
We are 3 guys who live in different cities but enjoy discussing and debating on topics related to politics and current events with each other. The 3 of us are from different ethnicity and grew up from different backgrounds. Our names represent a major stereotype for each of our ethnicity. Bad Driver is an oriental Asian, was not born in the United States, but did grow up here at a young age. MAGA is white Caucasian and was born and raised in the U.S. Tech Support is a brown Asian, was not born and raise in this country, but came to the U.S. at a slightly older age. All 3 of us are college-educated, white-collar American citizens who, in general, have different views and opinions on today's politics and current events. Political correctness is not our priority and strong language may be used (NSFW and parents cautioned). On Stereotypes, ANYTHING GOES! Find us on other platforms such as Apple Podcast, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, Pocket Casts, Overcast, and Anchor.

Episode 16 - Government & Economy (part 2)

Recorded on January 4, 2018. In our Season Finale, we conclude our discussion on this topic by focusing on a President's effect on the US economy. 1) Does a new President have an effect on the economy within the first 100 days in office? 2) Is it necessary for a President's policy to go in effect first before it affects the economy? Have a listen and find out! We will begin Season 2 of our podcast in February. Be sure to subscribe so that you will never miss an episode.


Episode 15 - Government & Economy (part 1)

Recorded on December 28, 2017. The United States of America was founded on limited government because our Founding Fathers believed that the lesser the government is involved in the lives of its citizens, the better the citizens are. They also supported the idea to be applied to the US economy as well. Because the country was founded on Capitalism, many believe that limited government involvement is crucial for a free market to thrive. In this episode, we discuss about whether government involvement in our economy should be limited or not as well as when and when not the government should be involved. 1) Is too much government involvement in our economy a good or bad thing? 2) Is the law of supply and demand enough to guide the economy without government intervention? Have a listen and find out! New episodes that uploaded weekly. Please subscribe to our podcast so that you will never miss and episode.


Episode 14 - Drugs & Alcohol (part 2)

Recorded on December 14, 2017. In this episode, we continue answering the remaining questions and discussing about drugs and alcohol from the last episode. 1) Are the substances really comparable to each other since one is legal and the other(s) is not? 2) Should tax dollars be used to help drug and alcohol users fight their addictions? Have a listen and find out! New episodes are uploaded weekly. Please subscribe to our podcast so that you'll never miss an episode.


Episode 13: Drugs & Alcohol (part 1)

Recorded on December 12, 2017. Alcohol contributes to thousands of deaths in the US every year, yet, it is legal. Number of deaths due to recreational drugs, such as marijuana, are much less, but they are illegal. Drunk driving is one of the major causes of automobile accidents and deaths in every city, big or small. 1) Should drugs be legalized? 2) Should alcohol have stricter regulations? Have a listen and find out! A new episode is uploaded every week. Don't forget to subscribe so that you'll never miss an episode.


Episode 12: Selective Service (part 2)

Recorded on November 30, 2017. In Part 2 of this topic, we addressed the final question that Bad Driver asked. We also further discussed about if the Selective Service Program should be repealed and replaced with a more efficient and effective system, such as making military service mandatory for all men and women between certain ages. 1) Should the government make military service (combat and non-combat) mandatory for all men and women age 18-25? 2) Should this mandate apply only to US citizens or everyone, including permanent residents, refugees, and illegal immigrants, like the current Selective Service Program? Have a listen and find out! A new episode is posted every week. Don't forget to subscribe so that you'll never miss an episode.


Episode 11: Selective Service (part 1)

Recorded on November 22, 2017. Selective Service System is a method of military conscription (the draft) that can be called upon by the US government in wartime. Men 18-25 are required to register for Selective Service within 30 days after they turned 18, or else risk loss of government benefits and other basic services as well as receiving fines. In part 1 of this topic, we debated on whether the system is necessary or not. 1) A system that costs US taxpayers about 24 million per year to run and maintain, is it worth it? 2) Or should the US replace it with a cheaper but more efficient system? Have a listen and find out! A new episode is posted every week. Don't forget to subscribe so that you'll never miss an episode.


Episode 10: Medium of Speech

Recorded on November 16, 2017. Celebrities and the media today seem to be more about opinions rather than facts and evidences when it comes to handling the news. Additionally, due to obsession with ratings, news outlets are more concerned about broadcasting a story first, and many times, would fail to do proper research and broadcast erroneous information. These errors have caused damages to individual lives and reputations. 1) Should these influential individuals and entities be responsible when their errors cause damages? 2) Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are 2 rights of the First Amendment of the US Constitution. However, should more regulations be passed on what these influential individuals and entities can say? Have a listen and find out! A new episode is posted every Wednesday. Don't forget to subscribe so that you'll never miss an episode.


Episode 9: Political Correctness

Recorded on November 9, 2017. Nowadays, you can't turn to the news without the words "political correctness" being mentioned somehow. Originated some time between the '70s and '80s, those 2 words have become a major political and controversial topic. Some argue that PC has gone too far and has caused unnecessary censorship, while others argue that it continues to raise awareness. 1) Does political correctness prevent freedom of speech? 2) Has it made society too sensitive or has it made society better and more understanding? Have a listen and find out! A new episode is posted every Wednesday. Don't forget to subscribe so that you'll never miss an episode.


Episode 8: Evolution vs Creationism (part 2)

Recorded on November 2, 2017. In Part 1, Bad Driver, MAGA, and Tech Support mentioned that they would bring to this week's podcast proofs of evolution and creationism: Bad Driver defending evolution and MAGA and TS defending creationism. In Part 2 of this highly controversial topic, each co-host presents their research to the other. 1) Would a religious book be considered a valid source for this topic? 2) Does evolution try to explain the stars and universe or does it only try to explain life on Earth and its possible origins? Have a listen and find out! A new episode is posted every Wednesday. Don't forget to subscribe so that you'll never miss an episode.


Episode 7: Evolution vs Creationism (part 1)

Recorded on October 26, 2017. Bad Driver walked into a fire with his takeaway questions from last episode because things definitely got heated in episode 7, which is part 1 of our debate on Evolution and Creationism, as we went back and forth between the 2 controversial topics. 1) Is evolution truly a science or just a belief? 2) Does one disprove the other or can they coexist? Bonus question: Which hosts support what and why? Have a listen and find out! The heat will continue in episode 8 next week. A new episode is posted every Wednesday. Don't forget to subscribe so that you'll never miss an episode.


Episode 6: Prison in America

Recorded on October 17, 2017. In our 6th episode, we did a quick recap of episode 5's major topic, which is LGBT and women in the military, before diving into MAGA's topic of debate from his 3 takeaway questions. These questions deal with the prison system in America. 1) Are American prisons too comfortable for inmates with privileges like cable TV and gym equipment? 2) Or should they be more harsh, third-world-like, where anything can happen and will happen in order to make prisons much less attractive to potential criminals? Have a listen and find out! A new episode is posted every Wednesday. Don't forget to subscribe so that you'll never miss an episode.


Episode 5: LGBT & Women in the U.S. Military

Recorded on October 12, 2017 In this week's episode, Bad Driver, MAGA, and Tech Support discussed about and debated on the U.S. military's change of policy from "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" to allowing gay soldiers to serve openly, as well as whether sex-change procedures should be paid by the military. We also talked about women's role in the military, specifically in armed combat. 1) Does allowing gay male and female soldiers to serve openly threaten the "machismo" environment that is usually associated with the armed forces? 2) If a female soldier becomes a POW, should the American public and government treat the situation the same as if it was a male soldier POW? Have a listen and find out! A new episode is posted every Wednesday. Don't forget to subscribe so that you'll never miss an episode.


Episode 4: The American Police Force

Recorded on October 4, 2017. In episode 3 last week, we briefly touched on the topic of the police force in the United States. In this week's episode, Bad Driver, MAGA, and Tech Support discussed more in-depth about the police by answering and elaborating on the 3 take-away questions from episode 3.  Does the American police force too often have a "shoot first, ask later" mentality? Do they have enough adequate training to handle modern society? Have a listen and find out! A new episode is posted every Wednesday. Don't forget to subscribe so that you'll never miss an episode.


Episode 3: BLM Movement & The Police

Recorded on September 26, 2017. In episode 3, we shifted to a different but also major topic in current events: the Black Lives Matter movement and the police. At the end of episode 2, MAGA asked Tech Support, Bad Driver, and the audience 3 take-away Yes/No questions related to this topic. In this episode, each of us elaborated on our answers and debated with each other on the validity of the movement as well as touched upon how the American police force is responding to it. Is BLM movement just a rowdy and blacks-only crowd that wants nothing but destruction and violence to gain attention? Or is it intended to be a peaceful and inclusive movement trying to promote awareness but, unfortunately, soured by some bad apples? Have a listen and find out! A new episode is posted every Wednesday. Don't forget to subscribe so that you'll never miss an episode.


Episode 2. Refugees & Illegals (part 2)

Recorded on September 21, 2017. In Part 2 of this topic about refugees and illegal immigrants, each co-host explains further why we are more compassionate for one group over the other. However, the bulk of this episode focuses on the 3 take-away questions that Tech Support asked both MAGA and Bad Driver, as well as our audience, at the end of our Pilot episode. Is America partly to blame for the recent high influx of refugees into the country? Should we be responsible for accepting refugees from areas we're currently involved in? Have a listen and find out! A new episode is posted every Wednesday. Don't forget to subscribe so that you'll never miss an episode.


Episode 1: Refugees & Illegals (part 1)

Recorded on September 12, 2017. The United States has seen a huge influx of both refugees from war-torn countries in the Middle-East and illegal immigrants from, mostly, our neighbor, Mexico. In our pilot episode, we define what a refugee is and what an illegal immigrant is (textbook definitions). Then we discuss about our personal opinions of each group of people. Is there really a difference between them? Should one feel more compassionate for one group over the other? Have a listen and find out! A new episode is posted every Wednesday. Don't forget to subscribe so that you'll never miss an episode.


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