Stepping into Purpose

<p>Stepping into Purpose is a weekly show with Highly Sensitive Person and Empowerment Coach Lydia Gillman. <br />As an HSP with 2 highly sensitive children, Lydia knows the challenges of growing up in a society that isn't designed for those with heightened sensitivity, and is passionate about sharing her journey navigating the challenges that inevitably show up, and helping others realize and harness the superpowers that come with being an HSP, and following the call to find their highest purpose and live the life their soul intended.  Searching for her own higher calling, Lydia finally found it in midlife, and with a little wink from the Universe, that passion is to help other HSPs find their highest purpose and live the life their souls intended.<br /> The Stepping into Purpose podcast shares education about HSPs, stories from Lydia's own journey, and interviews from inspiring people, living their best life, from around the globe.<br /> A new episode will drop every Friday, so make sure to subscribe, rate and review, and follow Lydia on Instagram for daily inspiration @lydiagillman.lovetoatee</p>

Breathing Through Resistance and Stuck Emotions with Jen Liss

Welcome to  Episode 28 -  Breathing Through Resistance and Stuck Emotions with Jen Liss.The healing modality of breathwork is a relatively recent discovery for me, and I have enthusiastically dived into exploring the effects for myself, as well as learning the science behind why it's so powerful.  My experiences have confirmed and backed up what the research has claimed, and regular intentional breathwork sessions are something I'm working on incorporating into my daily routine.   With all this, I'm especially excited to welcome my guest, Jen Liss for this week's episode. Jen is a podcaster, speaker, and breathwork facilitator, and she has been a great mentor for me as someone a few years ahead of me on this podcasting journey.  Her focus in her work is to motivate people and help them see and step into their gifts. The breath work complements this important work perfectly by working with the nervous systems and emotions to release blocks that stop people from stepping into their purpose. Halfway through the episode, Jen shares a simple but powerful exercise, which has been really useful for me and my family since I learned it from Jen a few months ago. Please try it, and let me know your experience! I will share that particular section in a YouTube video if you want to go back to it easily and watch as Jen talks you through it.Check out all Jen's offerings including her Brilliant Breathwork membership  on her website Also be sure to follow her on Instagram @untetheredjen Please follow along and consider leaving a review, it really helps!Also please share with a friend who you think might benefit.Thanks for listening!Follow along on Instagram, I'd love to see you there!


My Year Long Hero's Journey

Welcome to  Episode 27 - "My Year Long Hero's Journey" My family and I have just returned to our home country of New Zealand after a year in Brisbane, Australia.While only a 3 hour flight from NZ, it was quite the adventure as it was a place that we didn't really know anyone, or have family support.As a result there was a lot of time where it was just the 4 of us, & we had some fantastic highs, but also some traumatic moments too...The year away was very bonding for us as a family, & it was perfect to have that relationship strengthening time as both my kids enter adolesence. I loved the tropical climate, & living in a much bigger city, & all the benefits that came with that - but my husband never really settled, missing our network of family and friends back in NZ. He was pretty keen for us to return home pretty early on, especially when he found his job didn't meet his expectations. I wanted to stay  - at least for another year, so he stuck his job out until the end of the year, then applied for three others. One back in NZ and two where  we lived in Brisbane. He was offered the job back in NZ very quickly, but then we had to wait  a painstakingly long time over Christmas and New Year's to hear back from the other two, ultimately resulting in a "No" from both. Its difficult in a relationship when you both want different things, but this result made it a lot simpler. The work opportunity was back in NZ, so we felt like the Universe had made it clear to us where we needed to be.By this time, we had two weeks lease left on the house we were living in, & nearly the beginning  of the school year in NZ, so we booked flights and had a whirlwind two weeks making arrangments to ship our furniture, pack up our house, organise our cat to return  to NZ,  pull the kids out of their schools, resign from jobs and say goodbye to our friends! ( Not to mention sell our car, which happened only a FEW HOURS before we flew out! ) While I thought we would be away a lot longer, the whole adventure was a year, & when I look back, it really was the classic hero's journey cycle for all 4 of us. We answered the call whispering in our hearts, & set off full of enthusiasm & excitement. There were highs, there were lows, & at the very end,  especially in the last few days before our flight, we were under the pump, & had a multitude of dragons to  slay, & fires to put out, before we returned home victorious  - wiser & more evolved than we were a year earlier (though battered, bruised and exhausted from the sheer effort of packing up our entire house and lives within 2 weeks!) I'm excited to announce I've launched my new store Love to a Tee!Designed to spread messages of love and inspiration, and to start a movement -a Love Revolution, to wake humanity up to the power they carry within, and remind them who they REALLY are. Spiritual beings having a human experience, rather than what most people think they are - human beings who might occasionally have a spiritual experience.Please check out the store, and let me know what you think!www.lovetoatee.comPlease follow along and consider leaving a review, it really helps!Also please share with a friend who you think might benefit.Thanks for listening!If you prefer, you can watch this episode on my YouTube Channel: Episode: along on Instagram, I'd love to see you there!


Allowing My Voice To Be Heard: One Year Of Podcasting!

Welcome to  Episode 26 - "Allowing My Voice To Be Heard: One Year Of Podcasting!" Today marks ONE YEAR of the Stepping into Purpose Podcast, so I just had to mark the occassion with a solo episode, to express my gratitude, and share my intentions and obstacles behind starting the podcast.Today also marks one year since my family and I boarded an airplane with our lives packed in 2 suitcases each, and started a new life in a new country. Interestingly, a year to the day of moving here, the Universe has other plans for us, and we are in the chaotic throes of packing our lives, furniture, and cat, and moving back in about a week. I've loved it here, but my husband has struggled being away from family and friends, and when a great work opportunity opened up back in NZ for him, a few doors here also closed, and the decision was almost made for us. If there's one lesson that has been repeated over and again for me in the last year. it has been in "renouncing the fruit of my actions". To do things because they are aligned, but then not getting attached to the outcome. I have had SO many learning opportunities to put this into practice over the past year!I have just launched my new venture, Love to a Tee!Designed to spread messages of love and inspiration, and to start a movement, a Love Revolution, to wake humanity up to the power they carry within, and remind them who they REALLY are. Spiritual beings having a human experience, instead of the other way round - human beings who occasionally have a spiritual experience.Please check out the store, and let me know what you think! www.lovetoatee.comPlease follow along and consider leaving a review, it really helps! Also please share with a friend who you think might benefit. Thanks for listening! Follow along on Instagram, I'd love to see you there!


Surrender - My Word of the Year

Welcome to the Stepping into Purpose Podcast!In today's solo episode "SURRENDER - My Word Of The Year", I talk about how coping with uncertainty and challenges that have come with the past year has lead me to my word of the year - SURRENDER. It's been pretty meta that I resisted choosing this as my word this year - I felt like if I let go, everything would fall apart. But my heart knows this is the only way to really live our purpose - holding a vision for what we want, but then letting go and surrendering to the highest good, is a core practice on the spiritual path. So - 2024  - lets GO! In the episode I talk about my new venture, Love to a Tee!please check out the store, and let me know what you think! www.lovetoatee.comIf you prefer, you can watch this episode on YouTube subscribe for more episodes,  and share with a friend who might benefit. Thanks for listening! Follow along on Instagram, I'd love to see you there!


Harnessing Your Past for a Purposeful Present

Welcome to the Stepping into Purpose Podcast!In this Episode "Harnessing your Past for a Purposeful Present",  I share a beautiful conversation I had with Mitzi Campbell, host of the Blessons podcast. Mitzi has an amazing story about how the Universe literally stopped her in her tracks and led her in a completely different and unexpected direction after she got sick with vertigo less than 2 years ago. Stepping into her true purpose in midlife, she is serving so many people through her podcast, speaking gigs, coaching , and signature course Life Story School.In this episode we discuss:- How fortunate we are to have technology enabling us to connect with like-minded people around the globe and how it helps us realize how many other people there are like us, once the container of our geographic location is expanded through the internet. - How we are both highly sensitive, and how useful discovering that was in understanding how we operate, as well as navigating our parenting journey as an HSP. - Mitzi shares tools she uses to help manage feelings and calm her central nervous system.- How beneficial it is to bring our past experiences forward into the present moment to really understand who we are and what beliefs from the past are creating our reality in the present. - How the Universe can literally stop you in your tracks and change your direction - just as Mitzi experienced in the past couple of years. - How it's our responsibility to share an idea or a thought if we feel inspired to do so. We have no idea who is meant to hear it through us - and it's not for us to judge it or feel unworthy to share it - It's time to let our purpose be bigger than our ego's BS!Follow Mitzi on IG: out her website for more information on all her offerings including her most recent addition, the Blessons Book Club! you'd rather watch this episode, check it out on my YouTube channel subscribe for more videos, and share with a friend who might benefit. Thanks for watching! Follow along on Instagram, I'd love to see you there!


Our Children Are Our Greatest Teachers

Welcome to the Stepping into Purpose Podcast!In today's solo episode "Our Children Are Our Greatest Teachers", I reflect on my earlier life, and share a memory of being at High School, and unexpectedly crying in the middle of a class one day,  unable to stop.' Something deep inside me couldn't bear it anymore - the showing up every day, trying to fit in, conforming to what was expected of me, and I just couldn't hold it back anymore. I see the same with one of my children, being in the first year of High School, and not being able to get out of the car some days and show up for it. I put a lot of this down to being highly sensitive, and trying to fit into a system that wasn't designed for us, and inherently goes against the way we're wired. I'm doing a FREE workshop sharing the strategies I've found useful in navigating the unique challenges we face in parenting  HS kids. Friday, November 10th: 2pm  PST/ 5pm EST (Saturday 11th 9am AEDT)If you're a parent wanting to create a safe and supportive space for your sensitive child in a world that feels crazy right now, my live training is just for you - sign up HERE! In this FREE 50 minute Workshop, I'm going to show you how to:Transform emotional chaos into serene harmony by mastering strategies that create a peaceful home environment for you and your highly sensitive child.Turn the struggle of understanding and communicating with your child into a deeply connected, harmonious relationship through empathetic parenting strategies.Gain empowering strategies and tools designed to overcome the unique hurdles of nurturing sensitive children, equipping you with the confidence to navigate these challenges with clarity and assurance.Sign up below and join us for this value-packed FREE Workshop! Sign up HERE to join this value-packed FREE workshop on:Friday, November 10th: 2pm  PST/ 5pm EST (Saturday 11th 9am AEDT)Please share this episode and workshop link with anyone you think might benefit. Thank you for watching, and please consider rating and reviewing!If you prefer, you can watch this (and other) episodes on my YouTube channel always, thanks to Purple Planet Music for the tunes!


Supporting Your Highly Sensitive Child Through Challenging Times

Welcome to the Stepping into Purpose Podcast!In today's solo episode "Supporting your Highly Sensitive Child Through A Challenging Time", I share what's been on my mind and heart as we navigate such an unsettling time in the world.   It's a heartbreaking time for us all, and our kids, especially empathic and highly sensitive children, can feel the tension going on. While it's important to be honest about the reality of what's going on, I think we also need to protect them (and ourselves!) from the barrage of media input  -  blasting disturbing images and information on repeat. Be mindful of what you let into you and your children's consciousness, and make your home a safe haven, cocooned from the problems of the world, so they feel safe and protected.I'm doing a FREE workshop for parents of highly sensitive, empathic, and anxious children, sharing strategies I've found useful in navigating the unique challenges we face in parenting  HS kids. Friday, November 10th: 2pm  PST/ 5pm EST (Saturday 11th 9am AEDT)If you're a parent wanting to create a safe and supportive space for your sensitive child in a world that feels crazy right now, my live training is just for you - Sign up HERE! In this FREE 50 minute Workshop, I'm going to show you how to:Transform emotional chaos into serene harmony by mastering strategies that create a peaceful home environment for you and your highly sensitive child.Turn the struggle of understanding and communicating with your child into a deeply connected, harmonious relationship through empathetic parenting strategies.Gain empowering strategies and tools designed to overcome the unique hurdles of nurturing sensitive children, equipping you with the confidence to navigate these challenges with clarity and assurance.Sign up below and join us for this value-packed FREE Workshop! Sign up HERE to join us on:Friday, November 10th: 2pm  PST/ 5pm EST (Saturday 11th 9am AEDT)Please share this episode and workshop link with anyone you think might benefit. Thank you for listening, and please subscribe or leave us a review, it's SO appreciated! As always, thanks to Purple Planet Music for the tunes!


Living From the Heart as a Highly Sensitive Person with Rain Elizabeth Stickney

In this episode, I talk to Rain Elizabeth Stickney, a beautiful human being who is the embodiment of someone living from their heart. Rain has her own healing practice, as well as being a meditation teacher and podcaster with her own show, Every Moment is Sacred. In this episode we talk about following our hearts to a point where we are each living our purpose, and our mutual excitement and curiosity for what the second half of life holds for each of us, as we both approach 50. We talk about our shared experience of being a Highly Sensitive Person, and Rain shares about being a High Sensation Seeking HSP,  and how she experiences this added dimension in her life.Rain has a special gift for drawing people into their hearts - I find her presence so soothing, and simply by being on this call with her, I was pulled deeply into my heart space. Check out the meditations on her podcast to experience the same magic! Rain also shares her amazing story of how she came to be in this world, and how she received her name, Rain. As I kept saying in the episode, Rain is such a gift in this world, and it was such a delight to have this conversation with her,  Definitely check out her podcast Every Moment is Sacred on all major podcast platforms for one of her meditations or enlightening conversations! Check out her website: rainelizabeth.orgAnd follow her on IG:  @pictures_of_presencePlease subscribe and share this video with someone who might need it - sharing is caring and it really helps!Follow me on IG! @lydiagillman.lovetoateeFor a FREE 30 minute coaching consultation, you can book here⬇ If you'd prefer, you can watch the video version on YouTube @lydiagillmanAs always, thanks to Purple Planet Music for the tunes! 


How To Know If You're A Highly Sensitive Person

Have you heard the term Highly Sensitive Person and wondered whether you were one too? In this episode, I outline the 5 top signs that you or a loved one might be a  highly sensitive person - a common but little-known personality trait that affects up to 30 % of the population!Knowledge is empowering, and for me, knowing I was an HSP, explained a lot, and helped me truly accept this trait as the superpower it is.  Share this episode with a friend or family member who you think might be a Highly Sensitive Person - once you become aware of these indicators, you'll start seeing HSPs all around you! If you prefer video, check out my YouTube channel @lydiagillman for the video version of all my podcast episodes, as well as unique video content centred around supporting HSPs, Empaths, and those who experience anxiety. Check it out HERE!Please consider reviewing and subscribing to the podcast, so you don't miss out on any episodes.  Follow me on IG! a FREE 30-minute coaching consultation, you can book here⬇ for listening!


Turning Your Grief into Purpose

In this episode, I talk to Amanda Kernahan -  the perfect example of someone turning grief into purpose. Amanda shares her story of how life has unfolded for her, following a series of devastating losses in her family, and how she is turning grief into purpose,. By sharing her journey through a blog and the upcoming release of her first book, Amanda is making this difficult path easier for others, in this often closeted experience that we'll all have to navigate at some point in life. After seeing a gap in the market for something she would have appreciated in the midst of this dark time, she started a small business, RememberGrams, creating heartfelt personalized cards and gifts for people grieving a death. I found our conversation so inspiring, and it always fascinates me how life unfolds and leads us to our purpose in a way we could never predict. I can't think of a sweeter person than Amanda to be supporting people navigating what is likely to be the most difficult chapter of their lives. Check out her website: And follow along on IG: you prefer video, you can now watch the Stepping into Purpose Podcast on YouTube!As well as the podcast, the channel also features helpful videos created to support and provide information for highly sensitive people, (HSP's), empaths, and people who experience anxiety. If this resonates with you, check it out here! Please subscribe and share this video with someone who might need it - sharing is caring and it really helps us all!Follow me on IG! a FREE 30 minute coaching consultation, you can book here⬇ for listening!


Humaning Can Be Hard! Especially as a Highly Sensitive Person or Empath.

For some of us, "humaning" can be hard! Especially if you're highly sensitive, an empath, or often feel that you're just not "of this world". Or all of the above, like me!While humaning can be hard, these days, I find it easier than ever before to do life on planet Earth. I see it as the gift that it is,  but it's taken me many years, as well as self-acceptance, and tribe-building to get here! Not to mention developing a toolbelt of exercises and mindset shifts to work with when needed. I discovered my purpose in midlife after years of struggle, and that purpose is to support others going through similar challenges, so they too can overcome their struggles and step into their big purpose.Because there are no extra people on the planet, and we all need to fulfill our own hero's journey!If this resonates, please follow along and join the conversation! I'd love to hear your thoughts. Please subscribe to my channel! This really helps the algorithm, so the messages can spread far and wide. Also, please share this video with a friend who you think might resonate with it!If you're interested in further support, book in for a complimentary 30-minute consultation for you or a loved one,  obligation free! along on Instagram! I'm @lydiagillman.lovetoateeIf you'd like to check out my daily mindset journal for kids, it's available here: For my children's picture book Izzy's Best Friend Forever, you can get it here:


The Mind Is OUR Servant - Breaking free from Anxiety and OCD.

The Mind is OUR Servant. Do you or your children get gripped in anxiety and worry? Suffer from intrusive thoughts and OCD? In this video, The Mind is OUR Servant, I share some of my childhood stories growing up as a highly sensitive, empath long before the term Highly Sensitive Person had been invented (not until I was 18!)  I also struggled with anxiety, trauma, OCD, and was the biggest worrywart! Some of these traits are largely genetic - particularly OCD, and I'm reliving some of my experiences now, as my children have inherited a degree of this affliction as well.  As I told them the other day - it's important to remember that the mind is OUR servant.  It's something that we possess as a tool to better our life, but it can serve us or hinder us  - our minds can become our most potent servants or our most oppressive masters.Awareness can help liberate us from the grip of intrusive thoughts, and the intention of sharing my challenges is that they might serve as a beacon of hope, inspiring viewers to find strength in vulnerability and resilience in the face of mental challenges.If you're tired of feeling enslaved by your thoughts and emotions, this video will empower you to transform your relationship with your mind. Unleash the potential within you to live a life free from the shackles of anxiety and OCD. Watch now and embark on a transformative journey towards inner peace and empowerment. Remember, your mind is your tool, not your ruler – you have the power to rewrite your story.Thank you so much for watching! If you'd rather watch this podcast on YouTube, head over to my channel HERE.And while you're there - PLEASE subscribe!This helps us SO MUCH, encouraging the algorithm to get this work out to more people who need it!Follow along on IG! I'm @lydiagillman.lovetoateeAs always, thanks to Purple Planet Music for the tunes! 


Magic Treatment - The Transformative Power of CranioSacral Therapy

In this episode, I talk to Lisa Foster - a CranioSacral Therapist, who tells her story of how discovering this work has completely changed her life, from the inside out. Lisa shares how she could surrender to a much freer way of living through her work in the field, where she is a much happier person. Lisa has her own practice in Colorado, called Mapleton CranioSacral TherapyCheck out  her website at www.mapletoncst.comFor a CranioSacral Therapist near you, check out  the website Lisa mentioned in the episode - www.upledger.comAlso listen to her podcast Real Life Momz on your favourite podcast platform, or at www.reallifemomz.comThank you so much for watching! If you'd rather watch this podcast on YouTube, head over to my channel HERE. And while you're there - PLEASE subscribe!This helps us SO MUCH, encouraging the algorithm to get this work out to more people who need it! Follow along on IG! I'm @lydiagillman.lovetoateeAs always, thanks to Purple Planet Music for the tunes! 


Surviving to Thriving Through Adversity with Darci Hawxhurst - Part 2

Welcome to Episode 15 of the Stepping into Purpose Podcast! In this episode, I continue my conversation with Darci Hawxhurst - creator of the Vibrant Woman program, helping women recover from burnout and feel their most vital, vibrant selves in their bodies. Darci has an amazing story - from discovering she was pregnant as a college student and deciding to become a single mother, to the harrowing experience she went through, racing to the emergency room in the middle of the night with her 12 day old baby who'd become seriously ill. She could never have predicted the journey that followed, but Darci truly stepped into her power, and as she put it, she "followed the path as it lit up, one step at a time."Darci shares her compelling story in part 2 of this 2-part episode - how she refused to believe the medical professionals who tried to convince her that this was her new reality and that there was nothing she could do to help her daughter except keep her heavily medicated. Darci pioneered a new path and through her refusal to give in, and a lot of hard work, she helped heal her daughter's brain. Today, Haley is a thriving young woman -  who is studying at college! Connect with Darci if you want to find out more about how she worked with her daughter to heal her brain - and to learn more about Darci's program and services:Visit her website : Follow Darci on Instagram: Stepping into Purpose Podcast is now on YouTube! You can find this episode on YouTube  HERE.A big thank you to Purple Planet Music for providing the fantastic tunes! If this episode resonates with you, please subscribe, and consider sharing it with a friend.   Let's share the goodness!Follow along on IG: @lydiagillman.lovetoatee


Surviving to Thriving Through Adversity with Darci Hawxhurst - Part 1

Welcome to Episode 14 of the Stepping into Purpose Podcast! In this episode, I speak to Darci Hawxhurst, the creator of the Vibrant Woman program, helping women recover from burnout and feel their most vital, vibrant selves in their bodies. Darci has an amazing story - from discovering she was pregnant as a college student and deciding to become a single mother, to the harrowing experience she went through, racing to the emergency room in the middle of the night with her 12 day old baby who'd become seriously ill. She could never have predicted the journey that followed, but Darci truly stepped into her power, and as she put it, she "followed the path as it lit up, one step at a time."Darci shares her compelling story in part 1 of this 2-part episode - and be sure to tune in for part 2 next week! To learn more about Darci's program and services, visit her website at You can also follow her on Instagram at Stepping into Purpose podcast is now on YouTube!Watch this episode in video  - Tune in here! And of course, a big thank you to Purple Planet Music for providing the fantastic tunes accompanying our podcast episodes. Thank you for listening! If this episode resonates with you, please subscribe, and consider sharing it with a friend.Let's share the goodness!Follow along on IG: @lydiagillman.lovetoatee


Everything Happens For Our Highest Good (even when it doesn't feel like it!)

 In this solo minisode of "Stepping into Purpose," host Lydia Gillman dives deep into the profound belief that challenging times happen for the best. Drawing from personal experiences and insights, Lydia explores the transformative power of adversity and how it ultimately serves our highest good, even when it feels incredibly difficult.Join Lydia as she shares wisdom and practical advice on how to embrace and navigate tough times with grace and resilience. Discover how these challenging periods can be catalysts for personal growth, self-discovery, and stepping into your true purpose.In this episode, you'll gain insights on:Shifting your perspective on challenging times and reframing them as opportunities for positive change.Cultivating trust in the process and surrendering to the journey, even when it feels uncertain.Extracting valuable lessons and personal growth from difficult experiences.Finding the silver linings and hidden blessings amidst adversity.Uncovering your purpose and aligning it with the challenges you face.Whether you're currently navigating a tough season in your life or simply seeking inspiration, this mini episode will uplift and empower you to view challenging times through a lens of growth and possibility. Join Lydia Gillman on this transformative journey as she reminds you that the best is yet to come, even in the face of adversity.Stepping into Purpose is now on YouTube! @lydiagillmanSubscribe for the latest episodes now with VIDEO plus extra videos too. Previous episodes will be added to the channel soon! along on IG: always, thanks to Purple Planet music for the rockin' tunes!If you or a loved one is suffering with anxiety and overwhelm, I have a  month-long private Voxer support program Master your Anxiety. Drop me a line at for more info. 


WE Are The Next Generation's Greatest Influencers

 In this solo episode, Lydia discusses her role as a mother and the importance of embracing her full potential. By doing so, she aims to inspire her children, particularly her daughter - it's said that as children reach puberty, they look to the same gendered parent to identify with and model themselves on. Drawing from personal experiences, Lydia expresses her strong desire to break the cycle of playing small. She shares anecdotes from her own childhood and her daughter's experiences to highlight the importance of stepping into one's full potential and living your purpose.  Join the conversation: Let us know what you think!Email: lydia@lydia-gillman.comDM or Post on IG: @lydiagillman.lovetoateeIf you think this episode would benefit someone you know, please share it with them! Consider subscribing to the podcast, this helps us so much to get the message out there! As always, thanks to Purple Planet Music for providing the cool beats! 


Managing Our Energy & Nervous Systems as Empaths, People Pleasers & Perfectionists.

In this episode, I am thrilled to meet Brenda Winkle,  a coach, and healer that supports highly sensitive people, over-achievers, perfectionists, people pleasers, and empaths to set boundaries, protect their energy, and heal their nervous systems. As someone who has ticked almost all of those boxes over the course of my life,  I got SO much out of our conversation.  Understanding more about what makes up a Highly Sensitive Person, (including that the term wasn't even invented until 1997! Who knew?) And learning some really helpful, practical tools to manage our energy and nervous systems. Brenda is such a joy to be around, and has a beautiful podcast herself, Waves  of Joy PodcastTo find out more about Brenda's services:  Check out her website: brendawinkle.comFollow her on Instagram: always, thanks to Purple Planet Music for the tunes! 


Finding Purpose and Your Best Self Through Motherhood

In this episode, I talk to Ruthie Silver, host of the Talk Mommy To Me podcast, about her mission to raise women, particularly mothers, to escape the hot mess mom identity, and continue to follow their purpose beyond motherhood. We talk about how we both shared the experience of feeling intimidated when people talked about following your purpose and passion, as we thought there was something wrong with us that it wasn't really obvious what that was. It turns out that the same Super Soul Sunday episode featuring Elizabeth Gilbert was a turning point for both of us when she explained that there are two different types of people when it comes to discovering your purpose and passions, the jackhammer, where you're really clear about what you're here to do in the world and go for that one main thing, and the hummingbirds, who do a bit of this and a bit of that, but it comes together in one glorious symphony.  This episode helped me accept that there was nothing wrong with me, and that I was simply a multi-passionate hummingbird, and helped me move forward and really step into my purpose. If you're interested in hearing this episode, I highly recommend it!Here's the link:  Super Soul Special: Elizabeth Gilbert: The Curiousity-Driven Life.Check out Ruthie's podcast: Talk Mommy To MeFollow her on IG: Ruthie.SilverAs usual thanks to Purple Planet Music for the tunes! 


Love and Fear Can't Co-exist - We Get to Choose.

In this solo minisode, Lydia shares her history of anxiety, and growing up as a highly sensitive person twenty years before the term was even coined. Sharing how this held her back from living life fully for many years, she talks about the catalyst which helped her reframe this condition, and the tool she uses now, to get her out of an anxious state. Thanks for listening!Please share this episode with someone you think might benefit.As always, thanks to Purple Planet for the tunes!


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