Stories of Hope

Stories of hope is a podcast about real transformations. It's where I sit down with people who've seen big changes in their lives by understanding the Three Principles, especially around anxiety. Each episode is a cozy chat, a glimpse into someone's journey from anxiety to peace, just like yours. We keep it simple, honest, and close to the heart. These stories are not just inspiring; they're a reminder that feeling good and at peace is really possible and simpler than you think.

Jessica's Story of Hope

Jessica's story is a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit! She experienced every subtype of OCD imaginable, from harm thoughts and fears of being in a coma, to believing she had lost her mind, was under a curse, or was too broken from childhood trauma. Despite lots of creative intrusive thoughts, physical symptoms, and derealization, Jessica found her way back to wellbeing and a peaceful mind. Her journey shows that healing and transformation don't come from searching for the "why." Jessica's humor has been a beacon of hope, not just for her, but for everyone in the Peace From Within Community. I’m thrilled for you to hear Jessica’s inspiring story in this episode.


Beyond OCD: Embracing Innate Health in Business and Life with Cassie

This is a great conversation about how Cassie:  ✨Recovered from postpartum ocd ✨Realized she didn’t need to take her thinking so seriously (after going deep in manifestation and law of attraction)  ✨Realized she was not broken and there was nothing wrong with her ✨Has become an even better business coach by realizing that her  clients have their own innate health.   We talk about Cassie’s experience with OCD, mental checking, avoidance, and also how manifestation and law of attraction caused her to take her thinking too seriously and fear and try to control her thinking.  After coming into the three principles understanding she realized that it’s just not true. You don’t think something and it immediately becomes real. Cassie realized her thinking is random and unimportant. It was also helpful for her to realize that if she’s feeling bad not to take her thinking seriously or try and fix it.  Reawakening to her innate health has helped Cassie be an even better business coach. In addition to realizing that her clients have their own innate health, she doesn’t stress if they’re struggling because she chooses to see people in their power. She knows it’s only their thinking when they’re feeling down and out. Her only job is guiding them to their own wisdom. Cassie sees business as a playground and I just love that so much!


Liah's Story of Hope

Liah’s story of hope is one you don’t want to miss! She speaks with such honesty, understanding, and wisdom about dpdr, existential thoughts, driving anxiety, fear of losing control, and fear of postpartum psychosis.  Through the three principles understanding Liah realized that there was nothing wrong with her and there was actually nothing she needed to fix. She realized how much easier it is to let your thinking flow when you know how common certain anxious/intrusive thoughts are. Now she knows deeply when her thoughts are distorted and she just leaves her thinking alone. Today, Liah’s thoughts flow and she doesn’t consider herself to have anxiety or ocd. She feels confident and comfortable driving and staying alone with her children. 


Robyn's Story of Hope

Join us for an inspiring Story of Hope interview with Robyn! When I went to Robyns’ website ( ) she did such great job introducing herself that I’m copying that here:  “Five years ago, I was deeply depressed and chronically anxious, my entire experience was consumed by self-criticism, and I thought this was normal.  I also had cancer spreading through my body and a one-year-old daughter I was struggling to love. This seemed less normal.  I knew something had to change - hopefully my trajectory - and in seeking help  from my lifelong friend and alternative practitioner Ian Watson. Through working with Ian and his colleague Carol Boroughs I experienced a massive shift in perspective. And EVERYTHING changed.  I fell in love with my daughter, left my husband and started living.  I fell in love with life.   Paradoxically, I felt less need to control everything and I breezed through cancer treatments with little attachment to the outcome. It is my belief that this was instrumental in my recovery. Loving ourselves deeply and allowing ourselves to BE fully is the best thing we can do for our health.  I found I could give myself permission to live, to love, and to feel and not only would I survive my feelings, but I would thrive.  Because of my experience I now really enjoy working with people facing disease and the psychological impact it has. I also enjoy working with those who find themselves struggling as parents. “  You do not want to miss this episode! *Please note we do talk about suicidal ideation (I think in a very positive, light-hearted, hopeful way) So many HUGE 🫳 🎤 insights. Here are a few of my notes:  Stage 4 cancer turned out to be the pathway to liberation.  I got to see that I was okay no matter what. No feeling can be bigger than me because I’m creating them myself.  When you’re looking for the sense of safety coming from controlling the situation, there is no amount of information that will make you feel safe. The feeling of safety comes from total surrender as opposed to trying to control.  If I can’t control anything, what do I want to live?  My emphasis in my life is to what extent can I really experience each moment.  Parenting went from trying to push a string in a straight line to pulling it. Safety doesn’t come from scans  Love fuels everything- love is running the show  Depression is another sensation.  Pain is resistance. You can’t be resistant and curious. 


Tyson's Story of Hope

Tyson is a certified nurse coach and shares the impact the three principles understanding have had on her work as a mental health nurse. She also shares her insights that have impacted her own well-being and parenting. Tyson is now a more lighthearted parent and her relationship with her mother has improved as well.  This is a great episode and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.  p.s. Tyson’s calm demeanor is so soothing. 


Lesley's Story of Hope

Join us in this insightful episode of "Lesley's Story of Hope" as we delve into the journey of healing from anxiety specifically monophobia and mental health anxiety.  Lesley opens up about her past belief that she was irreparably broken, her wiring off and that inner peace was an unattainable dream. However, a profound realization changed everything. Lesley discovered that she wasn't broken but simply missing the gift of thought. She learned that her mental health wasn't something she flipped in and out of but a result of innocently misusing the gift of thought. One of her biggest breakthrough moments was recognizing her innate health and that she wasn't an exception to it. She candidly shares her experience with the fear of depression, and how hyperfocusing and being vigilant about depression made her feel worse. Lesley realized she hadn't given herself grace for feeling sadness, keeping that fear alive through her thinking. Through her journey, Lesley learned to trust her wisdom, no matter what life threw at her. She shares how redirecting her energy to wisdom and trust allowed her to fade fear into the background and get back into her life. Listen in as Lesley discusses the micro-moments of openness to wisdom and trust, celebrating herself like a toddler for every step forward. Her story reminds us that where we choose to put our attention can truly transform our lives. This is a true story of hope. 


Jay's Story of Hope

Today’s story of hope is truly inspiring! Meet Jay, an 18-year-old who shared a wealth of knowledge and wisdom about mental health. Jay's insights are incredibly valuable: Whether it’s heart palpitations, DPDR, or just anxious symptoms in general, rather than fearing them and trying to stop them altogether, leaning into them and realizing that these are simply just your body’s defense mechanisms is so beneficial.  Jay also shares his insights about intrusive thoughts. They'll come and go, and rather than trying to immediately replace them or become frustrated with them, it’s better to view those instances as an opportunity to acknowledge those thoughts and simply leave them at that! There is a difference between thoughts, and thinking that we tend to really overlook. Are thinking tends to regulate itself and flow like a river.  I love how he embraced simplicity as well. Not having to spend so much time worrying about changing a diet, changing your environment, lifestyle, etc. All of these pieces of advice were in some cases helpful, but he realized that you don't have to do any of that!! Being so focused on all of these sudden changes can add to the overall stress.  Although it is said to be easier than done, you could simply just go back to living life the way it was before you became so aware and hyper-focused. It’s easier than you might think, its all about doing the things you should and want to do, even when you don't want to. Jay also shares that scaring ourselves by googling, and spending hours on Reddit and forums is the opposite of helpful.  No, you haven't triggered a spiral of anxiety disorders, no you're not going crazy or insane, no you're not gonna die of a heart attack or stroke, and no you won't be like this forever!!! I 10000% agree.  Jay shares about DPDR and how it can be scary and overwhelming, but understand that it’s nothing more than you're body trying to protect itself. In his situation, when DPDR dr hits he likes to simply address it for a second and simply carry on with his time out/day. Yes, it'll feel weird and funny at first, but as we begin to practice the art of acknowledging our symptoms instead of fearing them, we can begin to enjoy our lives again!! What we resist, persists.  Jay also opens up about his experience as an Asian American, where mental health isn't always fully understood by his parents.  This is an episode you don’t want to miss. 


Samantha's Story of Hope

Samantha shares her inspiring journey of healing from health anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia, and monophobia (fear of being alone). Her story is a beacon of hope, filled with profound insights. Samantha beautifully articulates her belief in healing through living.  One of the standout moments is Samantha's analogy of '#bigscratenergy,' illustrating the futility of forcing solutions and the importance of allowing problems to resolve naturally. Her Instagram post on this topic provides a vivid visual representation: Link to her IG post. The mic drop moments in this episode are unforgettable: 'Your medicine right now is nothing.' 'Do I want to be right or do I want to be well?' 'Choosing to be well is choosing to be right within yourself.' 'Can I celebrate how far I’ve come and put the rest on the back burner?' Overall, this episode is a true gem, offering profound insights and a message of hope for all.


Danielle's Story of Hope

Danielle's inspiring journey of hope and resilience shines through as she shares her experience of overcoming depression and PTSD. Introduced to the three principles conversation by our mutual friend Rob Cook (check out his podcasts We're Listening and Radiant Reflections), Danielle's story is a beacon of light. In this episode, Danielle discusses her experience with sexual assault and suicidal thoughts, highlighting how she has healed. The conversation is one of hope, emphasizing her newfound ways of dealing with triggers and finding presence and good feelings in nature. Listen to Danielle's podcast: Follow Danielle on Instagram: Follow Danielle on Facebook: Listen to Rob's latest podcast: *Please note sexual assault and suicidal thoughts are mentioned.


Olivia's Story of Hope- Healing From Depersonalization and Derealization

In this episode, we follow Olivia’s journey from overwhelming anxiety to a place of clarity and ease. Having faced daily panic attacks, depersonalization, and derealization, along with memory zaps and existential dread, Olivia's struggle led her to take a break from work. Olivia felt depressed. However, just a few months later, she emerged stronger, no longer identifying as an anxious person. Olivia now views anxiety as a passing cloud on a rainy day, recognizing the symptoms as love letters guiding her towards healing. Her newfound perspective has allowed her to enjoy a 4-hour drive. Olivia's story is an inspiring testament to resilience and the innate health within us all. 


Ariadne's Story of Hope

Ariadne shares her story of hope as she's healing from trauma, anxiety, and panic attacks. She shares how she realized she wasn't broken and wasn't doomed to experience anxiety that made it hard for her to function forever. She has regained her trust in herself and her trust in the human experience. She knows that she can through anything and that nothing will last forever. While she still experiences panic attacks, they're not that big of a deal and pass much quicker than they did before. Ariadne enjoys being the three principles conversation and is having so much fun learning and enjoying the present. I hope you enjoy this wonderful story of hope!


Falon's Story of Hope

Falon shares her experience healing from anxiety, panic attacks, and intrusive thoughts. Falon had so many wonderful insights and loved being in the three principles conversation so much that she is making it her career. Falon is now an apprentice with the Three Principles global community and is on her way to becoming a mental health practitioner and anxiety coach. You can follow Falon on IG @falonwojtkowski


Sarah's Story of Hope

In this enlightening episode, join us as Sarah shares her transformative journey towards self-trust and resilience. With honesty, she shares the pivotal realization that mental wellbeing isn't about hard work but about understanding and embracing simple truths. Sarah delves into the fundamental principles that guided her away from identifying with her thoughts, past traumas, and perceived brokenness. Discover how she learned to find peace within herself, replacing the need for external reassurance with a profound sense of self-trust. Sarah's story is a testament to the power of understanding the principles and our true nature and the liberating shift from anxiety to self-assurance. Tune in to be inspired by Sarah's journey to a place where she is starting to believe that she can weather any storm. You won't want to miss this episode—it's a beacon of hope for anyone looking to find safety and strength within themselves.


Jessie's Story of Hope

In this heartwarming episode, Jessie takes us through her journey of overcoming intrusive thoughts, self-judgment, and the everyday challenges that once seemed insurmountable. With candid vulnerability, Jessie shares the liberating discovery that her thoughts and moods were not permanent but fleeting. Jessie's revelation that "all thoughts move" and the understanding that no feeling is final, opened a door to newfound freedom and peace. Through her story, Jessie extends a comforting hand to anyone wrestling with their inner dialogue, reminding us that we are not isolated in our experiences. Everyone has intrusive thoughts and Jessie's message is clear: while we may be unique, our thoughts are not. This episode is not just a conversation; it's a shared journey toward realizing that the clouds of our minds always give way to clear skies. Join us for this honest and uplifting episode that promises to leave you feeling seen, understood, and hopeful. Jessie's story is a gentle reminder that the weight of our thoughts can lift, and we're all in this together. Don't miss out on this episode—it's a heartfelt embrace in audio form.


Stories of Hope Introduction

Stories of hope is a podcast about real transformations. It's where I sit down with people who've seen big changes in their lives by understanding the Three Principles, especially around anxiety.  Each episode is a cozy chat, a glimpse into someone's journey from anxiety to peace, just like yours. We keep it simple, honest, and close to the heart. These stories are not just inspiring; they're a reminder that feeling good and at peace is possible and simpler than you think.


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