitcher or Facebook
In this first of four Christmas music episodes to end off Season II, Collette and I sing Far, Far Away on Judea's Plains and explore the lyrics and how they relate to those who experienced parts of Christ's birth and childhood first hand. Scriptures referenced: Luke 1:26-38; 2:8-20; Matt 1:18-25; 2:1-2,11-12; 1 Nephi 11:13-23; Helaman 13-14,16; 3 Nephi 1; Hymn 212, Doctrine and Covenants 45:71 Email with any questions. Please click that "follow" link on if you like what you heard here. Written reviews are also helpful on iTunes, Stitcher or Facebook
Paul has quite a unique and comprehensive experience dealing with different types of grief and finding solace and peace from and even within those times. In this episode he gives some wonderful ideas as to how we can all go about finding that as well as giving it. Find the collaboration between Paul and JD Netto, The Broken Miracle, book and CD for pre-order here: Email with any questions. Please click that "follow" link on if you like what you heard here. Written reviews are also helpful on iTunes, Stitcher or Facebook
After President Russell M. Nelson's #givethanks challenge, we - well, mostly Collette ;) - thought it appropriate to give a recap of what we learned from it and hopefully inspire you and your loved ones to apply D&C 78:19 and find more freedom in that. Email with any questions. Please click that "follow" link on if you like what you heard here. Written reviews are also helpful on iTunes, Stitcher or Facebook