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Stone Pages Archaeo News

Author: Diego Meozzi / Stone Pages

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Stone Pages presents a monthly podcast with the latest archaeology news, mainly related to prehistory, megalithic monuments and discoveries.
47 Episodes
Archaeo News Podcast 273

Archaeo News Podcast 273


Contents: Largest known Viking Longhouse in Scandinavia Mercury poisoning in Copper Age Iberia Neolithic pits near Stonehenge were human-made 4000-year-old graves discovered in Denmark Isotope analyses unlock Iron Age secrets Bronze Age hoards found on Hertfordshire farm 3D model of ancient Neolithic village online Stonehenge builders’ eating habits explored Speaker: Philip Hansen Audio file mastering: Dave Horrocks (Infinite Wave)  Listen to the weekly Archaeo News [Total time 22:04] If you enjoy this podcast and you'd like to help us out, please click the PayPal Donate button on this webpage! And if you feel like it, please visit our Facebook group too!
Archaeo News Podcast 272

Archaeo News Podcast 272


Contents: Special Stonehenge issue This is a special issue devoted to some very interesting news about Stonehenge. Specifically, it's the discovery of a dismantled stone circle near the Stonehenge bluestone quarries in west Wales, which raises the possibility that a 900-year-old legend about Stonehenge being built from an earlier stone circle contains a grain of truth. This podcast was originally recorded at the end of February 2021, so please accept our apologies for the late publication. Speaker: Philip Hansen Audio file mastering: Dave Horrocks (Infinite Wave)  Listen to the weekly Archaeo News [Total time 33:08] If you enjoy this podcast and you'd like to help us out, please click the PayPal Donate button on this webpage! And if you feel like it, please visit our Facebook group too!
Archaeo News Podcast 271

Archaeo News Podcast 271


Contents: Iron Age man first known case of tuberculosis in Britain Earliest known identical twins found in Upper Palaeolithic grave How to mend a giant menhir Ancient cave art inspired by hallucinogens 8,400-year-old dog buried with his master Some tasks specialised according to gender almost 4,000 years ago Remains of female hunter challenge ancient gender roles 2,000 pieces of plastic found at Iron Age site in Wales Speaker: Philip Hansen Audio file mastering: Dave Horrocks (Infinite Wave)  Listen to the weekly Archaeo News [Total time 19:56] If you enjoy this podcast and you'd like to help us, please click the PayPal Donate button on this webpage!
Archaeo News Podcast 270

Archaeo News Podcast 270


Contents: Australia wildfires reveal ancient aquaculture system Neolithic house orientations finally solved Damage to prehistoric burial mound in Wales Study suggests two megalithic cultures were separate groups Homo erectus may not have evolved in Asia Neanderthals could swim and dive? Unique Stone Age Ring made from deer antler discovered in Denmark Ancient Chinese people experimented with different methods of making beer Speaker: Philip Hansen Audio file mastering: Dave Horrocks (Infinite Wave)  Listen to the weekly Archaeo News [Total time 19:56] If you enjoy this podcast and you'd like to help us, please click the PayPal Donate button on this webpage!
Archaeo News Podcast 269

Archaeo News Podcast 269


Contents: Ancient humans survived longer than previously thought Footprints of Ice Age mammoths and prehistoric humans Neolithic chewing gum helps recreate image of ancient Dane Public help document damage to historic Scottish sites Prehistoric infants found with helmets made from skulls Comparing the teeth of Denisovans and modern Asians Neolithic crops discovered in Tibet Prehistoric humans built a wall to keep out the sea - But it failed Speaker: Philip Hansen Audio file mastering: Dave Horrocks (Infinite Wave)  Listen to the weekly Archaeo News [Total time 17:58] If you enjoy this podcast and you'd like to help us, please click the PayPal Donate button on this webpage!
Archaeo News Podcast 268

Archaeo News Podcast 268


Contents: Ancient platform 'damaged' during Stonehenge tunnel work Bid to build replica Iron Age tower in Scotland Tests find human skull age exceeds 10,000 years Ritual finger amputation may explain missing fingers in Palaeolithic people 'Ancient' Scottish stone circle found to be replica Oldest ever traces of the plague found in Sweden Hoard of Copper Age axes discovered in Bulgaria Archaeologists find the oldest burials in Ecuador Handpas Project Speaker: Philip Hansen Audio file mastering: Dave Horrocks (Infinite Wave)  Listen to the weekly Archaeo News [Total time 19:12] If you enjoy this podcast and you'd like to help us, please click the PayPal Donate button on this webpage!
Archaeo News Podcast 267

Archaeo News Podcast 267


Contents: Did the people buried at Stonehenge come from Wales? Scientists identify oldest Homo sapiens drawing Prehistoric Children learned many skilled tasks Greek farmer in Crete stumbles onto 3,400-year-old tomb Scotland's largest find of prehistoric pottery 13,000-year-old brewery discovered in Israel Neolithic people adapted to climate change 7,200-year-old cheese making found in Croatia Speaker: Philip Hansen Audio file mastering: Dave Horrocks (Infinite Wave)  Listen to the weekly Archaeo News [Total time 23:14] If you enjoy this podcast and you'd like to help us, please click the PayPal Donate button on this webpage!
Contents: Neolithic ritual cave site discovered in Mayo Jersey joins Europe's Cultural Route programme Painted stone gives clues to ancient Japanese culture Wooden tools hint at Neanderthal fire use Henge discovered in England could have been an ancient sauna Skilled potters travelled around the Baltic nearly 5000 years ago Early Scandinavians descended from Europeans and Russians Proposed tunnel under Stonehenge raises new fears Speaker: Philip Hansen Audio file mastering: Dave Horrocks (Infinite Wave)  Listen to the weekly Archaeo News [Total time 24:02] If you enjoy this podcast and you'd like to help us, please click the PayPal Donate button on this webpage!
Archaeo News Podcast 265

Archaeo News Podcast 265


Contents: Long Barrow near Stonehenge to be excavated The continuing story of Oetzi Were Denisovans an isolated part of our lineage? Bones suggest cannibal ritual in ancient Britain 8,000-year-old paint workshop discovered in Turkey Dolmens dating to around 3,000 years found in southern India Evidence of a skull cult found at Neolithic site in Turkey First evidence of dismemberment in prehistoric Ireland Speaker: Philip Hansen Audio file mastering: Dave Horrocks (Infinite Wave)  Listen to the weekly Archaeo News [Total time 19:57] If you enjoy this podcast and you'd like to help us, please click the PayPal Donate button on this webpage!
Archaeo News Podcast 264

Archaeo News Podcast 264


Contents: Ochre use in Ethiopian cave persisted over thousands of years Prehistoric site discovered off California coast Neolithic tomb in Wales stars in new CGI film Siberian island provides earliest evidence for dog breeding Prehistoric henge uncovered in Warwickshire Tools sharpens focus on network in ancient Middle East Scientists solve prehistoric bison hunt mystery 13,000-year-old arrowhead discovered in Massachusetts Oldest human-made object from South America discovered Speaker: Philip Hansen Audio file mastering: Dave Horrocks (Infinite Wave)  Listen to the weekly Archaeo News [Total time 23:12] If you enjoy this podcast and you'd like to help us, please click the PayPal Donate button on this webpage!
Archaeo News Podcast 263

Archaeo News Podcast 263


Contents: West Kennet timber circles older than previously thought Earliest evidence of aboriginal occupation discovered in Australia Bamboo raft to explore 30,000-year-old sea route Bones in Israel rewrite Neanderthal history Clava Cairns site in Scotland vandalized Changes in prehistoric tool production linked to "musical" ties Prehistoric site uncovered around a Shrewsbury church Stirling lost Iron Age roundhouse rediscovered? Speaker: Philip Hansen Audio file mastering: Dave Horrocks (Infinite Wave)  Listen to the weekly Archaeo News [Total time 21:11] If you enjoy this podcast and you'd like to help us, please click the PayPal Donate button on this webpage!
Archaeo News Podcast 262

Archaeo News Podcast 262


Contents: Possible henge discovered around an ancient Welsh burial chamber Ancient skulls suggest multiple migrations into Americas Pointillist technique on engravings discovered in France Horsemen swept into Bronze Age Europe 5,000 years ago Clovis culture, Ice Age fauna, and Cosmic impact Huge prostrate menhir discovered in northern Italy Bronze Age weapons found in Scotland Scarcity of resources led to violence in prehistoric California A great app for Megalithomaniacs Speaker: Philip Hansen Audio file mastering: Dave Horrocks (Infinite Wave)  Listen to the weekly Archaeo News [Total time 25:18] If you enjoy this podcast and you'd like to help us, please click the PayPal Donate button on this webpage!
Contents: Go-ahead to road tunnel under Stonehenge Prehistoric pottery figurines unearthed in China Were the Neanderthals rock collectors? Did humans wipe out Australian megafauna? Neanderthals associated with Chatelperronian tool technology Standing stones in Scotland linked to 1314 battle Cypriot-style ceramics in Iron Age Anatolia Ancient 'calendar rock' found in Sicily 6,000 year old clay fragment identified as part of a face mask Speaker: Philip Hansen Audio file mastering: Dave Horrocks (Infinite Wave)  Listen to the weekly Archaeo News [Total time 26:47] If you enjoy this podcast and you'd like to help us, please click the PayPal Donate button on this webpage!
Archaeo News Podcast 260

Archaeo News Podcast 260


Contents: Neolithic tomb in Orkney to close over safety fears Amazing rock art panel studied and then reburied in Scotland Burnt cheese casts light on 3,000 year-old family drama What Oetzi the Iceman sounded like World's oldest snowshoe found on an Italian glacier Neanderthals had more cognitive abilities than first thought Dyed material found in Peru predates Egypt Indigenous Australian storytelling records sea level rises 7,000 years ago Ancient artefacts found on Plymouth building site Pressed flower among Bronze Age finds Archaeological evidence at major risk in British wetlands Aboriginal astronomy provides clues to ancient life Teeth reveal Britons were highly mobile 4,000 years ago Ancient cannabis 'burial shroud' in chinese oasis How ancient humans reached remote South Pacific islands Well preserved pottery found inside Gwynedd quarry dig Stone Age could be when Brits first brewed ale First polluted river from before Bronze Age Paleo diet was a veggie feast Speaker: Philip Hansen Audio file mastering: Dave Horrocks (Infinite Wave)  Listen to the weekly Archaeo News [Total time 50:13]If you enjoy this podcast and you'd like to help us, please click the PayPal Donate button on this webpage!
Contents: Stonehenge wasn't so hard to build after all Bones under pub change what we know about the Irish 8,000 year-old piece of wood blowing archaeologists' minds Advanced techniques used to find more about Homo Naledi Cave art found deep underground in Spain New insight into the construction of Stonehenge No game was too big to hunt for Stone Age man Wine used in ceremonies 5000 years ago in Georgia Aboriginal history revealed in caves New origins for farmed rice Astronomy shown to be set in ancient stone monuments What drove northern European Neanderthals to cannibalism? Was China the cradle of modern man, not Africa? Ancient camping site unearthed in India Large Bronze Age mound discovered in northwest China Speaker: Philip Hansen Audio file mastering: Dave Horrocks (Infinite Wave)  Listen to the weekly Archaeo News [Total time 37:38]
Contents: Statistical technique used to find Paleoarchaic sites Out-of-Africa, the peopling of continents and islands Tortoises in the diet of early humans Seminar explores the importance of ancient hillfort in Wales Humans were responsible for extinction of Emu ancestor Neanderthals infected by diseases carried by humans? Traces of ancient humans found in Vietnam Ancient DNA sheds new light on early Americans 11,000-year-old pendant is earliest known Mesolithic art in Britain 5,000-year-old rock shrine discovered in Bulgaria Fossils from Spain earliest genetic evidence of Neanderthals 3,000-year-old bison hunting site found in Arizona Untouched Bronze Age burial mound discovered in England Speaker: Philip Hansen Audio file mastering: Dave Horrocks (Infinite Wave)  Listen to the weekly Archaeo News [Total time 37:42]
Contents: Britain's 'Pompeii' uncovered in Cambridgeshire Southwest USA's oldest human footprints Neolithic tomb in Spain reveals community in life and death Bronze Age Boats New proposal for a common megalithic measure Ancient gold and a 7,000-year-old fortress wall in Bulgaria Did the first farmers come from Turkey? Prehistoric mass murder site discovered by Kenyan lake Speaker: Philip Hansen Audio file mastering: Dave Horrocks (Infinite Wave)  Listen to the weekly Archaeo News [Total time 31:20]
Contents: Stonehenge tunnel reveals new sites Scientists sequence first ancient Irish human genomes Prehistoric shepherd's hut found in Wales using Google Earth Standing stones are being stolen in southern Italy Bronze Age rapier unearthed in South Lanarkshire The Anthropocene: hard evidence for a human-driven Earth The environmental impact of the Neolithic revolution Dog has been man's best friend for 33,000 years Analysis suggests farming not responsible for population boom Pathogens found in Oetzi's stomach Speaker: Philip Hansen Audio file mastering: Dave Horrocks (Infinite Wave)  Listen to the weekly Archaeo News [Total time 34:51]
Contents: Stonehenge may have been first erected in Wales Earliest modern humans in Southern China 6,000-year-old amputated arms in France suggest trophy-taking Bronze Age settlement discovered in Orkney The cave art of Cosquer Early farmers exploited the honeybee 8,500 years ago Mining in the Alps dates back to the Bronze Age Chile claims oldest stone tools in Americas Speaker: Philip Hansen Audio file mastering: Dave Horrocks (Infinite Wave)  Listen to the weekly Archaeo News [Total time 36:18]
Contents: Bulgaria's largest dolmen and 'stone egg' discovered Escargots were not invented by the French Nature reserve in Scotland yields prehistoric artefacts 5,000-year-old tomb discovered in Ireland Bronze Age enclosure discovered in Devon Early ancestors turned disability into advantage DNA links Native Americans to infants in Alaskan grave 'Fourth strand' of European ancestry identified Speaker: Philip Hansen Audio file mastering: Dave Horrocks (Infinite Wave)  Listen to the weekly Archaeo News [Total time 22:54]