Still Becoming One

We deeply desired a marriage based on God's design: two people coming together as "one flesh," but we had no idea how to do it. We tried and fell flat many times, going through many dark seasons. We wondered when the oneness was supposed to begin. Renewing grace and love in our marriage wasn't an easy process, but now, more than 20 years later, our marriage is thriving, and Brad is a licensed counselor, and Kate is a relationship coach. We work with couples and individuals who want to discover what building a one-flesh marriage means, helping them uncover and understand their stories and the unique challenges that keep them stuck. We invite you to journey with us as we are Still Becoming One.

Charting the Course Through Empty Nest Transitions and Beyond

Send us a Text Message.Have you found yourself staring across the breakfast table at your spouse, the cacophony of children's laughter now a distant memory, and pondering, "What's next for us?" That's the conversation Brad and I wade into this week, navigating the waters of marriage and parenting with an honest look at the empty nest years. We dissect the challenges couples often face as their homes quiet down and they look to explore how to reignite the spark that may have dimmed amidst the ...


Sailing the Teen Tide Without Sinking Your Marital Ship

Send us a Text Message.Remember when your kids were just a glimmer in your eye, and it was all about you and your partner's adventurous, romantic escapades? Fast forward through a blur of diaper changes and teen drama, and you might find your marriage playing second fiddle to the demanding orchestra of parenting. Join us as we chuckle and commiserate over the journey from child-free coupledom to navigating the choppy waters of raising teenagers without losing sight of our relationship's ancho...


Parenting the K-5's Without Forfeiting Your Marriage

Send us a Text Message.Raising kids isn't just about the ABCs and 123s; it's a complex dance that can trip up even the most in-step couples. In this episode, we open up about the parenting hurdles that can either trip you up or strengthen your stride. We discuss everything from the decision-making behind how many activities to do to disciplining with differing philosophies. Listen as we share our personal reflections and how we strive to maintain unity in our parenting approach, all while kee...


Safeguarding Spousal Intimacy Against Toddler Tornadoes

Send us a Text Message.Discover the secret to keeping your marriage alive and kicking, even when toddlers are ruling the roost. Brad and Kate, with their treasure trove of marriage counseling and relationship coaching wisdom, invite you into a world where your spouse doesn't become a stranger amongst the diapers and tantrums. We're pulling back the curtain to reveal how you can carve out a sacred space for two, amidst the whirlwind of parenting. You'll get a peek into our own journey of trans...


The Balancing Act of Love and Diapers

Send us a Text Message.Welcome to our marriage and parenting series. This week, we tackle the challenge of adjusting your marriage to pregnancy and infants! Each stage of parenting can tug at the seams of even the most resilient unions. The profound shifts in identity that come with pregnancy and how a new baby can reshape the couple's dynamic underscore the need to cling to each other as life's tides shift around us.Support the Show.Still Becoming OneFacebookInstagramTwitter


Harnessing the Storm: Anger in Marriage

Send us a Text Message.We unravel the stigma around this fiery emotion, sharing stories from our marriage to showcase that anger isn't the enemy – it's the mismanagement of it that wreaks havoc. We want to transform how couple's perceive and navigate the complexities of anger, aiming to foster an environment of love and respect that withstands the flames.Join us at Still Becoming One, where every episode is a step toward deeper connection and understanding.Support the Show.Still Becoming OneF...


Growing Your Marriage By Yourself

Send us a Text Message.You've tried to get your spouse to get some help with you, and for whatever reason they aren't ready. Is it worth going to marriage coaching alone? Today we try to tackle this listener's question after our "How Do I Make My Spouse Get Help" episode. Before you just take the easy answer, "of course" there are some pitfalls that you need to watch out for. Going to marriage coaching or counseling yourself could end in hurting your marriage more than helping if you (a...


The Fruit Was Sweet To My Taste: Let's Talk About Oral Sex

Send us a Text Message.We get asked questions about oral sex all the time. In this episode, we share insights and have a frank conversation to cut through the discomfort and get to the heart of why this topic is so frequently a challenge. We examine the concerns and curiosities that arise, underscore the significance of honest communication, and strive to illuminate a path to joy and more profound connection for couples. So, if you're ready for a frank discussion of oral sex that promise...


How Do I Make My Spouse Get Help?

Send us a Text Message.We hear it all the time: one spouse desperate for help and the other refusing even to consider going. We peel back the layers of resistance that often shroud the path to relationship coaching, exploring why it might be happening and what you can do to help. Support the Show.Still Becoming OneFacebookInstagramTwitter


The Art of Pursuing Sex in Marriage

Send us a Text Message.Navigating the waters of sexual intimacy in marriage can often feel like we're trying to decode a mysterious language. How do you pursue your husband? How do you cherish your wife? This heart-to-heart isn't shy about addressing the pressures and expectations that color our perceptions of sexual intimacy. We're tearing down misconceptions and revealing how a genuine and caring approach to romance can deepen connections and dispel barriers. Whether you're the higher...


Why Don't We Help Marriages? What the Church Gets Wrong Series

Send us a Text Message.Isn't there more to marriage than premarital and divorce care? Don't you think there should be? We talk about our time in marriage ministry and give some suggestions on what the local church can do to overcome this glaring hole in the "big C" Church's care of marriages. Support the Show.Still Becoming OneFacebookInstagramTwitter


Let's Talk About Sex: What the Church Gets Wrong about Marriage

Send us a Text Message.For far too long, the Church has either ignored or villanized sexual intimacy, but God designed sex to be GOOD. In this heart-to-heart exchange, we dissect the often misinterpreted signals sent by church teachings that leave many feeling lost in their marital beds. We confront the realities of desire, intimacy, and the vital role of communication in nurturing a God-honoring union. We're laying out the roadmap for couples at any stage—single, dating, or married—to foster...


Ignoring Marital Abuse: What Church's Get Wrong Series

Send us a Text Message.Too often, we hear tearful stories about how a church or pastor ignored the signs of abuse or even participated in the manipulation of Scripture to justify the abuse in marriage. In today's episode, we tackle this ugly side of how the church can miss abuse while they are trying to support marriages. We look at sexual abuse and manipulation, physical abuse, spiritual abuse, and even discuss what emotional abuse looks like. Navigating the murky waters of marita...


What The Church Gets Wrong About Marriage

Send us a Text Message.Welcome back to Still Becoming One. As we launch into the exciting premiere of season three, we are launching into a series on what the church gets wrong about marriage. All too often we hear from people who have been hurt by their church when they try to get help for their relationship. We are going to look at why this is happening and what the church should be doing better. Join us and give us your thoughts on our social media!Support the Show.Still Becoming OneFacebo...


Embracing Love's Imperfections: A Guided Advent Journey

Send us a Text Message.As the holiday season wraps us in its festive embrace, it also unwraps layers of emotions for many of us navigating the complexities of love and relationships. Our latest podcast peels back the intricate layers of the emotional challenges couples may face. We delve into the art of attunement, stressing the importance of tuning in to our partner's feelings, and share how embracing vulnerability and honest communication can be the ribbon that ties a relationship stronger ...


Searching for Joy: A Guided Advent Journey

Send us a Text Message.Join us, as we embark on a fascinating exploration of an often misunderstood emotion - Joy. We're not talking about the fleeting happiness that comes with a new toy or a promotion, but rather a profound inner joy that is unshaken by life's ups and downs. Let's journey together!Support the Show.Still Becoming OneFacebookInstagramTwitter


Missing Peace: A Guided Advent Journey

Send us a Text Message.We're here to unveil the truth about the festive season - it's not always filled with joy and happiness or peace, and that's perfectly fine. We invite you to journey with us as we pull back the curtain on our own experiences and challenges during this time and how we've learned to be authentic with our emotions. We dive deep into the real meaning of peace - it's not just tranquility and lack of stress, but a more profound sense of wholeness and completeness, or Sha...


Unraveling Hope: A Guided Advent Journey

Send us a Text Message.Advent is supposed to be a time of preparation for Christmas. We are launching a 4-week series to look at the four themes of advent, hope, peace, joy & love. But we aren't just sticking with the easy, fluffy parts of these emotions. We're diving deep into the complexities of heaviness. This week we are tackling hope. Hope is born out of struggle and tested in the face of difficulties, and hope can sometimes seem elusive. So, come along on this journey of hope, strug...


Becoming Your Spouse's Biggest Fan

Send us a Text Message.Have you ever thought about what it really means to be your spouse's biggest fan? This episode was more of a challenge than we thought! We will take you on an intimate journey through the highs and lows, joys and pains of our marital journey. Our candid conversation will make you rethink what it means to truly support your spouse, not just in words but in deeds and understanding. Is there a gender difference? Is this related to personality? Is this a core where couples ...


Cherishing your Spouse as the Gold Standard

Send us a Text Message.What if the person you vowed to love and cherish became your standard of beauty and the one against whom all others are compared? On this episode of Still Becoming One, we grapple with this powerful notion and the role it plays in maintaining attraction in marriage. A candid remark from a listener inspired this exploration - a heartfelt admission about losing both attraction and connection to their spouse.We challenge conventional beauty standards and discuss how attrac...


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