Story / Symbol / Spirit

Story / Symbol / Spirit is a podcast about how to make sense of Scripture. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God with the power to help us know God and better understand our lives, identity, meaning, and purpose. But for many people, reading the Bible is difficult. The ancient and confusing nature of the stories within the Bible are often prohibitive to our engagement and learning. How can we make sense of the Scriptures. We believe that Story / Symbol / Spirit is a helpful framework to begin this journey. Story - The Bible’s truth is communicated primarily as a story or a narrative. Genesis 1 - Revelation 22 is a unified narrative, and all of the stories, characters, and events in the Bible fit within this story. In order to understand a particular story in the Bible, you have to first understand and internalize where it fits in the grand story of Scripture. The Bible Project: NT Wright: Simply Christian Scot McKnight: Blue Parakeet Symbol - Christians confess that God created the world. And God created the world for the purpose of being in relationship with Him. He wants us to know Him, and so He reveals who He is to us. One way He does this is through creation or “nature.” Every created thing has the imprint of the creator. So, everything in this world has the imprint of the Creator. The Bible sees the world this way, so in order to understand the meaning of a part of Scripture, we too must see the world through these eyes. James B. Jordan: Through New Eyes YouTube Channel: Spirit - Our modern world is materialist - we intuitively view the world as time, space, and matter that is sustained in a closed system of material cause-and-effect. In this kind of worldview, there is very little room for the Spiritual world - angels, demons, gods, unseen forces of good and evil. But the Bible explicitly believes that the world is NOT simply material. The Bible assumes an unseen realm that not only exists, but interacts with the reality that we inhabit. In order to understand the meaning of a part of Scripture, we have to see the world through these eyes. Michael Heiser: The Unseen Realm Dr. Michael Heiser’s Youtube: Stephen DeYoung: God is a Man of War

91. "Why can't we be utilitrads?"

Say as I do, not as I say?Hosted by John McCambridge and Jackie Mitchell.---Story / Symbol / Spirit is a podcast about how to make sense of Scripture. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God with the power to help us know God and better understand our lives, identity, meaning, and purpose. But for many people, reading the Bible is difficult. The ancient and confusing nature of the stories within the Bible are often prohibitive to our engagement and learning. How can we make sense of the Scriptures?We believe that Story / Symbol / Spirit is a helpful framework to begin this journey.


90. Moses' Second Exodus - Ex. 4:18-31

Or second Second Genesis, as it were.Hosted by John McCambridge and Jackie Mitchell.---Story / Symbol / Spirit is a podcast about how to make sense of Scripture. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God with the power to help us know God and better understand our lives, identity, meaning, and purpose. But for many people, reading the Bible is difficult. The ancient and confusing nature of the stories within the Bible are often prohibitive to our engagement and learning. How can we make sense of the Scriptures?We believe that Story / Symbol / Spirit is a helpful framework to begin this journey.


89. Noöne's an Atheist

Surely the sequel* to SSS should be TTT.Hosted by John McCambridge and Jackie Mitchell.---Story / Symbol / Spirit is a podcast about how to make sense of Scripture. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God with the power to help us know God and better understand our lives, identity, meaning, and purpose. But for many people, reading the Bible is difficult. The ancient and confusing nature of the stories within the Bible are often prohibitive to our engagement and learning. How can we make sense of the Scriptures?We believe that Story / Symbol / Spirit is a helpful framework to begin this journey.[*This does not, however, make Roudraṁ Raṇaṁ Rudhiraṁ a prequel.]


88. Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick; You Will Go Far - Ex. 4:1-17

why the long nose?Hosted by John McCambridge and Jackie Mitchell.---Story / Symbol / Spirit is a podcast about how to make sense of Scripture. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God with the power to help us know God and better understand our lives, identity, meaning, and purpose. But for many people, reading the Bible is difficult. The ancient and confusing nature of the stories within the Bible are often prohibitive to our engagement and learning. How can we make sense of the Scriptures?We believe that Story / Symbol / Spirit is a helpful framework to begin this journey.


87. God Doesn't "Exist" [and Water Isn't "H₂O"]

Ed.: Another successful attack against mereology! Despair of (then rejoice in) the Münchhausen trilemma: proofs, cf.: consider in light of the implications of divine simplicity in a neoBerkeleyan relational ontology!…None of that will be on the test, don't worry.Hosted by John McCambridge and Jackie Mitchell.---Story / Symbol / Spirit is a podcast about how to make sense of Scripture. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God with the power to help us know God and better understand our lives, identity, meaning, and purpose. But for many people, reading the Bible is difficult. The ancient and confusing nature of the stories within the Bible are often prohibitive to our engagement and learning. How can we make sense of the Scriptures?We believe that Story / Symbol / Spirit is a helpful framework to begin this journey.


86. Hi, I'm I'M. (You know my friend Abe, right?) – Ex. 3:10-22 by John McCambridge and Jackie Mitchell.---Story / Symbol / Spirit is a podcast about how to make sense of Scripture. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God with the power to help us know God and better understand our lives, identity, meaning, and purpose. But for many people, reading the Bible is difficult. The ancient and confusing nature of the stories within the Bible are often prohibitive to our engagement and learning. How can we make sense of the Scriptures?We believe that Story / Symbol / Spirit is a helpful framework to begin this journey.


85. Does God answer poorly addressed mail?

Story / Symbol / Spirit in the eighty fourth and a halfth episode! Hosted by John McCambridge and Jackie Mitchell.---Story / Symbol / Spirit is a podcast about how to make sense of Scripture. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God with the power to help us know God and better understand our lives, identity, meaning, and purpose. But for many people, reading the Bible is difficult. The ancient and confusing nature of the stories within the Bible are often prohibitive to our engagement and learning. How can we make sense of the Scriptures?We believe that Story / Symbol / Spirit is a helpful framework to begin this journey.


84. Moses and The Burning Bush - Ex. 3:1-9

I hope I've included links to your preferred podcast platform., counterpoint: what happened to Piter's smugness?Hosted by John McCambridge and Jackie Mitchell.---Story / Symbol / Spirit is a podcast about how to make sense of Scripture. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God with the power to help us know God and better understand our lives, identity, meaning, and purpose. But for many people, reading the Bible is difficult. The ancient and confusing nature of the stories within the Bible are often prohibitive to our engagement and learning. How can we make sense of the Scriptures?We believe that Story / Symbol / Spirit is a helpful framework to begin this journey. "Ultraviolence ... would make a cool remake ... Fun for the whole family" – John McPrinceton 2024"horse and his boy is there too i guess whatever" – Jackie Joe Don Baker 2024if story / symbol / spirit is so good why isn't th


83. Spoiler Alert: This Baby is Moses - Ex. 2

And Jackie is gaslit by her cat.Hosted by John McCambridge and Jackie Mitchell.---Story / Symbol / Spirit is a podcast about how to make sense of Scripture. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God with the power to help us know God and better understand our lives, identity, meaning, and purpose. But for many people, reading the Bible is difficult. The ancient and confusing nature of the stories within the Bible are often prohibitive to our engagement and learning. How can we make sense of the Scriptures?We believe that Story / Symbol / Spirit is a helpful framework to begin this journey.


82. "Just the Audio of Prince of Egypt" - Exodus 1

if genesis is so good, why isn't there a genesis two?On Pasta:'s_maximsHosted by John McCambridge and Jackie Mitchell.---Story / Symbol / Spirit is a podcast about how to make sense of Scripture. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God with the power to help us know God and better understand our lives, identity, meaning, and purpose. But for many people, reading the Bible is difficult. The ancient and confusing nature of the stories within the Bible are often prohibitive to our engagement and learning. How can we make sense of the Scriptures?We believe that Story / Symbol / Spirit is a helpful framework to begin this journey.


81. Learn How to Read with Daniel Carr

Hosted by John McCambridge and Jackie Mitchell.---Story / Symbol / Spirit is a podcast about how to make sense of Scripture. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God with the power to help us know God and better understand our lives, identity, meaning, and purpose. But for many people, reading the Bible is difficult. The ancient and confusing nature of the stories within the Bible are often prohibitive to our engagement and learning. How can we make sense of the Scriptures?We believe that Story / Symbol / Spirit is a helpful framework to begin this journey.


80. Q&A!

Hosted by John McCambridge and Jackie Mitchell.---Story / Symbol / Spirit is a podcast about how to make sense of Scripture. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God with the power to help us know God and better understand our lives, identity, meaning, and purpose. But for many people, reading the Bible is difficult. The ancient and confusing nature of the stories within the Bible are often prohibitive to our engagement and learning. How can we make sense of the Scriptures?We believe that Story / Symbol / Spirit is a helpful framework to begin this journey.Five14 Curriculum: The Problem of EvilPart 1: 2: 3: 4:


79. Springboard [John Talks About His Favorite Topic Again]

Hosted by John McCambridge and Jackie Mitchell.---Story / Symbol / Spirit is a podcast about how to make sense of Scripture. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God with the power to help us know God and better understand our lives, identity, meaning, and purpose. But for many people, reading the Bible is difficult. The ancient and confusing nature of the stories within the Bible are often prohibitive to our engagement and learning. How can we make sense of the Scriptures?We believe that Story / Symbol / Spirit is a helpful framework to begin this journey.


78. 1st Triennial Review of the Hermeneutic

Hosted by John McCambridge and Jackie Mitchell.---Story / Symbol / Spirit is a podcast about how to make sense of Scripture. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God with the power to help us know God and better understand our lives, identity, meaning, and purpose. But for many people, reading the Bible is difficult. The ancient and confusing nature of the stories within the Bible are often prohibitive to our engagement and learning. How can we make sense of the Scriptures?We believe that Story / Symbol / Spirit is a helpful framework to begin this journey.


77. The End of the Beginning! - Gen. 49:29-50:26

Hosted by John McCambridge and Jackie Mitchell.---Story / Symbol / Spirit is a podcast about how to make sense of Scripture. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God with the power to help us know God and better understand our lives, identity, meaning, and purpose. But for many people, reading the Bible is difficult. The ancient and confusing nature of the stories within the Bible are often prohibitive to our engagement and learning. How can we make sense of the Scriptures?We believe that Story / Symbol / Spirit is a helpful framework to begin this journey.


76. A Menagerie* of Further Blessings - Gen. 49:13-28

(*Provided, of course, that a pier and a pantry count as animals.)Hosted by John McCambridge and Jackie Mitchell.---Story / Symbol / Spirit is a podcast about how to make sense of Scripture. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God with the power to help us know God and better understand our lives, identity, meaning, and purpose. But for many people, reading the Bible is difficult. The ancient and confusing nature of the stories within the Bible are often prohibitive to our engagement and learning. How can we make sense of the Scriptures?We believe that Story / Symbol / Spirit is a helpful framework to begin this journey.


75. A Simple 8316-Step Guide to Being King - Gen. 49:1-12

Hosted by John McCambridge and Jackie Mitchell.---Story / Symbol / Spirit is a podcast about how to make sense of Scripture. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God with the power to help us know God and better understand our lives, identity, meaning, and purpose. But for many people, reading the Bible is difficult. The ancient and confusing nature of the stories within the Bible are often prohibitive to our engagement and learning. How can we make sense of the Scriptures?We believe that Story / Symbol / Spirit is a helpful framework to begin this journey.


74. Remember, His Name is Israel - Gen. 48

Hosted by John McCambridge and Jackie Mitchell.---Story / Symbol / Spirit is a podcast about how to make sense of Scripture. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God with the power to help us know God and better understand our lives, identity, meaning, and purpose. But for many people, reading the Bible is difficult. The ancient and confusing nature of the stories within the Bible are often prohibitive to our engagement and learning. How can we make sense of the Scriptures?We believe that Story / Symbol / Spirit is a helpful framework to begin this journey.


73. Maybe This Is Okay; or, Lien on Me - Gen. 47

Hosted by John McCambridge and Jackie Mitchell.---Story / Symbol / Spirit is a podcast about how to make sense of Scripture. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God with the power to help us know God and better understand our lives, identity, meaning, and purpose. But for many people, reading the Bible is difficult. The ancient and confusing nature of the stories within the Bible are often prohibitive to our engagement and learning. How can we make sense of the Scriptures?We believe that Story / Symbol / Spirit is a helpful framework to begin this journey.


72. The Reconciliation of Genesis

Hosted by John McCambridge and Jackie Mitchell.---Story / Symbol / Spirit is a podcast about how to make sense of Scripture. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God with the power to help us know God and better understand our lives, identity, meaning, and purpose. But for many people, reading the Bible is difficult. The ancient and confusing nature of the stories within the Bible are often prohibitive to our engagement and learning. How can we make sense of the Scriptures?We believe that Story / Symbol / Spirit is a helpful framework to begin this journey.


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