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Stories of Healing

Stories of Healing

Author: Vincent E. Paul

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A podcast where we explore what it is to be human, to suffer, and to heal.  

Our guests have healed from addiction, mental health issues, or traumas, and are inspiring with their vulnerability and humanity. 

Visit to contact Vincent if you want to be a guest on the podcast. 

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4 Episodes
Armelle shares her profound journey from trauma to spiritual awakening in this deeply moving episode. At just 23 years old, she endured the unimaginable loss of her young son, an event that became a catalyst for confronting buried memories of childhood abuse, including harrowing experiences involving trusted figures in her life. Support the show Support the show by visiting: If you want to be a guest on the podcast,...
Vincent, the host of this podcast, shares details of his tragic childhood, the consequences on his mental health, and his ability to enjoy life. He received numerous diagnostics, including Complex PTSD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder. He shares his view on what it means to heal that departs from typical understanding and how he found that the seedlings of his greatest joy have been in his greatest pain. He is interviewed by his dear friend...
Jeff, 62, discusses the effect of being raped as a child and what it took to feel safe in the world. He shares his poignant story of healing with us. Jeff is the very first person that I interviewed. We met in Evergreen, CO, on December 6, 2022, when I started my world pilgrimage. Jeff mentioned: Man Kind Project (MKP): The New Warrior Training Adventure: MKP iGroup: https://mkpusa...
Marlena, who was given alcohol for the first time when she was four, discusses her experience with alcohol abuse and how she got where she is today. She shares her story of healing with us eloquently. She is also the first person to let me practice interviewing. We met again online when I was in Athens, Greece. Marlena mentioned: 12 steps: EMDR: The book titled the variety of religious experience: